Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1948, p. 12

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ruunsuAv JANUARY 15 1948 3T0 Spend $80000000 itc ciahja ILL10n Reforestation durable dt litiic$l ile tiiatl inilhonaires rimaoat Itch to thaw ct Lfcctwi butf in Czechoslovakia The Comm 11I ciitplctc protection aghast mus to Who constitute the strongest Launch puny munmmi Mari Lain are to ocvccwxd to rlLfUlLsp 191x113 or Czechoslovakiaclaim IwrcIizioma and Influenza To fortzt us LU Patti5 IllPI ij IEXUIIICQ iarc 35000 The Catholic leoplosand help to lIt uif Lllalil ai ltlgtt LINN Hyv on me my hand d9 ments iticr Lilc Lilblc such Low liic ut Lime the are only 9000 millionaa lttitlls It on as vaccni Mitts Oil attic country atnin il si=iitl that db Ul rum It SCCH wretched cum all iIcn it tcctnc incasiocs he Iak 13 II II 11gt cantix ti t11ol Itountr with such large tiopulaiioni II Ii fl dmm II PAGE TWELVE lllt ltAItlxlfl PIXSh ThirtyOne Young PeopleISimcoe County Had From SImcoe Co Took Largest Number At OAC Mechanics Course QOAC Short Courses llTNESS lrtillllfllil ltrp21ft iv lit one flttc totii Millionaires UnhappyIII ln Czechoslovakia During lc Ltx Ll5 Letizly 1Llillatzi and 515 EEK the smarts $11qu ANSO IlIIflt Island of Cape llrcton is scparatcd from thc mainland of Nova Scotia by the narrow Strait of Canso as Czechoslovakia and even in this years will pay the cttlltc tlltl tor lay the tatc of superInflation in Europc that Millionaire are practicalLv Do your employees kmw il btt dime dozen But let us assess the facts and II bf IIIiIuIIgIIIlIIII IlIIlIiIliiIIIII iIII then get on with the meat of tingtllifd mm in story which simply is the Coml IMLIWIIIII III munist aim to soak the rich tol win agrarian votes millionaire in Czechoslovakia is an individunl posscsstng property or cash to thel amount of million crowns l11Lli at the present rate of exchange of lone Czech crown to two cents IAmerican is $20000 It can be easily seen that Czech millionaire is noti rich man by American 1Ior Cani adian standards but the Cztxhosloi vakian Cabinet has decided to pro yide for agricultural subsidies the expense of the rich man in the rest of Europe farrncrst crops have suffered heavily as iii result of the drought and the ComI niunistinspired tax program piIo poses to subsidize the farmer to the extent of 0500000000 crowns or $130000000 This is how the political votel catching gesture will work capli ital levy of front 210 20 per ccnt will be made against all those with an annual income of $1000 or more Salaried individuals rug 84800Ioi IinIIorIdiiIrTIigtlic year will be subject to 20 per cent surtax on the normal incomctax And here goes the gill of the Czechoslo AMA ter va 411 lt to ititi 22121 he lllt llnformafion on Many am at 11W 04 Canadian Mines in I948 Survey ofMines p11 Hiawcpstalir iinncrs itrcus Lirioy littil mini ticket iltIIIllllo recent Cambridgeshire 111171 at ittlttitg ttcstcr tr iarvcy is lietc handicap and split the $10048994 prize Mr li1111l1111 titittlte oi 552021107 to his painter and Mrs Garvey and family have moved from llttltti lifttiglllu ltttllllllkttnlditrlltt ticket P1ieirisionrrtorrgurrte lad riipiIinber for $125 They held the Win C03326Si111too loun ii di iccl course tilllllI point1111 WI winch 3111 oiiroliiicut for Its firs tai Alan of illttgti tar IIIIIII IIII In the tlilIDt IIIIIIIIIIII IIiI was In in IIIH III regisicrcrl ill iazn nuuibe Agricultural cc 1n tare 111l hcchcep of 12 icLLiitios fr ICJITLCEVENflrEviiiii fIBAKERI7V7IIEITI IAI The Board of Directors of The Canada Life Assurance Company announces that it has accepted thlt regret Mr Mcliventics resignation as President owing to his continued poor health An CISOII who Dc Y21uhmlggalgmpromm uInounccmcnt Is further made of the election of Baker as Ircsn dllltLln Locate lKlllm 111 in ldeiit Mr Baker has been policyholders director SlthC 1934 and to $6000 or more for the past two II 1111 Mtiiioiial Hall at tilt OAC Vrcc lIcsIdcnt foi tin past stun ytais itill of short course SlltdCttis Iati icnduiu an evening perionmmw Suncoe thitty to raise their hands and the response indicated large part of the student body were from that Crnnlyt Actually more than hundred from Simcoc County were HOW DOES SIMCOE COUNTY ttlt tt lic Itotiiiiy Why l3tslll no ndpldtial co zitanal In ps pruruics ci about ic iii whole an of stocks tirc car riblcs ll tilti oral prodiicliorr 11its llI operating minis and didcnds chance L11112111l11 ra 1211111L5 of otticcrs 12d directors substantial Iittor IiitiinI ouaiiiicthtii conniiiiics It 1121 and do mu iltIIilIIll121ltgt ii lItiIl1III1ll SELFDISCIPLINE III ii il Il their chzldrtii 11 Iii Lodz discipline and ijttst their Hour to iitil Idarils by the of Nihliilllil llcalth 0tiw1 Iicizrnn the hard has atl iaiitaucs the dip tit pampered child has little 111in to lcimi 1o solvelifcs lcms Iii tltc school of ardknotks through trial and crro Your DNEYS UTOPIA The kidneys are very deliclte organs II III earily Mintedespecially by cold Their III duty is to filter impurities and excess acids fromrtheblood When you have cold extra work is thrown upon your liidncysi ti iiil bids Iii reentered iii the various short courses at the OAC from Dcccm her 211 to January To those at tendingf for the first time the Coun 1y Council made agrant of $10 and repeaters got SS That explains in part the large II Answering number from oncI county but it does not reveal why so many cn tlittsiastic rural young people were BO suffictcntly interested to bestir II AW hr xx ggy 15 trout 11 liItILtiilt ltd Tip II tendance from forty CtittttllCSIttttdl districts For several years now the two Agricultural Representatives have gt encouraged organization for cultur lliI IlIIIJRHIIIOD Street al and recreational opportunities as well as for agrictlltural production iiiiittary 1L chcp winnings bought ll 11 min drip In lldrrc and Mr antlINlrs Iciuns laiI tlhllltlllti here from 111 llfiitll lr larrty had been working 111 Toronto and it was there Clllltlilllldl in in Lotus Essa lleeitwcltr for 1018 Mr and Mrs lcrplttcr citl IlIl Iiax hcmselves and take advantage of the course Siincoe County alone SlltllCd onesixth of the entire all 44 Dodds Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear your systemvol excess acid and t11tttt lic=a Potions cauwd by colds andgivc you Chir aud VlrsI Dick lillis and chance to shake infection soonerleel livlltlit 11 Nltllftltt 51 betteriaster llyouliaveacoldgehnduu liml MIT thlfl llgt icotice ltlllisI Dodda Kidney Pill 39 ancholhcr rclatircs hllL DoddslfidnvPills tcrlaincd few friends With foul Al Barrie luxzinuner subscrip tions are payable In advance LEAVEBABRTE SldndqyTime Jrsfro Noahsay 700 pm 1040 am 750 pm 105 pm 940 pm x125 pm y1005 pm 30pm 425 am XXI 410 pm 145 am to TrayiftiurEIEI IY tIo Oiillia only St SunfHol 655 iiiu IItlial ltt botiphtIa ticket on the 111in sweepstakes which brought hinil Theowork of the Community Life lraiinn Institute which operated lm Simcoc Couupy for almost dc cade opened up new vistas and in troduced the discussion technique gt The brmidcnirrfout effect of thc III MOST of the countries which are CIoiiudus Sitncoc County programme was chi Amplified in the Federation of agging regular customers have not Iedovered sufficiently fromIlhe war to pay recreational centre for falnyers in the normal way for all 1hegoocls they need despite extensive help from this and other countries Nor are they able loIsend useInclugh of their goods to balance accountsor to pay us in the kind of money which we in Canada can use to buy goods in otherf countries The First Cooperative Packers and the Jooperative Services at iBairic are also part of the onepattegn Man cannot live by bread alone Simcoe County is striving for those other attributes and amenities that makelife satisfying and worthwhile That is whyonehundrcd hands went tip in 1Memorial Hall that night am At the some time Canada has been buying mor goods thonever before from the United States and other countries demanding U5 dollars This is because thesegoods were not obtainable elsewhere and because ofdemond pentup during the war r4av Buying from the United States or US dollar oras musIl therefore be temporarily reduced until our trading again becomes normal LEMONS WMAHP BE CHEAPEll Italian lemonsI are now coming into Canada at rate of at least 25 carloads amonth reports ICanaI dian GiocerTliey are reasonable price now but with theugupply likely to increase drop may be expcted in the next month or so To meet this emergency purchase of good and servicesor Iexpenditurcslor travel Which must be paid for with US dollars are now subiect to control lFIYpU IAREIAN IMPORTER or corvme 0005 and wishttoif out what gbods are prohibited Lubieci to quota or unaffected by conhols see or write your neareserolleclor of Customs and Excise IF YOU WISH TO IMPORT GOODS SUBJECT TO QUOTA and wish to establish your quola authorizationto import or need special information con sult your nearest Collectorof Customs and Excise Quota application forms ECIIII and instructions for completing them are available at all Customs Offices These applications mustbe filed with the Collector of Customs and Excise IfYUWTSH5TNFRMWONON THE AMOUNT OF YOUR IQUOTA Alter VyongIpplicotion hdsbgenjled with your Collector of Customs and Ii Exase alIIIcorIrspr eIrIiIc about the establishment of quotds or cases of excep tional hardship ihiougllitttggrt prohibitions should bedireCIed to EmergencyI Import Control Division Deportmeritholkliinonce 490 Sussex Street Ogowa Quotiarafissued on quorlerlybusis and any unused poitionImoy be rried over into the following quarter Before youdial lISTEN for the DIAL TONE L7 MMM NII 11 rr You ARE AN IMIPOR rm grxirnooucrrou PAR rs srri ucrimi stilt stone machinery or other capital goods or automobiles and wish to know the imporlyeslriclions in thesecldSiilionEvirilor sEErnigency ImplodContrIol Division Capital Goods Department of Reconstruction and Supply I385 Wellington Street Ottawa Z1 447 IF YOU INTEND TO TRAVEL OUTSIDE CANADA and wish to know cibthIII foreign exchange available for this purpose conilg any bank or the Foreign Exchange Control Board at OttawaMon1reBl TorontdjwiridsorrYoncouver 1040am 410 pm b1010 pm except Sunaz H01I except SatIISun except Sat 1101 SatSuhl 851101 BUS CONNECTIONSAT TORONTO Forj Momma Ottawa indDetroit Weneigpq a1040 aimq 750 pm 125pm g1010 pim 410 pm 1b Sun H01 EiIIIiEsARELIoW RoundVlripITcxxlncludedII HALIFAX 5455780 WINNIPEGI $4820 VQUEBEC 2775 REGINA 5945 l0 4495 779259 mm Loomrm Balm Bus Terminal PIh9ne 43162 73Collier Street oiciiuus than to 120 they split the $10048094 even had kept him board employed r1 vWHO PROFITS IHult Kennedy Ontario Minister tfgtAgriculture says the farmer doesnt tbenefit when there is substantial incresoj in the price of his pIrodItrct to the couszumerIand hereletased the following figures to prove his point Consumer Fa timer lipcluct pays gets Candlftdinailnus I25z21c41 tin 33AHTI Tomato juice Peas Wax Ibenuis leaclhles II LFeais Ich tin 13 23j25ca tin 2m 160 tin 3lzc 2730c ItinI ISIc 3033c tin 4V2C Rolled oats 140 21 lb 266s Pastry liloyuar 39c lbs 16c Minsliennedy said the spread is partly due to the consumers de tmZlIld Ifor tfancy and convenient packages prompt and frequent de illvery They would rather pay 18 cents for milk delivered to the door Ill0 store and buy iltfoi 15 cents Itf people would be satisfied thrives mrtheawayofservices and hits Fergus Garveyof Phelpston and Bat car presented to her by George Hester of Toronto Fergus Garvey had sold half interestin his Irish sweepstake ticket to MrI Hester and As gestureof appreciation and thank lulncss Mr Hester bought this gift for Mrs Garvey Mr Hester bachelor gave $10000 of his winningsrlo his landlady in Toronto th0 flCIOIlOI six months in 1937 when he Was uni Im tancyipaokaginig they could buy theirtfood for less money be de claredg NovaI Scotia enteredCanada at Confederation Halifax gt Lygy wishjniormofion about personiipurhgses 14 ccxwdmz Ennis LAW eggs departure IFYOU ARE MANUFACTURER WHOLESALERI OR RETAILER and wish information about excise taxes or about the list of goods towhich ther apply consult the nearest Collector of CustomsIIond Excise IF YOU NEED OTHER SOURCES OF IMPORTS consult the Foreign Trade $erviceiDeporItImeni of Trade and Commerce Import Division Ottawa regard II ing your supply problems arisinngrom import quota restrictions Throughfthe flmde Comiuissioner Service the Import Division is endedvourlng to arrange increased supplies from the United Kingdom and other nonscheduled countries IF YOU ARE HOUSEWIFIE and wishAinformaiionIorIi Iovoilabloxoltornbta foods which have comparablenutritionolvolues toIthosIe now prohibitedor subiect to quota informational material which has been preIporedby the Nutrition Division of thrDeporlment ofthionciliHealthandWolfaro may be secured from your Provincial Health Deportmenhor local health unit III outsidCtInada consult the neorstCollector of Customs and Excise before Tie is seen here with theme othervvisoyou may 99 InorIIIIIGImwnouo IIIiMIiEIi KAT CONFEDERAIION The capital3 is IFIL comm The administrationIiof these emergIeIricyiniporl controls Ii thoI responsibility of various departments of the Government The above information is given to aid Canadiun citizens in IconiplyingI with the new import control regulationszwilh minirrium of harm It pays read the AdleItsI venience in TEL bimness undiaerwnalaaffoirs rRIML gt Fromtoughsantllloltls To gotqulckviyelcomeurEIie from coughs and gt gt coldstry Dr Woods Norway Pine Syrup This safe and popular remedy iarecoininended for the relief of coughs colds croupy coughs core Minis of Financd throatsand bronchial troubles It embodies the medicinal virtues of the pine and cherry barks The immediate use of Dr Wood 15 Norway Pine Syrup may check cold in its early stages Dry obstinate cimglis quickly yield to its prompt and soothing action Youll nd thispleiisanttasting quickacting remedy on sale at drug COURlOlSIGVGUWILOIC Spocify Dr WoodSNorway Pine Syrup TAIWAN WITTmTW Toronto Ont llltlliti Maris moans

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