Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 14

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VVrgoVnsnAY emu 3914 the weddingi mitten had it 33 lSanfurd St and was attended lit about 30 goals The brides in 1161 wor black me HF li VMtAm Mex Mmmuil 33 99251 qga 11nd he as VV UShEYSKAGMMV tllel lxxliceVund ii culjsnecnl pmnli sistants were Miss Mildred Hewson VI The msgrmfbgl 38 t$e$ withegxngmm wt theIguest 01 her sister Mrs wire at Fgghimlgaguf spem me 319I5IVIWHW VSWVWBOH and MTS Thammal congregational IIWII IlteI 1318 IIliiIlldse pareng 13d cherry red ICllrjlillbie Wtll silos weekend with her uncle and aunt Jimrriy McConkey left on Tuesday V0 Com Unied Church 58519 011 83331333 dun and Mrs Bert Pringle for Grey Rocks inn in the Lauren 19 hed evening Jim le 19 31 11199 oclock ot Brantloid Mm Harry EarleV Inf Wyahdona tians north If Montrcbl where he dehcmus Slipper Was sen9d Adina VAlexundriue Ska33mm to Ilvme bride WV IIqUS 11055 bv the Womens Association at 630 Mich is spending weeks yaca in nslmclm for Ball WV 30 ML with bkd 11 lion with her mom Mm balance of me Seam Jtmmy which was followed by brief dc nnd Mrs Harryjussey The Royal csm lliiunsomv Collier St Luggi Finger tillt of Canadas lead 11h Rodgers is Clllilllllitll MW JUhn Lampbe cundles mg SkieS and SW81 relay5 SumTV guaranteedperfect matching hat with tangerine trim pm 03 gmsemg Prior to nor marrlagti on Satur reports 01f the valmm Ulgdlllulmlll CM ge of Talisman Hm N69 New York with her son Bill Kay lav last to Henry Husscy Adlne 9X9 Eli911 by Muck Jlldgt trendth 13 155 Gertrude Lind II 1an travelich an StgrilnlI was mitermined by Mrs and NI alumni 5L Mun5V Tne gummy was MncKENZlLAlmnb Mb wmumm Cameron mmm Lilli 21 by MTS Jn 96 mom ed William Foulds of Toronto Mildred isobcllu Mt1czic be instructing dl the school run by 7mm Perii bVReV Lem speClal dISPlay Of 11 HGWdER idmed The bride 0th 1nd awed bliCli ucccwuic lure pretty litignonette dletAner their wwdmg mV will reside In Barrie TOWN Mmdab an Boys with liiiSteltancuus shower 59 19 35 or NH At the reception the guests were daughteroer unl Mrs Mu b10111 Donald Mrs Clarke Ill ten and by flimgsg imam by the brides mother midi Kcnzitx of Siidnurv was undid iii iixiiltimh Mis C1 and Mrs Rowe at ten Last FLi sumsnc IYV115Plt1 we grmms mother who is lesid marrle to Raymond Lluyl Aliiml untilH tinndonald siV Gm WWW and Mrs during the year all were CLCthtl pinsmm Missouri Thel Bugfm dim V5 Vt in the church 18 by profession VV 31L hill Lu llltlllned il Sedgltllll tilltllilllltd ti numer of nloom nher is at present in Pek Lilo George Adallb Build him her home llnccriift Apilll tricnds in honor of the grooms aim md 35 by WWII wew Ask for illustrated Old iiii Chm The Tamil Wk PlLti 1110 51 1111lin lust Thursday in honor of lllullltl Mrs llarry iliissey of moved by demh by mu Fiil travelling the bride 101111011 Cklir Avenue United Church lu 11 it it llUthell Mrs Mon Dillslmll liltltouri helm all the miibtrhi llwim squirrel fur jacket The lotto mdn mil it ill AJ llOllIdhln 223 rlmfcitlutllll luurzg CVllllle left by train for New chicy on January 11 1948 MISSIONARIES IllIRE FEB itoigidw1JjblllV York City to spend several days ill oclock lien re llvinu to Bermuda On their inc lice igltlhudis Church Will he report of the church tleusui 14 1h if fl CAR m=i have trio pleltlle of honoring Dr er showed receipts for the upkeep km Ln reside Togggavrg giizxwmgilrl VUH IItIIllI llll Mrs1wcll Rice missionaries the Church as $8I520I mi Private Diamond R00 MIII my Is on he sum the III III III lIiiliIittsJIIsyi ANNUAL EGG Paonucon II during 1946 wauedV Imam from boulh Africa who will give yeilrclosod with balance on hand lumenu Bank ItCIt ilIlt uni LIL ummmth 3119 ONlARIOV0VER mm diners valued at 3217100 This SANDWICHES lk d9 Slums ul $250 For the Fund OppP5t of hinting OtllofvOWll guests were med mag 35 Hatching oleggs in Ontario has fliure isholow the tits comptn and life lfAlllClill imtivcsonlues 53300 iwag mist and me wns 15 Sewmvn Cum Seagrain firddmns 1m smear 71mm Sleildilyiihcreused since 1944 when lion or 115161000 dozens valued at rent it matron 101101 vn the fiburt was at 3755000 dozens 1827000 In 1944 1035210110 doz 13 duy Feb it 730 pm Dr Rice mic0d 51000 or minim The WA 15 beauruln Mr and Mrs Arthur has brought skins of annuals um MS my RM Mimi WWW men 000 335 Md busy yeu $1330 Md 10119 M138 DUN Lowe Mr and who vorc at Coral afternoon dress 1H miqu to 17 med at mm were can 0105 Viicmiiifi 11ml miml he durinv the your at 5400 bond wult oozcm and coached 7170000 in sumod lime figures Show the LUNCH AT materials buck vih him which sold 5911 unmet lf ANN Sewln 0f merho Wm drzlld my Wlssmws 1916 llan loub My 944 else rod Vt ce at Nolman bctlgilim Duvrd Seagram lnc zrdcm was attended by Roy ile during l9 Shoum Pm b0 V911t WWWSiinii 176 front 1946 Exocndlturcs in is Dr in Africa and Miss Jcali Howard Mrs Willldm Adams lirlinontu The reception 1le xx 63 Onlmo ausluhe ciuded over $1300 for modernizing Fmme Mt and Mrs Dou lag Du II VV IIOHVWCd lefmnswpx his ram P31301138 kliimil SUPPW 1m Mrs William Cheesngan Miss 19d flit flu rmle ll Mrs Rice Will tell of her romantic ond remmwms were served ml For built the mornan and even Him Dumbecker of Toronto IlgIIIfIIIilly It gtIiIslIultmni RAITS us love story eciul tqu will be Sind Trnt c6 Wd V4CVPWVAV numerous pccgmons ilil smut 100 V8 5N in 45v Mr nuts 51 1h KW 10 the b0 and Kill3 visits were iiiddc ludzite $7948 Church was filled Wifh an 0119 Poll Dover 111 me Rd 39H 40 9d WM 730 in 800 pin with navy satin trim Guests at ts been ltCOIVCd for the llllplilVQ liming tiinuugation desirous of II illicni Fund started tlircc yezils into being present Wllh their rector Mded 0m budmw VC SPECIALIZING IN VI VVSOULMMQMRDSON hint Barrie lllld Alluiizlulc hammer Ciassmeds brin ml of thin $6843 hasheen spent Riv lIiiiiiIdtIli on lhlh his II suits The Church School has uii cn last Sunday officiatinli at Trinity Gladys GolleVieve Riellilldson A5 wmm mm the NW rolment 0122 Receipts unountod Church daughter of Mrs Richardson LmMm Photographed in Your Own Home 19 beam bd pink accessories Alter wedding to ts which $00 is won tn owning sortIQ urge he 11 if mp Sudbmy and MW MEI Phone 13 tllc Fund The Evcn numbers attended farewell re Wllllim WGSICYSOUleJOn 0f Ml the youno couple will reside in mg Allelldl muted ovel $300 in ccptton held in the Polish Hall Mid MW 191 some Same During me year CIIIIIIOS were IIII AYPA and he JIIIIIUI 0de Church IBMIW mnducmdilhe 59 stalled 4113 cost of $1500 us it mcin Colonel Garry Lee the Peoples Vtwe NOCK January trial 10 the men and women who Warden acted as chairman of the served in the Armed services and gathering and stated that all were The blide 1110 in marriage by Paid for by donations present to do honor to Mr and or uncle Edward WOOdi T01 MEI HI GI mmmsom who hm Mm Howdm andm make prey VmoI wore 00149th white vaj recently given up teaching in the Ventalion to them trornihe conre in dress with lace and sweet FlrSl Baptist ChUrCll Sch SChOOl me some forty gallon heart ecume She Came 3530 II REV HHiilmins Pastor 435 Seivcew WWW Colonel Lee tiienmoailed on 3395 Wm mcgagigkt Miss Elsie Cloughley ATCM it inscrimvermy mm Simpson senior lay delegate mgh mile NW VV Orgamst and Chou Leader congregation thiltum IV iienth Phone 4172 son paid hightrirbuto Vto iMrs Rcb Egajggkagn dosegaagvrgfmr She was attended by her eldest VV Mission work The Girl Guides Refreshments were Served by he in Ii wedding CffreImOYly at 75L Scouts and Cubs all reported an no presentativcs from the Parish Aid P1111 Churhi Innsrll ROV uvc year lho two branches of the WA the Newtonsmuh Gewg RFVI AND MRSI CHAS SUNDAYI FEBRUARY 1943 ertsons long and Taithiul schice only me chmchI wmeh hadIde Slnlel Mrs Raymond Neely acting Many colour combinations and textures II I9 ministers 11 AMMORNING WORSHIP ELECTED To BOARDS velo ed and rown under his matron of honor She wore give voii lWlde choice for sli covers and Thompson pre$enied 10 grey dress and curried ray of PM SUNDA SCHOOL $0180 blltalSO In the me Of 18 drapimlymmrby the yard or takead slateofthose chosen by thc OlllCldl vantage of our expert SUNDAYFEBRUARY 1948 =i yellow and mauve mums and RM rBoardtn salvethVthe Sessions and ricerlength headdress oi While$k um5spellkersforcornlngasolal WSW Meemg PM MOVING PICTURE depictinngLomimttVec of Stewards Those sedation president of the Red tin and yellow mums The brides makP senwe 78 PMEvery Friday night Youth the Lepers thrilling Christian Heooth IRoy Hickllnd Dr Rich sister of Ir at the bride residing iii Bai Rally rloveglellt ardsonIVFI WI SarjeamI NI smug geclsgszhlmouCIinzlggelimefbil IVieI and cousin of merrideI Bax tkcndtepltone tatrlid Th MPR YER E1 so van eist erbe 11 ave our re resell ve ills AV ME NG for years and Lower Ialways ready to md and 855m bara Wood of Toronto Miss Rnh Evangelistic Service 730 PM the medical nussronary work among elected to the Sessionaie 11 Cross and Chairman of the Board maids were Helen Richardson you wish measurements mugsng FEBI 730 pIMI preach at this service years To the Board of Stewardszj ardson wore yellow princess style call at your convenience th tes flu heto DR and MRS LOWELL RICVE 1115 Mon PM BYPU Armstrong George Baldwin giyripsoz gene pietsamedvlw dress and carried mauve mums 5101181188 from South Africa wdl Caldwell 3011115 itll Mls Wood wore tur uotse rin wed 87PM prayer Meetmgf Crai for four years 19mm lb ag Howden cess style dress and cagried yellow gt gWC her romantic love story Curios Morrison rier votced on mums behalf of the congregation wow lilSStrlirietrlfllriuftetllgtgofllasgallgr 1Thegmcimiwasattendediliy Wil 130 Win be Show Young people teen ion ft evorlous or IVOM miss Central United Church ganigtlllons and groups whocontri Mr HOWde thank the co is 3ng 31 ail$6 75 Ibmed the yews workI also 10 gregation for these gifts and told II Bayheld St Mmmel Rev and MrsLewis for their MW an Vie had 1VdiElifirlgwdylgwlm12ml REVIV JI FI AIIBEWELLIIBA ne Ileaaersmp given during ItIIe the Me HameI VIhow prougfIIIVIBaIIIIIEI MISS EIPIIIIIngoIiReNIIII thel WW the beaumm Trinill Burton Avenu UllllIGCl Chmr Legdegggiig EI Lelmv Vyg budget for 1948 was preset Church and he expressed dep Churc VVMR ICSMIII1 Veilby chL Chittick amounted lacpreckation 701 the vonderiui Rev Carder BA Minister work done and the cooperation tions in the church in concluding AVMVM0RNING WORSHIP Y9 T51 and Your Allah swom To OSHTAL FUND that the same support and aid be We will have stronger Church if passed on and given to whoever all members attend this service The monthll meeting of the came in his place 2V30 PMAll Departments of the Guthrie Womens Institute was held Th 7VPIM en Co one Lee as ed rsV VI to $98001or general rch upkeep anist Mr Ra Williams iven the different or aniza ms SUNDAY diam in Vn was accepted in the SUNDAYFEBRUARY11948 GUTRRIE VOTES his remarks MrHowden asked gt PMfEVENING WORSHIP lflt tiltilliiitvmsine Jlll me aesi th ch bsrsiglzit mgdltzltin gytlelc mpililisiilgr 70 segggidmrf Pen and tQWnilosayaie CHURCH SCHOOL lime24 Enigma ltrl Ii words VV anrrltl 1211 full thgsgiclt Chgltli her inimiabilei mm gt Gas el 11 Beginners Primary gt in Howden Spoke ox her love for PM Young MensBible Class tens HOSE 15 921 599a Cr Barrie and said that she iind her lilPzirltsideDiive or theday took as her subject hu V230 PMThe General 53100 marketing Whatdoes the custom msmigieswg theggriie Egg SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1948 iVBegin tbsWeek in Gods House tr will happy yearsspent in tlils to her AIMFBIIEIIkmg of IVVIIue unmoneyt IHonesIty very beautiful toanI WV thoseyou tealwith Fruits PMSund School Bible Thomas Mays representative vdiass ay an =========as goodmtgfreslrfowlcleaniandler the choir presented Mr tI IV II II It II IIII II II II IV 71PMG99991Metmg GrokeGospel The FEBruary Aifieelng will be Wed PM PrayerMeetlng 37 Mary Street Bart1e held at VMrs GordonqCaldweils ed mm vxpress mfgmcm AllwelcomeStatlfreemcoilecon wii WisHelen Caldwgllassmakff tion to the choir lorthisigift 13ggurneiieveriVMuiiisv otesss Mr tenementq $93433 3IpVMV$unday Scmlmgeng gegreshrncnts were serve at this op 130th 1mg goodby IV All arecordially inated and to expressto them heir be VV Mnister wishes in theirsnew vlifeiin thei VV 4V VV VI v3 new parish latSaint MichaelVVandV MrI Cralg grzoanskrorganlst and II Toronto II iI III IIVI IV rCollieliSLCBapsLChurch iOne of the suggSlionstor Ori VIsUNDAYFEBRUARvirmliLC wrindependeno lias new building byltiw is that noV +71 VV 11 AMMORNING IREV MITCHELL Wit permibbe issued for any building V7 II Preacher The Minister VI Voibe usedfjorudwelvlinggn it PMAll Departments or the SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1948 1833 31900 is be 59 SundaySchool 11 AVMVWORLDWIDE 171 VVAMV IBMEVENINGWOBSHIP Communion SeracggTAS NEWS VIEWS of others brought the week to hemsie 311M BIBLEESCHOOLVV tiara four LOPELISESLOD Rev Lockerbie liaiSSiIon to Lepers Coloured Pic ls THE FINALE Wrionrtnyr to eoanRsir an series ofmSsaEes onV Bible Truths See the great paw oramic chart From Fame annexing close XIIA led the school with 103 II II clumsy Weck Last uteektglhe Shidents Council the BC spanored aCourtesy Week in an effort to improve the mannrsof th gstudenf body Ally offenders of the regulations drawn tines imposed their closestrhialB being IXF With 615Tliehest room wits athird foVer XIC with only 11VVoffendeiVs registered The rcomV mitteein charge felt that the week didgroat dealto achgwirq poseTliey alsodEded tohpld court forithe worst offenders at he VHorrie of Friendly Worship up by the VCommittee inchrge same iuture aSsemblyV Stracltan MonV8PPfsece were subjectVtoaone cent fine for VV hachqence VVI V5 tI III EBBARY BRMlllxllingeekfmax gigggWettiglglggubifgtygs VV Vrpmlss Thuis745PMl1nterriieaiates iviassemaictgrenlipsberlpini Vi Feblyary152yBLAKEHlJNTw ned 901theVnqli9b94rd3iF etch LT gt IA yummyIgregtingIawaitsVybn elatingV tohkhnytemg II II VI II II iI IV VI VI caxeganagmact aBlnandecieed that varietyiotdeliciqus tVW9u11lie emphasize Ip II IV onmmau split Wi BM dhaltinotsogood

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