andbo waaulredtrotn methodr ol arrest ravine phyrt even better Iorce to natural rxamure scurrilous umiiid alternator mat another Deerrumi moat tom Year no go nioCA tAtl wally not the roost reeeal word learn his quickly inated lbl Soviet otticlala in the lib capital araa Union today to recognising that rneornttlou no not even ponytanuhaodelbermtrter Mauritanian on to Iii All the odor nnu backed cm the cemiorab near Pakistan in the laroneel var ateocy raid the Prlruo torso srtlh India In Derernber and tho meotreoognltedDanLaDerhar harlot tnlan baebod indie an Independent and lorereltn nbich touted the Rail to rollb stain and not to enhance altar names at banrla Idltlciat at It tracer rerctry My expressed met pleasure at rm Itoncou munitions Ly my The Soviet controltoned to Ban rDerh WKeruy Daren leonreyrd his rarerav 8a and new any they roenta decision to Prime bilnlr plan to do to abut other than lcrtlolbor hahman era nations meta up their Portion Minister And minds and rpeedy recouiiioo lold reportrrr that he taped ree now letapected trorn thorny horn washln nananln the other room cvrna met than upeeied but ol the Soviet bloc Belfast Residnte Angered By Raid ouster lcnr anon On the anemia or to troops nude what cam Roman trh Array uncovered the torrent Cathollu elatrned was one at bomb yet planted to Winder hidden In the blueat raids ever In Ballast Iroopea when aoona no roldiera mounted taro mitt churns on border atareb to to Catholie rtronr road near Neyrry tt roller tooth hole at Ardoyoe lalapttaaday aInetIasL atabl Ihe onlun Army minted oailmhntownggmalarpdel war aaiy reiatlrel scale oparaIIooJllh at bin two at tho WW reload later re kblotch ft lb Ante Wbomcstnlpalbelictolha gag rfn IRA asldralaa aoelll clubs in Iho Ardoan aera raided by roi eialc and drlranettla lntcka as women one into tha pm mf lmmi aid ii lib atreeta clarion poetical tonal such as Na Shall Orereensc mm mm mmmmn lbalciacaablaeloaadmmltn at an not arrested and on home later neroreltree ll thymus datased Oaaloem madam otheragxtrcalrdby adoe was or or caplure tar the tree In their 1ha raid eoiyiour ciuba battleauins ou audirirh were ed in the operation ltrpuhiiean rmy ruerrtllaa elated combat Ioorcaa raid Int amount at insurrnac Inquiry Discount Misconduct Among Sonia Regina Policemen REGINA tCP Illa lieylna to port released today eIl pailre commission said Ilowrvu there are several ay it diseetsred Irutonoel ol disturbing leatures thalmusl be moral misconduct uniawlul camel and thus lead to In cal tome and lnntltotlttotrain Iltasa Ienlurea included In procedures In on onctli certain amount at pen lion Into the aliolra at the ely renal misconduct or the part at police Ioree mail minarltyp the commission headed by 40mm over arrest order htayor Ilaray Waller trot clear slum used by law oi In at terrains rpeeitlea rellint to Iorca their Iladlapa hut altered utoorrnorAIoaad eorne eel number ol recommendation It in at inluaticeiothewty dild beilerer would Irn are law on bar been administered Idrcemml In the cry Ailetalions ai iavorlllrm to lie within empharlre that promotions we eat that color Poor utilisation at man wide area rrilia ahotrun eitelel 0M elderly lady had banal Pilllit VANlulu aha diarppcand more than we months belora his trial on charger seditious coarpiracy and Written to atdaaoplaa more paya our months are hirrl Monday nithl ane otyeorold revolutionary blIoaapber dedicated to ecbee indcpcratcnce went Into hidlat Inst septcraher bciora his trial on charges at aedttiolu ronrplruty an cwnaeltiar to Udnonpiot and murder aiIIerts wear lacho and with hal than when he dhappcnredgar liar attire pro police head uarim on contend Parthenai troct lie was met there by to Jacques hollernare about pm and surrendered to duty oIIicrr Itareet Deana llw who reco ed hirn shook his head said lion rolr Pierre has seed potica Iorce the power and mandarin reeruib thraetncmher commission traInIa oeedurea nurture creAnro The lirhl el end at ler the alter bidluay work erelra not In the lraarr Canyon hear worked to clear the monolay Iale till beckoned motorlttr red road throurh the Fraser Vatiiercr author at Negro Iilnncs dilrncriouellbilo ln Canyon littered with tlrand rd trucks and other athletes iCl lhole gentile Ecr he was disappointed he did had driven aomo bit viail to the Science Centre Del 21 entry that an unidcalbied bad lgpmxbtd mom Iarod lrII him to shoot the Russian leader durlnr bIa rtsit bore lnsp Swirl tall the man about be dd not Identity am told that the honey would be paid to his ulotn rhesid herlo seed to Utility air tiraytla bat In turn be tiled by police The man In contacted and elated he hated communism and that be had been in Soviet prison camp Into Sapirt raid Ila had not ed hiniselt to assassinate IItesy but heraldthatllbartas opportunity he would turn Soolet raid the plot lra and murder rara hinueli up to tied at Quebec Provincial Pelee headquarters In Mool real uaadayalthl it PM errant tori nun their balm ttonday air tratiie con trotiere ahaiieartd the norm amt either to lorce them back to work Itlh legislation or rive them what they anl at the bnr ulntnl table Votlnl moo to all the con trollere relcelnd proposed at ntontn counter that would hate raised their salaries ll per real and rharkhei thttr other than mm at Imam to to ready we lmmedlate mama eI nordaoutalhidihlesvdlii1 the gotommcnl one show lint Md mm pallcnt deliberation denudent last month demonan FIR armed violence and auprnrtlh thn aeparatlat PartiQllc tieiora he not latch to de tention cell blanday night Val Ilcrea spoke to tea reporlrn who were on the acene alter bclnl tipped to nance about the planned surrender Ita told them he stayed In the liontreat area during ls period at hldlny Irom early September Ito open till then taadlrtt nawr papers and width television Ila Ilsa underwent to treat iot lime oi relicrillelrm that resulted la the document rcpt diatiny tcrrorial violence end In lerlno the Full Quebcraia with seven elected rnrmbera In the iucbec iotiriaturs as the Itchi cqe throuth which to win tree uebec ltctoidiilere nose that was the tin ln roost tIIcuIt thins he raced to the that tour months mm on may has more dltlicutt than deciding to tile hhnselt up to padre Govit Majority at Trimmed in Nd ST JDiINSo hind lCl tbe allrn maturity at the Pro Conaerrativa Severn ment In the Ncwioundlnn lcrls him was put in doubt itosday when one at Ila members an habituation would all an lode pemteat Progression Conscrve Ille Ituph the cold he didnt think his ridinr at St iohna South could be adequately rep resented it he remained mem ber oI the novrrnmentas It is now constituted Iloaold ear not act cabinet part when the Conservotlln overnmcat was sworn in wee alga the more tell Ietlsiuluro alandiat al to Conserraliyu to liberate one New Labrador Partyone Independent Con yypoyyyupp moths and one vacancy Egyptian Polite And Students Battle In Streets 0i Cairo chillo ltteutcr It yilcitcsi lice and runia arrests litre haltte batwaon pollen and mode Shops hurriedly closed their atanethroninu alutlcnir all and tho Iircrls were piece again today In one at Cal roa main streets olltr police once aln dcsrrlrd oteepl let one pretosi some to ouncraburyctesrlna int students out Colour main up the tin ris square Iiouirrhapallottalitinc In the ltlol putlcc uulnrd hilldtIlLL told of barrel Iltcrnturo not the recouped ho side 31 thinned around heratloa raglan in on Exiting mlluklliclllmyg r0 Wmmmy NH orteutollholouoreailhtcar IoIIue then ended into them Jim MW lollce tested oil the our in mm prevent turlhcr gatherings on some did rionelhrnuint alu lilo tolcrnmcntbanntd nlidune detita wcra cordoned oil by or onslrellaor lnsp Roy Sooiet told the In ripen nEmattirl ue admin until it the ovcrnmsnl rheuld line with India on the Wetland rouanI President Abdulrahim session there on Atrtcna oute Prisoner Release told the Greater Duslon Vullnt roirdd two honour at alter lded to get him till potential mini tbrwth the police In nyltthllnn but It didnt nutcr Iiowaler no ebutca nae lL ed approached entiII Harlin with the ghpbdlu tlbatbm remal acme up mSapIctlo till Its may not btr Kaaytiaa motoreaga ucal last stop oi niaeday mu id Canada tour no others to rurrsillanet he did notbeliera anon till raid took part to the master deram rip alrattoa opalan the ballet elybaeadln1nronln leader to true the retrace cenlrr nbieh led to dozen in Bdsteoee oi the plat Iran coa lemea by ItcilP inspector II nlaten atrer commando the Toronto rubdltislon tarp lilnlern raid be bad In Iomulion at an assuaiaal plan which Ila not related to any particular ethnic rroupf bu at least there was an rpesttar toa that money would be Iarturera in uid lnsp Sopicl Indira paid to nominate an Kosya and uniiorrn would be prov masury tloord President epond rnem vtu end Irrexlx ay In cabin on the Don biiila midway between the hotel day toolbar All been us where ti cd acieaxo centre lest array Ian Elli to throw Ilrebo the linden oi centre white bir lloayln us map or Individuals in in the WM plot lloar erer Ewan that in the Butte with ibI readily The $10000 plot was at rumination ubrrne the tire nenthlodh bombinlplnnndplollibb on At least two aewlo naa moan an errant totalled numbers oi the lull 50PM Wild all roan Edmund more earl limit mold Home Ianme annulled hit Saplzt are on as Koeyrtn to Ottawa 0st to tax to shoot ntr Ra member oi the bum society When the In re opened Atom his visit to Toronto that bit Kerstin trend blotter rial ol amulnatim In Toronto than in other Cana Tbare war also plan by the dun city ha and robe tttourh Al the Iaoutry bloodu loan the adeneo Dam bloat ItCltP nutter in sharp oi VIP remit In ot Caaadian bison Iaaa raid the threat want and to lnmm the final born at Pre mier Koryrlas visit In Toronto was alnylny and the than ratio Association banquet Neither po Iceman identied rd arith an adrnoaitiea niibinalear dart okaytaunted bl Drury laid in rlalenleot that than contra lime ahrn Also the ornament lntcnds to ca the acncral Interest has to pea haurtJii other hilillra oi rail kllllhl it the Ii help to root to in stiectgt withdrawal at little inlutcrence as pearl eolleetlta bartatnln rota lute called that last oec the rim to little the results at coolersnca WM I9 by Campbell preSIdcnl at the Canadian Ala Trailic Can lrol Wiallnn lcrs orchid be ready to turn to recall Parliament and obtain legislation to and the rtrlte aunt in its ninth day Dal dont think the prime minister is prepared to call Parliament In at this time PREPARED Tl DTAY OUT lIIthoul tuch action he added the controllers are pre pared to stay out Ior up In threes necksdenier than the national reariomy could alorai in his view He volunteered an immediate return to the harttinint table but warned that in their pruanl mood the controllers would not be likely to accept arch the percent raise union earlier penned to be their ultl nula obleclirt The result at the role was yrecttd with deep Israel by rpotesmaa Ia Montrealtor Air Canada With more than 11000 employees the airline is the company mart ailecled by the rtrite It has estimated Ila dolly loss ol revenue at in million end has not yet calculated how this uiil be ollscl by the layott lost ucelsot loo0e workrro From Vancouver Oppeeition leader Ilubcrt Slaluicld re Pnkistan Calls For Security Meeting UNlItID NATIONS Illeulari lnlristsn culitd today lot on urycul nnetlnp ui tho United Nations Security council lu ron rider the rtrlioninn uI interna llonal observers on the ucnsollrc treat The request was submitted to Somalia ubo Abby larrtt oi tar Addls Ababn tor council lions Nixon May Seek WASHINGTON IAII 1hure aln elronp Indlchliullr the Nixon administration LI tlrrparino to alter the North Vietnalttrtc lian lorlulnl uilhdrnunl ot llb troops lrunr Vietnam ttt et shonte tor the release at Ameri can hrisontra at our the plausibility ol ruth trade oIltr battle the November arcsI idenilul election has been Iliriil llunotl ullrn in latent lilorite but Sumner iirluorti itlwio tllrh tinsel said Monday ninit he hldlitllttl the alter ni tenth ery roou Droniro member ol the be hale nrrntd services committee was about to Iaaao New York the United Slater axpirrd losi Nov to it retird Monday on lions expert trvrn Ila raid he wanted to are as unable who spent than test his to settle mediatlan melons allh tart re the two atmnr IIaII aaidtbe be bad amid not meter the dlswta recommended iha recall at he and intended instead to retard liaran It the suite did not end to Warmest nnrnrtnsmnmnntn Next Step in Dispute With BC lty Tilt tAhADIAN itltiSb llr Steele said the remrnlttce ans aualllnt aord rent the plating sttlltl CIIC on possible resumption oi the next step by National um Association at Iirtudrast Em rrxdm mm PM id PM thalue do It or alter tan contract dispula with lhc CDC mm As my Kenneth Steel chairman at It was understood Monday the ill UMWlIilltti WWW allapltlb would lo ledcrnl me rontmitlrc said Iiionday alahl citation although neither aide In Toronto that rrlateyy torrid would eomntcnt be decided In telephone eon ttatatloz rlrllee ltuttld atlcer torture by romrnlllee members ipdlyldualcchlrns rather than later today lhe entire network similar ho Iatured at this point And postal outplaym they could rtart In rouplc aI Added pressure on the CDC dill Prnblbiy Wednesday came Monday lrnnl lht amoun llore not saint to all around rerelerlrnl unit ollhetanuelian land can tell you that Union at Mile Ernployses the technicians in ballot ahlrh dchbrsrd Its members Iatcn Saturday and announced leuttld rial uort with mature llamiay rated ml per cent in meat personnel to carry on pro lator ol strike action Dl Mil ramming on the absrncc ol elllhle members 17T cast technicians bal at with rats oath in later The Toronto Ilndio PrvdVWt and ill atnlnsl There were Association took aimttar rem spoiled ballets Ruler of Sheikdom Killed In Coup SliAllJAil iAil The ruler oi the little Fenian Gull emir aIe oi Sharlrh shalt Ilhulld ans tound ninbbed to death today in on atlstnpled coupled by seurln Ilra police rlonlpcd curlcw on tho ehtlitdrltt ho Iraltio timid and romhlunlcalinla with the outside uorld were limited Sheik ililolltlt cellulara Iornrrr rulrr horned Sheik Suit bin Sutton tlrulc Into the palace urottnrlr llondoy uilh two carioads oi Drdoulns bootlle iho palate and look Slitill Khalid hostage Ford AnnounceePrice Increases DiltllDlT IAPI Fold liotur Co Increased ruutcolcd retail dealer automobile prices lid to I31 llaoday In its rceood Inrrrnso rlace Ircsidcnl Nixons Ireeae on water and prices In General ltctura Cory announrcd its second round at lnertusts inst neck Incy magi rum lit to Sill Chrysler hat approval lot eccoud mad has not yet announced any cilantro Nanny ltlculcrl police sergeant has that and tcrcrely wounded ootdda ills homo todayin uhlltloilcn are or the Ieurth atlcrnpl to till policeman Northern lrclond In It llWll sci Edward Iiciiy llulllan Colhotir urns out door by lire treat rulrntaclrinrgun as he opened the door at his form in the outskirts uI Ncury Web is co miles south ul it Ind and the miles Irons the Irish bonito Huglteslawyers File Denial lion at an autuiriotro ly eomplitd by Ctitloni Irrtnt litan uhiic an Inlernoltnna police arnren continues tor mystery brunette aha rarhtd town north at cheques paid tor the boot Kitchener ManCltargecl I966 Death ST THOMAS IE1 thyrneuld Kilritchcr man Will or charred ultil noneepilai murder in Lite Wt doulll at Georgia Jacluon at Aylnicr Ont teiice did not return lilo name ol the morn uhe was to appear to provincial court In Ayiruer today the irorrn body el the ldycnrold Ayimer pirl wed in undtrbllish about Ialtrhtlles irons Ayirncr to days alter the was rsportsd rniaslnt teb it lute Itcpuhttcnns Club he Is to cor lolo he could almost predict it Lin Wazuwhxinnzlhw not roletirnt alriku seem to rattle has teen employed by Irish Policeman Is Gunneol Down to NEW YOIIKIAPI lawyers hnle lllrtl ntu ottldnlllt nllribultel lo Itoword tlushes denying that he mead to publica pub