Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1972, p. 6

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liantComeCryirtgi took it in hit workshop ior res uyllherollmierestorrrwo Conn ll OPTIMRS CLUB Sirloin loans lriL Colby Yruu itsr bins It too Jonson mcde Iory while kits It tho Obitlire club Humor dub president looks Skilled Antique Restorer Finds His Work Challenge VANme CF Aihui rm tho dd beam maybe lcred Intiouo rose to his lb lhzycrnbouredrpsin Ii thin William reri lilo experience not it your ctr III on Ibier hint to in toieihcr bro Tihni barrio people think to In plrcu oi chins so no pure hoockllocboilen othmrtn shows reprint the pattern restore in list art not rule rim tho Itilciero tbsipot one neck is visible to lhohurnnn bred from the IiItlooIl kiureurn oi Mpesi Iiter the ilttnurinn beck In one piece even It the Iprlrny oi told in van workrbop mendlhl shows titled with chemlcris point dont wont moms in be Ind si ti Ibioierryrplrcehkeihotwrr ilxcd by haired ho IIid WhII mo in it in tin some thing it it to not rain to look Ivory brmliuro nod riyhll or silver Ind Ea lie worked tor more thIn woman bed one oi her you in Vrnnnirer with turni two Attila Scorer verso lure nisher Mlliil money to knocked to iloor Ind broken start his business Ind now llyl shot todIyrhpricet rod III to menu It won cort more to it some Irllcler Ipr they IrI worth to the curiamer no you im rrttmricr lets customers decide up do cup bundle ior three or your toilets and that pIyI tho luldmer heeeuu tnbeI it to pm at III or eye III rehurs wnrir irons ripple who lust not In Itiice put iorotion Ind Mums on mtieil which in Its oriy II ItniI Ind which our ibrllrod Air so cit who Itudsd ruto rIIiots tholliory one theory the Univerrliy Ii lludspcnt inm iorereo looking ior new war Ind It use new rnItcrlIli summits FOR srnrrc llorne liondIy The creation Inlli hikll tip the Irnnt Ind worn over pity oi shorts wpr port oi the spam lino ot clothed AP Photo liOllE Tho inrhion hvuro oi gtTizlnot pretenied this while cotton dreu odrcd In him with wide IrIllopcd brlmtned flowerlike hIi It the hitch syrth oumrnrr mouth in pes Annual Christmas Show 30qu To Earn Popularity Nzylltmlt iitii lisb criterlrnll men the emotion nope took over the Mill Iiliiil or turned whet rolrlierr entry noir blondry nirht with iho on lip server it plenty ei rctly nuol rsport ortth Christmas rule lots or murte liitl lulu my enterirlninr Uh roldletr retorpbiy about mllitrgy lilc oteroll Ens blurs the tool that peered to be cotton urtentr Ind wenlher shoot Iiurn report vi trip than iurmol Ti entvrtttlnment mutit ol the lime lltn IcrIotrr wrro ltlitsiwiiit Iitolr oi tho putlicnco shri ntkny tuned in in our the rrnterur penned ntuurul rotor at men reqtitrtiiy moving In ior cioscurr hi the or more or ml lltcnt rnhvilnr the show liitl ior ciiinp wrr lot low minulir 1r is colt unurunlt Int ttanoll ilnI rhino thcmtclvro Such homomeodrd items on experimentin Ind rerrrhinr IllnCpld Weather turns srrrrrrtr Insulin on both It the Sky bloom oi Lekctiew DIlry lIsi evcniny imminer Photo on list smu mllrhtminr talk touched hrldly on iew Irpecis oi the rubierL Ibo CEB Bordon Site Tho second lorrtemmrnr NIiionIl Sports Cbrmplnnrhip will bI held It Cardin Forces lino Berdm on irn to to inclusive This corn tiiloo will Iobe Ipprortmrtey Is scrrteoworncn reprerrnilny Illan osegy bore inth CInIdiIn Armed urcer Doubts Round Robin competi tions will he held in bedmintoo Oowiihl Ind ihlilln All competitors wit Ittend welcomle banquet in be held in the Dleppe Wlillill ottleerr Ind herpeoniI bicsr on ion it with coektIllI It pm rrnd dtuncrIi 110 pm The mrybo lust romethinr thrt In some centimrnirl oriuo ho nid ltr bulged told he irolr tawny people try to mrnd troop oilen ichIbe lob You mutt know how to uoo Iiur Ind how to rp Iy it ibo Iitto rhnuki peter not ouioldo ibo chins it mutt he Ippiied to the pores mtnrr extrI work ior hitn II he must remove till the improper lyIpolied IluI beiore bertnnlru his own work lie inserts the irrt thrt mIny your peopil come to birn WltiiJill to icons tile on oi In time rertorIilott in three or Mitt bl to hono It tIkeI Jul Ind yeIrroI work Ind dy will borer ho iittirhed it to tskln me lite lime and hm Iilll ieIrninx Ind Edwards will be many the route at honor this still be bold It Circle linI llowllnl Alieyr atrllnx oi the loose Annex outing Club word in Oymttrslum Presenter at Iwrrdr will too mode on completion oi thI competitions on lots on It Ind In the swell Buildipr nxo ior new waI to his besul back to hrokrn oblerio thrl come to me SHIPS AHOY Elect Oiitcerr At UCW llnti The election oi oilleerr ror rm hirhlipbied lilo lIrruIry meetlrts ol the Soclei Action Unit oi enlrol United uturch Women The new executive Includes lln itolen oberer secretory bliss otlre liohertoon prommr ilht liorlrret Todd irrsrvn Ill lire Mir iieyrierar up one oi the motor tuition it end lirr llerits piIn mm iri The IIutthi took combiner kebrurry ll Ind lb Ire dster lyre Ind rosy pleried Iklris to be noted ior the UCW nrrr with short nlvrl meroiroketr iynew to On tho lltb hours SOCIAL NOTES will ntn Irom to tilt OPEN IIOUIE onion Ihoi doorr will open com Im to 1030 the Isle Ind will Ieccpi rum ilyr Ellr bionIbridre will be more It her home in Toronto rueIi ol honor It Iii rnhouee it The to will be lo the rtthoUnIied irturcb Iilowthlp church hrll iiIll Now loweii on ion Id irom Unit members We been In itoipranhoo en housocolo riled to Ittend the limo Pflr button will mot Iirr lirrr hytcrlnl Itthtlttl new mentor in hridru but binhdr The role Cdnlill United clinch Feb hurt wu born on ion to hiitmirin ii in to 1m vols hlilmli ii Hennick lit rommunli will converse the 1m yrmp wymmlub it no rm lion hlniilt lir Ind inwm Ilrs Writpr AdIIr Mr and lirr Dirk Drrpcr told Mr Ind Skolton Plano ltrr tltil lisz oi BIIrio were Imonr Inserts Invited to ogerrd To Retire Soon LA VEOAS New AP thI rrndopeninroltho om mrrc Ii Motor liolei Artbu Cornedlrn netssttiaettyt ho plIrtI to retire soon but NEW YORK CPI llo ehlp Ihoy ior Ipcinr the words oi the old son Ibout nice IirlI who lose IIlior tho noutlerl look sumo mi km lilIry Oould will convene trrlo owned by bit licnnlc brother lioy litllurrIy lililUilN FOO ENOLANO hir Ind hiri lliltlirm liretn WKWM 5mm mm Iere Into returned to their homo mmlur on lionoid him spending homunculus mumunturn It the Hilton lniernrtlonri he Em pltsnrtod to ruin Ilter iew wzzxzrid ovum more booklnpo kills you Vlrltoro II the mm lir Ipokerntin tor tho boyish Ind Mrs Georg CIidweil eitt shelter lIter rIld the some list in durlnri Iwrtkond were dinro planned to end Ippcor llrIpd blrr litrchollilrto sheet on thonlIhl rIUb circuit on sold llrl but no would not roll out toloot llyrrr llnorr sod lit Iion Ind movio work Ind htrr Icd Cox Throttle Home Presbylenai WMS Annual Held At Essa Road Presbyterian liitl Giotto Kelly IsrlsiIrti ltlliwli minlttrr oi iJrI ltd secretory hi the lloord at World church Allrllllil with the lrrrbyirrlrn Tito retinl thllio Oi Cit rch our guest Ipcrkcr Ii lire ilurrell loruc buyers the mount mceiirtr ol the lion Tho thrille We Iian Error tie Presbyteriri Womlnk Itlr wit etnrthrrired lhronrh lho oionrry So The meetlny eeripturo reIdlttI read by hint wee hole III hood Pmby lid bole lirr lioberi bItrr lrd Icrlun Church in rIlI Miss Kelly told the 1100 my lathe Inlrr they must be willing to ocrvo mm mm lirlri throughout the world hI in lilitl unswcrrd ttttcntluns Ibuul emu mum mylpn boron lltn now urronirutlloo Ind point with In in lntmuriiillliortilo int oil out thu eonseiduilnn will 11m my Mn rnrei more Iotittnctortiy the why my WW littil indihl work on the mic who Ilvn ltd metInter us Church the im errcuiiyo wrs lntlll terveti luncheon It the noun led durtnr tho Ilternotn by llev liotir 0i Competition Commender Commodore or rp co llequire Care but the trolth ruIrd oi epeelrl uil keeps rrkin chm pettinycdl undated Fundingth hinl peer red pom with bushland mblemirboo teruitllsl AIcr duednx with peoulrrtlrr cleanser or Iood rmrn be sure Vikki with skin troohcucr on mum nub your ciolbzo std not rinse them would your hot dont lento your rkle wet Iiior ibo habenerbiotlt in with items mde libo Ire thI bone at inter mydont pm to yet the you hurl Bdihtp Ib pbinl Lpsilck moth on don dy mooib oiick ihol tree one iocHro boso Ind beIlr Iuy ltttlo crIchor MW Erocy whoellrhto out Irrhioo the mouth Illek tooYwll by extrI ktnobbwbeo you IIkI toenidttruldry Ii both billion the body ma Eur JIrr Ind IIth Ittle pee thlr yeIr olien teen on Ind trIcI oi the dye or your neck see So use cleens in gr retiriotuly Ii leesl krier rrlrti MN ones week tnrotsle out why it you ore to hudwrler mo and who irni it would seem Ind dont iorret In one Nrtusslly the turret tremors to tutti Iernb Ill icit on your in it Ill prlriti storm the brck your neck rrrld lnilhAlN Princess Anne WIN Ir linoleum rm tins 0o Distinct huntDislikes LONDONlNill grate cenvAnur the moot pilllftilIOM the med outspokenrumba It the Ilii out my re ity end ehrmpioo bomrider rhe lI onery irocrt ibo pruo cut mam hormidln ioinliromiri wltbdls Aloe Ind thin lninnrero Oilll the int onr tlyrsrold dots to ollbogueeurdi Ibrwou not Clinic on Controversy hillbilhilllAbi Enrirnd iAil Three doctors bore quit conirorerslrt rcr clinic when men Ire llelpinl with volunteero so pm hi run ior impotency The tilrrnlnrhom clinic to run by1 Dr llertln Coin toner bioiokyieciutcr Ithinninx brmr Aston University The three dowho do eluted tohI pItnrdIeol letters to coir klondoy nirht Irylnl they wcro untamed by his ilvltier Ind wsnled build more lotto with him It rpukcsmII ior the three lnI doctors do not neces Irree or durrrco with Dr Color method oi ourln 1m potentan they III rirnp is rented by tbowry ho hows Iv dielhlrdiollrd don to thIi Item oi to women valuin tcorr helped our impotent men ciIimcd success with pretty hodminion It the Buoli builde llrrrII trIidettlo blr Ind Ito one Ii two such IerdI litoJTo ltoevo vaI esrn resented by his comprny It rd their Ippy Imller iir itrmr EIsiem ConrdI item is whtnor It built Corticrence held in Toronto dry ior two in Arnpulm hior ior incroirod buolneu tl Salute The Sums Up Nautical Look rtIelted Ilitt oi white thrrk listinlIIbrtrhireobowtleor Ikln topped by rerulrtlon trim white IrutieIlcort middy me here old store on in his in Toronto bliss Sun Valley uiizr co or The nrutlcrl combined doubioknit while rtyicr whiio IIdyiike Ito Eltnkdikiyiwlihnd lotion breory enough lopieItI on the middy Indredoolor tie Another with with whllo roll In pepuisr rprlnr my my ylilolmori vertIilio nrtttieIi penis is prudent tryored oolc somhlnlnl titin whiio Ihirt blue tunic with Iolibosl pl rd iron rhort Ioevr Iryircket ililr rsiibooi motii ll iound to hurry dyrlbl prints ior In Itidcd otutlcrl eilect iot handler rbowod onepiece blue polyroior knit In six rIilbooi poitero with anOIV vest knitted into the note to the Ihrppy metr iscket it not only Idds eu Illulll in surely nItttlrIl lock iout to sin or itnporirrt irckbt ienIth tor lbtlnl with Ionprudent outiltr otbor IIitor iicmr tint hm been Iuihenticrily nurtured to bolster this look Its the lirli irh reilorr pbnir with trrp door ironir IIIO the his rIltor cuiIIrr ntvtr rb rttvr litIrt list In cells lhlo Iprins we to the prey Ind moot dctirnors wrrsd in It tent to enroll rroup ol nIu llilll0l do to Items tho most devoted to ttto theme lnbl Tropes lrrneo be hourhl rest Trench IIllor Iuii Ind then irecly irInIlIlnd it lrtin some tiIshlrtr entitle lib lloo heurht mlddy rtle worn bybcreh Ittendrnis en Venices Lido Ind devised lacedu iront colirrtetr rntddy white lisen ever thin hlIek hooded IweItIr worn with white culled pIIlo llI Ilse did floorlentil ride New lFabrics evm Ippehrins on bopdhrrr Johh ltort oi Toronto to show III ohlon suede rlrrp olylized IllirboIII CUT All BllAiEI him too Ire noulic lions to middy coil lion Diophow linrlt rtsr pod huiton hater on one inckel lied while Ind bills on or course the iliitr ilo neutlcrl colors but Pol women Toronto de Ilpncr new doth Pot ch collection ior uchIrinnSln clItr hes struck out on nou tlrol color vlowptdrti oi her own Sboo done eolion mlddy in ererm dusty mo and brown rIrIpcI Sounds point but rcrlly ls rtnorhlnp onr lIt lszuetIted Isllor collars dilfllbd In the NW York eoicclioru on ovroythlnr ln Iltcttoo ibcro woo ileoiirc try my PACiiliit Eccpr 1rltlm IIllllth rtrettl vtii Ic eorro oertn 1159 carts Dior showed blue illit other white items in the weekly Mimi wrrh hryo turned yrllpw heel up tutu but mt Milli iior Mi ill II or II no limiter lllilltlilliltli pniadmg ml Ward in lhllillIOWGIl irbrtcr litriricd with rcslnour mole Au dim rIio Ind loot oi ibeoo reoluo Ireoied with chlorine bieoch it may be porrlbiI to rerlorI the whtencrr hy rooklnf the lit ties in not roluton at one lhlrlfhpwiieOi sodium hydrou phlto toyriirhie It more druk oiorcri per lotion ot wItrr Ninoo well out hunter in rudry wrier eonIIinln In Ill purpose or porborrio roch do pier ior ouch mIlcriIlI liomrlimcr yellowinr cIn bo counlrrrrted Winter In solution ui boil icotpoon oi mm It tutor is police at hot water Ar irtt resort on common ciIi coiortomoycr told IIu shrrI tlnlo Ind dycorrl dtopined lolioot monulrcturt rrt directions corcluliy drcIr Iiiboot Ippllottes no pouches with cartoon colored lroo Pickup Ird Drillery It his school ior lore lio pIilentr on triathlon ilmdsy night Cole sold some clubs women were mrrrtrdnrdyhetr hur brnds knew oi their Iciirliies II the clinic ccrloinly ate in with the plilltllh0 Added ALEXANDER hioOAlllN wornco If lhcsd women In mostly on botmung mdrlmed the up I11 emi Ind tonsil Inooi buyouts brothers my ioothll imboill oi llurlr omPIlIu Annes po Iiy lll brncud iroiwhlfplsmber when she who the Europesn ihreedoy ebunpionlillpI mood The the puhlk oied her British onion oi year in both newspepco Ind Irtrton polio Sbo III oven Irn too nonconqu oi rm like her elder brniher duties the heir to the lore Anne who it tourtb in line th ll shed in be ed by ceremonyior not oi bcr tile hiOilil UNINIIIIITED mount to the Iliy imposed on broth Annl IrHrid does not mots uninhibited oi the ltoyrl lImliy ller cbIrIcter pears rolled to bits yrldtlpll oi brr inrmtr boIrdinI once Iold oi ibo princess Ann Illl never met umely to tbinr Annes dedchle to Items to support this rite bII been quoted usrylnl Iiridinyr the duo ihlnr world rrn see do well yet nothin to do with IS lion In bIo Idmlii one oi her Imbltlouo to to in the Olympic GImrs lier ehInceI oI reloctlon tho tsrttirh term ior llunieh limiter were pruy bimedb or victory Europeon Implomblpe Anne he been reserved the possibility oi be oeiectlott to out My aul outspoken llrttirb ple rider lime Smith whipped up oiorm oi controversy he uld ibstIlihotlblt Anne pond in her does this on neor Olympic Ito roriItnplr would but see them ck bur tor the pics hI Idded ctrAntnr rtrtr Royal Conservatory 0i Music Names Examiners For Barrie mien examinations ior llll lioel Conscrtritny tn ilttrrio ill be copducicd by chIrIcI illil Ind Aleruntlrr hthIvln members oi Ute herrd oi mm lncrr oi the itoyrl Conscryrlpry oi htutic Ernmlntnp days will be held on in ii by llr llltl Ind Miss IicGhvin will bo in not rie irons ion It to to hlilDlEll IN ili hliir Ilciirvin no hibliyltl up in ilctorir llC where her mot icIi Ilttiles commenced She to tllilO her mom muticri trnlninp with Alberto Guerrero in Toronto Ind holdr Licen ilIlI DiplordI in plnno tram both tension England end the llnynl Conservatory oi blusic oi Toronto She also holds In Astoririeihlp Dcnrcs in duality Ind this hills hined knotvic pr oi both rinrlnr Ind plone hut plvrn her In on leblI reputation Is In lCiOl Ihlsl she hrsbeen on tho oyol Conrcrthory oi blurio inculty rince lots and Is to mom bcr Its llnrrd oi Exotniners BORN IN LONDON Charles liitl er born in ion dvn ti hir educrtion in Toronto tenet Pork Collector Ind Ibo Unlverrliy oi Toronto The year Iltcr unduotlon not spent Ii 00M in prepan him to be cotno to high school loneher at music lnrcod sl lrlclllnl im mediploly lilillblikhil on 718bit iiriseir Locollur two your tour oi llcitrtn the Continent II bontl chestrri trombonist Ind er Ito nished this period music director at one shows olrrrd tho mcni brooch the losers in Grrrnrny Sinro In to Condo llr in bi high school rnuoic sprout Unlrtln ccnlrcr holds the depletes it 61 HI In ir working on iiurhl votyrocentiy been ppotntd the Barron Esomlnero HnyIl Comertrtory oi lliY EXAMINER sANl PIlthf Milli Snuuusnbuutt Probrbiy not youve lust lorhops your come liopon can help to soon confusion Coil ilor iodnyi Mullins lbono mull

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