Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 29 Jan 1948, p. 1

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m3 mv ms cops lt cu 85th YearNo BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 29 1948 Section lPoges 05 Generai Budget $347432 But CountyRate is Down um 30 on as Road Levy Will Be Lower of Sinicoe County for gen pur f1 poses in 1948 The road leejy will 11333 asanfolloiifctors are re be an addmona $1m26046 Hon Presidents 88mm The County of Sinicoe tax levy will be lower this year than in Benson Reeve of Penc RING BOT SPUDS rm Branden Gum Ewes fiszgzorfstnism 1947 Although the budget is greater than last year the lower tan and chairman of the finance Crawford Thos Fletcher Garfield rate is ossible owing to current surplus and th fa tth the committee introduced the bylaw January 30 is he deadime umiRousc walker Currie l0 DIOVldC 101 the 1943 1010 Tlle dcr Plant Disease Act for scllingl Adminltrahon toml assessment 15 up 31 Hon DirectorsA TudhopL Th iiuiiiLipu itics vull contribute NY or general 111 0588 has con 0f DOtdiOOS Produced ORJBFmb Robert Store wm Scott Fixing Ofcer Aum MC mms to 379 mills and th rage for road andrgglzt on the following basis for the gen in Ontario Awhere eral levy arm nng President John Reid lst Knih Ba Fl Off me an ying TOWNS lsease was found 1947 sea VicePres Bartholomew 2nd Oro Agricultural RodioTelephonu for Highway Shervice Society Holds Annual Moeting What the Municipalities The annual meeting of the 0m Agricultural Society was held in son Goodin do anmem ccr Chandler of Alliston are redued from legs mills to 1617m1us Ammo Us 336735 eldmm paints outuTabple StockVicePrcs Victor Ross Treas among the latest EIOUP of RCAJ mLaM year COUHW Council budgeted 525143660101 gen Barrie 2868272 Only mus be plain marked oniGram Jermoy Seer lrwin Mc Junie officers posted to the Air eral purposes All thismoney was not spent and there was 1Shl dljllpipood each bag or tag of all potatoesIMglggctorsthn WMde Tglgzcnoc lwofsgggluuztsizlllglg sulplus of $1892993 Whllc thebudget for general purposes murkeied and pOtato Storl Smith Campbell Orton Crawford during the war was intended pii tms year Causfor 3270331 W1 be necessary k0 raise only Orillia 2709471 age ins an potao equipment on $25140207 Th balance petulant 477161 these arms must be dlsmfectcd Earl Reid John Currie Ernest in 111 means of instruciiig 111 be made up from the surplus Coate sle Stor Norman aircrcw ficers who because of For roads and id Saynm 320255 hem Am Growers mu gas this year the county wm reqmre Stoddart Kenneth Gilchrm A5 the specialized nature of their 116 VILLAGES linakllaichtailcd report on foxm sociam DirecmrsMrs Rom Ha work had received me 01 no ex fh 08 75 rhls 111 be made up With levy 01510726036 plus Bledclllrd lgiliilrlis 2132mm 1970 fir profecutlons weilcers Wm Scott Mrs 0mm Cum mime in munm Air Force ad 1947 surplus of $882229 In 1947 the county had budgeted ai urog comp vi Coldwater 96645 with regulations Ht ford Mrs Mel Crawford Mrs mini native duties 1N0 110 to Spend $W7y320 50 01 roadb alld bridges qudwe icy the eighiwcck coupe has For eneral ur 0595 the com 1v Crcemorc 156148 bus year Wlu require $341 been ex andcd to include all uan p0 MCNWO 2368 The annual 0m worlds Fa Alex Larkmi Lhle despamhermr the ontarlo Depaltmenk 0f 432 mu 877000 Wm come fromrevenue iffi er he RCAF Auucullln 109152 If hsgicgltuggfzxlcc 5351 Highways snow removal crew in this district took the first mt The county Will introduce county health unit this year Victoria Harbor 59503 ff 11 to 15 and 346 00011185 been bUd VVVVVVVVVVVV was presemcd to Robert Storey lea 1a 10 ep one ca on cotge Ouce on ge or operation or mm ser7 am eVNSHmS 235359 an honorary director ovho has Friday Jan 16 The Minister of Highways telephoned from Ce for the 135 51 months or 1948 AM 538587 ATAL ACCIDENT clrvcdlggr the 010 Socrety Board his ofce at Queens Park in Toronto Mr Larkin was in 11 HEAR REPORT lICC CO THOUSE 133 MomMn Westmiw At the meeting of the Georgian ng not jay from the mamwmnco weds mun Baaer Maintenancem Aimprovc429fESEETEEBQQLLL 709 lnnisfil ff 2186830 sic Ave main 11 found not 1385 Fairs Association in Barrie and he matted with Mr Donne over the while Lalephone mm 00 $700 Matchcdash 115216 guilty of manslaughter when dent Walker was chosen ENC smpsonv county assessor commwa fees and salaries 5500 ADMINISTRATION GENERAL Donald Brown was elected presi unit Medonie 583281 on Januar 21 brou litin rc 05001 70er CWW Nottawasziga 1381076 bulged change 0T dangerfus driing VlcepreSIdePlffd Job comma comm TUCSdaY m0 $12500 gown 3000 0mm Twp mm Justicesmv imposed ne of was named secictaiyTj tween He suggested it would be A11illNIS1RAT10N or JUSTICE fgmlllleb 5500 0m 10161579 $2 good idea for each municipality Crown Attorney and office 7500 mg Stationery L200 Salaries and allowances 12000 Slmmdul3 859305 The charge was laidmnowmg an to order list of the propcity lw1l110gt5 fccs J500 lay 550108 accident on llcwitis llill north ofl TOWN gfynlsmh 1157463 Barrie about 11 pm September 14 The budget for 1948 followszl EDUCATION County assessment 6000 transfers from the registry officc Jail building inaiiitcnaiicc Grams general IIIII 10000 17000 Grunts agriculture 6000 ll addcdthat Barrie Oiillizi Midv Jail prisoner iiiziinlcnnncc 737941 bus carrying veterans from Fosmnuntio 370283Idrumhcud service at Orillin had Vcspra 787183 brokcndown and 11 passenger Don WLSI GWllllmblll 954701a1d Currie Bell was on the higli way said to be directing traffic interest 500 wcrc of conmdcrable zissislzincc to Jurics 4000 the local assessor lsm 3500 Discount to municipalities 4000 Insurance 500 The county assessor spoke of thc Clmlmdl Wm 50 crs Associatioanthefollowifige Baizric men were elected toofficclton TOTAL $25140207 The levy for road purposes of Borri Men Elected To SimcoeMuskoka life Undorwriters Assn At lhe recent meeting of the SimcocMuskoka Life Undcrwritl 11JiReiti of the Great West Life prcSidcnt kl Darch all London Life treasurer Ander Appoint County Council Committee to Mailiejstaf Siincoe County Council last Monday morning adopted report iavoring the appointment of committee to cnquirl into the ad vantages and cost of Juvenile and Family Court The commit tcewilb be named by Reeve Earl Richardson of Vespra chairman of the legislation committee Avreport on the findings of the committee Will be presentedat the June session of county coun cil cil favoring the introduction of could preside over the court in Evidence indicated that the 20 yearold Bell died about 36 hours 310716046 11 be the same after being struck by zi car driven WTMUU above iii03 lby Brown Surviving Bcll are his wife and two small children at Col llngwood lEVldCllCC Wars given by Prov Cons Walter Gatehouse and others and the case was prosccugggaby Crown Attorney Frank Hammond The accused wai defended by lClifford Howard of Toronto Board thew Metropolitan Life secretary Donald McConkcy ofl Imperial Life member of the mm cammgndatlonw Juvenileand FamilyCourt Town Council Monday night was lopcned by His Worship Mayor but he left early to take part in the official ceremonies at lthe police hockey game Reeve George Clark then took the chair All members were present with the exception of Aid Valley Representativos were present from the BarberGreen Company to explain details of new snow loading unit The prcsentmachinc owned bythe Town is 20 years old It was bought seven years ago for $3000 Tlic present trade in value would be about $1000 new machine would cost $10885 lplus about $3000 for unit to make the machine adaptable for the loading of sand or gravel After disco sslngthe mattertor sometime it was referred to the Board of Works to bring in re On motion of Ald Corbett Council voted to amend the traffic would be treated by Sompelcnl bylaw to authoriz the police to doctbrs who would adv15e the prohibit parking on any Street court in connection with each case they deem it advisable Ald Cor bett explained such an amend Them aJUVFnile and fammcnt would make it legal for the 113 court for Slmcoe county was police to keep both sides of Eliza estimated at $5200 for the first lbeth St clear in front of the year Thechief item would beiArena during big hockey games $2500 for the salary of probation officer and $1000 for travelling expenss It was suggested that two probation Cfficers might be requiredin year orltwo after In Januaiy215adeputation pro nesservicenwasadeveloped sented abriefhto the coumy coun On motion of Ald Griffin Coun cil decided to send letterof ap preciation to Rev and Mrs Howden to thank them for their crviccstothommunity beforcc Ten0ntario snowplows iritiiisdistrict summon equipped with radiotelephones and they officially went into Operation on Jan 16 One of the ws is seen here with the aerial for the mobile telephone unit ltespatchersfrom headquarters at Barrie can immediately telgphonc any one of the crewslon Th the 10 snow plows whiCh travelbn 200 tribes of provincial high ways ln this part of Ontario 7mm A7 trident Endorses capital Campaign ormer Superior corisidcrthat yourplan to erect new hospital which will meet the ever increasing uircments of the Town of Barrie and the sur rounding rtiial diStct is excellent Forty years hadthe pleasuicof spcndingdthrcc months as Acting SUperi ndent in your present hospital and found it to be hospital well staffed and splendidly equipped but charming 51 even thengginvariably hada patient in cveiy bed do not know theincr Selll rural population since 1908 but being aware of the ous progress which has been made in the Town of Barrie it self it is very understandable that thoprcsenl hospital must be en tircly inadequate of the hood Also withthe great advance which has been madEiir all fields of medicine and surgery it is evident the equipment of forty years ago must be practically obsolete 5MRSHAROLD RITCHIE Patron The two present magistrates their departure for Town juvenile and family 720er Theltheir respective jurisdictions deputation Was headed by Rev Howdcrof Barrie Daniel Coughlin probation officer from Guelph spoke brief lyon the operation of the family court in Wellington County The briefpoutlined the present procedure for cases under the Childrens Protection Act and the Deserted Wives and Childrens ii nce Act There had been 477 of these cases in 1947 Tribute was paid to tire camsexeme the authorities in dealing with these cases but it was said to be impossible for them to go into thg background of the trOubles as would be gone by probation of ficer It was plated that the work the probation officer frequently resultgd jin bringing about set tlement and reunion of the parties involved Family court sessionsare held in private and it was pointed out that many persons would seek aid who were suffering in silence rather thanrisk the possible pub licity of an OpenJDurt gt =Children who4were notnormal The value of the court was em phasized by referring to the Archambault report which esti mated that the cost to the Country of one habitual criminal was $25 000 Daniel Coughlin probation of ficer endorsed the statements in the brief which Was presented by Rev Mr Howdcn He quoted Chief Justice McRuerf who fol lowing the trial of 14yearold chargedswnh murder the trial of Child under the ord inary procedure did not commend itself to ithose who had to admin ister justice The probation officer the family court made qu11 05H psychiatry and he felt Sinicoe would have the cooperation of the psychiatrists of the Oiitario Hos pitals in this county Explaining howth court cobld help the authorities ina financial way Mr Coughlin said in Wel Council decided 411 lot on Cumberland St $100 provid ing the oWner 111 erect $4500 ouse on it Monthl statistics of the Chil drens id Society Were referred to the welfare committee Council voted to accept an in vitation from the Barrie Branch of the Canadian Legionto attend social evening on Feb The clerk reada letterfrorn the Brennan Paving Company re questing settlement of the paving completed few weeks ago The matter was discussed andthe clcr a5 authorized to return the $10000 certified cheque but to withhold small amount of the final payment This will be held untilicertainadjustments are made aisingthemanholocovers along Bradford St linglon $17009 had wuechd letter was read from the parks from fathers in havelhad to he paid in relief Esiimte22 Community House194 Qlbsj are Affiliated Vmeeting ofgttheliirrleCommunity Association chaired xby Rodgers 75 guests reprsenting flange numberof the affiliated ion ganlzations sat downitoa furkfy dinner at Commonity lfIOuse of Thursday night last Themeeting opened with the the King the chairman opened with welcoming remarks to the many representatives attending The growth of the Association Was pointed outwby Mr Rodgers who statedthat at the beginning showd ammoniumoration thenucleus and by the rendof that yearthe r011 showed 88 clbs so cieties etc belonging to elAs coclatlon Since ithon Qothefr br ganizations have joined and as is normally expected Some have ldlm banded vand droppedeout butitho nominal titsthe end of 104 singing prIOCanada followed by grace by Rev HE Howden Fol lowing the dinner and toast to 46 38onganizsuonsrorme sitd connection Turntovp out teas WithOUt board saying it was not feasible such collections 80 per cent would to haveskatmg rinks this winter The matter was discussed andsov eral aldermenthought it would be aligood idea for the parks board to have skating rinks for children in various parts of the town Ald Charles Griffins said the Chamber of Commerce had hadran inquiry from Boy Scout Troop in United States asking if they lcould have overnight camping fac ilities in this district some time next July or August while enroute to 21 Camping trip VinAlgOnQuin Park on motion of Deputy Reeve Hartl itwas decideduto ask the parks board for cooperation in this Ald Lougheed pointed to the photographs of th former mayors lining the council chamber walls and said it was time to be obtain ing pictures of exMayor Donald MacLaren exMayor 138th Sinclair and Mayor Mayor Reeve CieorgeClark chairman of finance r0 countyassessorl Fflohvgyvith the introduction of the card index system of valuat ing to be introduced inBarrieHe there Wasa man in Bradford Who had done the work there and he would be available to come here four or five days week at 38 day Henry Lennox could be an assistant and Mr Clark felt YMSWWldTJFVZOManY merit tiTlie material gathered Feb pm at Commu agar con SATEMENT FROM MRS JOHN HOLDEN The most hearty cndorsation should be given by the public generally to any effort which will tend to case suffering and illness That is why hthpitals are built agdvthe more complete the hospital in accommodation and35ervices the better for all concerned In the promotion of good health the hospital has very definite obliv gation to the public and we must accept that principle as the nations safeguard The plans for the Barrie and District Memorial Hospital in dicatc clear conception of the importance oiithe great need for in creased accommodation The work of the new hospital should stand out as beacon light to all who are suffering from accidents or tness Letgevcryone render all possible assistance to this splendid cause gING mil Dance Ivy Orange Hallngclaycg Euchre Party LOL3166Orange Feb MLisic by Stroud Moun taineers Dancing to 115 5h Monster Carnival Beetoin Mom orial Arena Feb 11 Keep this datejpen Watchjor postns 46b Annual busiriessvmeeting of tho Barrie Kennel Club Tue House 5b Churchill Curling Club annual bridge euchre and dance Churc hill Hall FridayEeb 2Ad mission50c Lunch servedf 56b Annual meeting of the Barrie Branch Navy League of Canada on Feb atBpmf in Public Utilities Commission office 305 Bayfield St 5b Come and se Aunt Till Goes bridge Wednesday Feb 815 pm MaSOnic Temple 17 Owen to Town presented by Crown Hill Club Stroud Community Hall Wednesday Feb Auspices OES Admission 35c 45b Thornton Hockey Club are spon soring an IceCarnival in Thornton Arna Thursday Jan 29 fBroomZ ball aspecial feature Events start at pmsharp j45b Notice The Beeton and Com munity Memorial and Recreation 81 Arenalvill be openvfor skating on Tuesday Thursday and Satur day evenings CE English map 47b those two men WOuld be turned ovr to assessor L10 hit Hall Elizabeth StFebi 56b mp AllandaleOrange Hall Feb 830 pm auspicesLOBA Benevolent Fund 5b Dance atBaxtr Jan 30 l948 Dancing from 930100 Vltfb EuChreand dance Craighurst CommunityHall Friday Feb Auspices Craighurst Womens In stitutaJnaid of Barrie and Dis trict Memorial Hospital Admis sion 40c Lunch counter Rey nolds orchestra 5b r7+More PoWer to the Farmer film and variety concert pm Jan 30 Shantyway hall Auspices New Bagrie Hospital Fond 45p Trinity Junior Guild annual St Admission 50c Fur informa tion phone 2677 45b Churchill Hall Friday Jan 30 830 pm night of hilarious fun Two plays by ChilliWillie Club PotLuckl and Ghostgai La Mode Admission 35cv 23011 Wednesday Feb dance you be held in the orange Hall Thornton under auspices of the Thornton Hockey Club Music provided byPaiitons orchestra 5b Barrie Drama Club two oneact splays Tlr Marriage Proposal Chekov and To the Lovel KllredgridayEcbyl 86V DHarObieetedFW pm in the Library thisanner or ehgaginga person for the work andfelt theremight be someone in Barrie who could do itjust as satisfactorily An amendment to this effectwas pre sented butwas lost Amotion faVOring Reeve Clarks recom mendation waslladoptcd Slayner Canam an Club is Vining Mung thrernlghts meaning screams Hall Adults 50 cents children 25 cents 56b The prpduction of Iolanthe by Gilbert and Sullivan tobe pre sented by Qvenden College in Trinity Parish Hall will be given tinFeb 10 at 815am not on Jan as had previoudly been or tanged proceeds in aidof for Good mu51c will be provletf assessing at Alliston and statcdSllrlqmwcourt that the present situation had DWIm LOU 150 Court steiiogiziplier started in 1946 by the town cn Jusllfc Pgilce giiiccr who was doing it in his Reglbtry wee gt arisen bccausc the ivork was spare tinic in addition to his reg ular duties 500 Legal fccs 600 iSundry 2000 Historical commi ee 2000 260 Pension insurance 2000 1000 Superannuation 2000 350600 $1391820 CHARITY AND WELFARE REFORESTATION and Soil Cunningham RCCVC or Al Childrens Aid 530000 Conservation 8000 liston said he was glad to hear the assessor refer to the registry iland lnnisfil and Oro had standing lziil SiliilliCS lode for such reports and they lllqllCSlSCUl011LlS fecscct 1000 80 lmpcc 250 Hospitalization 20000 MAINTENANCE of Public Health 5000 office reports because in his 35 Health Umt months 46000 years of municipalaffairs he liadl never heard of better basis for He added that at the present timcl the towns were getting the advan tage over the rural municipalities because the property values had gone up but the equalized assess tion County Home 40000 Industrial Schools 2500 CONTINGENCIESQ equalizatiOii than the salcpriccs Recreationpmgmm 2000 $65380 $199500 TOTAL $34743200 man hadnot gone up in propor i1 Approvs Transfer snn declared tht uiV grogistityiofgiiigLicpotitanwoulbundl bc satisfactory if they were the only basis for equalization 110 referred tome denypaperctisung three 100acre farms with good buildings and hydro and near On recommendation of the fin highway These farms were fromancc committee Simcoo County $5800 to $7500 On the other hand Mr Simpson said there were small houses within the Town of Council last Monday moryning adopted report favoring the pay ment of $225 day for the main Barrie near the outskirts that weretenance of Chronic indigent Dab now selling as high as $9000 Evans Reeve ofBrad ford and chairman of the county equalization committee said he could agree with Mr Cunningham that sales had some relation to the value but hetold of one very small house in Bradford Which in recent years had changed hands at $750 tlicn $1500 and the next time for $3000 He added that the building had not been improved greatly but the price went up because there was such demand The county assessor said 15 of the 31 municipalities in the coun ty had taken steps towards intro ducing the new card index system of valuations Sien mufiiipal lilies had completed the assessment unTlieneWbasi and four of these were using it for the second year On the whole feel tirejnew valuations have been very well relceiVed he declared The previous week deputation representing the hospitals of Sim coe County waited on council They presented brief asking the countytopay$225adaglessol age pension or other income dc ductions in approved nursing homes for such transfers from regular hospitals that had been approved by committee of three medicaL men of the hospital con cerned plus the chairman of the health committee of the county council The deputation also asked that the county assume the cost of drugs dressings Xrays etc for indigent patients The finance committee rcommended no action II no James Hart of Barrie and Herbqrt Reeve Clifford Lockhart Ofllln nisfil agreed and said the costs should be referred tothe respec tive municipalities Benson Reeve of Penc tang stated We have hospitat ients in apprchd nursing homes and we have surplus every year The report was introduced by There is something wrong with Benson Reeve ofPenetang chairman of the finance commit tce this hospital ifiticannot be oper ated without deficit Mr Hartsaid the Barrie hospi tal wasnot looking for handout He added that there should be hospital for indigents The amendment presented by ouncillor Hartaskingwththc decision in connection with drugs and dressings for indigents be hld over until June was carried by substantial majority The deputation that had appear ed before county council earlier in the session was headed byH Robertson chairman of the board of the ROyal Victoria Ho la The hospitals also favbr send ing chronic patients to nursing homes to relieve Weicrowding HHoSpitals at Barrie and Orillia were badly overcrowded but ildin costs were ver hih at thapryeaent timeltwas felt that TO illustrate his remarks the Taylor of Midland majorityTiome relief to th present condi county assessor showed the files voted innfavor of holding this de of cards for Victoria Harbor Bradford Wasaga Beach Beeton and Port McNicoll There is tremendous amount of work in setting up the system but in succeeding years it is rela tiygly easy said the assessor Mr Simpson felt the lbcal coun cils should keep inmrclgsewtpugh with their assessors He suggest ed the council should induct new assessor by having him on dergothe ceremony of taking the oath of office He also thought the local assessor should reportat if Making Plan Annual Barr Next September l4 least onc month to hiscouncil The value of belonging to the On tario Association ofAssessing Oflt ficers wasalso stressed Annual Meling of union Cemetery Board The aniiualfmecting of the Bar rie Union Catheter plot owners was held on Jan 19 in the Orange Hall Elizabeth Sh with goodly number present cision over untithe June session Speaking on this amendment Deputy Reeve Hart said the Town of Barrie had issued debentures of $160001ast year to cover deficitof the Royal VictoriaHos pital He said this deficitivaisrdue in part to the fact that the cost ofmaintaining indigent patients was considerably mor than that paid by the municipalities Harlfelt tho surrounding munici palities had certain responsibil ity in thisfegai Ekcellent reports on the years work were given by the secretary treasurer stiperinterident and audi tors The following arothe officers elected for 51948 Press Geo F5 Smith VViccaPress W70P8rtiidge SecyTreas WNess Supti Lorne Whiting Management Corn Robinson Bradley Spearh Propey Cornu VridgccAStundenEwThompsonr Endowment Com Bart ridge CRobinsonG Smith Represnhativas from seven Brad Iford oaganlzationsAWomens In stitute Club Vetgrans Board of Education Council the Chumh and of led Recreational Council and elected whorouowinggoicers Bundles for Britain President CameropL Secre or who NeWBarrirliosriitball tammamsmoe tions Would be obtainedgdfgsomcw of thechronic patients could be cared for in nursing homes The normal revenue from indi gent patients including municipal and provincial grants was $275a day In addition to Robertsotu others or the delegation included FCamcron of Barrie Gaswell offerilliarwl Forman hf Collingwoocl andDr EIv Stayner Read Examiner Classifigdsif Resume ie Fall Fair For thefirst timeln sixyears Barrie will have fall fairwlth the date sctdefinitely for Monday and Tuesday Sept 13 and 141948 The BarrioAgricultural Soci hada full day on Friday Jan with directors meeting atxlo am follolved by theiannual her at 1215 The annual meeting was held at pm with President Ma comson in charge and disalo that splendid progress has made aftermuch Effort and plan Ii momma leader in fall fairs cial statement showed

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