Published layCanadian Newspapers Company Limited to Rayficid Street Dania Ontario Kerry Livable MistralCanard Manager walla Editor Emeritus nesotv shamans Is in PAGZI LSuppOrt For Live Theatre Barrie its Developing In my be of the encouraging developments is HMePIimon Maytagttig Editor bitter cultural projects in Barrie lbe inBIrrto in the War has been the coirnctl virtually has unlimited funds grade support tied for live then fart year the Georgian Foundation for Performln Arts received $2000 front the Ontario Council to assist Bar glcs hon Theatre And last week the fort aiion ot 3488 from the On and Local tni silver Program to an merit the educational value of theatre sum for research by groups in major Canaan cities choiogi moment for stniggiin ro fessionai com try fhe directorg Ind members of was an have brought good quality theatre and their Efforts have been up recitied by the public But hire all yen urns of this litnd money has been roblem During two years of cation Gryphon has built upadetictof 15000aadoni the timely intervention of the founda on has en god the company to camp on Su porthas been growingbutfu er gran yill1be necessary if theatre hopes to re udoubfcdiy more financial su ori nut come from the inundation tIiiIIJIIIng stirsVOntarto Arts Council llowever if more plays are to be offered and better salaries received by lowpaid casts then rrcnewed efforts should be made to oh lain grant from the Canada Council Last year In application was made to the council but was rejected Certainly tho Canada Council should liaise second look at the Gryphon and with toy grants or no support at all the Georg of the money will go to vidn lessons In acting directing Iigh phon Theatre Perha It is trite to say that man does it live bread Iione but iiis fine As Cana ns movoeoguicliiy out of the era of honest of and drawers of water they will need Ind demand more culture They wont get it without the fin ancial support of understanding and hen cvofcnt governments ICostFree Universities th Ontario governmentiiuirsucda rtwvcrin post scsvnda school Imulii and say theleanttrtiirepdft golfers sensational nrggestions to the authorities Iiheoretfealiy these su yestfons arc tqultc sound while In pra be they may prove quite difficult to implement rurpiuf of PhDI under widen this coun try Iaborr at the present time throu having churned on too many of themIn the past while there were not sufficient jobs for them to go to after qualifying Surei some sort of forecast should be established which would anticipate the Among the to recommendations the mmm my it We are rt suggests that applicants ho IIlW in ma to wri sexaminatinaa withounbeaditMuggixglgmelxr yulred the necessary knowledge required or certain profession by ud ing on his own to be allowed to write its out Ifyillg examination for entry into the profession for which he studied Another suggestion which will cause quite flutter in the universities is the suggestion that research projects should be more effectively coordinated to re duce the nveriappin and duplication so common in these tle ds This would mean application to lamember board which would have final words on the awarding of grants for research purposes This report might result in heavy ob jections from academic centres who might feel their exclusivity and monop oly on higher education Is threatened by these measures Conservative elements will scream sac nlege basically though the ideas are sound and progressive and should rc ceivn the bcssng and the encouragev ment of the more liberal elements in these circles Chatham Daily News of university or school roouafiiylng straining compulso requa ylng exam tnatlnns for menr err of pro esslons it every 10 yearn creation of third post rsecondary ievc in the public sector with you formal structure or ram us allowing Iarty person pmductn cc olarly study on any relevant rub act to submit it to Imaumonties ill the basis of doctorate is hiany other uali swee Ili reforms lift suggested Inain oilsefhowever is that which would trim the cost of go totunivorslty to the means of the ap ran This would imply that better off fam lites might have to pay idyher fees and lower income groups woud be able to send their sons or daughters to these cenfrea of higher learning with gradual Iyreduced fees tailored it their means even to the vanishing point 1this idea would worit well if It furn ished the count Willi qualified doctors dentists and or professions where ihoro is shortage oi personnel Dlowever it etc might increase the OTHER EDITORS VIEWS LET THEM OBSERVE the Soul The dollar has been devalued and the Group of Ten representing all the really big money In the world have been sort Ing out just what the decision means for other currencies flow do they work out the relationship between as the pound and the renal Why In relation to the devalued dollar of course There are people so envious of America as to chaos lite gleefully because the dollar isnt almighty any more Let them observe and reflect upon ii continuing inituence QUEENS PARK Controversial Areas Oi Education Report Ily DON OIIIIAIIN v2 51s to svrotnuraaai Will Immediately be crnlrsftga the United States and other he ilurttia iuk Ifurrau tlon Igdllam otmzmli Anddbmcy rillutso right This in lenrscmcoilege along thca rtm til cran rstun nea it cage at lint so on Iimitnglhli but their ptstesfs shouldnt their war torn tonne Itudgnu 11 mmdm rd4 get them very far enrolled some for credit My hum UuIlifailtrs and colleges left courses and others lust for ilililuforifwhiie up their own would have learning courses on everything from via This list been neglecltd or whom emu be user the to softball abused field In Ontario my Antild rnt afford Ilhedrn hlho epartmnt of education it til ry to very cosly ad corretpundeneo Mm 12 1le yllcalion that would occur and courts program tur years dosi mmlmum will if we as already occurrrtl ingdwllh ptimury and secondary Aclunli trnlralliaiion MI The In mm Ni been on yIts way for yam gnu it IIAI been very Iiievnsytul yttIIILIi would giiu much more ItIircct control to the minutes 01 Nib IIW mun livery plume of secondary my Itrhnw linrdthu Irccft IMIIV the fortune IlltIitiL glint mitt staid stidrriIImrenroItrII in own the Niagara furst Then time Is the iucslion of Today this or more but not nursermans school would the propumi UnlvvriIly at an that many more Icum frectiy illitIttviIiDJtiiifIas inrlo For the program has never iin lit lliiitlilIty liiiiI little This woud providir IIIlfIftr iiI been properly promoted or do inirs uvutiun at home through tuiuti vluped Ilio yull train the universities Iitn radio and correspondence it has lecnwii liiu rcyuinr tis irni probably in lesser extent this has worked well also udcmirn have turned down their Ituin the tuinnrunily cullcrrt where in llsitirin sections of notes til it year or two it made punt to Van centers old faster it gives large organizations and individuals and enerous nancial sup port to top are rains and theatrical There should be no uarrei with sup at hot ttt er In an The ffphon grant came at the pay be neglected either by having logged Iflit The Ontario local initiatives Program is recognition of the fact that small cities deserve support The 3438 granted to an Foundation will he ent target in elementaryrand secondary schoo and amateur theatre groups some cairn work shops At least six members of the try We phon Theatre Covnpaoy will be involved From these workshops which will pro In and stage management may come youtth fut erforrners who could be mounted In pro eraionai company including the Cry 37 IAIIIIEIT TISSINOTON Examiner Ottawa iilrcIiI OTTAWA For the life of me ive never been able in un dmiaad what is the difference bethIn hunting seals and catching fish Ify ptraslntent about this has gm recently as result of are so of an interim report from special committee also fished to look into hot question of resin and seal hunt ing oft CanadaI coast There but been iaw marl emotional questions raised In Canada in the last several years this that of seal hunting aid suspect the lists oi the matter have become to clouded and emitted because oi this rmo tianallam out it Ir Ilmosl im possible to conduct reasonable discussion about the sublcci The argument about Ital hurting has cut sharply across party lines For exam to top mcr Conservative fee or and prime rnlnlrlir John Dietinba er has been vocal op heat at the seal hunt goin drectly against the views opinions held by treat mIJorIty of his partys lliI from the East Coast provinces tir Dicfenbairtr and many others abhor the killing of thou sands of seals each spring and are particularly Incrnted as they thould he About some of the killing practices that lists bren followed in the past And put no one treats to think ill of politicians or anyone rise who go is take or stream to Impala it share book In the mouth of piefreui or bear in fact its manly sport of fishing has become varnrtbinl of symbol of our times an the politician who is not pl grep ed wsdlng hip strep rt trout dream somehow re garded or test than the com plete candidate It may well be that the differ cncs ties In the over Scott Itan soil brown truslin eyes that look It in world wti certain innocent pleading this on the other hand have well rather flthy ever They are cold colors liar and dont really include any sympathetic vibrators but It aroma to me that the more humane methods at real harvesting new enforced by its government and various Iiu dipiinrrtr Examiner is Daytirld Street Dorrie Ontario iclcpbnun status Second Class iiIli ftcdvtralion Nuaber ottl floturn porlugs guaranteed Dailyr Sundays and Statutory lfo ldera oturptad Subscription rates daily by carrier soc weekly All year ly Single copies lbs Dy mIIi llarrie euro yearly Simeon County tutti yeIrIy listener of Canada titan yearly All other countries tidbit yearly ifoior throw off moi yearly National Advertising fifftccr oi ftucrn st Writ Toronto hilt171d tIO lhclrt Sil iiontreai itcmbcr oi the Canadian Final and Audit bureau of Circuit lions lns Canadian Press Ir ncius tvcly entitled to the us for ro pub Icntion ni iiIl nevi Iiipatch rt In this paper credited to It or the Anne nteti Press or heater and also the local news publish ed therein the limit Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tis ng and sditorlsl material tro nfod by Its employee and co produced in tbit newspaper Copyright lirgttlrattnn Num ber nouttl register if use museum Hunting Seals Crueier Than Ccttching Fish maria organisations are no worse than catcitiny fish hard tiers killing bow on the skull surely can be compared favorably with the melted sport climbing boot in the mouth of fish and then trend for several nitrides yanking aywpzrlitiag liar victim to shore CLEAR ViCifle In any event it iruapymnt from Illmfpntt of the sea com mittee and from the responses of environment and fisheries nrinlster lsck Dirlr at aubto qireal news conference that the Iatihuutlng forces have won pretty complete victory its Davis announced some time are restrictions and limits float on the seal hunt thlt spring But the mother deals with recommends Otll ionacr term basis muslin Ehsscout oi the Atlantic uni tilt and minimum six year moratorium on hunting fr Davis has not said how closely his will follow the recom mcrvdrtfona but it trams iatri certain the cabinet will buy III or most of them CANADAS STORY This is turn to set off some hot debates when tear report you to the Corn monr standing cvminittrenta fisheries for detailed silldyTho Atlantic Illa paritcufaer are not gologtoslthsct and accept all or tbs report without fight and already some oi them hIrI made their positions clear the remit the harp how much ton of food car and either of that fish cies whi Atlantic ocorlomy setting tbs balance of ply in the North Atlantic Al for the charge that all hunters are barbarians Internationally the report overenthusiastic ftll mode everyraliempt in because is in any wa different In Have Not Provinces Seeking GoodsTerms or non DOWitAN hold Canada in ether in Confed eration Even sy tho have provincesOntario Alberta and Driiiih Columbiacontribute to air cguallrsifon hand to irpr the have not provinces Nova Scotfs was dissatisfied from the very beginning and asked the brush government to amend the ittltlab North Amtr Ica Art In the PTOVIDCQ could withdraw the llrftlsh governs inent refused th federal government Even to Nova ScotII was not for long In latI Wis guns Iwecpin vtctory in provincial election Idvo eating that Nova Seaila secede from Canada inter he was moillfted and became minister of finance in sir Wilfrid triu rlera government Ifnwever the have not provt flitital itivec rebels held Ineestha been Ictivs for many convention to discuss proposals years In trying to get better mods by government of Can termr in tell its premiers of 1dr pushed brittle then agreed Nova Scotti Nari Dninrwlck to give ova SrotiI better he wanted to make Illld that riovancer he IIttti against the It hunl my rm my let their share of ederai Iovrrnrnont Other lIrr ti eventvi caused my deaths flitRoyal II go nountcd Intention to divide laces tiltSir Francis hand bchma lieutenantgovernor Upper Canada DobPremier liciirldo bee Manitoba and Ontario nounrcd firitIIh Columbia would deal Ind It was announced fan out at Quebec Cityllidiillll get third transcontinental as fun Tb federal ovgrp warangiytaikoirecoivlon0n wny meat trek over provincial tIrlonru not vao not grow lit Deals of tinntr debt of third mlllon Ind lure but its granth In actual subsidy of Mount wantc latter for it years This better deal led to Joseph trimaran iiowr becoming member of Sir John lficdonaidr gov ernment Iven though he was LiberIl and bad bitterly op posed confederitlnn One of is tuition for letting the federal government war that the Inter colonlrl hallway was being built from liontreal to Itelllav and canada To Stage Fair In Peking OTTAWA iCPl new btiiw all problem has cropped up five CIan is going in slope gigantic trade fair In Pctng In August The cost will be around It million and more than to Canadian firms will into port the problem is that the coil Ieguo oi exhibitors is not yet com Iels and It must no franc Isle Intn mandarin in time for the fair The Still cstravagnnu It snip effort by Canada probably this countrys biggest ventin In such lied since the pavilion at the lift worlds tsit tit Japan CAR Tilliiil About taboo motor vehicles were stolen inAuslrIlia In lift rcmicr Oilvcr bough support for flank vannwttv tvntusnvor ciyuitiwuin rim am rtoiittouwostottturf MIDDWDMNIIWIRI warriorsautomotive at wwuvsuonaiurncrsns oittisnuvtvsovrn at gm envision tbtki itiiltidAfsiiliiVbDMtdltb tarsus otto ittst iwroivinutottnnowo obit yam ttntirlsutoonutsvnv utsustvovvtnurwiuitnu roinwtstsutsrorwvot nu itiitlfikt WittIIWSIWM Wtottasavnmrrmmm marinersunvova population could formats from abilit lining nicotintonver if Soc mi on neg can accept in beiievedthata rraleIislya kybpiism IocIil coadi ctuIl fish some Out Ira important to tlr Marshal and the fishing The report has certain mufe lg industry Ircnaturally the committee ebikman Prof itlfitb allI Guelph Unlger iy tr agrees tern must be much more research In Eum cum into the life habits of the seal and one of the reports recnm mendatlons it for expanded bi ologtcti and related studies of bonded and other species of ants in Canada WIIJIAT DEFEIIIERVUT are arm on hair is thanreIofwhsliind ieIiI eat if the seal herd is in increase drImnllcslI of moratorium on voting or even sharply reduced quotas what effect will this have on Atlantic and Gulf fish stockrt Ono Newfoundland iif JIrIr liIthIIi notes that the seal aportilahermeit corned about what bonmin the seal population will do in one of the main means of liveli vaI given Canada but name swerI these wellmeaning but in ndh It imiivlut limdli li Alli Iii that the ruler when ndvlrtd mm mum humanely in the kililn of seals There it no reason to offers hv altitude it the tilting of animals from any other human being And guess in Includes iotaFinns at Fort Niagara Ida info upper and lower prov wztrnzasmammuma IT HAPPENED IN CANADA Centres fitiaiuafamhd anmt its mailman Writer stratum mm mainly chemo trodtbs III mnl new uganiaatfug Du lrernnieni announced July it will Ipend gay mar sdunngtbcneatthmysum IlIlDIIlILMOlIfIlgW ntreetaiinosuilu am orrrtnes drew um million in arms sales of tin iurrwinc and beer in in com cred with Silt many liaise stow mmm Ibmi him when thied ls lent drinkarv it an titers in CALLED EPIDLIIIC Dr John ffeinnrcli phvi claninchlei at Winnipeg en mi ffnspifal slid alcohol and drug abuse has reached epi demic proportions in the city lie II Idmlaaiona for chronic Ilosboliim complica tions at IDODOIDILOI increased yam last year from itil La It sued to be rest curios some years ago to find In Ieiritnllc on the wards be said Now we have to many of them all over the ith that they are Iimart ace AOOIIJIIOIIIIOT chronic II coboiiam IiIlo increased to times since lift and If there was such dnrnailo lump in any sitter discus In tlrns period Ills this it would ere Iit straininan public out cry lfrt nothing Items to Under limitation owed ro drunlts are taken to city Isiir Ina held without charge until responsible per son claim them the prov idea is also setting up detoxifi cIllno centrer Hatter sales In Manitoba its creued from It rrdiilon for the fiscal year ended March mg ll 196610 til million In lift the ritual recent figures avail able ill institutional COmquttin of Saskatchewan govern ment body estimated there were mono alcoholics in that province in loss WI have cnmy1leio treat eginI Ind ammunitian Cabin the commissions director of rehabilitation hit HOLD COURSES Dotti centres are run on an outpatient basis and hold tourwort counts which pa tlentI are required to attend every day iii Cohen slid the comlmiaslnnvegltlvendm overnmth In Ibnn floodlit NI the tail fiscal year ittttlt rititslit and associated tales totsilbg lift million In 1970 cnmpat with tilt in 19 lf Llndap coordinryim of Industral ongms Alberta garmean Alcohoi ism Ind rug Abuse Commit aion raid the number of alter belles in Album estimated varioust between idiot lad 33000 The commission which has caseload of soon to 1000 patients it year trtsfcd Lilli In men and are women In the Can first six months of mi DrInilng It showed in Albert lead it gives treatment on In or nulpatcnt basis at others and clinics In Edmonton Ind Cal vary at lied liecr flcnrrat COD hospital An amendment in life At bcrts Liquor Crnitrol Act two can save pulled the op ml for charging firsolfnve drunk oifrndtra or liliplttt them In iaii until Iobcr There are no detoxification centres Newfoundland Savings my prpVInCl AthorlI Iinuor Orntml Dunrii seirs tuiollod tiio mil lion In most compared with Ill million in lItSrtD ln ffritirh Columbia where the drinking Is it the II cchollsvn Iou atlon esllnrller the number of alcoholics It Itlw Tlrcremuybolbousiindsnf tbyenrold ucohoilrs but no one really knows said re search director floss Cutler thinis the middle for us pretty good average age how evcr the main treatment contra In the province is the one run by the foundation although the corrections department of the provincial tail service also has facilities or dealing with alcoholics the lit liquor Control florid niutlo tot inlillan in revenue for the fiscal year tliiittt in tiarth tail in filth It made ttl million BIBLE THOUGHT iihrn beitnrcirsl thou force lhv lord which his hi this truth out of the land is flint from the hours of bondage Deuteronomy trii in view of this or III nu to go back and start keeyng some promises that we mate to God If you expect to to to member you make sure you do not forget ltlni alcoholic ltorpitui and at its Lctbbrldrs