GE RATEPAYER NTii GH SCHO jBOAiiii PLAN C0 Hut LO thei iBUTE 331 llll1l itriltlill ililiuli slhi moi of the iiapetij would ii lie pint net 1tl ittiei pup1s tii t11 tottltiT itdiutlt tttllYtllltlttK Itlitiil Hat Uliill1 nxVZEtl lii new 15 trHt Itize utl ltiitu xtorltcdddnwn iii 11 of the town tow on stated that ii iiibaii Llltiit1 11t1 the ltnsiit Inlilll vt ll MN patron it the art121 behind setuaol buses could and it ii litital prop iittititvii Sitiutiu would lzilt than sitiauii lt1lili ed 111 ezuli citss fruit Vililtta tumi lllt1tl of audit tits cxperh Hti tootis keep gttttll inaiuiy Ill irut that only ittiiiiii 11gt en beiin the morning out in inch ltttl ll ziiea necessary leave cost for would Arena Commission Would lac iazis italittitl ears lurk chairman of the Vilillldltliiilbiitill eoniinittee 11ml Ltgtttttlitigt had been made for= peiioil January to June lit rural pupils will be taken to transporta levy on the initial homes icvi llllt in farm Llt board ltlsgt gt1l Itt111 Silt 15 Etlttl opei if 111 convenienti who tttlllltt iwaininw it oi assessinelit lot be new was put into Mr ieported TRAIN YOURSELF in 1948 and CASH IN ON IT for the rest of your life 11 Mend and their will be tax rate in motion oiKLieoigc Mrs adv ised gttltltlil litiii crisis siiiool John liodneis secretary it letters to the Allistoii High Sciituil oii1d iiiotlate now and tluavl tittltl tHon anti liuiiittl lititiltl itSkllllI when in position to accom students Barrie olleiiiate Orillia when to accommodate certain rn students in theirdis ltiti who are now attending Bar tlt olleeiate ruii PARTY FAVORITE slllllllllg coffees is Maxwell they ainp llorden ait ndine also 1111111 they Classes Eac Netti While Prices Still Soar Our Tuition Rates Still Remain at $1800 per Month lluard asking alile Ly BARR BUSINESS COLLEGE Establishedin 1395 PHONE 3612 ROSS NSMITHPres fllousc It stimulates 21ml cliecrs because its lladiiml glloustctl to develop every glast alum ofgoodnes in its lexlraricli blend SVtrans STORE WIDE CLEAR 09A Sensational Reducbns Dliss es Rg$1fz951to $1695 zesghRegito$1495Q 31 300 Misses and WOmens Dresses frOm ourll JQnexTllird $1 Millinon it lullCurses $1298 ltdltl Rid ziiii depot illiltiiil Li Hill pre opun lle thank ai itllilll work of the im 11 fluorescent be esztnei ttiiztiiiit1s in re hi Ill iiii litl flu iif1 lilitl lintti lithtll Oll ioii1ii mum boaid as re i=a b1 Sheppard Mr act toiipl ieiuiested 17 text imply Eit ttet1cll it iimriozi oi IIrs Rodgers and ltlimltnioell sicietaiy was ad iiigrzinieias i7iif iii lilil ton 1o obtain copies if required The board ltlitillltl last Monday ines llleit invited the board 1018 budget MATE dio power installed this week on Satuiday liiesi is nine ill sciatica is improving little Miss Edith Cox is now lititlit tioii Barrie are now living with Mrs littsitlll All Barrie Examiner subscrip tlons are payable in advance Read Examiner Classifieds 11 board ap 1t1 illc uilcl liixiiiel leachers 11m ttttcascl tile past 11m tcticlicts ciziini for their tron dexiillll of tile 1113 Bill zegurdinel iisliin 13 luvrule the 1l in motion 3Ittl their 111 il lt 1i McCullough tttili laiiteiii had =ii 11 mitten1 and was on the way illeatii gvotziiti out that Miss live l1 tore nor teaching spec i1ilt xoilt 11 lltl departiiient Air Knox and Syntiolt who iiieh was held in Vietoria Public School The property committee was appointed to inspect the Batut rie Collieiate mm the object it ltlttlllllLi suitable board room in that buildiiiutor the regular meet ineniliers his home for the com mitteeiiieetines to disctiss the Scott who has been confinedi to bed for over nwo weeks with from RV Ilospital and is improvl me nicely after her recent openi igneie Priced Gr Wood until at budget til 11 hristinas iitiophonograph gtaid it was lie sues tlililtfl lht lllivlitill was alsoi woitied to Include provision for liiltlttla it lfinesinu and Iliorn January 121 lcicy liturs are haviiig the hy Mrs Scott iticiidedtlie Dunn f11ciiaidson wedding at Midliurst Air Watilts of Mooriistgnchlio isL Vis iiiL his daughter Mrs 311 and Mrs Bob Eustoii have recently moved to their new home lVlttltt1 Mrs Dave Kenwcll iil 1551 gs BIbuses SkiJackets MiSseSDregs Regnlagsptq $800 Vt Group omenistressesHalts Groqp oups Regia$i495 $895 Hundredsof quotients affordingSubstantialSavingiwill beoiieriibyis rear DunlopSi Bar RSIMY JANUARY 15 1948 IH WIAINSWICK ChillsTON AW Ll Ciciiuncniu WYEVALE all at itlll Lite ltolltlaj taiei Jul CoJKt liti illlt they spent few weeks tiztn iiid 3115 John from EJW pi as Yin 11 ljt LlIs Kt Pellev xi rs firth extra copies early from Examiner Classifieds bring re ttewsiiealets or luxamiiier office lutcl 1ic $1101 llead Examiner Classifieds TH mnuwmu stasis so bititiy llook Scum was sizttxi tor the iiilit bale suits m1u 14 wic FRIDAYand SATURDAY gAdrnission Men 750 Ladies 50 Dance to smartest Bandin Town Buffet an at PO cheswafvailable ar prices 79 HI no0 or cine is it Ski Jackets Blanltet Ciritli Reg $1495 Wool $1995 2003319115 Reg to $3951 silslArsz49 black Suits Reg$2i9s trans mansin this tremendous Sale MerchandisewillbearlindividualVsalevPriceTags liivite YOur inspection