Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1948, p. 2

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ruu Wcrc rl THURSDAY JANUARY 15 1948 MM BASE TW ma BARRIE EXAMINER BARBIE ONTARIO CANADA WNOIMMMOINMOII II II THE BARRIEEXAMINER Giadstonecume cgzpariqAEu 51 MEMBER IL SD II II 0355 Weeklies or Canada n10 SI iI Published mums IomnI AIIUII BUIIIIII III CIIIIIIIIIIIIIS verg Im to 14 BARRIE ExAMDLk LBHFED Caiiaomn iteczly erwxtamcr Assiclhlon JA AA KLWEN SUBSCRIPTION5 mgr n1 unicm E0110 Landau or Uredt Britain 32004 if I5 11 MM hi VII II II 25 5514 1cm llt firth gIIthd tAI Emil 1mm my iiii iiixifiuilii ix lHltltlle 5A VICLPRESIDEM no EUSihnS IANion igie Ogre or III III IIIIII vIIIIIIIIIIIIY III IIIIII Hi hiIiAdIiIiiiA LI III Imam II nI lilacs Hi IIII AI pm no 141 irlllil experience to enter in attractive illi II IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII lI my room and irnjo wholesome dinner We 11 prepared and well served An appetizing meat It llhill Six it SIGNS OF AAlti PROGRESS fill pleiisunfsurroundings gives one feeling ir will I4 In 1947 35500 people from the British lsiesol relaxation and contentment With lire ItI II Sttllltl 2n Canada In auditor 0000 displaced is all ixlrill llUllday SMISWCUOHA 1A AI persons and retinitis Were brought here This But there are tOO many DlMS Where or iv result was obtained 11 spite oz serious shlp large street sign gives no indication oi the nine Sliolttiizes and ii is vxuertwi that iiii8klismul interior Quite often family 110 Wm Show 11 gnlll lncnn Ill mlmZml rm OI 0f the entablhlmeti it it 1A and receive plates of poorly piepnieu II ilou mitter tupt II IIIIIII IIIII III III 14 ii Abum Olkunnh 1mm mining 1mm rimi iood lhur is unattraitni Occitmohally thin III II II II III air arrived bv air under ii plan llllilllllted bvis no convenient washroom or toilet accomi 1341 the Ontario government 13000 more displiicznoiiiition such as lFanlii has Fight to In In ll II ell persons aloexperted ill 1043 as lrll 21830 AAipttl ill elmlmm II lIAIIII II III 000 from the British Isles and liroiisidiriiblc The new snnltzitiml regulations apply ii it 3114 number from Norway Sivvdcn Holland and 80011 bit710 eFlmlls 09 the wasmng OldlsmSi 11 iiienmurk II the exnririiriix oi 1917 illL Allt storage 01 l00ltl dlSDOSal 0f garbagf anal it ii liNiiiliIii 0NHllllllAllUN AHr IlDldlttl these immigrants lll lt hzippy and health or employees tlleIp10p1l9ttrgtiI olI II It II lIIIIlI IIIIAIIIfIlIIE llllltlltllll additioin to our rulziiri and inilSlililllllS btComi lllmlllr W11 WQllmw If II It iii iiAi 23 11 it himV Incnts tliov will take steps to put them into II III II II II mm cliert When new restaurants are built the iAi IWliPAWkrl lli lid11 ii in ms meATIUV WIN 11Hpinspectors will require certain standards of 1mm whim ii i1 vm it WIIIIIIIIIII OIIIIIy COIIIII II II PI WV actOinmodatlon fI II ll II 1111 an AA li tr Ln 1A1 lllll inido ii verv rlenir llrii it does not zip 01 me morwnwm the 15 iA nahhuh pioiiu il in of 111 INIVI OI hwi gy the IIIIIIIIIIhIIl wwwhvaIIIpopulations should influence the Alllllt lltld 11a iota AAi 17 iA mm BthIpihh of restaurant sanitation The rostaiirants II II ii in Itli lil v1 rii ii ii 11 ii COS ll5ll lmuh in ion13114 lii ll E71 liiIiAl IIOIN of Fergus WI IIIIIIWII IIIIIW IIWIIh Vlllbtlltllt by lllLltStd bllhlllthh Evin id II II IL II II III IA Iirgy AlI7I ill Vvvvm AAA VAAAv vw 777 lt 3h qhncop iOIIIV gh IIXLIIIihII 0h Imhhhvnncc made inmodernlzmg the eating pluccinimw iii violin iiiiiiiiihniiy iii II II III II II IIIg ii gt III mam IVWIIIIIIIII from WIHIIIIIII thhyi lll SllllCOr County Will make this district more l1I=I If BI IIIlIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII is 111 iiiiAiii 1A in 1111 mi iri Aiiii ii raid we view with alirni lllV suwestlon iiiit Ham mullS travellers Ohm IllilljiOWlllilll tllltflllll or the ll if iAAit ii on 111 93 1I qr 9119 governnuint mu rm min Aptit time Will be more enjoyable As restaurant sani Victorian lder or NlllStS lil If IIIITIIII IIIIIIII III II 11 xiii tuna 11 llVS gt4 1tl ll 11 hp Wh0 In the DID Ins IhI hfhh gtation Is improved the health and happiness IItlur of tlic lliillli linihih or iv II III IIII IIII III IIiiIuiI 1111 11 IISIIIIIIIBIII ll loll lll Iumr mm IMHr of Uh iI II zlll we qml agno Ill MI PJIMmlL Edn IUIEIgiylmr Ilnd An 11 Barrio oiiiitry liili II II 293th lilllIIIII II fwlp LII chair to limit llt llIl wrir liI ltlllllllllc llLlOll ls Ollt Ol tllo lllOQl llllptlltllilt branClllSI lVJI WU Illlllf llt KPHl HS illl III IxI IKI II II lilitlllll lll11 liii flli iilir of municipul affairs and to have its adniiii Sumo COUHW has 1951 mural 011 alderman on the Horn iuwn if IIIII IIII IIII IAI IIIlmI lillllt 1111111 ill ht vaini BUILT IN IllllmAms in MW 1i ml 3i 51IIoh chm to the IIIII hm IhIIIdny resort land in Ontario All should co ennui and mime the war he IIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIII III IIIIIIIIII III IIf lliwl Iiw 1mm In in was chairman of lied ioss fin liiill 1W nil1111 in MAP and lliiill ARIIAIIJC JUBBING 11 is gumV l0 b9 desnlll loperate to plowde smurmn amommm duo Illilll riiiipiiuns in lHlAHAH MW VH iiiiiioi liiirIiiViann ltll The people of Ontario are not inrligenrslthdl Will my lung complmmnt SW II tnmhsmsmI Ighlfuh has IIHI1I1lI IlI lIlIill3IIIlIll lI VII lII WI ll1IlIIl ml lllll iiiiil Atolliiiuwoiitl lliiIvj Milltrllll Sllplllltd AA xlOlllldlll c0untr ll llwf ii 31 lV 5Hl played in illiftl1iiiiiii l1lill They can pay the Way and mt 10591 they ys llcdimidiillXm bolfdlllllhlllcntrc Shim Wk My mum mm Im My Kmmlv My illlllllllrtltllilll AA mo 11 Repairs Refinishing are in LOUCh wltah whim the nloney lsi NMl ltll llll litl Silliil My Mills ltlll ilji lill 31 111 13 lliir HII SfI 11 Im WIN If IIIIIIHH hiniior leiial issoiiation and III IIII II Sea for and the resuns achlpvedv the bentex member of SI Aliilicvs Pres IlthhXll ll IIHI II III INTI II HIHI hm llIm 71 Granvle will they be satisfied and tilt more willingly bvtoriah Church vliili hr servos RINIIJJ HI II IIIHH lm IMHII SIIV IIlWlil 15llmllllll l3 MN lV Im ml lllllv Jimll Grandad lllilli ziiticnl ilv illieii WI prowde the Ipqnumi mammal sup Something new the way or Ipvlvnlgloniwll Sulfgnlis lhI mum mhhlllmli ml lllll hf 33 013 HP Will Ilnh hump lIm IlAhaIl Ylmt 0t only in dual0113 affairs bml in rural llfe in Great Britain llld building up 51 lll day ll ll follmviiiu icrll Wontit iiiijlleil luilii luv Harrier Hi milci lIlIl4Itlltl Other departmentS there has been 9911113 villagedemocracy has led to the ICCCm formigiliiwhch8133WjIIIIIgd all James Marlin appointed riliool inoiid Sims oi inipcrancc IIII IIIIII EGIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIWII riIIhWIySl vlarher 11 iii Station Al the hold llli llll niccliilu illll courtrt 1K that mStead Of cenmanzmg more allthorlty anon or national assomamon 0f pans Blfmumq 193 MM they havo Ohiisin as tree fur St Pauls liiilis at liioriilozi iiirl illl idllUttlilll lllllll 1l1ttllllllltglllll llldllfilllllll Afternoons and Evenings and controlIin Qildelis Parlathe lilterestscouncils which recently held the first annual glIPIIC LlngniIIIlIiIllthII lllelIItIl Ml wh Urniii rim Wham 371111 1m ii cy cI mil 71 2v of those who pay theIshIot SIIhOIuldIbc amont conference of parish Icouncn represeIntathGIS 74 Mulcastui Si II my l0 weve Olsdmm recorded in English historic The Chairman 15 fietore being called 19 the Bar Lord Justice Scott part author of the famglls in 71030IlliigIICnrric liale ungodly WWWZAAAA VOSROOflt llal the Universit ot BRITAIN FILIMING BIIIIIlILh STORIIE wartime Scott report onlandIIutilization in TIIIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIYIIIIIII In North Amerlca When the HmOVQS for rural areas onnvlootooottoorrloruopu lgave occullned het 5982190 I011 The Fort Erie TIrrIeSReviewex regge IIIIIP very urge ex 0n place in imparting religious knowledge 1next day or even later often means that While little headway has been made inltraffic has reduced itto solid ice against Canada in this lespect we find that in the which an Oidmary snow plow lS ineffec Old Land stories from ILIheI Bible are beingtrial Such advice is sound but at times willl aften been expressed that this method oropinion that the time to begin clearing tth education now increasingly employed in Istrcets of heavy snowfall is whenit starts secular education could be given prominentithat leaving it where nature put it until the Years Ag From the Fyles of THE BARRIE1EXAMINEIt JANUARY 4l92I3 Barrio Local Notes filmed Britain is equipping aspec1al studio be hard to follow However ltIIWOtlld be well IM for producing religious films on anomcom for those in charge of snow clearance to IIIFIIIIIQI7IIII5IIISIPIIEIEIIIIW1A in mercial baSISLThese plans were outlined revfollow it as far as possible my when rm mumMal hum Gently t0 the World Sunday SCllOOl ASSOCiathIl toys Fisher defeated wm by Mr Althur Rank head Of the Rank Fllim hmk DI RCCVB byIO mm MdATVOl Organization who is also the chairman QlA IVmIeII 77 Lhe 555032310 V1311 mds committee and Minimum EMOTIONAL majority iii126 over Hill for was speaking in the latter capacity He saldn ivKiichenerRecordi I2ncl Deputy TheI resin lam prowding studio at Elstree and in There are all kinnds of theories in medicine but voting on three Questions submil stallin$280000 worth of equipment to make We believe zipsychlaliist 368$ 00 at When he my 39 lalePQVm was 313 16 mm religions mmg Th1g Wm norbe colds are emotional and that the reason there aieelSemilJOI1lV in cacheuse High way paving by 5165 Frontage lzixI by 498 Garbage Collectioiuby 357 lhc coroners jury enquiring intothe cause of the death of so many iihlanuary is that so many people are dis appointed at what they get for Christmas Probably he was talking through his check but own films of Bible Stories or Scripts of 19 he is notadding to the dignity Of hisprofession by profitmaking concern Any denOmination Will be free to use the studio and make its ngious SUblECtS The only Charge Will bethe uch Sldlemel5 gaude Blmxifllee who killed when his car collided uith icost 0f production MY 90mm9rcilal group are WHEN ARMS Alli EASY To om wage placed the blame th Setting up wor1d911ganizatlon for the dis London Observer drive of me team PM tribuuon these films and eVe1y Country Crimes of violence always tendto increas after thqfgflatn fighifIfgeIIgdrEEIi are Jorklng clOSely With relgious filmlawar sodoeuherarrying of arrhfswlielbenonnolIMerchhmIIIIIIheIIIgIIIIweI 4r societiesI death penalty is in force Arms are mest likelyIIIWCI IO Ih IIM Iime FreIIICIIAA to be carried when they are easily come by thebesti Walls shed lamm IIII game Im II COLD TAKEHFAVY TOLL remedies are to Lake rigorous measures again the his wav fro moiiton to Hamil If blaCk market in weaponva Id leperlmimls knon ton totukc charge of the branch WIo an aI 3Y5 year Wan that ItIo be airEStngcarrylng arms Vigil nIieaIiIia vIexyIUIC III we Norm AmericaLira rdays 0f pdeUClilonI are 105 by the avelage ewIy Increase semence We Ollg Ale 31mg He was entertained at number of worker on this comment because of the c0mI Fm 01 used A7A functions before leavmg Edmonton mon coldv This is minimum and direct PROVINCIAEEEMACMNF During Decemberthere were A23 births deaths and marriages iliglilllizecrggle tfhgfeggfeloigtagl D13 proiim mule in Balm Irovincla arty poitical machines are on eir simcoeICoumyAIBrlcfsA 27 of the coldin the loss through serious com Way out Isays the Vancouver Province which cites RellDI Whittaker of Cooklewn phcamonshIImhI the election ofByron Johnsonto succeed Premier appointed in the Anglican Parish of Th We In PeTI Q0 11 John Hart in British Columbia as proof The Coali Penemg Skating ana teemcit estImeaIe sIIlfaII 140 Ltyalnn arggg tihon has during tfhe siInyeaJs giverIiI British Columbia mg the pleasant sports at Bella employ 95 WP gbVemm nlil as ever enjoyed Ewart Reeve and Council of 3$entWlth COld during November andDec That is Something worthrcheering abOUliThe VoleISlaynel 91966va UCClElmllON Tembexrlggnuanualyahd 18 in February in 91119311 9nimim dictated it SO ObVIOUS Lu close mm McR In Canada wje like III think that OIIII Ii ate ly wawbyTthe inSIstence of the general public thatldefeavted 1LHILSlillivan for theralltlolvI bnlelattd 1S Dne mofmgr maybmuyrw 13 Mecaguf ishhealthier than elSEWhele but it IS doumfl writing onthe wall indicating that the daycf the BSA Allision conducted short ether We could turn in aAmucLbetter rexpartymachincis gone in provincial administration hourse auriculture at Thornton NI It 50 any AMAsz mun 9r the machineAcomroIIed everything Now there is not her or Flos Council to be retia usBUllT THE WIDER Us UnPElumellmdlcalSelen0650l has amachine Igpvernuientwjnpowilm th Lake Of ed Walter Thompson ifEdgar RINCIPLETHI ASSURES devmed no 111le find easlrwalli f9 Fla1308 the Woods tothe Pacific andgponeriniprospct The 6in the reeveshirpMAOrorthr ENGINEERINGLP fflcks HOV 3106 WOW OfAAth1S costly Wid angerous 81990 are not alwaysas helpless aslheuseem ijlly McKinlay by 30 votes In III IId 30m NGER LIFE and II IIESEIIVES II II scourg71t is one of the penalties We pay for Ca 3559 themselves when roused and assert them CoiiingwoodJ ur elected NYYX1 EZXLI Lo coup mos sum WOR III III selves quite effectively III ImayQIIIby 46041113 CBegg Built Thats thenewAiFordvI ruck he wipe Trucks 01 on permit Ford Trucks to re to do their iohs eqsrer wur Thus Ford Truck theiwqu gestalt Yes Ford Trucks are to SERVES givo Fold Abuiltstronger II Rf permitting why tpytglvkshzrmme Tel he nuimul avq ben sold in C17 ado than any II other makIe wilh less strain and last longer because Every one desertingthe primitive and isolated life of 48 is 8011MB ourIancestors But the goal is so bigthat re search will notirest until it has been won SYONSIQILITY Calgary Herald It is quite plain that good many parents in In the meantime the rest of us can heed our presentday Canada have no control over their child renAccordingly they are forming themselves into doctors wormng andbe on guard CommitteesIand running to th goVernment for assist uiIt built With extra This extra every Vitalvpart illieezgthlprovides WORK RESERVES that payo in two important ways Reeve by 222 WIWilliamstacclw In the town Of Orillia ludlhape was chosen Mayor Boyd Reeve Geo MchOan lst puty and WfFisher 2nd Deputy line for 48 We want toshow you thse trucksright away because theyre the greatest Ford Trucks weve Ever had Theyre new built stronger to last longer Youll Indthe right truck for youpneds in dheve series of modlslord Offers for48 Germain and seeIthemInowI rim FIRST these Woiljic eThe Financial Post 4K ance II RESTAURANTISIANITATION SS9 Iepramplegtle BritishfolumbiaParfntflleacher on January this year legislation came mm 00 0mg Five galm XIler atureThe members of this organization are concernI imlo effelmuglut Ontarm proquing fond about the contents of some socalled comic restaurant sanitation Prior to that time the books particularly as they affect children gulation of eating places had been left The PTAnim7bgrsd9 not apparentlyilel an reverence ammonites Will is ultra curricularsits an it the hands 01 the local authorities courage or forcibly prevem their young ones from enforce the rulesthey have guidance from maingirash IA III provincialauuigrity whichwlll lendfweigm IriieyA thinlE theI provinciar governmentshould Ida stronghnuorm basis across the promcg at either by licensmg all sellers of books and periodic 1he Town of Barrie and all of Simcoe firein uddlonfiamarfsiusualor strictly dueAWebsters Dictiomiry RCH iv1sioN 71 If ONA als and cancelling the Ildensesrof these who sell ob FORD AND talisman rrm Ai ais legging holiday $015 teemingonratiedipouiitit mmuummeriiensorihousanawciw AllAszzmlgzlldlyggggaetzlinings MAQALLAOAAEUCKL 5040 cm CA AAJHAN Ampp mum Wtfltmfhttiltiitedtfetilit it ilrtrflznsttuwirazlicolloidal A9r I7 gsdndimnwm travel thrgligh the lactose or screen topprint or paint has new boon potaamiprnrpofid cllstrict en Ioute to their annual hunting lm algfg IIIIIci 931 IIIIIIII cmylmmdhlmutof II 750 team in all and which an increasingnumber of III IIIIVIIIIO IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII III are beginning to 8138th Sim pinsthat the British Columbia Gavernment is be asked to perform function which belongs ACEiITTICK M01013 SALES with tzth tdeie th Ummllmlm the learn an or stem us gallant mu 4+ aiming ammo name 137mm rammmdlicmbtaar i3f PHONE 4242 110 DUNLOP ST II IL Ii

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