Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 18 Jan 1972, p. 2

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tritium ultimo sIslslnlsulrmnslmnrdlvussv norm gw hcev some uses non sonnet it til no nmm Illen hurdle mm mm rcevs son plutonium been Candys iiltb nodes by sopnnedibenleeiln sndwrkoarlunlslbntintwlrdcsm Meeting 0i Barrie siririanwyisniviilvcn terrorism wibs Wind Ibnstmse busting will be MWMYMWIH ethertnlersotod Cecil IWGSIOVGI Is installed Master Innlsiii District L01 siliii Dtnttct ion Oriole tenor wll elected It the In nu mini is Isgnl Mom In Cecil Wutotlr cl AIM nutter Keith Dusty oi Baxter Depot hinterl Inna Pssntiin II Item roocrciss no Merrill ihoot Innoi Gligtilie piss eve Pub loo Pi Iv chluirI It theory it Belt rnlr No Decit lliayor Says ltd priorities to he looted into 1th should be mired were you mil stooges iii bidict that prioriuu werent on Ksuyoltnul Illii Btlrdtlll oi celled iut silhi Ind no piInl were mode to rumbles hetero lbs bildlct Stadium lilmiiton at all did leetnru slid Tod Dull diAnnlI siytlectum vollcititotdorrrttem nus hicldmlisoibooiu Atoll county mutter conduct the rieciioo Ind when lic crleien also muster It On minus lnItllted III In olo 0oil in in time Ritrislt 11 dny oi Binnie It liulls Ind instill lecrsi Chapel in llr ilitrbio is survived by All site initirliI oi ht Cslhsiiner minim tics ulr clonal Nil lrl IIiir Nos otk liri ph Ind Mrs Elmvlle hurili win It VlclorlI imn It Cstbsrincs LOCAL AND GENERAL WHIP bud Ind isco the result It allite conuoiitilriunet Islntleecllltctdentoniiilhe Mela when he whiolmlyiiingmeg til only so iiuiII billion sinus to his vehicle In Ii lirnIled It Audit Gnnts sullciod cut tip in tho rnlrhnp DUNW rim DsmIgI wII etiitnniod It tide to both rlhlcit tiondu which were involved roll ion on Dunlop St In the oitcmoon The victim oi the vehiclss were itoheri brown 21 oi Oro Stilton Ind ilruho lil chrit it oi till liIrrlI lAlldADtlY common Writer hiewsrt oi illrric in Isillilctory condition It till Victoris limpiisl todty wi roullipioilcriltlons oi the sly loo blond to to urred nlllhiilonuod limeli Ions Silwltte Vehicle liisoii he told Ind slruiii lire DImIge to hit vehicle on timstod Ii 00 MONA CLUB The Llonl Club It hurts will cordlitt ilI Irguisr inciting to st in halo It linlilirs more strict Governor Fred Roll islli sddvm the club MIDENI MIDI 1hr liurnnll hiildsrl hick Ind iiltd club will hold it uh trsininr lollionI It hivin IrcondIry school on Iilridsy Ind iiiurodly evrnlou ironi hilltoiprn toil scour iiiit 10 so divorgdl sod Iccclvs moo Iymrn iniil my or mIr taillm Do it liliillbb so it Plymil ll Meme my in return Ind il II where on tho Ictunl do enter timii II All lilymllt mild be re cd income Enier tile II Ictlvsd in the you on the or Other income on your return ailinoowrccclvlng enlion psymenll train the Clot IIliiI lion PlIn ll the money receive tnxsbi Ildllloilld include it when report rny toeomei Yes iiiI income you In now receiving item tbs Clnodl Pension PiIn ll ilieble int shoulde reported on your to some in return liy will lid ill Joint illnir Iccwnt iite otyrntots iii to the bunk lccourt lrI mete b1 me since my wiie III on rirsie hicorns other own the elite IiI mud out in our ioiol remission isliiltcpori the interest income on my in rlturn including It with my to comet All It the blot Interest Yttillt be ported Is your in comI since your siisl thin oi tbtmomondepoliicsrneirom you managed iobl int ycll trlidid mylvriviottlcmplo loll crI pension plIn know to one clnbeillodsisrodue dd Ill bulidnnoihnow how Iliil iIll 0i in clients not It thou when tiling your iclutn you Illsrli note to your to turn requesting tillt the Dipltl IGLASSES WIZDAYIZNVICIl CONTACT signs BARRIE OPTICAL DIdiliNllNO OPTICIAN Clepprricnssd Coiiirr instill tunio euro ply mini spill the provisions oi Sec lion it the income Tlx Act toyourlum sum peymelt ilito ntisch the ill clip In which liisl plymlnt il reported coin lets your turn Is in It the li lbie income ilsurs but do not lnciudI the lump sum plymeni in your intent Do not inliil my in rsicuiliioii but eniir on the lids loill llil deducted per iniormliion Illpl the lotli smounl oi your in deductions including the mount deducted born the lump sum when or shown on the TM lily there problth will be deity in pro cutting your turn deposit the ismliy eliow lncI clthutl my wits recrivel into hull lccounl which tl in tbs neirics oi our two obit oven Do Include in my income the interest till to mod on this but sccountt No inierut on this bunk lo count should not be inclth it your Income It the lentil Iiiovi Incl shotgun Ire Iii II III deposited The inherent ii in cone or your wits end should be ported by lirr multimillion liliioiliclills Item leldtllslonle lodge NI OILS ilcld ill will It lnlllilstlcn oi Olilictl It the linonic irinpil lives at George itsrliltiew wss lostsiird II Worlhloiui Holler oiltle lodge FRONT MOW ltronl lritti JImil Smsil Im medilio Put lileieri Snow Tonight Cooier Wednesdgy about hint Wedncldsy our that icrerblt Ior lilI iisrrie 13101 mum Lets Evil terini Coolrr Wednudll irIgilsnl Inosiiurrill is glen Cloudy Ind some snort Id tonight 147w loni it dcgircl tiigb We WWW brooms bnow illith wilt Northern DnlIrlo viii conlitiiil lode Is wclihtr disturbliice not at Luke Superior motel erstwlrdl lnlo Ouobtc Cooler Iir is sgaln tithing Ioulbwlrd IAPACL scroll the us out ibll morning mm mm nm gomsl Ginnding with urine sonny psrlodn Ind mild lode borne show tonight til Ind southerly to it WIdncsdIy oudlng Inowtinrrils Ind colder Winds gbt with chshtIol northerly it to so iiighl todly icw showers or snowilurrlu ihllisltsiowsionigittiiioii Wldnsldly turning colder iilsiu Wednclds in the low 20 Ind will iller then pri istil tonight sod Iii oi sou lrn Ontario by iiicdnudli cvsnlnl Toronto llllniy sunh coolinnln mild todly cl over to Winds soiithil il in to tilt ncsr low to iONDNTD wt ItIdinl wls lellvs Ii higher prices ior Iii clluel Ind rildtl oi much icr cltuc It the Ontlrio on he Iioclylrds todey Vcni cIii prim were Ictlvtly Iltong hog prices higher slid there well he only sells on sheep shd ilrrol due illI ope clei eitctnoon Isle It phi silsohier cIitlI till Choice steers Jlnoiibt with nits in lm good IMO mcdlumls IIM common 21M choirs boilers Ital with sites to lino good boom mcdium tool common lbiido good cows tleiiho with Intel in ii the Ilium hm eInncrI Ind culler iitl good hosvyboiornl huiil 33 common Ind medium in itcolleeoicnl chills tool uono tight liorlerl loo lenders ills good iier Idilkm ioodtrs Mb shoot liesr cllves tell good stock beiiir elivci lilo common Ind rhodium Itoetcro Ind iccdrrs illi CIlscs till Choice yVlIllIl CHI with lop choice It Abbi good sou medium not born mon till boners me it Wednesdly Iutb raider Winds southerly is to is lilghs lodsy III to our to lows in ant to our to Night wodhoIIIy in its Ids sionol snow LIVESTOCK Phillis slit currently Ii lorotllo 1110 siIgI Ind hours this eds gig cg liltbiI hoolor Deleon Kills III Inner auerdi it sin iitnloriisrdeoi it it Jinncit Senior erden ircuurcr Pull in hector oi Commenter BACK ROWi it Puddrn cruise Anthony ltlnrlni Diiulll Deputy blend iiuiii Ior linemen Dioiilct lltii trill Grorse Rluulilw newlyintuit Mutiny lilgsteli District Doughty arsndltoileroiceorgiln to ttlci Amtttongi Light MIDI iIOIIt Alli to in Winds motility it in its loss lonitht new to shout WeanIdIy Inowdnrrin Ind um turning colder Winds northerly mu on to It ltigbr WIanIdIy but llsinl sunny Ind conv meohdly clouding Win or owiiu It lT Windsor cirrus it run CANADIAN Pill Ievsrlyiiliil hiltoss ilsgdllsrisn ti Iongwiiicc whole toil rerouting It The Chipmunk Song sold ioiir IiNl ilon to ice in seven weeks Ind would North lily ludbury hluit Chi thunk Vlctocilotlordon tillnchetd North to member oi hock nyl Hell ol rlmu std known II tilI iron Duke ior lili itrcnsth Ind liiciihnndiin lbiilty Norwich ngiIndDlily lento co who wrote but won the lining Visitor whdInuleho mninfl yosrs In wr DruoiiEdwsrd Fish 30 lJtl iIIl survivor ni Illt broihcn who ioundod ills Filbsr body Co in ms hrsne 0ch Tcmsgnml with high It ogl Itii hm pries soilo obsessed IIiIIbs Iili Home ounorsconnow reduco payments or Much its title You ll home owner Ire soil eligible ior ion colt second or third mortgsgt loll irom shoot to cocoon st noticed monthly psymenll Find out how low cost home owner loln clii ply sit your bills quI you Iddliionsi cuh it required Ind It the time time reduce your monthly plymenle by It much ll tinii Find out how my to to get your loan Ipprovcd within It hourl You runcoil to lo pm iodsy Ior beipiui minors service Prompt investment corp Ltd so buy It Toronto Clii roilch new evenings hillilo AYSIYOIJLI BE in PM Painhelm return ST tHenllh not Secretein is Anderson High Low iiigbyvulrmcIL mm the voice It Alvin the oilidindendlse OoIiwItIr It timid It lbilmi in no instinctive slid the itntlii is consign oo bile moments count session its us councillor in Victortl illrbotr incr Iil yrIrI hoists moving on lteyoc in Coats onetimI coinsy councillor Intended ticlll will from an Inmateth new count while he wuuldnod autism ilsiil liners 0r llsyes tiltry Bell oi Col thlswood sad time George Itc Clrte oi Million hilyntr his or ziinsr Dotili Pencils one lie or Vincliuorcsu ltiov tint or door hdcthtilougb end Ir and liner Joe lies lot too oticrod good sdthu Arthur bvtnl liPP lsr Centre Slmcoe tho will county wsrded in lots Ind Dr to ltanrd liP bimcoe North Junior slessrd Itiddtil Junior Benton Pluto soninsililing iiuier it lieuid aspirin ill ibomocon Senior blswud It ilInnIhry iyili Musing irnm photo it it liook nrgsnilt Lu Cowper Pboioi II it no I0 llrnil to tendon to II ltltihiner It is itiount Form ll wingilsm it It Owen Sound 15 no linlsnss It Is Ito mums ti ll ii t0 it All Id 80 40 lb III II it 80 ll 18 J0 lh IA ID do it It JI it 10 ll 10 do ill Throttle Trenton Kingston Peterborousii lilillido North iily hiidbtuy tiliiion Iimmins tiepslllsllns iisrts dctlidlon hiooioneI Li ll to Nelp yoursellto prollct providing employment or ills written OIorgIDlvls rtiyoi Ind Must21 Simeon It It ltootulin command mompnmt yintilldld John rtsi Northerner wnn wt Iiin Junlideotsllscxsy Om Csnobslloi bottle rally Imi III Verdi Incl iiui oi Ionic ills mortuary all ion toil wsrdenl Ems olBtsdiotd tell wlrdeol oi merge lL lhrpbord It or more loll wlrden Iioy it lilokilng oi IsrrlI me we enr wi Plttoen tics elrcln boom List at iesornseib lmwsrdlnl 00o tirCs wltdtn otdiilnctuotlllynei Midi Indthe retir lnywlrdsnwbtlwsm her itrnneth lllio pmi dent nl till illniltlrill AllodIv tlon reel horn the scriptures Ind ted in mm Mosh Intel SlelIIi intro duced bits Pridhsm II lbs iirll ildr ci use nouns rnrmlr illrris lilynr iiui dill lilildlolnd tormer cori ty rillvaM liilrltcr were I4 nioolotbmvbn oiluoo cong reluieroe in the newwlrden sod Intended NIIWllll to the county clunle CHI Us $A at Account FitEECHEQUiNG OEEN SATURDAY MN tioiintotmlilohonovenhighovisies on our Bonus swings Accounts Inn Debnnluis investment CIiiliicoisl phono Poul Abbott 705 7267200 atoll Inllllnctlon group crooiivltyond benefit to your community Come In and III us well explain wholl In it Ioiyou Contact Your Locnl CANADA MANPOWER CENIIIE ClnldI Mlnpowsr Centre liInpnwrr Ind 32A Dunlop St Boiils lmmlsrntion Olin Lsng lllnitlrr its lihppenlnglislsi 7204469 Sluice dc Mlinciquvu CInIdI Jillndornvn ct immimiinn title lens iiinlnlre tillth diniror North Ptnltcl AM Ircriiicd wth III crested Jobs it provide sddtd shit to help Ibriirred workshop srrlennrl develop Illlllllll pIcIIIms Ior the hsndlolpped II still so Improve Ind Am the municipal savings loan corporation PO Box 147 so Dunlap St Eut Ernie Onisrio chsidllry oiMunicipll liliiklrs Oorpoislien mil limited lirliorill CANADA Drrosin insurinth CORPORATION

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