onnwt muons hme Cam 9mi 3Stmud Gains ARRIE COPS 35514103301 GIRLS ihltifwcclsmmmmmmt tie9wft ff THREE15W Gunfrifiiftmst Tie With Bradford iWIN FROM GRILLE church Mmtndflmihm ms Ftl=l5ibuslnemen at Al Gm Foster Fine Young Field If listth hiveipledged hemselves to QBARRlB COLTSCoal DAml Stmcoe OCkeY 716 GRILL SENOBShxuhrslsc The Warden randy It Melina inrm in progressive illQSSlOI defence Richardson Jent iCaughey Long Hemettkforwardx were admitted demial to attend Chamber of Commerce Onllin senior boys basketballticttzoentf ninetiywings Swill By DAVIES =5 squduivaded name citidiom tsLmtg attenuates Livingston Bimli 3m 22 MW Btirrie Senior girls elrEd out 179 it victory over the Orlllia girh in II II II iiiltif 5Sidiiiififi 65 WSEWFLCW mm 113 Efiftiil iirllii fims tick with iwexful Blcd ni Series anual ccfcnce cube uhmiey cen Once and me local II Johnson Inuit loIpumtIs eitiiIIIOIrIil WI MImNealI wingSI GurdmIluggregattun The 400 fans presen mums minced he 23 The first three Iqunners of the ha were able in HR it HilliintllHO Hench aheIIIII Immand MCI wete treated 108 fast nrlillngI if Per game were close First name then 1y cosy throughout tiic gainc um Bond II Gin Merging game of South Simone League IIIlIlduolILiai taxmzgamesJOlllllu would establish one or two Jim in 22 ntlead neir elagied BEST txltiw Clgltiilgidgeigcn 03X Pittel the first peflvd MPG 099 mumg Hummus imilms Im dipzhe long Barrie Ettard line were 75 vtt riia 63 head touplc ltt tl2 tvItLE NM Nlmtmi imeMdn Rd Juli 9d balm for Btudfod on it ufe II tibte it hold Trody and Jebb out of on ciwek Frii whitiml LPV rrie Wm 3mm is iamiifv immg the greater part at uie= slapped his ftE liefczcr outtif FIRST PERIOD We be was mt WW game owem third Period ruled thnt it if liiLtht will tin 1BLtlllO Bowen iasicnce Strum however Cullld not Lilwed Wed one lum titlllgtlulls from Barrics view 2w0rillui loreluj 1056 take tidvnntuue and mi cituntc be dwmud side Shows le ii dlluttl DOLL 1tz lu tintuiii tt pom 1m 3mm 3Orillia Bond 1150 swore 15 mused when Stopli n25 Filtered 11115 em Meme Queen At the start of the period the Al gm Bur Rm in lBailiL Ncsbitt tlmuuhccdi 1827 tnsdrew Snuche out of lite net out Of C0999 hid her debutwm Eluod 93 in games gumr citne to the fliSllt tiltwti7 iii econ Iw395 439 Md MW W53 5th 10 We 35 um indSiieieit Smith started four basket tanned on it in from of in in as they filed from the Arcnuthat lutllh limit my time 0131 SFCOND lERIOD shooting some that gave Barrie an rd 5Lil3iiric Lung net Mcgutu was given another the 01d 01 didnt get the moneys mm aint lead The Chm ISIIZIIIQIIIIIUIIIIshlIIt tSctizt Btucm 103 gun when Struud deienccmau worth Both teams put on matting Sign Egardsa 00 come me IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIII ItIesiiiu igl IIlIHIll kicked mg mp the he onetitgiiIi sitinIdI tiiiniongnIIwe be it It DI and despite the Ham if 9H Tfl C0 nttczizutcd tn wlcu CV9 11 NW em OUT to dtl intuit til slttpxlllh to ln Pewtltic 1mm ion Wltrmv tom down to minimum Tuesda rm BC Wwerml guam mt game llumxu he mun pulled hm tut 011in it Dim tuo Him hnc dropptd in four field goals out and lXLitlii titmi so mi ran PERIOD 103forholdingumisuboprutcsml fine mwmous mm 0r nub sunk the his basket about 15 wt hair 391 H199 kiwi3miiiiiiiil iii Nbsfbtitt 1m tiitlsicgiiiiliifg hiftilxclli fl gzlllleilxiilllz Ml homums managed and up ESginbgfbgnsige 553 SCOICtl Ul2l tultl thrill MWWQ 530 imimdurt liellully Just as Cull if gimuifht 10 we line and Barrie considered them II ltir Barrie thllLIIdStul mp 055 liltiltllllllfdltt lllUlLCilll0l wu Iw p9 mg wives lilck that mix ume did not titillin httiltln um lint iii HIIBHM mi 833 wk are Edgar was tuxnmg sen JOhnw Im Iqu Mtwli 011 iffkhllil nu whft xttiontl ciftimnncc in the nets 51 mum longer TWW Wm iVlhlitliulv1L Flfttyllitd liOl lilidefrifc 011inblophenswus iortrc higmcscm up to this time BMbClarke and Janice Mccualg ll 31 ml hih ho or xuldltul lxlll lint sculpts tvcrtvl lonztlnoyAitirtlon hitllty ill 5pm bmkm Hick IBMmid Ht footwork was tcrrific Iuml hlsI IEIIII IILIIIIIIfSIlIIIIIEIeIIISEI 83w IFLllls ltitttrwn ljllitill intuit BI mbt Limit BMW m5 pm rmI mlqu 1m lieztdsttmds were simply puller this of Orillitt was close behind with six llllllltf llllxti the bone llltl nuiK Qld HOWVQv Rmherfod on Sophcmund Bitmdsau collected four points czicli Jcbb of Orilliu and Smith of Btutic took two points and from null BARR SKMDIES mmzdg Hf tviiiuxf licitli Johnson ulterith ton Long totllc1I lollls mugs til5 DHHIIVI BukprI GIMIIICIII ILIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ltotl lnlcrsun zilltintilm iuitil MOI Otilliu managed to get ti shot away Arum stitll the second lOlitid mat wesznu more than onehalf nch above the ice Fxlvur made pmct 15 uit Oil in holding mm kg in and Johnson of Barrio count cm ddmugp wag mm RI C01 the xtop and an he filed to clear Ch VYtn in wait iiitit mt lame your mum me III II II ttl one on 510 0mm Sigmnus Sim1 the IIIIII EIIIIIIII anIIgIIgIIecI 11 limit iftcculfnttiriiic hittind lht rutlt is ltnocltd in by his ARR SENIORSIIKIWMI ML not and made it It to rm llrtl sizevl2skntes lt wu tough blow ll3 lwm tutti ur Milled Stltiutl finally in his teatmnintes who had missed rt5+5333EZEETIzzn mm Slmwo Wko pmvmus swung Chaim Mk 1955ggilffegtlg vl Btltisoicgg tut Slrnutl vlicn llt Olllllil werent being outplayed illngrf EH xtmctl Iftmtt Young Slltlllti but they were being outclteckcd I33 uvre thcn bcgiuntug it press and by our faster Burtiu boys The0 DC bnuItIm1lnfCgmfk It llrzitlftml itttl lllt puck often tnosl amazing thingwas that them mnwud Mm mmg mus Mittshun was given llltI gutt for will Single penalty handed out iIIInI Irm hmmxgiinifmgidni crosschecking but hltgtini vpuilcd by Referee Ccc Cook in on men IlImfIIInif iuhl lllt advantage ulwn llL gut 2iuiu lug pvtind tlntt featured plenty of Ill ni ulm Tor tripping llte pciiol outl lttlls vhctlur untlortltcirown now With tho OXCCllOll uf the third The Council Of lllllisfll rcqucst your Cooperation 01 with the twins playing Sldt 01 or by llieIiucuns of some rival llCIitidI lhd ttilmt til11$ Vfly Cleallly Wim me muring 1mm their OSI played Only two minor casualties with the Im55m Road Department by keeping your Mmud mm um um vcrcrcported 0n the Barrie squad on that portion 01 um mad that me 110th mu period loicrinincd to carry the trils the Barrie gangsters began the TI Sh in mam to 1341ch Win 011 cm travel in order to push back the snow Lurk 1m Tm rd mm mm 11mm at led to Magistrate Conlle F0510 dl zL1h gift You must leave your car on the road 53 iivtiititgtitiii 31 mil iii please shovel out place for it got their only shot of the period locks and at the 2430mm mark on Snucho in the tint minute oi Carl Krucgcr stitmblcd rind slag plny gcrcd up the centre ice lzmIe mid After that the Slmud tonm cur sent in liltrd dribbling shot on very period and when penalty Worship alternated the icmnbnce ricd the play for nearly the Whole Archie Rodgers Rodgers mode the If necessary ByLaw ll be passed providing for period on the Bradford Side of the save but Mom he could Ing his Iwnctin pickedIItheIIlbgchcIIl clIiIiIiIiIccl levym Charge wner When has to be ICC if Charlie 59mm hammer in 10 Skate 3pm wand31 at moved The Strand score could 114th the rebound Two minutes later was Pete 13ka U5 390d doubled itself if Strotld hid pos Hubert Buntinv put the 10ml iron dowl he Worst phlle awn MLJOm man vmmwlrm by me mum is sewed lll kind if ltick itlelltm mcr llled Tit Fl vein nust have BWmg mowed me be ame nIiattcr and havc cars rtmovttl from road If owners do not heed IIIII bIId YIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIgyi IIIIII IIIIIIII IIII IIIIIIIIEIIIII am when that lililyCl prize with Mutmy Robinson ttis warning whim off whit3191mm ful be However Black combined With counter was scored as criminalsle Next Meeting of Council Mill 1948 at oclock Strand Young nnd Reynolds to score for from Orillin wandered thmugh the mg mm for his 0mm Chm IG ALLAN Clerk Simud and Young tied the game defence to knot the count 22 sec Out Of DIliZQS giYen away iSSiEWd may roughenel onds later IEIXLglllCky draws three are 01 Lilli3ierFrfruf5715r6911222gnurgiEEEFl then and Simud did everything Old reliable iBill Blogg finally yetIClalmed If anyone has the 01 but score and win tho game turned on the steam and he played lowing numbers $91I1226I4II4 the ample cup The ontyoiosmeiiramdfordmd HISJhOHShJehad1Justrvd0nneih arehurlingnewummwc gum mi Ema my ET Te iwmb was when RI Collings broke in on first pair of skates He roared should contuct the Barrie poll II from the side scvern times and Barrieipluyuiretuyn match at on Snache but El Webb took him litrecxItit on lt Ilhttchjtxl die ubltolotercdin durable missed the net but on is occasion lia on Feb 12 and if they can caip out beuumuny befqre he mum get heI dim By use of an electric lure another win it will mean the his shot away In all Slroud SCOled Six goillst but only Three eye Bin removed the Ptmider second year mYmey have Vere allowed and mm Shot mm pomtbltnk won the tWOngme Sfines ti These two teams are both uncle Tange They ay was tmveu all of five miles an hour The first penalty of the cones went to Ken McCutcheon of Oril iinforhis club having too many menon the ice While he waso Bill Blogg scored Ihis second coups fer and whn Barrie left theicc at the endvof the second they cari tied substantial lead play STROUMM Snache deI fencer E1 Webb Bountmn centre Spence wings Shering Young altcrnaiies Ed Webb Young Wallace Black Marshall Rey nolds Webb and Flagel BRADFORDGoal Tupling dl IU FluiinEBENMABLES tMADE IN CANADA Beautiful PiceI ofwFurnifure iTIRESF GRIP Withshelf stronglbeullt SPECIALs gt fence iMegam Carter centre Now comes that rough bashing ICoumgs twingSt Saba Stephens Pearce into action Up to this Limited Supply alternates Church Carson Ccl timehe had done little in helping Children Pl lingS Collmgs and Kula his teammates grab the lead And as Shown an ay ea iRefcreevJohnv DobIson Barrie still he wasnt helping them CeIcI II III II Noma Heatm and T096 Cook handcuffed Pearce on CIOSS Unfinl3h5d+wen constructedWith hardWOOd Them With Perfect solely checking change and the villian 65 Comer StI Phone 2487 ths taIBlesare real bargains II was no500ner on than he got tang NW up mum Mia itrate Cook was thorou hi tMrs Cleary Dempster has re cdnviiced by their solicitor gthzji N0 turned home after an operatioh in it IwiaSI merely IrqughinLoffegchI Tm at TTlfRiyaIVicloxiaHbl Barrie so ton minutes proved to be the eslm imagarZnIel es ar FINTUBE ELEMENTNo maximum Stew Butlerot Barrie alITol the same makeunilfinish so would make exposed glowing wig Newsprint is aI problem in followed them with slashing II gt mostnewsDaDers these daYtr Brev lcharge and the picnalties were com II Com forIyouIrII ityIIin copy It appreciated ting morc frequently The most IUSIED IBIIY IIIIlEUSItINAVY IQN TEIYEIIgyI TYPE OFIVESSELIIIHROUGHOUT THE WAR lseous fight came tbetween McCut cheotr and Covert What the for EIIllghOll Waste merdid to Bill yve dont know but Bill was simply storming when Cook gave them two minutes each and get it PrimeRlb Roasts Blade goasts Short Rib Roasts IRolled Pot Roasts ll 34c Iii atifitiire $31 ichshigiigiir tgbpfareinuichmice thdntlte ordinary Suddcnly the unextiected imp pened IBvarrie scored another goal Regular elimination of wastes from thaebody isoite 013 theparaJ but Lt 15 the factfhgvscmequ imtinuss Lackxebhgledthe tight Porterhouse RoastsWing Regular Value $18$15 133Ie3thfgt LackieIwastltefiuntle of in night Roasts and ROlmd Steak =toiiu1tyeitminitioii Triagegmunandidnllwkilike W356 Roasts oof laxativenditomc am going to yreadl The 91mm 9M II II IIIIImnmineainthese msnake meg ght 543narkedldIoppearII II II II II ggbgsflgtifggdg 53 theI0rilha cage SometbodyS also carry fullltne gt6 roaex4hmlr ditiiiisortrieeiiminatmwi leggotintheawarm Russ roccries IRS 01dT Emma Imaging hel Iiwosiollin 1e it airFree Price to out he gt abated tougtie sweetenitlie breath wu the II wt in SERVICES 4911mm Wale mthe any boxcpggvgdlfyotbeover 33 gt tam ttftrdinnefmiijll gl0us he led an Grilliigaiiging gt3 SIMCOEg IIIIII II mm heiydtniom attackwhmrgh the shey Sm DIAL 2429 MARKET BRA can gum contm rdiciieeshiiipini NCH gar IV ngxgim 09 mwmmmn The mgmkedII MI 1didnitI WI M+mwgowwwwq IIIQmm WI Iv