Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1948, p. 13

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THIS WEEKS ISSUE 7850 Copies JlNORIlED SECOND cuss nu to our ottAVA CM If Stokeiy pzesidciit UT StokclyVan Camp of Canada MIL talixjchmtgiiInt firm flew lair THE 85th YeorNO RIB EXAMINER ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY JANUARY 15 1948 SectionBPoges 131030 BARRIE Canning Firm Presidentl Inspegts Edgnvale Site Recreation Chairman Essa Township Reeve ===i ar IMPERIAL NOW SHOWING No Advance in Prices CARY MYRNA SHIRLEY GRANT1011113111013 The Bachelqrgjgobby 30m Now on the I3rd Week at of Torontos Big First Run Houses LULIS 1le MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY IrS MUSILII 111188 1011 SIMPLY LIMi MISS 32 Irving Berlin MelodiesOld ond New illilWlTH THE BEST IN 953813 Georgi iI WILLIAM CRAIG iiri at the Elit of 143 Will in on Iv who has been elected to succeed of tlic youngnst llIllltlII of Him coi Touiity Council this ycar tlzr llocw of lissli lIoJJIisitIpI llt defeated floplard Banting by majority of 7311 to 300 Mr lriiax is actin in lloiziinurntj alfans and rvcs as picsiil=it of llu Utopia lzuluiaiwuLgoffaiuriuultiiiin WA llttlllltl of St Irorpss Atiulican liiiich at Utopia ho 1n serving Itlll as leoples Wardn lrior to the guanizurauon of Essa lowni ship ISLTliUUl Area hit was secre taiydicastuvr of the Utopia School Board Mrs Ilrttax is the former liditli libson and they have two sons William inn3 and Peter sjcn llcforc burnt clcctcd rcmc Mr Truax had schchtIhicI years on the Township Council StlTlZREI BROKEN llll Worslcv Mrs liiJlLS White ISL Barrie suffered fall in her homc on January lloyal Victoria llospttal where she iis still resting The break has IIII yet been set Below Zero Wednesday Strong Winrry Winds ROBERT PAIGENOREEN NASHTED DUNAIDSON Ieuso srAuION CINECOLOR ma JANE DARWELL GIIY KIIIEE Eve Shodvs RM last Tuesday anc then went on to Edcnvalc to titl spcct thc foimcr RCAF airport WWW propein there Johnston MPH Mr Stokcly l5$l his Ill has advised The Barrie Examin terest in the prog and soil cxi er that the new radiotelephone Cortlmuous Show SOL PM ports will nsptct the land Willi iil wstcm illstdlltd by the Ontario View to learning If it woud betL Department of Highways for The pIClUIe Hearl AS satisfactory for growing cot andi this district Wm go in up other vegetables It said her ation next Friday morning Blg As outdoors would present his fiiiIdInps to his am January on board of directors for cunsidcru corv tion andthc advisability of ICCI llietiivca0ucreillI llllllusiet caIIlIl OF Ino cationic factory at lidcnvalc inning divmm cm IThc property has ltclt advcr Al nirrilms phmla Ti Sill lm llttt IUI Stilt by Ill from Toronto Iwin be routed Dominion lovcinincnt iar Assets through the Bum Be Te COIlr phoneoffice and will be Itruusv Pres ll tishtr and o1 tarry mm by wink to mobile lLeeHarrieChamber of Commerce telephone mm in om of 10 Visited the property with Mi highwaysnowplows There will Stokelyn Julian Ferguson Ml hemvoqmycumming wmmum for Simcoe Nortli1ias been close cation liillllIli as chairman of 1y connectd with negotiations for This first mm tlic Harrie llBLIOiilttttt Council making the $00 acres with build his highway qwhum service Mr raiu has bcctt chairman ofinus available for some industrial K0 in effect in 0mm the sports program for thc past concern llc made t11rarrangc mdi04ilcphbnps have been two years During his scrvice in ments for lllr Stokclys vistt imputed provincial 51 the litAl Mr Craig directedl Mr Stokely flew from Windsor ppmS in this muid and one lame 138lbfINtiltatItSULFGCEQRLIUHLmJllcwcalllpABOldLnrlwAF station Mrvamwk This wupmbtcm al activuies for members of thc 111 his omrprivau llccchcraft aiIr hf despumwr direct ilCAl overseas The Recreation craft with personal pilot and Mr Contact 0f H350 drivel3 IUlllltll directs the program which Battle plant engineer for Stokcly any Tm 0m the is carrch out by Kenneth llobin Yan Camp of Canada litd The chiefdcspmcmr f5 when company has canning plants in minimum sums just on Olllitlltl ill ESSCX Tltlllon Highway 27 one mile south west Whitby Mr Stokelys home is at of Burma KIIULSIIIIlt ll Jones county engineer The visitors hadglunch atCamp has announced that our courtly Borden then motored to lldcnvale Mumplmvs Mng equipped llelt lllt Pall Wits JIOImICd Iii with mobile radiotelephone delegation from Stayncr Council mm and from Collinuwood Board oft Tomorrow ch imp Trade time for this service LogoI into effect in this districtI Airy autov CIVIC Nightaf Kiwanls 1lzlfe$fifjf ROBBBERY FAILED EIIC ngdy Speaker Willi such unit it is possibIcIARREST to reach the Barrie Bell Tele phone office from any place within radius of approximately 33 miles Telephone calls can be made to and frotntlie mobile units erIIIc NoTEs Wing of Aero ICIIub Has Social Meeting TOWN COUNCIL Last Saturday the cahcr drop pill to nearly ziioiand yesterday the lltttlittillitltl went down to two below for vIthc coldest night of Ill week HIin and low tem peratures for the past seven days were 111in Jan 30 Tho annual Civic Niglitwas ob served at Barrie Kiwanis Club Monday night when inembersIOf the Town Council the two Boards of Education and the Public Util ities were guests 6f the cltib The Warden of the County and several members of the County Council were also present The speaker of the evening wasiEriczllardya Barrie boy who is now head of thoOntarIio Bureau of Municipal Research The meeting was in charge of the Public AffairsCom mitteeI and the chairman ltIA Adamson preided The program Two hours after robbery was iattemptcd at Thornton last Tuesday latternoon two men were arrested at Toronto and charucd Ihcy 17 gt wcrc brought to Barrie that even Now Iing by Prov Cons Carl KrueizcrI 11 11 ll bt IIIAboLIitUI2 piiiiKTueZiliiyiswhgidlit attempt was made to rob the store lb FROM IAN IlofIWVilliani Fly at Thurntpn re Jun port indicated the men might have Jun The Drama Workshop sponsored by the Simcoe County ltecreatIon been Mickey MacDonald and Ulys Jan ll ses Lauzon who had escaped from Committee and the Barrie Recrea tion Council littdLl the direction lAQilIION HlMSpnuu Low 10 17 20 20 120 37 28 I1 13 2b Al the Town Council meetinglast Monday night John Mitchinson was present and asked to have his road sntfw plowed MrMitcli insonshhome is in thclt east end near the junction of the Shout Bay Road and tlieleiietang Road While the Istreet on which the lllOtLsQ is situated is Fnthe town limits the house is in Oro Town The Barrio WiniI of the Simcoc County Acro lttlLIlicltl regular meeting at Club 751 on Tuesday evening Jan 111 llarry Lowe iii troduced Paul Garrison as Speaker fate for the evening Following short Extra ZReel Special ri llI K111115100 jointcntiary some months ago One of the ducts and there was also men the WAT WE 230 ELILION JINGLE iANGLEfiINGLE Color Cartoon and News STARTS MONDAY ENTIRE WEEKI ANOTHEERECORD BREAKER 10 MILLION PEOPLE noun IIT lllE PLAY110W ALL AMERICA WILL LOVE THE MOVIE It rocked New York it cocked Chicago from com to count it clocked it Tim laughsowits the Screena Gayest Love Story Pmmouni Preunlil ItllII 0Ii UZHELD will Blur DEWOLF brinI1 irtmm Mona THE SAME PROGRAM OF SPECIAL SCREEN TREATS ISHOWSAtI Il ENTERTAINMENP 1LTHUREEILSAT Med Sci 23012M EVEISH0WS AT 0458 PM BIG HITS nirIg LIALIIEII MRIIEIi nos IIst Mon uesIIIIWIed Mat Wed 230 PM JEHRILL PACKED MYSTERY SHOWS Eve slowest PM GALE soMSTMGALMo KIRBIY cum ancuon JOYCE Miisunii STONE RQmHATTON around Isliip Council suggested Mr Mit ichinson make request to Oro IITownship and then that munici pality could contact Barrie to con lsidcr an arrangement for snow lplowing Ald Griffin presented Icport from the lioard of Works It Was accepted with the excep tion of one clause pertaining to sewer connections for the new Bank of Toronto building in Ward IVI It Was recommended that jeep be purchased at $2210 to as sistin sidewalk snow removal The engineer was advised to sub mit costsI for replacing the danger ous sidewalk on Bradford St Ald Humbly was named chairman of garbage disposal which willbe part of the Board of Works program Considerable discussion centred snow removal especially from the sidewalks It was hoped That the jeep plow might provide the answclud also be of use in clearing intersections To facilitate the parking of buses at the schoolthg Board of Works recommended that the area beII itweeh the Collegiate and the Arena be cleared of Shaw This would provide space for the school buses and would also be convenience in parking cars at hockey games roadway will be plowed around theAschoIol fromElizale Bradford St as ieiIIpioteotion and merchants a10ngMa StIkeep Their vehiclesoffy the sin order to facilitate the remove snow can Permission was granted to the Canadian National lnstitutofor the find to hold their annual tag day riBEiEtlVIyITTh astraltr cmrnrmmauiza ltions that held tag days in 1947 to submit their dates as soon as possi tag days some weeksfapart Apetitionfrem three residents asking Council to deal with thech condition in front of their respec tive places was referred to the sol Alincitor letter Iof appreciatiorf WasIre John FCraig Brisco town engineer and Ald Grifn were appointed the toWns representatives to the an nual Good RoadsICTImvention to be held in Toronto next month bylaiwI was passed officially appointing Stanley SharpIas san Jitary inspector lt LcuslomacyL bylawktlthoriz ing the municipality to borrow $100000 until taxes are collected was passed Councillors had that evening at tended the Kiwanis civic night as guests and avoteof thanks Was expresed to the club for the hospii tality shown The council was one hour late in openingand was ad journed at 11 pm lt LEADING INDUSTRY Fish curing andpacking is the leading industry of Prince Edwardl Island There were 70 establish menrcsI with 506 employees in 1944 cetved from the familonf the late Woodstock included zihearty singsong led by Craig Hamilton and Lloyd Tuf ford piano numbers by landfor kins and cello numbers by Ernest Burton CaImerIoInintIrodIuced EricI Hardy whose subject was Demo cratic Government in TransitionI Eric first paid tribute to Kiwanis Clubs and other service clubs for the leadership they give in com munity affairs Government is science and there has becn great changes in the field of science since Isaac Newtons time and democratic governments are in the transition stage We cant carry on in the horse and buggwaay The motor cars now demand speedways and agriculture de mands improved machinery Liv ing has become more complex forl citizens and for governments The Bureau of Municipal Re search is theoutgrowth of inim bcIr of research bodies thetrend of public opinion and tries to point out causcand effect in government policies 1th has been mnrendtorecnr tializeIIIall government under fed eral and provincial authorities This has Vhelped to raise our standard of health and education Certain grants are made to mun icipalities from the central gov ernment but the municipalities have but little say as to how the grants will be administered This is trend away from real demo cracy The local government is the best government If gov ernment is to be democratic it Tilt suggested atIhrcsidentsi UStbCESCIUSCWU 19 1396910 35 1y Working out technical details Changes are bound to possible the changes ifweIare to preserve ur democracy rvoicd Pt Iof Burrows of Toronto came to successful conclusion last Friday evening January About thirty people participated in this workshop in which there was dis cussion of and participation in anrious aspects obdrama such acting directing makeup staging and lighting Mr Burrows vlifflias workch with vaiious community drama groups was unstintingin his ef fortslo assist those whoIIook part in the workshop During the week he worked with the directors of two plays whiclr the Barrie Drama Club now has Iin production and met with the executive of that group one afternoon to discuss future plans Mr Burrows general thesis is that an amateur drama group has store at lhorntonand on the pre text of using the telephone went Fry became suspicious and as soon noticed bag containing $100 was missing entered to the rear near the vault Mr as the man left the store the owner Mr Fry rushed otit and with George McGladory gave chase Although the men got away their license number was obtained The arrests were made at Toronto later in the aftcrnoii after the descrip tion Iltild been sent out over the police radio system Thlianen arrested Ivere James Martin Tiefann St and Edward Williams Vaughan Road both of Toronto Later Mr Fry found the bag of money in cardboardboic in his store He believes the person who peculiar function in community took it from the vault might have This function is not primarily to emulate Hollywood or Broadway make it possible for people to share creative experiencele claims that people can increase their ex perience End thiii undirrstandinp of others if they project themSelvesl into character other than their own ina situation vhichiIs appli cable to their lives On Wedriesdayevening Mr Bur rows gave aI practical demdnstra tion of directing when he worked with the cast in the opening scene of the play To the Lovely Mar garet He then gave brief talk onidiiecling play gtHe streSsed the 1113011311ch ofwstudying the script well in advance and minute IHe suggested that the directorget in come and Iwe ShOUIdealCh Closely his east together to discuss the play and characters with reference as to what kindoprersons they Were their motivatio etc Small groups thenIwork aracter wization Iof theplay To the Lovely euq February Barrie The Ontario Arena Association held meeting at the Walper Hotel Kitchenerf last Sunday Jan 11 at which His Worship Mayor Grant Mayor Engineer Albert Cheesman and Manager Wes Allsopp represent ed Barrie Arena They reported very succeSSful gathering with representatives from Windsor Waterloo North Bay Owen Sound Belleville Brautford St Catharines IHeSpel er Cornwall andIUniversltyof Tor onto being present general discussion on agenaI operation took place afterIwhich avisit to the new Memorial Arena at Waterloo was maaCharles Bowers general manager of the Canadian Ice Machine Company Weisonei of the speakers and gave an interesting talk on the operation of artifiial ic plants The meeting wasalso addressed bwared Sin chair of Rust Proof Engineers Bur lingtonMr Sinclair told of methods of eliminating erosion The association accepted Mr All sopps irivltatidn to hold the Next meeting in Barrie which will be Feb and expressed desire to inspect the Barrie Arena and its artificial ice plant Mr Allsopp feels that this will be great lift towthe town and willfergate acer taln amount of goodwill CHIGNECTO STHMUS Nova Scotia is connected with New Brunswick by the Isthmus of Chignecto Margaret Agdemonstratiou of how tomake up charactemlvas given on Thurs dayreveningrSimplicity ofmakc up and effect of lightingrupou up was emphasized Follow his aIdeImonstration of direc tion of the play The Marriage Proposal given Duringthe ast evening lightingl and staging were iscussed The importance of the havmg sufcient room to moveIa ut onI the stage was mentioned as simple ways lighting could be done Various generalwaspects Of drama were dealt With andlater small groups were assigned various plots and characterization to work out Interests throughout the work shopWas keen The Barrie Drama Clubrgava support to the project by loaning makeUp and equipment and made nancial arrangements for the hall where the group met RIGHT ICROWN Now ON LICENSE PLATES mIJhte Ontario Motor Vehicles Bttanch has rectied an error which Wont unobsenved literally lby millions 1th new motorcpr license plates Ifor 1948 on sale Jan hear at tithe mop tithe usual small Toyal crest ButIthis femurs the Kings crown The Queens crown bad ibeen used previously The plates have white lettering on to blue background and lior the rst time since the early war years motorists twill get iplaibes confront land doar instead ofonlw one plate Dorm regroutlhe ear Order extra copies earlyfrom Inewadealera or Examiner olce water on the Kempenfeldt Street bevvellworthwhile to make test in WHICH effective thrown it bin the box when he heard the owner going to the rear It SIUdlesAorto raise money but rather to of the store It pays to rad theIAdlets quartctte from Toronto to lead inlbusiness meeting there was St nzing familiar Gospel numbers Adjutant Strachan and Rev FIS by the following Ed Baker Geo Humphreys took part in the service Tompkins Miss Betty Elliott Mrs randithcrc were large number of Phyllis adults in the audience cial gatlioringI Prizes were won Johnston Ross Cowan was master of ceremonies Read ExaminerClassifieds Red Cross Annual Meeting TheAnnualIMceting of the Barrie Branch Janadian Red Cross Society WILL BE HELD IN THE LIBRARY IIHALL on Tucsday January 20 1948 at 300 pm The speaker will be Squadron Leader Harston Field Secy Ont Division All members and friends of the Red Cross are cord ially invitedto attend this meeting CMHRINE COLLISSecy TesFDrilling at emperffelilt St Fails PUC to TryAgain At the inaugural meeting of the Public Utilities Commissioi held oanuosdayTJanhHerber GTRO bertson was elected Chairman for 1048 This is Mr Robertsons tenthtyear on theCommissiOn and his third as chairman Ste wart was elected VlCEChlllil 5nd Chairmanof Finance Reports on thetest drilling for site were veryIdisappointiug Clay yvith gravel had beeriIIricountered practically all the way to depth of 202 feet when rock was Struck The Commission decided it wouldII inwfhe ravine ionithe GolfTHQub property and Iigemcnts a1eto enter into an agreement with the Directors of theCountry Clubto allowjfor testIIdrilling Bad debts for the year totalling $5416 for the ElectricIIDepartmenIt anmmor the Waterwcrksi were authorized to be written off and delegates were appointed fer the dedfeIIQWSTem P13 IEyeryIThursdayifNight Eatracism and OlIdtimI Also SATURDAYNIGHTS Modern AEQIH HUDSON Manr iLib TimIA Hydro Convention inTmontoanIL iII the Waterworks Niagara Falls Convention in REV TEMPLETON BAR First Baptist Chur Wasncrowd ed to capacitylastIITuesI trig when Rev CharlesB Emplo ton delivered an inspiring and forcex ful message at Youth for Christ meeting The formerIsItar athlete recalled that Noah had taken his family when he wentinto the ark andIhe pointed out that all parents should take carepf their families He d9 clared that if the parents got right with GodgthIeii the children would follow Rev Mr Templeton spoke of the seriousness of the present times and saiddhaLscientists had learned to Conquer all but it was still neces sary for pebple to conqueritheir hearts Gared to the times buranchor ed to the rock the speaker em phasized that the Youth for Christ meetings were not designed to take the place of regular church sr vice but rather to appeal to modern youngpeople Mr and Mrs TempletonI sang BARRIETARENA AINNOUN IN ICHANGEIIINWIPROGRAM 0F CHARITY Barriers ll MONDAY IAN 26 7815 PMi nanny ENTERTAINMENT aIBETWEElSlIPERIQDS Bx MEMBEEIs orI GRANITE SKATING CLUE ADMISSIIW kIIuLiIi

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