trillions activist TilliltSiT STUDY Two Closed Meetings CITY NEWS rnx slum ultimo scum insulin is in soon Major Projects up mkdelbcrmtlptrllnthshsolprnpu mllltlcthodoiyt bribe public works will tetcr this ninclb but It not My tbsl tltinens will get much chm lolilld Int senis going on ior sum time On Jan JL lb mitt Iill rnlrrtIld proposall isorn lrchl irdI ior til We scrrtecs rumpus on Home ltd led on an it they liii dilcnnl the dish most oi the irlillii study For vltiely ot lessons both ptoltcts Ire being delit win in has room Mr the Itchi txu twill bran oi iclslosll ethics Involved III the lilolit study heretics the re port eiiicieliy hasnt been prr listed to Iiiul term to mocil Neiihcr meeting will be open to the public but In lbI use oi the services oomplrl Pub iir Utilities Omission Ind Pllkn Ind ltktrltidn oiilclIiI silt be invited to lltrnd since thry IrI involved in tbs protect Irsrs mu liy Engineer ill Alien Hid II nil nu oh Insn theirs Otis inrll Irebt lect IppIIrntiy wss Rim mortied beam the cilia oI bldng is ior which there will be Imus rim my unison Ems Tmbiyn nit Iii Iat rlmlllkil hm bIIn In new rs menu Ind Invite oi the scrim Ind It booths lbtr sin one Incixilrcooit blood on ihst tilts well be will be mohair oi lbotekjvziiu they run otirr hI slid the presentations will be II tolled lIii hour urn Inn will be lrplrlln so thll the Iikm ultra In on so clrurs on The committee did not rem decide wlui it would do with the flopth Iilrr its meeting but Ill summed they might commend In srchiiect to council The city hopes to more into the complex not hit the Intuit study mlnlpulo that soil tall III Ferndsis lion in littll more compile IN Multilst Vblt round su lbqu multimeter unskellzrsibry coined res cloths mlioopisslodputtln ltxshtndlnuoslhn Thenhanbecnslol airs tbll rocreli Imich Ind Ill we on sunning with Ind Is dont not that to hep on has II Inc IN mums hisypr resold in nuh luvs thlt well went 0th compcnmlled to the pt listing strict the couldnt ob lcct to Is the coin nllllee tho so mutter whet hep pens now the rut discussion oi the rspori Ind Iliy potlutu imtiretrd meditations would committed ll Irinsliy grts to AI until rcIlizI this ior pollikll site this been completed Ind tioil oi the dilmtlth ieit intuit will till show there sie no hnown pro pivot cctttltd scoured the status he ll oiirru to prevent Icing shred ll rllilbtd Soil tests show the sod is best in the northrest comer oi the property but high wetrr tool will rrquirs soms drIInlng sod beckilillng limb is now bclos clotted lrorn service road Ind the next step ii to dig drlinsgo dllcb File Irclllelceu blue shells In interest in the pin Ind council doesnt know willt lt oi the report Ind Ibst council res being Intel to do The ltrbnicsl coordinating committee which is pmentlhj the report to rwnril suggest buying the public sorts rom nlittco stitd the report Irld meet with cossultsnt Ind other members at notch to pre sent my possible objections lisyor Cooto Ilid this In rsdicll depsrturs item the Police Seek Man Shooting Ontsrio PmVlliAill Police It Bertie Ind tbe herrie City Poi ise IJg looting ior the driver It lust or ml light blue Ford or Panties in connection with shooting incident mind pm hioiidey on Highwa so It con 11 Vrcprs twp linlncidenlocclnrnd Iiter mun described In belwreh to end to years old oi medium build going held Ind wcnrtng red sod while locus Ind tum bcrmlb locket picked is two teenIII girls in iront of the Imil on Duniop street The gris Illeyohlhing born mi lllgh In nl own wli tb dliillldtldnilt turosn unit on Con it oi clprn two inl let the girls out itinutcl inter as they were wsitin will on iiighwsy I0 inwsrd gun Incrdent thiyhurd shot Ind one girl icit somethin go by her leg 3M bullet horn were leter ioisd in the second girls inch tt the iris then begsh ruilnlo down Idhwsy no son ills down pulinl motorist who drotetbcm to no ltltioo on the corner It County iloed to when lny cniicd Bottle OFF the girls slid that the vehicle hsd ssvcrsi patches niprlnler plint on the lit side Ind son tsined good qtisli rsdio They Itsn uid they seen IIInon either shotgun rie in the but rest Police hsvo Inked but some incognillng the descIipllon oi the cut or the roll oi hnow irig oi the incident csll Blirlo OPP It mom uaVrzwm The report is In drsit ltlgc Ind Iiiilllrlsryl has been pro lrntrd tocvsinc sod thI public th tinyor sins questioned the point in listing pditlden till ntniug ionbninsl upon with the lecbrlclsrl involved but sir Allen said the Ides wls in bus report tilIt would reect politlrll decisions In much es possible The report Is no good unless watleilns III inroltrd be iibe mull ol the wrsngting loss tbill the dull Ill be dis nursed ill sprrili meeting work iroril Tllilrsdly Iny pm posed changes will be given to the consuilent who will yrcplrs ilnIl report which will come birI in council in curly Frbno At the end oi the discussion the committee got Into the pro bicms oi lctcndertng ibI bun servch conltlctor letting up public system it tblt decision in midi Aid GIrrcli slid tbs pcrlcnt contrsct prim on June Sit srsi it will suggested ihsi 0ch would thI in mm up in mind About wblt Iornl bus service would lIkI It irslt six weeks bclorn tht tlsynr looks Isid obslclcr in on ills purchsse otsome momOne we ever cordlesnulbetnuotvrdundbs mm slid you csnl get those in couple oi Itch hir Omit Iddcd lhsl blues ordered in September tor Sudhury tints yet to be delivered MOTORCYCLE NACES 0N ICE POPULAR CARNIVAL ATIRACIION New Category Added To Motorcycle Races Tliiit ile be title in pills to lho insert tiro isncllutd mutolrl into on Feb it It the ill ioriiu vtilri CIiiiilIl An Idliltionll Ilboo in itovh lent Irrsli nnd prizes will be in lilhulrd Imam lnlntcur tiritnrs in tho interClub Lhniirhcs ire horn on toli it This Is the iourth use the their ilttl Ind they should be bigger Ind hotter than ever be love lnld itey Atkinson winter nnrnivui rtmrniitsl mumbcr Titty hove slurryn brcn one oi the msn ntirurilonl Al the he draw Ilnld sistuttdud the category is new tti yrJr Ind lilih lhs Ilhilildlt rlrzl riielury hilt term lilo iiiltlii rutcl on Full ii Cnnieslsnil in the tiniludd cl veto cro divided into its nut cuorlrl those with cnliiltl un der Ito Ind ltole with cnglnrs nlrr iio tr The lithiiird llro tree is open only to motorcycles with cniincs letters in Ind so to lit Atkinson loid conicltnnti in its unsiuddcd iirc him how its hsldult limo tuniroll ing their other on the III er intnivsi Mg by Iiut the more splits the more lhrllll he slid ibn ecnirlinhls In the Iiodd ed lilu clots hills Ill noisier limo mnnosnvrving on the slip gnry truth but Inlh sin rnnle nngcroul when they do occur The studs Ito smell Ilrei knobs that protrude shoot ounrirr oi In inth beyond the rublicr Iii Iiuunii the tile JJehioitliss The most don Irons oi lhs trees in the tied the clue Spill his Iiiit oi Itcci end urulrude two inrth tom the rubber till Icouiid the tits hir Atkinson Intd II drives in this rnto iIiinl his could be seriouliy inlurtri it cos bi be isrcri two discs oi lriiilg toiled rubber iiui ihcin drlvcrs ore proirl rionnis silrcgilieied with the nnudlsn hloiurrycis Asteris on tloloreyclcs with Ipllrii tires sro dividel into tour classes union with no to engines urn ors with lid cc rnulncsduniorn with the co cnglnrv In If luts with tho cc rnglnci Sponsored by the iisirlo tints oreyellng Allorlnlion the tiers will be run on the buy on IninJIo tinclsl beginning shout noon slid continuing Ill day More than it orivcrl item Ontlrlo eSorbet onti psils oi the Unit Sillcl its riuccted to compete llr Atkinson Mini crewman2c Itelph Berry shred the letrls po rem tea in ys society It meeting It the Klwsrils dub bioddny night hulls Negus tleii Ll rice ident oi the Club sad to Owen trlgblt Is member I2qu lbolol lifter 23 Years On Force Hes On The Losing Side ivc born pnlicrmnn Inr mil Ind no new thIl lil spent 13 fun on tho Im ing side Shel Srtrclnt itelpb Burrs told the itith Club him so nisbL Sgt ticrIys speech rrnirr ed liound the herd in VIP lenccd by Csnsdll ce eluted by public tby wscd intruders lewbtcl trrs lie citnd enmpici oi tbll nits rrirrlislsis Ire hn longer csl criminals 1hcy III now rniird Iotlodlvlslu in the iuture police men it be cslltd Insist Id iuslmrnt oiiicsn he sold timinei Icts lie now cull ed misdcmcnnoct csr then in now lopriding lis leld tilt the path It lsw cniurccrrirnl in our society cell in counted to thnl ill pendu lum In the beginning pcopII wen hung inr minor oIlrnncs like Iiclltng lost oi brreii than the isluium rrechrd nlltidlts lust point Iivd now it hot gone ion is the otltrr wly whole titan result he smiled ior slcsiinn elm be an it is under Ito lie thI come long why he slid New the victim can Iomu to tile niirndsrl wly oi tblnting Sci Berry slid the pollrs iorco has been Ndixtd by this new Ipsionrh to iawl in hunch oi pspcI tigers AWllml Isl once your security he sold hut now you my not perlusdI him in Bdrrles Growth Topic do My more then drive his itll It the bend oi the Sshis Lllln pmdc IloI Ilmbil thli hriplrsl III slid hr Irnrrd that police men would begin in bus ins and thougbls protcclltis rier in iuturc bctllss ii the policemnn is injured snd hss in rpcnd some time in tho hospi lei he will eclirci only to per cent oi bu sliltr That no the recent ruling nl police Iibllrs ticn hosts to Timid This in not ildirll think Iny Sgt ilrrty IIIJ it Is the musings hi guy who has tlnlily pulled biI bud out oi the third III bred ior tougher Ilwl Ind bIninoltd tops he slid discussion prrlod iolowrd his speech CRTC Province Look On Ncwncssicr turned loclsi coili nicntntnr Stenin bulls will In oneoi seven penetisLl disallo inI the Growth It hurts Good or Betti lmlbl It 130 on thinnei the progrsm psrt oI tbs It rie mono series will sisn chi urI hlsyor In ml school inclslrilo Archie brown llwycrs Gordon ticiurti ltld PIui iirrlnil ton Ind Al iinpper Irom the YMCA the show will hr at pnrtiruilr interest bccsuse number It reprelrntetivrs oi the unldiln Rldloieieyllion Commission end the provinrlsi Ioicrnment will be observing the proceedings their observers wli silo meet during the evening with every one who hos worked on the pro grnms Iincs lIlt opting to talk shout the tutors prospcru tor the show end Its role in communily IiiIirI bit Iloppei slid this will be lit inurtb broodsst This is oi the is cities being stild icd by pnlty initurlsie ibs ch10 rsgniltrs opsrstinn TV syllrms end they tLV rncouruing chbls operulorl to provide community nl III the cum rod siinitl progrsirimlog on the csbls lyslrms tinrrln icooo nroiI irom dis riilI when Mr This commune liy should ltIrl tsiking to it Ieii iir liopprr slid individ unis Ind lnlcrcntcd groups torm ctl committee that hos pro nussinlu iiui It iiurkr suggest paved the tour Ihuvil so int Viewcrl will be given In ntgt pcrtiinliy to phone In in the pn elLits with questions which will be snssrrcd on the sir STANLEY BUNK Emphasis On Prevention May Mean Better Service iimphuiling the seventle Isprci in moist be th rslbcr tbln the problems stone rnsy be one my in which the lllrrio brlrlcb oi the Clnsiiiln hitntIl iicnith Assbeisiinn can be oi grrster Irrka to the cnmmun lly Al the rcgulsr monthly meete Ihg lost hi hi members oi the ChilIA tool not In Ipprsini oi their role in the community Lilo other orgInllItlonI it his undergone tcsssessmcnt oi po sition Ind plsns to cmpbssiie the title sipcctl oi mentIl hesilh priced at the ncgstlir itrv lirti Purdon president slid rtctirntlvo lotion would probsby be oi gtcllcr Insist Inns in disturbed cliilcnl ihsn rethiiltItioo Ictlon iller More Exhibitors Sought lot lnlo Although rrlponle to into it In been good the limit brshtlt oi the Cunniiien birntsl ihcrns been tendency to run In Imbulnnro icrvlcs It the bottom oi the rliiliir Purdon sold iiui nobodys thought oi oultinn lrnco It the top oi the tlili its lnld while tile mop would still continue its help in people who bnvs problem It hopes in help people hetero tile problch become ovrrehriming STEP into is strip in the right dirtciion be Is lie win to ierclng to thin onedry exhibition at rocisl services be vsliIbis in the ilsrrio sres this score lnlo is scheduled iiclilh Assoclndcn is still look in ior tmre rlhibitors Iv ltrn Puidon snld time my bl some mu slits CllilA has not contacttd ut who ml wont to like pntl In tho exhib lion oi locin servich silliv sbio in the liurrio Irrs Aesoiisiionn who Irc interestv IA my content hit iurdon Ii hither 1151le or II Nuilott Aid United Church imtot Elbibliotr will hold their rst meeting liondsy eycnlh It the tthlle Cross Centre to icr st Ciiiiili Annual On Feb 21 New oiiirrrl lot the tilrrls blnnuh at tho Cnnntiish illrnlsi iirniih Allocinlioh will be rirci ed It the sound meeting icb ii The mcriio will on It the childrens Ai Society board oi directors room to it Poynii St It om MOb interested in moist beltiil rosy Iltrnd the opsn mrciing bits Betty tisinmot irlIhti iliin tbrlrisn It tilrlil Publln Film Service shows hill Ediie Austin oi Butte Ind ior limit It Cchlrni United Church Arnoilgblbn group we llripsllnn will the Chidrrns Aid Society the Simon County ilesiib Unit Bil Brothels An loristion the Addiction lirlrlrrh toundllion ill iriiiln the out rrnrh brsnrh oi the Ontsrin lino pilsi It Pcnrlsnsulshcnn Ind others The mention oi lbo CililA is in the process at throwing ldnns Irotttri Mr Purdnn IIId its told is unliktt Iny ccncrcln Irilon will be in In lmtii liter into it when the board will know wbnt It In likely to be llted with in the coming yrnr Loss 13 $25000 In Oro Barn Fire toms bu been admins It Ibesrt start which lemd blurs liens nines L1 burn Jim to give npbis bllrhsrllitbs InCoIl lolOco Np Illusory tor All In lust begin in in up investor in sun scule iIrm Lost in the blue Irrs ioir horses three oi them rsdelco ellIthdallllem gs In well Is olts ltrsw Ind Irm swipinan Brian Preclin his wile end iwcycsrold dsugillrr rrnt Lbs ism hint Psrclln slid hrr hinbsnd III swltrncd shout Ile this mncnbigtbg passing motorist lib lthlt bind oi Incl do Ire blue lire Pencils qlutioud Is the we comlorird by end tLr Pscslo berating into tears slid besides the livestock Ind hsrioltlnlbeinmlonlni nail stand icr neighbor non belcn ci strew betlr mew shn noti iinnu toning trom rr the third isrrvw Inc his pins the honourold bun By the Isdcitrs show not Ind birch Lnne the firs drommrnts born smith conipmcnt worth It ksst Gnarls Ind ShIoLv thy Irrlrcd to run dutmycd Ilrrytbing hen dutroyd Cruse oi the him has not Only tbs bones iotlr hrsd oi yrt brcn dricrmlned Insursnn cluie Ind loos blici ni hly niiitills brgln ibrir intIsng nets insutcd his Pmiin slid lions this Iticrnoctl 1hr horses were worth Atom The isms is ownrd by Knoll For the Psorlion this is tbs Cbrislresen oi Thornde second time trIgrdy bss ltnrrk Tbs dureilon oi the wind prob ln the put yrer Last Auglul Iblylllrdssecondbsrd onth the Murcia isrmer collared Ilrrtl trolls being humid Committees Move To Streamlining City council lininllircc may rd last night to Ilrclrnline their secretion in expectetlon nl in crenllrig woitlnbd in the coming yru No rommltlru Futile works slid the city detropnlrnt set rioting hour ior their lwkn monthly dritbrrsllon Ind Aid Drl Coll in miles lhsylur estlon Isid committee Mm rs dont slwal think Is clcsh ly Is they should Iiicr midnight Ind tbrrs tend to be drcllloon rllsde without enough discussion City engineer lily Alien re minded the sortinullrs lbll in port the still policy bsl been ing lslponss by It iellt won the idu oi rslerrinn problem Irousd the counrtL in busy use Itlo tend to throw nut tcrl book to committee wsnl you in bring me your pinbirms ui with possible splittin lm In solution in curry ploblrilll except in very rrirlots canon ihn commllire begin this Itrrsmiining epproech iinn lbst rstbcr than vs spelled whceIlpcciiieprob 1ch lie brought up on they hive been in the poll that lilt dccrncn concerned shout per bspn pulicuisr pothole or tbel it they his in doubh they something nl that nature sbould sit the percents write to roun simply write down its locntiols ell By isle roilncll must deli Indglsibsmcsllrstotbutsli Ministers Back Commuter Trial Lbititttulcr liIiii irrvitl be lle mtmbtrs bill on mmmutrr itvccn Nitric Ind ltlrntilo how irlnspdrtstlorl when the House In tho busting oi two rsblnrt oi Commons llil min in Feb ministers sisi cigbi LibIrIi rurnry bactbcnnbru Ill meising to Tbs commuter lrlin would do everything oolsbioto mstn Insko two trips dilly in the trust John hiedcoil propoicd mninlill trom tlnrrin to Toronto thm month trill service Ilopping Ii Aurorn IlrIdiurd rrnliiy Ind Newmsrbet returning Itlcr hir Alrtlml his mind ior in Norrie tilt iiuitoi enrol undrr the inert inilil In his roposil would provide Ilch Progriiin end he nys tin one ion or interior inlet to con oi tho will go both in the the system Illil probony Ibout Chit Crown corporation ior io lob Ior CNtt wortrrI Irsiotcnlnl th service will cost Ibnui til now has Dcletics illinillrr moo wrrir ior trnin rcnini Dublid hlIrdonniii Inii Cnm Ind would provide IrrlicI It municuiiuns tilnlltcr Nobel rust Nm nrnblc tit chilling bus Sinnbuty on his side Ind John service ir hiblcoi hos Isid itobrris tintorllhimroei bus the titii hos trains ready to be unwind in IntroducI priv put into this typo oi lecture Men Plead Guilty To Shooting Elk mils tosliiullun oi tinio osnh to but sbumluhrr till 0m Siniivn ountr oi tho Isncb Doirhre counsels lilo Itd Clnrtn nod Donsld rnwinrd oi oliiiln sold neither hiiihopo Sicvrn it iutibcpc ll oi iinukrituhr Inti Edwlnl iii Vivien to II Cuidwsicr plcld rd guilty In yrovinclet court this morning to then over lit in ronhctllcn with lhe choolln oi ibrco co cit Ii th Lilli iii Iillo time Nov They were remrniicd to Jun ti Ior sentencing by Judge II Chsricl nidhepe Ind Vivien his tour Vivinn bod shy previous rclt cord Ind Iskrd ior prolrnb critr report The lawyers oiirred to csll rhnrnrirr witnesch Ior the pee scntrhio report ALMOST hilti iiiiliiiilins NEEDLE Andrew Scott ii oi 0ro bile lion how in Irl up lhs protec tor during protection its course It the libisry Tbs iiimlrnusiblvos micelles Lil tires in nor lino to course in held every Monday incliily Ind ihurlcily nigi irom into to Illa ieo siloindio use its lrrvcsl lbc hlsynr llld he doesnt leI lhgwhonthIiirsbittbism with any letter sent to it dots