Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1948, p. 15

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D7MORRISONTV 7ipARKs CHAIRMAN FOR 15 YEAR Ctllilillfltl iE Write ZL vmi gt lcc Ml nl Vlls lzl 7773 VA gt taint rix1itSLii7ltt7v with NIH llill VV new ts 1ciii 7V7 Mr and liioing 737i lihtt Titl rv77 Tllt tcttlt37ti i1 llaxcz Mr and iii lliixit hatv 77 37 4V ictarntxi 7414 gt 47 Hiic full Six 4MV74V4V7 461473 VVVV VV VVVV VVVVVVVV VVVV7V7I7V7 kwp VVV lloidcii 4V 74 New ill iic tay stlwttl cl7l illci 177 lit l44i iizrzi mm 77 th lvtio inzitiyiaiil lllpptlnu of it 74 41 4lllllJlltt and tuna 4t 4i 434 BVVVVVVV VVV PM MVVVVVVVVVVVVVNVUVVVV 11371 niailt lllt llli mil 77 lltblt uric V7 All Sizes itm hud ii th gamma 777VVV MVVV MVVVVVVVV VV7VVVVVVVVVV HVVVV Some slight yV77SOi ed 71nsh ons 44 lliViiist on liitiilthV niiht ilh VVV VVVVV MYVVVV JV BVVVVVVHVV WV ping Some were used for dls illl ltllllilllls lgt MW ttiiaiiicd tho lohn Battling lItEIllll play purposes was lC77xtopiml minimum of N7 V7V74 tho hoard llltll olfitv he is now l4 Was the first lllllt the boys lllli for th 15th war liiii corxl ltarrv William rinl FERTABS ltt iV Reg $2995 to $5395 for 2245 19 33975777777777777 Hahn Mm 14 in etch Frank but all hccn litWilltl vilii V7 VV 74 HIORO IABLEL quartet V7 WmmvyV Ant tMis7 Mtlciiuiit Sizesj 40 46 QUANTITY LIMITED It is hoped iVlzrrc viil lt good 74V El attenuation it the United gliiircli dumm annual iiicetiiizi on Friday night of ltllfllikul liitllit It J4 All 7ligt7 lict liAllltllL atV 7tciidcd in lmitrzl iiwiiiw of the tilt Fm tlll of V4itti7nr 44 Kl i4 vaid llotcl iomto lnv lrii Fuiiiin inntin MORRISUN lltl ll lf lciiittlik id l7 ml 315nm1 1l4 Illin llllllttlu MW4 Owing in the storm and HIS festive autumn table setting shows the beauty of Simplicitythe blocked roads all had to stay in drama of contrast in form and textue It begins with natural color Ull lltlll ftll ll 117777372777 Uw 4VVVIV lllV UWIV High and Villltt more all Irish linen cloth crossbarred With open stitclicrythe perfect background liai tic7lr=l l4 Etl iti ill 44IlOi9LlLiii4w 77 11751377Ville93577377777Againquangeucm morasscrossedjlraleats77wliich77are Ollcd simulate horn of plenty open at both ends VI IIASHN for modern dinner plates and colorful centerpiece of flowers fruits and ta Fund and $54t0 Sick ChildrCnV 7l tlicin ll0 AllllltdtllC lletellllt Hltfllllill TOIOlli0 Ml54 Hilllkll ss looked very well in defeat zinth tVtViniinch the Vincmblets RfOIRplllitf the game littlc bunch should come LJlh ml per ih iwin before the season is VV Health convencr then took charge lilVVNVd 1Vuemon who is 19 UCIHY Dompswl llllended Dim Mrs A7 Maw read paper on Sha Jutplaycd as on several occasion they have come very clos io up setting their opposition John Lac7 kie captain of the Trinity tribe ias been turning some steady Vef tort all through the Campaign and with practise should makoa jump 70 higher ranks before long He can skate wellncaruv puck in tricky fashion and can hand out hard dycheclts Grant Wallace is an REGULAR $19575 f0r7512950 43 The tlltlllllV5VlrLl tlttllllttl ltlr mm wusmp mqu 7mtml 1117 V7 VV VV VV MW All 01 these mattresses were bought belore the 47 January 12 FOUR AND I4lllt immu toi rpu lays Si 1W 51 the teams in the Tunch l7ca We Filled Hem Comm Felt co Prince Cdward Vlsland is icpic VVVVVVVVV V1 VVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVV MVV VVVVVV Church gummy glu iact down the that stretch Dunn 5t by mm wumms ml 15 in Miss Harv ONeill atitiidctl St Whimv nor wlvkiwnh Id dub mme group and are we JVVSOVVV4SCVV1IV77V7VO alumna mmming and lllrs Russcll Sage lllllllvl Illlul MW 10 lodlitll Read Examiner Classifieds 5mm hm gum in n7 ttccltly incctiiig last Tuesday cvtu in iiiiiit but being hard prcsscd by IANUARY SPECIAL $9 95 wastotved out and had the stiideutsi llltlc Will b0 Farm lWtlllHliltll lliiro was plenty of hard feeling 77 7V ltic detinitcly out to upset the MW Ulhvlmt 0N9 4W1 47350 lm For Hos ital Fund Mai Ellen Marley have returned1 717VVCIWOVVVCV175 VVVsVVVVVVOlVVOVd VVVVVVVVV sinilchltgr VlilVVIVlVlbiVoaliiiLuxtllgnhting it 110 respective FUhOOlS ill TO January meeting at Mrs Aubrey Ed ltlm ltd LOIIdOH Giffcn witi an attend nce of VV Your 1948 Couucu desne to express their apprecmtion The snow plows are kept busy twenty Roll Call Netti Years 00 050 S$i these but the residents are nomlummf The 0me dead rut as was Maloney for St Marys V7 Vandthanks tthhe Raiepiyers for their Nominations and V7 V7 VVVWHUVVV we JVmany VVBVVVVN VVVVVVVVVg me CVVVVSVVVVVVVV hVVlVlOSS Alled comb thAclajaoms which followedV lbavjinVTill lliii clatcins ji4V474icigiiin at piesem 113 mm iIub iciibctoreanothcr avalanche 77 V7 AllanTodd Charles Sproule Si Bruce COWCln 85 lllll on by at Toronto Doctor Baldness At the close the itllllm hUCkQV Player VIMall his eXputints4 hostess assisied by Mrs Rupert TrinitySBil loss 10 Cbllier mark 4n hin hut VbLLn outludxtd 4141111917 V1 VRogers77 the otherlhand7 lViVa VV Iecn er ormin mirac es on V7 HOVVWMVDCV no gand VV VS VVVS that they have been sharing with VV entrul mttrrPeewee division hen 7VV gt an VVggVVeSVVe Anaqdnle Combine VV PC SeCtlonal SVLIIle 77773PC Madal SUXIEV 4111b held them to 22 draw while Consisting of love seat upholstered in In semi modern deSign Wlth senildc VV 4V VVV VV 7W VV VV gfVVVVSVognlgbhglidghills7 itcovccred in Vmatching green material lield and one chair The second chalr is i7A 717 777 Droceedmgs the raVce t0 the WI 7REGULAR4$2197007 one blue h0llldWhnllCl4 Midget series Tuesday Jan 67 Al 7V VJ 3733 WV 44 7V lahdale tacked 61 defeat on Col VAllVldecVChestetheldVSulte777 lWashes 42 lbs dry wash by gymto ction This is one PearsalLleadVVVgVVVhe WVVyV F0777 C077 VUpholstgmipbmbinatiggfmghoganyVV WVVVVV VVVV VV tier lbwas Danny Poland and A14 shade This suite has attrac We 0W UphOISteFGMn mue tapesmy Ofthe flySf VV7 selectionsV Af$r159 00 sulte77haL01itstanding appearance and Thursdaya Balm ha 44 the posoWar Snyder construction assures 74 74 77 ting out their traditional rivals 504 PC Chestereld Sulte VV V7 V7 VOnl lbs fr mnnrMCDenuldnd Kellh MICkS REGULAR $21950 GA 44 44 44 for 7V V4 77 7V 4544 44 =lu1g777i3ruceAllmerLeVV VLV repp wlth second ehatlVV 77 77 7474 77 ed doeVs Vv VV Collier back iii the running jiiustV Al V4 REGULAR 152750 PC Charles Of London V4VMIDGFT 7V VV Vb Merton tie with Overidll Covered 74 VV All bearingsm the mach1ne carry lifetime guaran7 to $9975 grey pattern VV 7V 7V 77 againstdelects any klnd St VV VV Davenport Sulte 74 37 V4 arys 44 4i 47 central Upholstered gured wine velourz The 75 The GARY Washmg Machme 178 nished Insteammq st 77 3P9Crnvent719n971Stylssue COime Seng bed construction and the two SOfaVand onexcharlr gured Wlne The Trinity 76 Awn t7 large chairs are equally well made second chair blue is channel back dVe 99417151itVql4 74i1nqg agge 44 lt4 REGpLAR$253 00 r0 Ver 81294418 2111C as me es stun or Size or for 417900 wringer hCisVa roller 271nchesty12V1nches 42PC BAETZSUITEV $9 441 Burton Ave V7 V7 lv 47 furniture is the higheStgra4deV0n the Ina new modal tYPe uphOIStelVed all PREvrurmN AND CUREV market and has features sucthas4rub overwith highest grade figured velour 4v47 77 74 47 mm the Sick Weretreatel as 0b manufacturer uses 77 chair in light green shade 4REGIJL1E$299 7WW7 44REGULAR$2V1LQV ihiigif 7TWTWTLM7T at Ottawa stress the modern ap preach to illnessstudy treatment 7V tional Health and Welfare reminds IV 7V Canadians that prompt medical at gt7 tention=isVthe answer to disease 47 77 55 47 VV VV 447 fl Th dppartmcnt also issues re 74 VV VVVV WMV 77 44 VV minder that the more We forestall Fu lV lust price increase so 25 reduction on the old Ml VVVVVI PHKHVVVV TVVVVVVVVVV icr lll be observed in the United Scntcd in the llouri oi iiniinons CV WV SA VV find St Marys the only iindefcnt 14 ll mm 47 hcnafc Vv oiir intin ichs lhonl 343 Blrrur TUVVVVIVVUV lust VCCVL on VVVVYOVVVVVLV PVVOVVIC hold moi NVCVJVVVI prVCVV SV VV7VVV7gV7S romum SIZPVSV unvprpd wnh Oral bum twklngV to at lg lh the Cullier Ltlllll7 Al Ctlllttl llltt rc but one oint be in iinidiid nds out of zitclioolehoiftly anVter iiililie iViEVcctlingg in ths1 hall FVritay JailV iii7ihe game of which St MannS lttltllUtl in ie Vl age were 11 Jim Willi pl llllt an 73 74 V4 44 Ski Hum mm igmbbmn june 57L Bin Goodchnd on the 18 $50 to the Barrie Momnial Hospi ll piiclts llll Central vltitCWHShi CLIFFORD LOCKHART Reeve met in the Royal York Toronto FlowWindows for Deafness and we losers played Wly welll V7 served dainty IVVmChV Vm Ver meh SW smug wmch A1 Barne Examiner subscnp caves them hopelessly 61mg VV VVVVCVVV TVVVVVVVVV boy VWVVO is Vme gt rounding into hockeypluyer HeV 4V 77 never ceases to be in the other 4felV 7V lowsliziii The pick ofCollicr on VVV VVVV V7 VV Vanturday was captain Peiiy CockV um and John Rogers Cockbum 74 heavy blueline dflelldel imd 4V ias been very effective to datE 74 77 74 44 lgjyogligglggepgg11533355er ARE DESCRIBING SOME OF THESE SUITES IN THE JAN VVV Ejm Trimy at last IOStVmbp placgi Central Eked OUW 314 mm ffancy striped rust shadeVIhe third piece tached back cushions on the Chester 77 77 WWW 77 VV 4V 7Vand77g and 719Vpreseiate or ThlS suite is ideal forVan apaitment pleated back style Twopteces wine and VVV VV VV VV VA VV 17 V4 In tifiesening gaine of the F$159400w 47 7s777 777 tlfei wiuiBiimtaginaud Lioyd 37 PCV Snyder Sechonql Sulte 747 V7 VVWVVV7 VV VVVVV MWVAVVVV 774 77 777777 44 77 It the quantity Washed byostandar machineAhose 44 lun SarJeant that took down Vstar wood fronts and Is real bargam Vgrade 0f Swedish modern Vde51gn this 7V 771s7qftctchea rglnlng 3qu 1118 GARY tV 77 Vh condloss WSth asin ac Inois com ac ondWetghs 44444494 gt0 W59 44 laStmg CQmIomLmMETMW wgmhLSPArk plugs of the victor In modern design Upholstered in blue 47 WW H7 Ii can bargain tee and all melng parts guaranteed 91 70116 CI In lam gt Pchry andBlCtCkhOll REGULAR $2393 474 77 ort is equlppe Wit ti effamous 7i white 47o ivory poreeleunr 77 REGULAR4$235VV75V sign large and comfortable774442 Allandale PC In plain wine Vvalseal niohair gtBaetz 44 VV VV Recalling the4 ages 4dur1ng berized spring cushions that no other in rich Vinahogany shade The second 77m 07 770777777 777777 7777775777 77777 44 for $209450 7g lot$18950 and most of all prventiorii whre V7 gt 44 possible Since most diseases can 77 be cured the Departmental Na disease the less we will have to VV lplans will hc tliscusscd re ai de Singks and Dnumpb fiiiite policy on tVrot llillllllltllltl January lL icnioval of tlttiltl and initlcsir Mm mm VcWm Li WWtwmi 77 lVVVVVVV VVVVVVSVV VV VVV V7VVVVOVVVVVVVV pints ithiestnts ital satinh to you lllll 51 l0 pum the village Monday morning It from Charge hind 573 trying out their ll the ski 31154R5l1llpklll Wl SlXik MlJnK VVVHV SVVVVVVVVVVV VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV VFVVVVVVV HVVVVVOV7 ICVVCVVVVVVJOVVVVV WCVmVVKVV ct toigcs St Gtmgcs ROBERT ELDRIDGE DeputyReeve JUST Flldilfv4 Jim9 The banquet Mrs Rupert read all article on Shows promserm 4bwmmg luon are payable In advance Bead Emmlnel LlaSSlfthcdS bound in second last spot The hunnedpublic health authorities cure it

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