Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 21

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THE Banana EXAMINER SlALlihEd 1351 Published Thursday Morning by me BABEIE EXAMINEI LIMITED MacihN PRESIDENI m0 mama tonne WALLS IlCLPnESIbENl lulu ousmESs MANAGER 6me BOY SCOIT WEEK Boy Scout and Girl Guide Week Will be ob served from February 15 to 22 As part of the program in Barrie Scout Fair will be held 0485118131 Class Weeklies Canaan Audit Bureau of Circulation Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association SUBSCRllllONb Lanaua or Great Britain United States Single Copies 3200 year $250 year 50 earn tersectious There are also occasions when weE visit other centres and we should know how to show courtesy to the blind persons we may meet from day to day Here are some suggestions that will help us to be courteous Do allow blind person to follow when guiding him off or on bus Do THEBARRII erratum cam ONTARIO CANADA with various classes of Seoul activities being assist blind person to locate the entrancel demonstrated Several boys are already atlto home or store Do remember that tth work on these projects and there is plentylsteady tapping of white cane indicates al of scope for originality and initiative connection with mp Smut pump was bicycle or wagon in the middle of side Georgian Buy some of the scouters are maklwdlk DO NOT lira913 led DPT9011 by We inc model gateways while others art malt1511111 bill lWYS allow him 10 100611 01 holdup nilirultll the nnuuilmeeil log model campsites Ideas from the win mug models will be put to use Other projects thatwill be demonstrated at the fair include lllt 59 01 ll his 5911593 becomes 10 01 90 Kimmy and boats panning and work fused in section of strange community He Woodworking and leathercraft collections of may b0 5113 about 11510119 for lemons but 110 stamps leaves and coins For the Violf tulisilDPNCAMOS Wm When me are Omrfd 111 llllt will bcclasses for their particular in terests Ihroughout the Week there will be parent nights in the various sections of Barrie where Scouts and Guides and Cubs and Brownies are organized This wholesome and constructive movement is thoroughly established in this fdistrict and parean and friends should Jenilfguropp and Asia are today turning their eyes Itll encouragenmit l0 10 00113 11110 gllISftoward Canada as the opening day nears for mdtheirleadersbytakiagesreiiHntei=estTmeamdmnr week beginning February 15 COURTESY IN BARRIIi courtesy week was recently held in Bar rie Collegiate Next week will be courtesy week for the Blind But there is another cour nations come to the assistance of the navel tcsy week that might b0 considered in Barrie lt is courtesy to the farmers of the surround ing district Many months ago the farmers who use the Saturday market were turned out with scarcely more than notice Space in the Board of Works building on Mulcaster Street was grudgingly provided but the farmers have been unwelcome in this building Last Saturday morning was an example The town bulldozer had been moved in the previous day and jacked up for repairs immediately at thg entrance Market customers had to walk around this machine to reach the tables of the vendors ThTown Councillors haveacted with dis patch on several occasions When there was an ppportunity to obtain substantial in dustry for Barrie there was no hesitation in giving 11 the fair grounds in the cart of thel town en there was Sugges that the enue and therefore he will pay incometax at no no factory every effort was ade to make space available to the satisfaction of the company In recent weeks meetings have been held andthouvsands of dollars will be spent to provide office accommodation for another company It iscommendable that the civic officials should spend so much effort tomakcBarrie attractive to industry But there are tens of thousands of farmers in the district sur rounding Bar leMany of them arerdcscend ants of mm iesthat have traded in Barrie formoret an hundred years While only ers use the market today these farmers are section of the rural people of getting in the past two or threeyears 97 GUARD YOUR HEALTHKNOW HOW Whenanything is well donefrt is most likely that lot of know how went into ithe wjob or else it wouldnt have been success In the field of health many peoplemed ical scientists public health Officials physic ians and othershave put lot of know now inmthebusiness of making and keeping people healthy but they still need the per Sonal cooperation ofthosesame pe0ple Each person has ajob todo in the matter of guarding his health and the health of his familyhls community and his country However if he doesnt know how he cant do pinch of job In an effort to reaWakenin Canadians egbeoefitsofgoodhealth and rtheappanlng costsiof sickness much of it preventable and untimely death the Health Leaguelof Canada the Dominions leading Voluntary health education association de signated the first week of February as Nat ional Health Week It rs hoped that through this observance1mg fourth such annual af fmsmmomd by the Health League in co liberation withharm departments and dc pprtments of education throughout Canada the people Lofijanada will acquire lotfof fknow how concerning matters affecting their own health and the health of their fitmilles and their neighbors Itls true that public health officials and othersln the healthy and medical fields dont iblind person wishes assistance Do not leave gyour arm for guidance There are often times when person with 5a courteous manner We should show at least son as we would like to receive ourselves skicswoaLD DANGER listlesscuupnuu ran Boys and girls in wartorn countries in ilivcs have been bliin ed by war The Appeal lwill start on Feb lid on that day Similar ldrives will get under way simultaneously in 620 other countries in the world gistthgmayc nots Backed by organized laborand industry in Canada and supported by charitable and serviceclubs as well as womens organiz ations church groups farmers coopcratives andcultural s0clet1es the Canadian Appeal forChildren seeks to breath life andknow ledg into the existence of the children who hav survived mans most determined efforts to kill them FraserLchairman of the campaign 0p ierating committee of the Canadian Appeal for Children has described the appeal as one of the most challenging of any appeals ever organized in Canada lt9 run mm AND INCOME lrnx The farmer rates as business man ac cordingto brochure issued by the taxation division of theyDepartment of National Rev hesarnerateasmbus In 44page booklet availablefree to far mers islnformatlon on income taxes and why they are necessary and why they should be paid Toadd interest to the booklet 24 pages have been designed and ruled as farm ac count book There are pages for receipts and expendituresand each page contains an ex planation of the various items that should be included Probably there are many farmers who feel they are too busy to keep books But unless whichhe can really know whether or not he is operating with surplus farmer could rearry on for several years and show asurplus bymelllhgmanpre and othernLisLdepleting thevalueof his farm But it is very necessary forasileeessful farmer iiimaintain his build ings and the productivity of his farm Toen courage the farmer in this directiOn his pro fit andlbss may be averaged over period of three years for income tax purposes vThisfFarmers Income Tax Guide and Farm Account Book will not only result in addit ionlal revenue far the Dominion Government it Will also be the means 0f mtmducjng greatl rie resumed their studies at the manyfarmers tothe habit of keeping records Asentence in the booklet that will interest farmers is thdfollowing you will find that the records will help you to show wheth er you are actually making your farm paynand may serve as guide to more successful op erations EDITORIAL NOTES Accordingtoxthgpomlnion Bureau of Sta tistics thergross valubf field crops in 1947 exceeds the 1946 figure There are many far mers in Eastern mCanadaand some in the West whowill be surprised to learn that The Farmers Advocate says increased prices htTv done it gt The medical professioniof Canadabelieves its primary duty and indeed its lifelong obli gation is to assist all Canadians to enjoy the best possiblelevelof health itris stated by Dr CRout1ey General Secretary or the CanadianMedical Association in Nation as much respect and courtesy to blind perj Appealforhiidren an appeal as they will have an opportunity to do in the Which Canadians are being asked to com tribute $10 million to assist children whosc farmer does keep books there is no way ini II REID l1ure who is associated with The lfrl West 111erAsurunte ling of the 11 cuiiiioli Life Under lric iilililloll in Toronto us luflltlul representative of the Sim Hirer illxlliilin itllllflllnilllll of the 40000 BUSHELS OF POTATO SEED READY FOR SALE The seed potato growers Simcuc ounly have upproxil malcly 40000 bushels of foun dation and foundation pota lo seed in storage this winter and lhls will be available for sale for the 1948 planting If rtWTW Wlfcsidc Lidia vismg inspector reports that 20000 bushels of this certified seed have already been sold and shipped In addition there have been thousands of bushels sold from farmer lbituelghbor 011141 have not been included In hcrcpnrisr 00IOIIIIIIIOOIIOIHOOWOIIINJ 50 Years Ago from the files of THE BARBIE ADVANCE JANUARY 21 1898 Barrie Local Notes Lady students at the BCI not as 1numerous as in former years Govcrnment grant to RV Hospi tal was $350 James Vair ms appointed superintendent of St Andrews Sunday School and John Forsyth was congregational secre tary Stewart passed his 3ld yearrexam at the law school Wilkinson told the Ar bitration Board thatth two lots at the waterworks were worth $1500 without buildings Price of 98 commodities on Jan show bachelor $1004 EXAMINER READER FOR FIFTY YEARS 0111 of Midliursl as in the office of The Barrie Exam iner last Alulldllhfu renew his subscription for the 50111 con secuilve year 1ch Mr Gill first began taking the paper 50 years ago then was rural mail ile livery and he had to walk two miles to the post office at Elidburst Mr Bill cele brated his 7011 birthday last October He lives with his sister offs farm on the 3rd contusion of Vesprg on land that was taken from the crown by their grandfather Richard Oill in 11132 0IOOONIOIOIIIOIOIIOIIOI 25 Years Ago from the files of THE BARR EXAMINER JANUARY 25 192 Barrie Local Notes ll Eplelt rleve of Culdwiilil elected Warden of County the first ballot lit and ll1lV Reeve Wm Williams got Iii voles each and Jus Jnldilic of Noltuwasuga getting Ally 11f hudto drop out Seriolts crisssof fraud and mislt representation ill police court no mzm was charged with gelling goods from four llurric grocers lufornuiliouwas laid by Dalton WVhif The accused telephoned Mr White and representing himself as the Town Clerk pill in an order for goods The offender had also obtained goods froln Mftklllllt Alfred Rayner and llinds Bros good Samaritan from Toronto put up $8 10 make restitution and court costs total of $85 15y drawing lots brcrlors for the Barrie Horticultural Society were chosen as follows 11 Lay Rv Walt 1213 Reynolds 11 Honkwood and It Kendall Midland Fair refused to accept dates allotted to them by the Georgian Bay Fairs Association llarry Meeking starring in hockey circles at Victoria BC Barrie Agricultural Society had surplus of $522 after loaning $1200 to the Joint Stock Co Union Cemetery Board had surplus of Ccntrnl Methodist cou grcgation celebrated the churchs 5011i31nnivcrsary the Ladies Aid raised $1000 for the parsonage ln Barrie police court seven men from the Bradford distriet were charged with theft and receiving stolen goods and sentences total ling 52 years were handed out to George Seriorc Frank Cahillflfarold Scdorc and Henry Lowe Andy Malcomson took three firsts third and WWII same staples had reached since January 1895 Between fiVC and six rpmflenry Crcswickc was walkr ging near Andertons breweiyl ion the railway track towards Al llandale stepped off the track to iwbat be thought was siding thn he waEStruck by passing Efrain tEnginecr Mike Fcnnelll land instantlykilled his neck be ten lie was surveyor and bro thcr of If Crcwickc KC Simcoc County Briefs Klondykc party organized in Collingwood and the leader start led for the north with 53 dogs William Eady coloredlv pleaded illsVLIchoreWlohnltMeGowam lMidhurst of stealing oats from iJos Edwards Corr Oro and iwas given month in gaol jCollicr St Methodist Sunday School had jolly sleighride around town in 11 sleighs and sev cral cutters previous to hearty ltca at the SSrooms Trench digging for the waterworks plant employed an average of 15 men aridethcy dug about 36 feet azday Fred and Victor Ross of Guth BCI Seasons business done at Crown Hillcheese factory showed 1515500 lbs of milk received chceSc made 49733 lbs average yield 1036 lbs of milk to one lb cheese average price0f cheese 029c 1b value of milk 80c per cwt total receipts for season $412357 Creemore Publisher ls Barred But it Turned Our unliroi This Simcoe County cffimunity has joinedithe list of Ontario cen arred from municipal meetings However the drierbarring in this case has caused no serious reper cusswns Creemore Council meets upstairs ltress in which the press has been in the municipal building and when CB smith16c1publish er assayed to attend the gather ing of the town fathers he found himself forced to stand out in the coldwith his loud knock1 ing to no avail He finally gave While Thus Holly 0f Bfidford was takinga pail of water to his Sutherland Guest Green specmlprizc Willi seven mean at Ottawa show Simcoe County Briefs Bcetou trying to organize band Victoria Harbor skating and curling rink destroyed by fire Orillia spent in 1922 the sum of $26413 for collegiate and $7412550 for publiemchuols Donald of Bradford celebrated his ling dislocated and his skull brok199th birthday still in good health cow she got him down and trampled upon him and kept him under her feet for some time No one was near to hear his calls for help and his only defence was to oiLL MIDHURST Edward Rogers Dougall Mc Retires as President SllIIIERIND Of Stroud prominent thinner lllllislll him has relled from 10 0111011 of Presidenl of hc rolldl leltlihone xlUtl lie llJ Ileiii lul ntxl 355$ ydiils mgr$21 fERIAL LIFE HAS LETTE HS to the EDITOR INCORPORATION OI llARIIlII To The Editor The Barrie Examiner who had ulfof $29130AinmmnmfinnnfBTYlTftTmmpltrail your atlcnliuu to 411 item on Andrew Hunters History of Sun coc Vol page 1211 do not know 1110 source of Mr Hunters iulol 1112111011 as to these lines but bel licve we can presumi fairly correct Sincerely llARllllill It lflllfllAllI Slroiul Jan 27 they are THANKS EXAMINER ADVERTISING flie Barrie Ilxumiucr Barrie Ontario Dear Sirs The contract covering ollr 1918 advertising with your publication has been received and we look for ward to another year of pleasant business relations Salado 1eaSalcs for 1947 showed substantial increase for lhclhird successive year the total being almost double the average annqu sales from 1935 to 1939 As we have said many times before wlzr attribute great deal of the credit for lhiskimifzx rig grams to are high quality of our lea coupled with rewspapcr advertising program al most continuously maintained since 1892 Please accept ollr thanks for your port as newspapeii publisher in bringing Salado Tea so effectively lynrjnrr pub lie in 1947 and all our best wishes for the new year You rs truly Peri Bythcll Dulfcrin County Council declared the Lord Duflcrin Hospital ut Orangcvillc as absolutely csseni ital Midland bylaw will fix the res tuurant licenses at 10 cents per cs tf THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1948 Auto Painting DUCO or ENAMEL Now is good time to have your Cars Finish Renewed MIgHTY FINE JOB GUARANTEED BODY REPAIRS TOOm HAROLD HILL WHOLESALE CHRYCO PARTS Repairs to all makes of cars and trucks 55 ELIZABETH ST ECORD YEAR IN NEW BUSINESS lIiitciuu its second hulfccntury ol service The Imperial Life As urancc Company of Canada re Huls record your in new business l1ollltllllll and gain in insurance Dear Sir lie the SIllllllefllfftltlltfl Im0 of OpllllOll as to ill lute of llic rjgcrkrzsidom Irulgrcnmlnyh lusuranecpaid for in the as announced by lolm Hut 115 Annual Meeting amounted to $09553000 Insurance in force was increased by $48939001 and now stands at $486279000 ciarics measure of the Companys ser vice is seen in its benefit payments they proceeds lislribtllfxl in the war to policyholders and benefi amouulcd to $8057000 Since it commenced operations ill 1130 Mr lurker pointed out the ltompuny has distributed in policy benefits more than $172000000 The income from premiums was 215012000 $1748000 interest income from 10 101 and making 320000000 saliidnrlcn Co of Canada Limitedi tziblishmenl and enrlagc licenses at $10 per vehicle kick her His kicking caused the The income not required to meet current claims taxes expenses etc must be invested and held to meet future obligations to policy holders and their dependents As iilR luufs millennial IIARRIE sets held for this purpose were in treusif during 1017 by $9783000 niuklllg lollil assets $140559000 liio growth of life insurance op llllnlls in The imperial Life and other life insuranceeoinpauies elll rciltly reporting ism reflection of public confidence The economic role of life insurance under todays inflationary conditions is one of stabilization Every time renew i1 premium is paid every time new policy is Sold money is divert ed froln the Slitllfllllll stream ill nmpnfrnnfnrmnsttflitrrinds rm WM be lzud aside for the lays when it will be most needed liowcousauegi Your KIDNEYS The kidneys are very delicate ovum euily Iffecledelpecillly by told Their duly is 10 lter impurities Ind excess id from the blood When you fine cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys Dddds Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear your system of clean acids and poison uuud by colds and give you chance to shake infection soonerfeel better Inlet If you hue cold of and mo Doddn Kidney Pills 139 Minimum EDUCATION IQR 9IOMORR0W Friday rFelirUary mi c0wtrrjtrmpand trample worse Finally hefgot away but not without number of broken and cracked ribs Belle Ewart enlivened by the start of the ice harvest Ice was 15 inches thick in places The mercury show ed 25 below zero at Clowes cold est for some years Kent Hillsdale left for Toronto to take up hisduties at the Legislature Premier and MrsxDrury enter tained about 50 of the Young Peoples Club Crown Hill to an oyster supper About 50 young ladies of Thornton and vicinity were taking the short course in domestic science and enjoying it immensely rink of Stroud curlers motored to Toronto and played the Scottish curlers andThos Kissock were the Stcoud rinkiand they won 1815 Cos toms Officer Floody seized large distillery apparatus in Essa Twp said to be the largesvtqever cap tured inlhis county and costing probably$2000 to iinstall In Bar riefpolicckgiurt fines totalling 51100 were imposed RexHG WCMQLrison told an and fenceI in Midland that each one of Simcoes 6000 odd farmers had con tributed about $1 tozmaintain their organization and thatithey had re ceived good value for their money Compared with groups in other counties Simoefarinrs hadeen asked to contribute very little 860 800815 pm up and went home although local llymthg pies 11111Wy5 hats headac 25 years ag0ThelExatniner rgportdtheylcgfliethgughtuofesorfguroislfhe new Oshawagkeformer editoriallzing as follows sovuncillors and Wondered if he ijrom the standpoint of health efficiency Wagmtemmmg highllandfd and consideration for the comerl and coni egglggeafglgsmm sald venience of others smoking should be tabooed TheeXp1anation 0t thevlockoui gt atall hockey matches It would not be hard came still later Creemore Library warm CANE WEEK to find people today who agreewith these 303 he anarlier 595510 than summer lsWhite Cane Week in Conada sentiments Ki CWWlaCmSS hall The As 510100 of blindness the white cane re aluHealthWerk message lrnowcvarythlng abdut disease control but as relate thingthey do knowand itis their continuing these specificthings which milxst be followed by thopubllc at large it may ls mikep marching toward the JA Wonk of burying telephonciwires orplacing head cablecontinues year afteryear Today over4million miles5 oftelephoneuwircs 95 of ourtotal areiin cable safer from Storms ervice interruptions caused by weatherarc fewer andstill our goal croutlmunfhealthfor all my board finished its session Eailyii DiscuSSing Indian and Eskimo susceptibility and left the building unaware of flatten desirejof blind person for in the council meeting They lucked dancela 0000101 responslbillty to diseasevon Paul Martin National Mln the meet d0 ermine mum commentator FELLieftlgewlep all 110 th monond womencan heIpTaem enfoy White men 001 justas vulnerable if they ragtime 2ch lllflsadeed fgrnlffrti museumof freedom they would other weretoiwe on tile some diet and under simie they found the hall and down stairs dark arid the door lopked constant aim to providereven betterservicefi 71 Not on is our service bcoomiugduorocpenlylegfliuh1Hj too We are lling orders for telephonls just as foot as new cqiiipment is available Moretelephons plusmoreflependable service and always at thejlowcst posqiblefcost mean greater telephone value for every user itmonrnroc Tononto fad Hotel annproolnnd gunfmllyrlocuiod most of 3l6avfevvdte80nsfin an conditions canaaas 130000 Indiansand no key 001108 on ere ore spend ten months oftheyear on theirtram become lies with lineiitsibsistinsmaihlrpn White flour um wilcfaeoffinfflgare50212333 Ulhlscvnminmhhmi Mn110193 hamt8 and 3118912 Among the JamsBY Indiana key to release the lawmakersbut a$ All tuberculous 15 moses prevalent as the it isdunderstood orders have een ssue to change the mu fgomvmlpgehnwkgwunLLL ergummiwmalz 4wi

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