seaportsclearing McssFs Jillfake THURSDAY FEBRUARY 194 February Opens Ice Arena 1helaniol Cotilllihlliltl 11 Col 11 lflllllligt 013E Armdi Regl tRCD officially opened llic Camp Borden ice 112C118 last Fri day Jan 30 1948 large crowdi was on hand to set fast and clean game of hockey lJClJLCfll the two leading is of the ORIIA Slaiyurr and the RCAF Ilyers Th llCAF won by to Armd Regt RFD News The Commanding Officer offtel ers and men of llu Royal Can1 adlan Dragoons have extended their lccpest sympathy to Capt OConnell chief instructor of Yllllll lndoelrlnalion at Fortl Cllllftlllll in the Constance who died on Jan 27 1948 ur sympathies to lroopel until Mrs Junkie llCI in the death of their baby Garnet Vll liom Coukley Ihc RCD hockey team in an ex hibition game against the Provost Tarps on Sunday Feb 1948 won the contest by3 to Transfers QMS Vail has been trails fcrrcd to the Eastern Area of Con tral Command where he Will be stationed in Ottawa Recent re ports indicate that he is now eu guged in the impossible and hope less task of finding accommoda tion for himself and his family Sports team in Montreal hockey has been re fiiobL Lllcpersuuni1 4114111 Borden Engineer detach ment and is now taking extensive training for the Suppers world championship hockey playoffs against the learn of the Oukvillc detachment Courses Two members of this delight mcnt are now taking courses all the RCSML Chilliwack BC Both SSgt Hutchinson and SSgt 11 Brown report that they are making good progress and enjoy ing the BC climate RCI Construction The first two of the permanent houses have now been occupicd and several morewill be complet ed during February Military Activities There was surprisingly good response to the advertising for civil service employees at Camp Bordui Nine civil service cmv p10yccs are now on our strength in accordance with general plan to fill all nontradesmen vacancies with civil lIClp The RCAMC peace Soulef Lindcll Ricm and Ferguson from Bar rie Smith from Baxter Bow dcn from Cookslown and It Wal lace from Toronto Military Social Events The RCAMC Officer5 Moss is acting as host to group of of ficers from Camp Borden units who are meeting voluntarily on the cvcnibg of Tuesday Feb to discuss military training prob lens This idea of panel discussions was formulated by Capt OF chslctGnr rison Personnel Officer This is the first in series of what should prove to be very inter esting and beneficial group of discussions Social Events The wedding of Licut Muggeridgc and Licut NS Ruth Adelaide Prior held at Donlands United Church Toronto Jan 24 1948 was attended by lhe follow ing members of the RCAMC Of ficers Messand their wives Lt Col Coatcs Major Sharp BOOKKEEPINO and ACCOUNTING SERVICES 51g retail and wholesale businesses Income tax tongs comp1eted 77 Weeklfog Monthly Audits mqumms mvrrnn oaks 189 Bradford hrrival of the latest types of en design voluntary 0311119014 Colds CAMP BORDEN TRAINING SCHOOL lhe aero engine section of the lccnniczil Training School has new attraction for trainees learn mg the intricacies of the 1305 de velopments in the engine operation and construction with thaneccn glues for the aircraft of izodern SlATION The Station Welcomed Fgng lYLlllig from Trenton the Officer Commanding the new lleeis lro duction Unit to be established at 105 oflns wife Can9 Borden RECRUITING Three applications were received this week from Barrie mid Angus idistricls John Metealfe from Bar rie applied for enlistment as an En gineer Water Transport Dar ion as medical asst and Howard Doltzm from Angus who rippliedl for Mess Orderly If Jackson from Bradford who served three years with the RCAF has rcenlisled as cook and is receiving his medical category John rGardner from Barrie has been accepted as mess orderly pending the results of the medical examination Enquirics will be welcomed by FO llarriot station recruit mg officer SOCIAL The social calendar was crowded with activity over the past week mdmewiiliwim held gelacquainted parly in life Officers Moss The new course of officers their wives and friends enjoyed the evening festivities meeting many of the officer stuff and wives The Corporuls Club held most successful dance in their newly dc eoratcd club rooms on Friday even iiig Approximately 73 Sergeants and Officers attended slag in honor of FL Pat Johnson of the VM School Pat is retiring from the service after 20 years of service of varied experiences in the RCAF both in Canada and overseas Two presentations were made one s11 vcr serving tray from the present sl of Sergeants the other mc do with bar for services rendered throughout service career slud dcd with many fond memories lidL Forbes Nellcs was visitor from Aylmer attending the PSOC party and FL Likeness from Cen tralia with his wife from Ottawa who is visiting few friends in Barrie and Shanty Bay for few days The RCAF 21m playing in the South SimcocLeaguc has been 101le cXCpllohullymWcllIii the game played Thursday night they won from Stayner by 63 and on Friday night with Minesmg They oven 84 The latter game was played in Crccmore The Station bowling league as result ofthe pastwe shows the Accounts Section occu pying the top position With 10 points M05503 WIB Minor repairs JMT 5IIQ Maintenance VM3 PSOC Capt Holt Capt Con nors Licut 11 Cooper and Lt CSMand Mrs Bishop Swift also attended very enjoyable reception was held at the home of the brides the wcdding wedding gift in the form of silver tray was present ed to the bride and groom with of the RCAMC which Licut mother following ceremony the best wishes Officers Mess of Muggeridgc is member Capt Whittington and the honor this Saturday of being the first occu pants of thcrnew permanent mar ried quarters which have been un famin will have dcr construction for some time Capt Whittington reflects that the lnew PMQs arge definitely in keep modcrn ing with the presentday housing and that he will 1276 very happy finally to have dwelling constructed solely for the purpose midgrtvavpractical modern of home RCASC School News chI knoWn officer who has been adjutant of TlieimmEdiajte use ofDirWoods Norway Pine 8yrup relieves spasms of coughmthelps tocutx tux Magic and mucus0p0n the airkyas rthglrritationa sages and soothe Vfbr Woods Norway Pine Syrupfountains im harmful ingredients nor habitforming drungJiil 0581 opulen household remedy for neaglngjyearsg 0n 5010 at drug copnters evoryiwliere The nullified uneasy an of Buffalo 311 11151 312$ JV Davitimil if Brampton were in Cwn on Simu tic lsird All rude l1tl friends fare on 31 closely followed by the P800 11 pts Basics AFM the RCASC years later Upon hi TEE BARBIE EXAMINER BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA ers Hurry Chaplin 1gt lUlill Ralph Bonke nrl Homer were 11 truvn this an Mr Allan culd his property Hit wed in Netvzuurke day Mr and Ills Marihuil Allan any vntsuil for Compton California to mend tile 01tei with fiiLlld l=r and Mrs Donald Palmer went to the Maple Leaf Gardens to sec the lee Follies Henry Courtney lolteziiium until Mrs Ainsiin of Vuiliwriglil Alber ta spent Tuesday with Mrs liedl McLean Cook left on lucstlay for Chicago He has been visiting his LilOillCI COOK The sympathy of the conniittziity is extended Mr Fuelinic and family on the sudden death of hisl wife and loving mother CHURC hLL lomcns Institute The January meeting of the Churchill Womenx Institute was held at the home of the Misses Reivc with good alteiidauec Roll Call famous date in IllsI tory Christmas cards were repor ted sentlo the shutins and thosc over eighty years of age in the community also one dollar each was sent to the new babies iii the ommunity Allan Todd at Mrs Charles Lucas were chosen to attend the District Conference Personality and Dress to be held in Barrie Monday Feb dislt cussion as to ways and means oft financing the project of food parcels overseas resulted in plans to serve luncheon and dinner for the curlers bouspicl1cb and also to hold Bridgerruud Euchre the following week tSee Coming Events The usual five dollars was voted to local Sunday Schools Rev Lancaster gave splen did lalk ouwcaviug dcnwnsirutl mg as he went along the actual process from the start to the finl ished product Both Mr and Mrs Lancastcr are highly accomplished in this fine art and have developed some very beautiful and original designs some of which closely rc seniblc needlepoint The assisting hostesses were Mrs 11 Thomas Mrs Watson Mrs Ferricr and Mrs Don nclly CENTRAL 913011 The syufjxilby of the community is extended to Mrs Walker in the death of her brother George Waples which occurred atVascy The WMS of Central Presbyter ian Church will hold their Febru ar meeting along wiilLthe Woidtl scuding flre Sade is illllfb 111 ELM lLW do 311d Arthur iiixiflsw and 1r tClLL1kl fills Addlnwl iful and 311s 9111le 111 Kg bf liipco as ya is the time to la the 01101111011 of of your nation Annuity yourself It is ti New lady Elihu hm diuovorod haw to on health set out by authorities llpl In pnlchu control 0101 so that if mm hum you never pile up In ling It 900 through dinnor through the tuningwithnolcolw boavly Seven Iliad ay of Prayer SSIVICO 011 Fllaily February 13 210230 pm at the home of was Irwlin Clark A11 ladies at the community are cor dially invited since the beginning of 1948 Capt Laing born and educated in Saskatchcwan enlisted in the early part of World War II and ar rived in Camp Borden in 1940 as priVatc soldier Through his efforts and ability he obtained his commission and later became adv jutant of The RCASC Schools January Capt Laing and family resided in Barrie for several years and themmoycdinbumarried quarters in Camp Borden having lived here for the last 15 months The com munity will feel the loss of his co operative spirit both in military and social cifclcs Mrs Laing and their two daugh ters will move to Ottawa in the near future hearty welcome iscxtended t0 Capt 11 Ribbons upon his re turn to Camp Borden and now holds the appointment of adjutant of The RCASC School Capt Ribbans was born and edu cated in Ontario and began his careermin the Army serving with in the Force He was slalionedin Camp early part of the war he later pro ceeded overseas the Canadian Army in1taly Northwest Europe and the United Kingdom returning Canada four Canada he was posted to Mon treal whcreihscrved for six months audwus then posted to Ottawa serving with Army Head quarters Mrs Ribbons expects 10 move into CampouLden shortly and will upy married quarters Toronto onZl Jun 43 very succes vvas held in the Sergeants Mess Permanent Borden prior to World WarTIJ The RCASC serving as soldier and then post School for some time Capt ed to another Station LaingJiasbceniposled 10 Ottawa outbreak of hostilities Obtaining his commission in the prior to the and served with rctiiiii to if Lieut EMuggcidgc ncnuc Social evcniugi SQUIBB VIGRANicAPSULES One Capsule Daily Supplies Your Daily Requirements of 015 Lil tusmecnm SHAMPOO FOR 50F mum Gilli 3050100 09100150 ouigkheui Colds mmvmi utilities cumulus 29 49 YIAM1TPlU5 WM Heals Bills 01110510115 NOW your family and following the rules for good National 0001111119011 The First Wealth in With record 0150 you moot nylo sawry mums for also it 101 can pummel depend on LiDr ChasesoOintment Pattis Rocha Calliolic A13151ori llui been icdeC wiui murals and beautiful 10015 worth WILLIAMS SHAVING CREAM DOUBLE SIZE and kc stock of the health your com me to begin Aqua Velva 50 Size Delightful After Shave Lotion your health in TAMBEL Dccklc Edged fOLDER Regular 98c 31 MALI EXTRACT will 000 LIVER 01L untilL30 This famous extrarich gently stimulating Rich ard Hudnut Throat Cream that helps counteract tell talesrgnsofag Reigular200 jar coo LlVER 100 01L CAPSULES Box of 100 PILLS gt Iry Gin Pill today gnd prev their your though their on Oh 0111311 Price GOLD LABEL COD LIVER OIL 1601 Bottle Reg 100 000 cutiiiui Illl unity Fills have brought wol com lief In thou 00nd of Canadian MW mm Wk KAPSOVITE MULTPLE VITAMIN CAPSULES 50 IOO 150 275 GIOIWYOUIMIRWIIH HALO vo 39 T0iisuuu 39 2900 nEiuALcneAM con succixtlutmu rumours 225$ SHAVEGBEIM kidney dud bladdcr troubles Soiigfudloo or your money bodrl IIGUIII ill ll PILL HOMO SIlE PILLI 43i9c ALLENBURWS Ill 51 CITIZENSHIP am In Canada for years Belglum born was In Canadian arm 19141913 over seas years 1ch uld for eigners enlisted lmCInadlIn army became Canadlan cltllen What Is my status am not natural izcd Do get old age pension Officials tell me that you will qualifyfor DVA Pension Write to Department of Veteran Affairs Government Buildings Kingston with full particulars RE MADE WOOLLENS Where can have discarded woollcns made Into blanlelslf Write to the Yorkshire Textiles IVWillshirc Avenue Toronto for shipping directions and costs WEEPING IIIERINGUE Whlf makes the meringueln lemon pic run after it is removed from the oven Its hard to diagnose the disease wilhout seeing tligpalient But here iswaimcriuguc that will stay not To well beaten egg whites mm girll tziblcislpnolus whfiteldsugarl on again ll ossy in lcnspoon corn starch Pile on the In Loysvpic filling and brown in mod crate ova meringue will nrd run weep or otherwise misT beiayc It cuts like acharm TEXTILE PAINT 515 there such Oil as textile paint iron to pain pattern on axoyal blue broadloomtyg Now It shows every mark We haiferftm been ablc to finda textile paint for you Rug men say however that sucha painted on pattern is not practicnlflbat llie paltcrmmuslhq woven into the rug The Nicest Way4 of Taking WHalibut Liver Oil 853 150 3275 HM tutu WI 4s 33W move cum ooum voul ascm JON ll noitonvluur uimuo 31m Mum III 37 Mn tunlhutmdl Excillenl for Boils Armd Rogt RICDL0n saturday 24 Jan 48 Numerous games were played and refreshments vere served Success of the party was dueitotbe hardwork of bhecoin oodseand 9959 Chryslr Cal5 Dodge and Fargnrrucks Expch INSTALLATION Mindanao Morons wDquE 0033010 bisrniuuron we mm is We and OUTSIZE Where 53 get falloredslyle suit pattern $12053 If 022millennium11 Why not get the largest silo you can Mythcn get your local mkor to redesign it for yum rig that wrilc t0 the Siudcn 01101 Design 1139 BaySlreet Sinden would tr 1r specialpair BRONCHuL smile in sic TAMBLYN 00w REMEDY union 00000 REMEDY 1973z Lifiiii2ifiiri7cioucltsuiiu leigiro null Tcouclrsuiur 10m 13M 63v We mansBllsilLatitan0435 13457 The Complete DafInyfamin Routine Grout interest has been displayed by all units in the deVelopment of the new ice 1arena located in Lee Hall It has sheetpf ice 170I feet long by 75 feel wide At first difficulties were experienced but with the melpvof the RCE the com mittee from 1115 0L1 have Vv ceedediinanakingithe rice avail b1 in agrecold time The Camp Garrison Theatre has been moved to new premises more satisfactory tihain Lee Hall which has been oonventedl into an ice ORGAN urtuows wriere can getnew bellows for my Bell piano caseingun six octave Write to the Franklinvlcggo Organ Cqmpany 918 bufferin St Toronto with alllhc details about ylour organ You will age hcIp rere Send your questlunsvlo IIAIEAIIKIZN zziimiswww it STORBHOIIRSMn Tues Thurs Fri from1830ja rmlo 830 Wednesdoty 830 to 1230 pmSuti1rdcxy 830am 10 1000 pm Open eyeryd Sunqu 1210 591110 to 8pm max WW In ca cu is mximately 65CollierSt hone2487y at LEDHAGAN gt slamminmager Order citracopiea earlyfr0ni the Examiner IJll