Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 15

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THURBISAY JANUARY 29 PRODUCERS 01 Church Wednesday morning Jan luary 28 Father Quinlan was assitt gt ed by Father Lawlor as deacon and January ExEHH ilather Moreau as subdeacon Very January 25 January 26 Gr Spear Ben Mammy nilWnrSntW II Quinlan of Toronto at St Marys Rev James Clair assisted at the Januarymr huth iil 01m Noam A033 mm mm in St Mary 315 499 VrsVV VVopliet Periv died on 11 ml Barrie day rimming at her home at Jacks Reagan hijmbquifmdly whit grand Miami meiI Wednesday Visited rs Ju 85 rchgiy Stimuli The annunl meeting Binnie rie Whole Milk Pmducers As do hiaghh for somiegg cemeery 14 113 it report that John Lake somatic was held on Friday 85 811ml SUlltfed 51ml 01 Frl Who says there is no money ii dale wholm twp ill moon in Communny House Wm ted Citizen Beeton away MRS ROBERT BENNETII day January 23 chmkens leading magazine hast Annual Church Meeting Mr and 1m Earl Cook and 1am M8 l1 Sudd All president Ernest wright hircigeI on Jm 13 at Its home on en strlc en at 18 BOltAtI ElmyaleV on Monday writeup quart Ontario man who The annual DOt trek Supper and 113 Of Mil3 339 Sunday WW Despite 10 temperamresI me at Centre btieet after beng seized by With heart attack Mrs Robert 121 at 1948 to Dr and Mrs starting from scratch has within congregational meeting 11g held inlzm andMm Emu allan tendance was good and lung re Did Say The me veVmin stroke few days previouslyI Bennett passed away on Jan 12 John UTLOEER ll Midland son comm tivelyI few years built up the church on Thursday evening MrV and Mm Dwight presentativc of the district ute recorded quiz program broad mom ml 10 C0 3538 In 1948 My nd Mrs Webster spent hatchery bustiiess valued now all mm fair ittemiaricc Rev Ehvand Jenner Mrs Gem g9 The funeral took place 31m 15V yo weeks With friends at million dollzms However weiR Clements presided and conduct5 Jmm we weeweekem Mm 1870 he was the second son of the cast oval CFRB Manday tuFii late wmI Ag and Sarah Jane Services were held me me of Low ammo and Stanford cannot all be halclierymon led the dvtvutiumil exercises Mrs Hi Tomnm an lnlcl5in and instructive dal nightsfmm 550 700 Cl ll re Allred Atkinson has been uilei Bm dr $1 pk mr Misc tor broadens on FridayI FebI McQua On May301900hemnr Mrs Whiteside and at on cam HI REVVIIIIIIIIIO KIIerfW VI VIr fwd AVifemefarr and Mrs Murray McvmelI ix ut lot in lg pic ed 133 Jane Belfry He armed letery with Rev rrlan and pa In 06 9111 Lie treasurers of hel Pith Barrie His many friends Brawl to the snow plow opeisi2Cliurcii WA Sunday School and M55 Davs 55 Rum Jm VV 20 on produmng Quamy MmV at artre ranc Show bv Monty Leigh of 0mm Canadian Legion VI last Monday in Elsa Itor OIVBInggy years ebe lRIevI ltIchCailnIerbds hIeIoffIiglalmIKI no 590 him home again mom mp5 thI are so vahantJy keeptnglyoung pwpies Lima showed me net nd Keith McVanel 8110 To branch night The recording was made ore mmg cer CS pa We ur giad to report that Mrs up the fight or open roads lbu1ncts Officers elected arclniiu spent the weekend at their ego 1n religion he was member Everett friends There were owers wm Cimmm is making 5mm Charlie Harvey 05 one hisi Eidom 1m pdmge Clerk of Se homes new An appropriate preliminary was 35 Ofme 01 50 gt NThfiianlcm Sifgggfnftrggmr Cm Sight ogame Legion Of First MI and later IlownliIne from Everett United Church and cry zeciweryVaer undergoing the farm horses last Tell lslulll Maw Wtuid Gondlel Ivy Junior rum 61 4m 35 Ibranchs new building 011 Owen Pmbylelmn Church HIS 3mm WA pewzm RV Hmei An Nude 13159 Slams due Erma DCxiistmi SQVddiv The 13 111 Fins held 519 59 VC Them were mo members and and owal manner won for him Mrs Bennett whose maiden name Bart last week to the stormy wcudier Bethesda IMcNtibu icliuirmani 111tlicir annual melting in the school and bonds on hand to the amount many friendsV was Catharine Elizabeth Smith was 131 Mrs Len Wright lice Aggiel nally held its monthly meeting Maw AleNun Doizgzild Mctlionsc Ihusday evening Paul I301 Good payrhmts of friends in attendance Len mum his death are ms born Jan 21 1871 in Mummn dau Jr passed away RV HOS MJSI Iljmrmgi Bristows on gabeIMei culmin kiny Girfen helmV number of mo Royal Bank urs uy an lssc Cage Earl ad llh do with this Pmaldem ROM Bibby Wmcom in Butte it Si diuth if Im ed the 1epic on behalf of the Nte lda Jane Agfr Beemn on gm Of and Mfs JOhnismlm im an Rfmmsmmi 33 efg runs db Adephd on mono or Leglo pllobcrl Parker then lav sw Hm or mmn one daugmm After mmnagc She med arm Mikes Good use or Air Alta IMJW 31 im mm fmmerk Ci mm 1nd uin 11 lit 31 Pit is news to lie teo eo ci icas 3111110 Mm eo Hon Florenc Thom De hem Hm mbvmg to It or ma North Sillmudale thattherla ispsome Fund Donald iien Organist lion Beultie asstnut llgrvfcuh prospect of the airport being purMPS Bowman Assistant June mm represen13tlva Rd in the llulstclnliricsian Assomatlon gave gigong Iath Egmiwfligen Petersburg Fla Bill of Victoria crest in her home and children SExIiifzIIIIlmAifgglFIE casualty of me WI his men of Ushers Dickinson Aubrey Git served very Ilntciosting tolk on the Sin SOII um the arrival of the Chas of lm Huron and Left to mourn are her husband CVIIVIIIIII IIII Iddmss was read by we farm land iSI in its present MI Cerf WIde DU MacDonaldII breeding of belief dmr 08W ti 40 ilniot of Detrou Onc son James two sons William of Allistori and TiVVkmIm Imd my were re state mite better than an eyesore Russcll Sage Atlditurs Arthur 111 ldime My Rugth Maw Seniors Hc stlcsscd the fact that more mm ac Edward and two sisters MTS Wesv Vernon of Everett two daughters tenlmlth omgmm mg and more it is real menace to imlwiulxlt Hillels for Ul0=Ward Gtmirellmir Cradle Roll RU tcsts should be kept and mggeianbebsingr ofmlcg Corbett Ethel and Mrs E11 Dow Mrs Crook Gladlsl 01 T011011 chm mug an Lin mo buok surroungffmms dbty 19350 Sung bgmfldmt 5fIXElSUlIj MiSVITVlVb Eabb $133 IV imV Iwm Lila fV its uncm or con lion Iup 31111119 asistzln ists line me an iyce should that good tons on tests may explained what he wished Vney Marin predeceased and Mrs no tende end liiilllts hamper 11nd Til Ligh Those who pioneered us not SI Maw Sew Ber MM 805 1de v00 or appriciatmn to 1hetunemlserv1ce he1 man two brothers Hiram 0v ed gm WU 1h mes ab mm the auidencc to do during the 16 at his home was taken Rev Stlllth Toronto and Wm Srrtith and llic 52318 mgr Pltlgiithullkoodlm 1mm 59VSdrd aCEQS Emesll Diffuli lelwrswhm mp milinmer wagpmde bedy Burkho deS pic em 39 tors rs aw ntermcdiute liitrVi go and heartily citde by nilk iS the average cow givos transcribing He introduced his Becki vie at Di vim IOuI Goult of and but two sisters Mrs no Bur er its an mutlu its any assistant Don Wright and their ms at Ammo Unjon Cemetery lingwood and Mrs JOSVJauonV mlltxllllttnls vcrc settived imllld Eaglzrggdmicln GM MM Pl Dkklnwn 1mm memo WW3 had and 9mm cm the technician Howard Meredith The Imlkbearem Were Norman Even ing the brides cake reducing its towering forms 1011 3319315 tlxhgelwsrgvgatgzgglf ton one sister Mrs Frank Dow Everett couple of yours ago She IOi Wwinmlny evening Jun 21 my is 111110 has UT 1mg Jessie Allison lite broth took active ptrt 111V tlit work of llt ii of Vii 111d llis Bermrd chased from the government and reclvedV A1 Himls master of McNubb Choir Loader Mrs DVcctiii of JllCElS and short Roy lmiston fltld man for thc 613 James of Beetom Eh of St the Unmd AI and took great 1111 inc Marion Stlittht held ti Ipu III some productive use MoNubb AsslsmmI James Rupert Singm VA lunch was Imen boarder COWS George Iicc of thc Olltailo Ame he explained the plo Ford Wm ServiN Euwuod Dfnuro Ms Alfred smith smiling acresi my have its ne WhIIle Milk Mummers League gifslllnmghge Sqlggggnfmcoggilgg Corbett FielIiIerg All lizayes THOMAS EATON SISlVIsIIClggxgi milligth demo lshild and its field IV andw 971 he ower ear resident of liliisduie for the carv up by law in Strips an o1 giiiillllvplllmlwi ell Elmwla on mlllllifyssoil of the irport should be explained in detail how the new Rob Bibby president of the were own IDOWMyI Oscar mm 27 yea Thomas Emu pass Won ltlltwdsa+lVGdal gem vice past W1 and 116m Balm iwaHtmistmaJmJamm miaie Window mai AhemQSLp1lQliililVVSUllablS increase 01 I00 lbs for the pro dent Al Harris Charlie Jacobs Friends and relativec attended 23 1948 He was ill hisllan year duui and 21L loi lht distiibutm Mrs TV Burton and Mcatord from TommoI Bradford men Huh havVIIIgIbem bum December 25I IIiiiaisIbgnInigIIigaigin gr gxpxwmg or canning crops 133uflgtmlgufl15m $203311 Thumpson The winnings of AuiSlmv Toivtenhami Coomw 1856 He was lumber suwyer and 1903 She resided in Toronto and group were Wed me and ljhmmml lived in 0mm and Fesserlon dur Elmvulc The funeral service held mg The Redex Additive chemical improves natural 01 ldlh Legion Wycli Church JanI 2L was Wallet Russell on primal check Andy James thanked the mem MRS HENRY BOAG $333253Schfdjfeme clinchth eby WV WV 511me Olls An Extreme Pressure Ingredient strengthens oil film but Wd Wm 01k we bem of the program for Coming former resident of Barrie in The servicewus cmdumaxfmm The lellbearers were William Bell reduceswear and releases extra pawnSludge carbon 31 Lliiaiiiiiiiifs 32 lengthen or me me Flyn by an passed delly egiiimng Chase of Burma on January 26 1948 Em 131mm Lima BrockI RINII is leaving cleared by Detergent Viscosity at high temperatures is commended the executive tortheir turnout The evening was Januaryvjn F011 William For some mm whm VV work in holding the industry to brought to close with light time she had been suffering tram jflifogk Emma Grim 013$fggfgglgiqgglggw ShgyJggomlg 2533 IS imprpved by nonsumming wax Stabilisers prevent gem also Wham the lanhi wally Perkns was at 18 an incurable malady Dunn TinneY Rowat ship Club Ont Beauty Supplies closed this week due tlo so many formation or cornde acids 99d Sung and keepg bet man Supplying the Tvemngs The funeral 1001 Place Jim Coteland PorterrA Thomp Ltd and others cases of measles 0W5 keep dow prdl Tmm The lgm em danc REV Macpherson conv son Interment took place at OVr Left 10 mount are her husband Clute is slightly improvml costs He commended the As mg ducted the funeral seijviceVat the min inlthe St Andrews vault daughters Thelma of Elmvale in health this week Cart Clute of sOClilllIon for what they had ac smaller Funeral Home and her body Le to mom his death are hig Lorne Rance Viola of To Nonhem Ontario is Spending some complisnm pm urcslilICERS ELECTED was laidto rest in the cmenryut Wife Mrs Mme Eat0n and 31103 wamEl Adddmydmll time Mm Shalpev the local 53mm Queen971 mm he fonwmg daughter Mrs Milligan of Orilliii allicionainuela Seazlrle onzlalstcerr Lts we mees Begum ympat is extend to three an ins actor oke biiell and ask The Election omcers 95th of as llbcirerS Kenneth as lollows Preer Wri ht Vice and 99 55 magi and Mrs Edna five brothers Fred cd th cooperation of all produc Machmes GeO Maclnmesi 3113 HiltonV Andrew ShillAlberla and Norman mmles mmmunn XSM Pren Jos Quinlan SecyTreas Ha Bo ck mag lb death this week his Wm its turn LleanI andesanitary Imilk 58 wins try 118 II Seark production and pomted out how chmmg Dredorsv andalph Boag Emu THOMAS Relatives and ds mmnw Webb passed away MOHday Glen ing in Barrie hospital and was bur th t1 Suttoni mm3i Bi Jamiesoni KRel tves and friends were ROW at 91 IBVCOUI VI ROSS ThuII French mwood sent amm Newmarkeg Pym one of the older resxdents of New acmggz TgmlthBarrmaerS ted here Thursday alternoon Mrs Roy Hicklingv representative Lowell connnVtinity intheoperson Webb hadinm than in yerv 00d on the Ontario Whole Milk League JOhnsmn Gram Rabinson and bound thgSlOni TOIOMO and F0 or Earl ThoquI passed away Vin land Wnsaga Beachlnnd Phelpslon health wfor the past year ling SOI Jermey Auditor Douglas Ferris wmtm together with man from isgke ybIIiletIflyIcIiIn tIlzIeniaeue Director ion the comm LeagueI the diam around QmemvymeI the Coiimgwmd HOSVpltaiV on anu the Late Robert smith bhe had been hospnal smceI II Roy HCklmg 0r 10m year tMrs Boag whoe maiden name ter an operation last Fall Robert moving and so heIIdeau came as To motorpilrtransmission and differential lthi to heart condition dress the meetithand also Monty aIligcgediIng VgaetfeogvgigznegggywmwlleedaneWlghlydaughter qhemnemitookp1aceVV0m Jan gal his ilSIdenCe I151 Shock to my OnITuesday ewna Leigh for showing the dairy film of dill wm Wight was any 13 with service in New Low mm Jfmarr vingrMrerosephSvmithpassedewtiy ail013 tonladgrhghggulnds untillgitVRavenshoe Origon Aug United church conducted mi 193309de II son of me me Mr Vgn IvIvheiIfIIIseliIe hid $33on II II Mr Agar visitinggbeekeeper For several years her 11 and vsmfgvnx libelfgs and Mrs Simnh 35 ml evening MYS Lee wright died Omemee in 1873 At an eel1y age Barrie hospital She too had been Phone 2481 ary 10 1948 His death wasVdue F0H3Wing ngingmiless af Christmas but seemed to be im Vv We tempo talk on hum diam iBoats Conducted the hotel at Vwere Harry Gordon HoraceGil he moved Wm hisvyarenfs in poor health for we last couple bination of bees faxes Oh hll IF ther theilamil Mu omus com mm Vy Pm 95 952 mm 33 farm near evale hen younig Pnd HOIStemS Eloyed to B31315 digger jhuman CIeIinteiBI and Tom Patthton than he learlled the jewellery and or yemS St lt9 oagsuccessfu cam on Am mg it owers were ose watch Iepajr1rd OSPPGS eature at Baffle 019 Us ems from omens ssomaio as appointed FamSli at the Bur the Yo ng Peoples Society of New contitctm in Toronto until 1940 International Stake Kwams Burns washFami the ived there 18 moied to Wyevale mi 1914 where II Truck VV yearsV After they spent Deceased was born at New mwVhe lived for fiVe X93 In 1919 Iv BurnsVNight was liltineg oblyeais in Perlth and four yeaer eli on September 10 1892 and at moved 10 yebdg and Ca The quer Sewmg Machme LMGQTIHQK gelv3byuthe Mammy Gmbmm5ommmmi= an II mvedm thefarmtltNew Low Enigma Jewe cry businessthere Monda gandeno ed even thBoag membe of St And all for the last 55 years He was moving to Clifford in 1924 he lt Irish IymembersI Three Siotch revs wales la The fma manynremher of iliheI United Church and fggglnedIIsirealIusinis Winn LtIlIte Y0uf Bonded RCpresentaIthQ Baffle ED lassies from St Andrews Pipeidriends Lin Barrie While 1111ng Conservative eral and member of the Masonic gt Of Th 1947 Plymouth Sedan Band Toronto lent color to the simcaeOoumy Harry Boag was 188061 8011 111 OmaS Order and Loyal Orange Lodge 1940 Bumk sedani bloodwith the bagpipes andNorl Her husband died in Toronto Erramin ilggralimge the funeral schice held xlllllS Onto VmV VV Buttons dndBUCkleS COVGIEd 1935 Hudson Sedan danced the Highland Fling Local Boag was killed in action on Aug Friends andVrelatives jwere pre 16 BSICOHduCled by ReY Aq talent Con roxod Peddie of rewalkertOni assisted Alimiied Quantity ofEleclriccmd Treadle Machines Isenrt troml9mnloi lmgw Rev Knox of Clifford 1n Joyce Jones Jean Livingston Doh vii1mg are one brother Stay IIUtoplaIVand CreemoreI termem was made in Clifford aid Lamont and Don Horne Blue Wight Parry Sound one sister cemetehyIwim the knowing pen VV who is in his 8bIth yearIbe 5000mm lsglzhwiiitmt tlealmthtomhl We Clam loved mm or Am Com gelliniiiiriidefifm 19 REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES or SEWING MACHINES 1937 Ford Coach maV Morrison delighted aSsheApril 12 1943 One son Sgt Wm late reSIdeince in Cllflord on Jan included quartettes by 1918 lImmediate relatives sur VV Now Available es 331 CO berervG alimJos Hein 5m Wha Hale Jean Livingston also two 50115 George Wells Base of GVWEN TWO YEARS mike Vicstogqml 660 Sam Reo Truck and iKaiser sanggtwo Scotchrnumber Vane John Hdnycfib gt VailerieI Levering age 19 of John TV VSmm and John FieldVl imme 1a Inquiries WIl 01 KErasgr Dealers The program was ranged bYiiIiDghamEnglamdia11wdh Goldwatervyasucugy Left to mum are his wife one tier VV Craigamnmn and GI IOI Cam tarsI MrSIVGerald weugriBesSleI by jury heIeIWIe ne ay mg degmieg Inqu at h0meIanIonejI II Town the former ialso acting 101 Fort William aherilAithtir ML JIUStiPe SmilYlmDOSed aSent son Josep also at home one sis Bryan invent of Lonaan Eng ence of two yearsdess oneday ter Clute Elmvale an 3d1 land For some merrVsand 19yearoldearngirl gave evidence one brother John Smithof WyeVt 11533an residlad in Jitpan where that the offence took place last Sept vale Elalle Chile nephew from II he had government position amber 1I3V VVElmvale attended the funeral VI wag TVpop 85 VI gum 559 WHENV HE Aivmtittnnno LII II VVIV VI Ca WI 88 IV VI Ior gargikrthuisikln bovagTARg laviayviat hishomin Lileki his Wm Ethel ASE 73rdyear mi January 1815141I He UnttlClosliig THE HbUSE LATE ill lsaisr5ramacam$s iMori EMMPILIM went ia enaldenwun Vr tor the mat pa IV relives VI Eli Klldi 30 Wilbur VV titEarrievmmmmfm Bm den 13 II IV gfcotren elgwnornmggflsm and Wgtioymerl Apprdeaif IV VI VI Vei $SSkatmewap Ms wxugos II VI Thememlgmwas eReVACI1ellbertj Creem or rthedm Eidience ottjanu my 20 1948 Matty beautiful oral tributeSqwetje rece ed thorn St Churdt oc Lisle Lisle skagngngink WeIIHunt Saracen 40f Bordenritrm Biol team Leradlitgrantls Fancy lied shame BechtelOrin Jill HenleyLStahdar Qunlity Label new Mane Leif gt IVreMiVesIfttem mm leonm arag gt roam Minion ldfginl VRVVVVGloChotceVTottlt lmmmmml PllcllBSHalvlia291W 2iini35v= s11oweribeitiiiiidiiea GloQStlindirdQualitycKnt msmmm II II II Amamsmundwk rQllhliItyI VI or an lino251 mm scnwmimiil iSllLtltlllVanfztmci33l rm 233371 1111mm II Addiseynmpgnui lm 42 lemma Chant imam

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