Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1948, p. 20

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IIIIIIIIIWMIIIIIIIII II IWIHIIMU III lliE BARIUE EXAMINER outing ONTARIQFCANADA 111UPQSDAY JANUARY 151943 II Tenth Yea fIlSIiI ENdMChiGDIIBIUSineSS ===o=o====o=o===ta=o===o=o=g nam===o=o====o=o====ouo===i=ombi====o=ol===g ool to Mr and Mrs McyLoren I2=9=b=aniizit1====tn=aoi==5 HARDWARE CHINAA Girrs TOYS The llllll ported czV Pmycr ridiczic Lt VVLA UI WI tins recenzl leiV ilrs liiiA ILiVillYtS Ctr in lVAAII Beasley weekend at WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR 11sz IV ClNVNOll rcizcrnic iASiiEhs EN TWO MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY III BIII III SillCtplillSV on tiers egc and lotsV Dish Pains Wash BasilisICovciccl have so many who 13 Roosters Pudding Dishes Pit Plates years we have been here but none have ll Trays and Tea Kettles ll llli lions lm llmzil Viclorizi liziillz on Jun l2 1948 cut 31 ll Ross Brad lil it Died lillOIiltlwlz zv puctt St rorgts ilthl lub officers HII IIIIIVIIIIVI xiiiiilin iI On siiiirdziyV in Anni nubile ls bclid Wilson given sausmcuon like III OII III III II IsI in urges ass inAt uni tzt 1i ind ICIV was CO 15110 inn rcxdcncc lOJ priced to suit you MorrisonI III MD III1IIVI Im VV Anglo TAX on these mdclilllts IIIIII II III IIII III III III MIIIIIIIIII JIII III VI WA 11133 Form Federation and QUEBEC norms SUPER HEALTH WARE II Illk Iv lltivfullr 1i llt Xliz llillil Vnlt The Packers Strike Presbyterian It MR5 mfM St QUEBEC COOK STOVES WI illillll it Photo tunon in 1930 lllpiu Silllttlltlll bets LOititd fly Pans III IIIIIII III III II btheII Burton in liiitctl vimrem 15 lei2 JeniiAiry with 18 TIEWEITLQOOVKVSTOVES SD11 1m 7215 COVHCG Sauccpnm Tea It ll Inoiiiizism II who IIiIAii tutrein Mumbei Mr and Mrs Couse Kettles Combination Cookers Stew Ket VA Alt11Aiill IIdCAiiloh son il int new liiisidcnt wzis Hi CA BKYCLES firlli its Lilllllldt the tilt business wzis Years Manled tli 05 Buy Once for 1th OI usagc Im AA77777 We Aie =ll pntilzii Etontr llttl ed iiiligcinciits tyeypi Sand Lldub MOdels Prick5 are 1055 than he prowar IltII IVI II VI IiltA1liIJt1 plnlg IllI7ilItIIr for 1940 when zi iiizimicd tulipic um 11 all This Price prices so buy wtm confidench 11th II llgt federationbllllp LllUQIIAIII IllxilkifWIVvlCQfsNintlzll mliisloiicV ll considered VVVVV7 HHVVVAVVV III II VI INCIVIL IVIV II VI IIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIII IIVIIIVIIV IRA iii lthll to be llltllirLtl ziiid URPLE TONIC5 DRI BELLS FARM REMEDIES wlitn they get to the 6011i your to FDR STOCK AND FOULTRY wry II II of DilCLltilS IIIIIVflyIIZIlehe FlnlILftliltl Inc ilil1 couple feel that AA MEDICAL WONDluRb bIOCK TONICS 23 tv AIV Var ni will it ML BL in lizlil liondza Jun 1947 llltlki1iti him lumm rm mml SKIS SKI HARNESS and SKI POLLS 7mm lint int he zi ciiitcstd clottioni TOBOGGA CURLING BROOMS lSZ00 and $240 IIRI HIIMI J23 ml lth IEIbwm mo riUliCC Villzmk It is 11 pulled diamond and III IlIMIIcodiiItIrIxV 110 gmi 01 ill IvanSI The guiding but Mr ziiid llrsV Homy HOCKEY STICKS and SKATES ANTIFREEZE ill SEALED CANS Qtsi49c it iit Ini stiikc liid ltu IclioVirn lng IililllV Eldon mm 01 Cooksmwn MW um lune II II IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IWhen onc enters race one dresses accordingly llow foolish then ill the race of life to permit the dead past with its many mistakes to impede your progress and useful NllilV lLl lluI Hughes llti rv118SJviistletsnotropeatAtliosemistakesf illl icd in iczicli uu giet illitl llzii ntisc Ul V0105 PollN ll iiov lizid tlic lllllltlt of iriss llli in il in It it it JtIu ootli III II II1EIIICI 19f in their bitli milestone but iiiziik gtl iid lIlVllltliil gorcrnA 3911C HR ed lic liipp iitCision very ttiictly atrVmIVCm IVV ltugcll ALliendlilrinkBmtlei VDV ii slltlft Clltlttl 30 idl mLl imme TI II IIIIVIVIIIIIIVIII IVIIIId II IIII OI lllitlt of the interest taken lil VI III III II IIIIIbQII III IIIC FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lilt llll is iiiditdttd by lllt iil htptV 20 1801 and Mis Cousc incl tliut ltili bAIllolS Ill of 11 1705 tllaiiindli llglll Richardson first llc lib lLlt czisi zi step further for on Sunday Dec who c414 it ij ll gt O=0=OO===OI=IQEOI==O=O=O KENNETH llAlVFOltl Announces The Opening of his Barber Shop in the Village of IIIVI II Mr toiisc was born at Bclwood JUSTRITE BIRD SUPPLIES MEN Jlusii0d the itspciutt iiA gtllilit zind sziid further tlizii organized games illieach youngA AN Iwzis tiiiiIc the people of Czinzidzi SlilS that they are members of OPIIMISM le Taxes iilito LC1tlt VI ll out tonipiiiy sotiity lli itpllillltlll Shle thit Dlsappomhng MR AND MRS DONALDD McLABEN ll HARRY RMSTRONG VIV II IV saw thc light of lily zit Bond licnd BIRDCAGES AND STAND riV ookstopin on IV IVIVIVIV fIIIIIIbIIlIIIf SHEI AII1IAVigtAI iVIAVui 130in egotisde of 5m Tm we mammal VV WV VVVV VVEWW ABOUI ELECIRLL RMORb IAI VI III IIIII in inci Ingenii lirs Cli II II AA Ir llit kiloll JiAipNOT Hit 1d DEDWSSWI hf Hm Flbmw 13 your IN CMC IinIliliiildliiifiiWdlllldjflllllSICXIDfi ENGLISH DINNER SETS The sunbeam and aCkard Wm Shin0 Ai lot on llt in some cttcr Villtl Vituiii li Iliurs lmi 51 mung my VIM disputes gm highly respected residents of Cooks Blackberry PatternV pces $3495 you comfol Lably and HillYA NO 3451195 UtilizI llllIIll ilt Itllsl nth III lolliid lilIliit future llllADS PLAY UXILIlII II IIV II This is grand decommon on gOOd no gore no pulling no more Lets tell ll llionLis tliltl lilt supervision ii liii statement issued on lllilhliLtilllllClti compctitivi bun Duslc gt iii MR AJllIRON let it from Ottawa llic chcri sports llt tStlllill to dcvclop Oksmwn and Alum CUUSC bemlpmcelam bOdy You like 1L you about on II SERVICE Tm SMILE It IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIICII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII II II II IIV me USAI iMVl 31ml szmtm Comm IIIxviiihnxim3503Iguggglfl The Examiner joins lllrtlil many II II II II It Hill iiiitonipioniisiiig tittitudc in int zilioiizil llzilth and Vtclflh Nun Fonoouo=nommomor zs iliildllpg up pm Settleman of mi EWINIII pointing out IhIII lm 19mm hues We cmmhncd In Slums Sm playersI that others ST cannot be permitted to liziyc rights capacities ambitions II slicli zin effective control and fiiclings similar to their 0an 611 Tomflllo Stamrfitny 31151111 l7=l=======l=l ivtl dispute which is entirely llczilili authorities advise parents pInIniHnIAmU Inexf gift riiiiiiii and which so seriously to micoiiraic cliildrcn to plziy em to 01 lslppmm Who Will be user ulltth ilic whole ccononir if the with other yoiinfstcrsf Km 1101 Im 1ng lax ledurcv iuw hm unable to repay the loan tv IIMIVVIIIIA lions are based on two allcg it is 21 wise use of our money but Wiq sump MOVEpr dEOWING illClSA 15 Widely believed it iitwould be unwise to pretend that oz=io=o=i 0102 9=o=1 AWish to Announce that they have purchased the VlllA1T1 LAWS VJVIIW VIII Wk BE MOIIIIICIII llizit ItlioIIIDominiou Goveinnicl Is in fzict we were livnig Within Iiis illsi Vik uni hit for ini loiiiiiiioiiCiiiiin sitiiiciibffizrib mng HWrxi smutm do mm When man of ti VA iiuiis to know the laws of Nziiiirc das llny Scouts reports lienlliliy plub and wml that 961 pm ma10f0 Cl ndv lllt liiws of the kind in lllt ciowlli within the Movement zriid 501 Nome taxes are Ch high to bOITOW That exacuy the pOSi Dilllllll of National Health ziiid iiicrezisczl participation by members mil 150 the Cd Siaies 1011 Of the Dominion Government iclfziic zithiscrs Ignorance of the of citizens Sponsoringgloups Mi hCllCL the XUdUS be It 15 511 haVlng 10 over PISHand CHIP swoon lziw is no excuse in social offences lJodtls bziscs his rcinzirks 0n obser Vllllllll brains 10 0=0===0=Ad at coumrvL and above revenue fr XCS to Tom Mr illtl ignorziiicc of lieiltli lulcs lcids lltllt iiiide diiriiur 13000 miles of Ntlllltl ifthese to ficts holds fimnce its outla lt ys cludinr Lo and PS Lorne llhOOIY IIIIIIIzIpiiIliIiIiCiit sure Izis IIilizil tiIinchlIin tlic tcligze rigonllgs ll up under cxamim i0 loans abroad wouomoncm r0 CS 011 1050 U19 0515 10 03 CW 030 Int 5001f lupus Olly The idea that 0111 personal in Ir IVVV II II Ar id hm Munl edEKLL Slilplllsoll ct ichbntCOUIitf noticome taxes are iiichhigher than an overall urpluIs It iSInot the American is even less accurate SUIDlus in 9d it is deficit if It probably springs from the fact we take to account tliem0ncy that when Finance Minister Ab WC 310 endink 10 VallOllS COUIIlbott wasdcicrtding our present tax EUFOlOA NObOdY ICall rates at budgetlime last Spring all those loans to bcwrcpaid he compared them with certain CONS the d01lal they are American rates which were aD aIII an IIIIICSImcnt In European IIIIICCIabIII IIOIVCIIII BIIIII IIIOISC were OVCIIi Without expectation OfAtlic rates that Congress was then my direct repayment We are like proposing and that Mr Truman man lending money beyond his later vetocd leaving in force ratcsi current income to ad old business that woio substantially higher VA lassociatc who has had an accident compfqrison of the actual rates in the IUnitcdStatcs United Kingdom and Canada shows Canadian rates toIbeVIthc lowest of the three All is of course much too early IWIIH GAS BANNED for privateand pleasure motoring Brit0n55 ZELLERVALUES SVOttisfactory or your mOney IV dl to forecast next year budget are likely to look kindly at this electric station wagon It seats Te un However peoplewho are planning excluding the driver Iliadults or 20 children and has Wnty of to buy fur coats or motor cars or room for luggage Its Britishdesignels and builders claim it can new machinery next youcoiot the at cruising speed of 20 mph travel 40 to 60 miles on one battery taxes they hope to save will do charge costing 36 cents Despite its own severe rationing Britain well to build their plans on the allows overseasvisitors gassfor automobiles brought with them facts as they are rather than as or hired or bought during their visit they would like them toilbc AuxTAN 74 ererwwww mm mm reeverim mmitlet dyertisingi jjf fitihnfljrayvi Amw and seller it 2c Per word Min 35o Rayon Briefsand Paintingj Sizes smallmedium large Tailored and if lace trimmed stylesVITarose and white AIBonneteffects Wide and Narrow Profiletypes and all other attractive III In Vi RIGHT VV 95 II IV AA AI AND SPRINGIV VV II If AI II IIAA REF 771nyva SEHLErFiigtipzeVW1ni II II RESH YOUR MIDjW1N1EEIWVARDVROBE with one of these dainty nerin the OntarioASection of the AA gt II louses that y0ull wezir right into Spring Made of fine quality $25 000 National Bzirley Contest at ltd39950 J9lsei or smooth Crepe fabric Styl features include jevvel Lthe RoyalWlnter Fair HaroldAKi gt 77 9C1 gondblilld 1153 Short OlrCPSleeVeS White TearosdPowderblu Nesbitt 0f Britannia Ba displays BlElCIl Sizes 12 to 20 someVOf his champion grain He alsoI W011 rst Prizelin the Regional Coni tA MI VtestA for Carlton Gamma sponsored III II by theb ewingandmamng industry gt of Cana the contestis conductcdi iv It ZELLERSSTRIDES INTO OVERSIZE rDOUBLEDACK PANEL the fdralandproncialde art THENEWVYEAR with av MADEOFCOOD t01 AA bIIgIII VIIIIIII II IA rose SIIIIIIIIeIKIIee cggAgiLTYIngglfill dalIIiltyPTgg Yelluitguiai $12225 uraliqubitztagzlI OHAQ mar Omer ma an Vv 105 With elastic vfour other top Winners are entered M111er madVdnce gash double bick 8wals and kneesll3lvlade with in the Ontario uebecAInterProvinV VI LA panel Gran valu th Z11 ions right for ILIIIIg VVV ThlmPriceiI AISI er loiachontest which will be held early IV andSpring Styles Vciude II AV VAII AViIn themed yearlHIe has earned $22 High Crowns TriQorns glthVV ssor men EVVln prize money so iar II models trimmed with rib II fullerValue lion and vbilin Black Dandy to wear as Vliczld arge er or A1 Brown Grey ZeierValue coverinng Scarfs de WARM GLOVES Reduced TO Clear 50 AA 72 gt AU lflfoiugcolllection to choose Med md largisizcs Jdgversible Wind and IV lnlmum in am or patterned Your choice of Wool or Wool Showcrproof Windbreaikrs VA deSiZmSifacmatterihg pas An or mi ture al CHRYSLER gt ins andV27 ins DEPARTMENT ZellerValue zeuervahie zSYa It $100 $549 47 dc 55 to is ++ ZELLERS LIMITED Phone 2439 65 CAAIII st Th 2487 II IVAI +VLEff yI

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