Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1972, p. 4

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OIIttAItlttit Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Corrtplny Limited 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Kerry Lamhlv Mil til it Watts Editor Emotion MONDAY artrum shatGarters Manager McPherson Managing Editor st in vanes TrueCost Of Living Picture In Canada 13 Figures dont lie but oiten can be mis leading This observation is pro ed by the latest rosioiilrialg report oi tab Istiea Canada The report indicated that sharp in crease in load prices had probed the consumer price index up last month tor the bi est NouembertoDectntber gain in trade In percentage terms the overall index In December was use per higher than It was In December The impact oi this news might indicate that Ination has begun another spiral and that the economy could be lacing renewed restriction by government But then Statistics Canada came lorward with another combination oi gures which dungcdihe picture and placed the true cost oi living In proper perspective Despite the ditterence in the rate be tween December 1970 and Decernber Itll the report showed that the average monthly cost at living In 1971 increased less than It did in any year since 1965 lotalling the consumer price Index gures tor each month oi last year and dividing the mm by 12 hnontbslyieldt an average price level oi 1334 in 1971 This means in cilect that the average cost oi llvln during any oi the 12 moothaoil lwasli tperceothlgtrer Not Alarming than in tool the base ear tor the index It also means that average month ty cost at living index tart year was 20 per cent blazer than the mo average This was the lowest rate oilnerease In the avmge monthly cost oi living tor ansv year rtnce ml when It Idranctd by per cent limiter dont lie it depends how you look at them Certainly there it no evidence oi runaway ination in tact the reverse is true Canadians are bold ing the cost oi living line quite nicely despite boost In lood prices And It should be remembered that price war between the big chain stores In 1070 torrid down prices articially and thus created an entirely untrue picture oi the economy Some months Finance Minister Edgar Benson aald tion was not lick ed but that it was not the maIn govern merit problem Unemployment Is the bugbcar today and the government Is try ing to relieve it by massive makework program Meanwhile dont bother to hold on to your hat inilatlon Is not going to take us tor ride yet We can live with certain amoun oi Inflation as we have done In the past Portrops ioo com eb Itlon will iorca down some prices er talniy this is conceivable gt OTHER EDITORS VIEWS COMMUNICATION Hamilton Spectator One at the root causes oi trouble in our timer Is breakdown in communion lions meaning people on two sides at an Imtl dont understand cad other And the wondertul communications tech nology oi our an Ian to blame to mate their own breakdowns oiien th aeentlngly deliberate obiuscatlng tang uaga 2A an example we present tow ex irom meeting at Hamilton city it where an engineerln oransuIIant hit civic committee with iollowlng phrases translations irt brackets prelimlnary cost bcnotii analysis estlnaate uttilae photographic tethntques tiakopicturcsl mcalanica of implementation how to do It Iormulae ot costsharing dlvldlng the price prlvate contractual otal Itlrod garbage trucks deialled study methodolgy titow it will be done lnvolvcment oi local personnel ame hired here mea tul alternatives tany or that works When the expert was asked In plain language how accurate were his torov casts replied that the ocmrscy oi our predictions will be Inversely propor tional to the time lapse invoved the next It minutes is easy the neat lb years is hard It the same technologically qualitlod consultant expert is hired to write report tor the city the comndtlee can get someone else to do the translating We llnd Windbwm one otmodern mans more ditti languages DIET OF OLD SHOWERS St Catharines Standard Ileraa bad news tor the sauna salesr men and the tellotva who think steady diet oi cold showers be thorn iii Gringo heart so aliet has tlnally thrown cord water on the Idea oi cold showers as health topic Cold ihowcrsgartlarlarly alter excr cisecarr trigger cart attacks says Dr thrilderaoi the University oi 0th csgo Cold showers cause rapid chan ea within the body he exp blood vessels near the wrists contract to reduce the mouth or heat being lost through the bodys suriace Soon alter wards the pulse rate increases bican while the blood pressure is sharply el evated This results In an increased work load tor the heart Althogtfh there Is no data to prove canine eiiect relationship Dr Oldl derr octet that Scandinavian countries Where taking cold showers and ending hot sauna bath with plunge in the show are popular have the highest cor onary death rates In theword There Is of course one slighin cheer ing thought tor the cold shower addicts it they esrvive the shower or plunge Into snow alter the sauna bath they can be miserably sure their hearts in good shape At least until the next shower wwwwzwzmmwmm lllTEItPRETIIlG THE urns Canada Faces US Demand For Trade Concessions WASHINGTON lCPl irre turn on Canada and other Unlled States trading partners to some up with trade course stops Is tntenallyln here as lira Nixon admlnlara on prcpnrta legislation to devalue tits Amer Ican dollar its presentation in lieu Ihrou Congreu In tha that week oi price at so to Tebrusry rem til Virtually no congressional II It WORM ccralons With Congrrtt tries are ready to utter In con wnrk litter the thrlalmss vnrav tlon theta is mounting pressure tor something Ilrm to help hair lure the US more on devalua increaaing the the Itch tor tima within the ed meetings on tor Canada In pcg the dollar up by lirel seven or even eight per cm Canada It seen as unlikely to bow to US 1pressure to buy Amcrlcvn ml tary emulpment an scale that would ep the US balanceolvpaymenta dclcll under the detractsharing con to resume Iii an ounce Canadian ne aint ob ctlon to the devaluation to set has developed but the do bale Ia bound to bring to tho auriaca strung protectionist sens liner that has developed in built the Senate and the Home at lleprarertlatltea Treasury Secretary John It Connolly Ira agreeing to deval uaIton at the Dccember meeting at the Group oi Trn Ilnancr ministers hers Incinan prove laIdlt that Congress would not be salted Io devalue until he had won trade rnnreaalonr that could withitand congressional mm Sc tar there have been no not ath consortium They were to have been part at tire bargain underwhlcb tire US iIlIed the lbpeneent surlaa on dutlnble Imports Although nutlr US aIltnlInrt Ia focused on the European Common hlIrItet countries and Japan It is verngnilcd that Can ada too It or tedtornakas eontrlbulIort Iar says source close to the situation there has been tendency tor tlrh country to hang actr willing to are what other coun gottatora ars pretty well to algnod to the propoaltion that Counts lsnttgolng to gel some thing tot he mg The problem Is to llrtd the beat balance aumetbln that will look well on bolls ades ol the border said one source The Canadian negotiators of Prostate Connallya dilemma dealing with tkngrets but the areas In which Canada can Move are viewed as ilmllrdlo lth portleularly on the tool tanr auto tsunami The US has been cmandln that Canada give up rosette temper1y salcgunrtla that tilled the deal In Camdna lavor Ctnpda has argued that Its auto Industry has not yet rcacltvi the lat where It can live without saleguxrds liui or prrastllo mounts tar tona tliun concessions some coma Emmi on the auto part seems rIlable hear ent against Canada Is that Is other countries re valued ibvlr ttliivlicItl upwards as part oi the deal Canadas dollar was permitted to continue to that lollies clots to the Group cl Tea nitsildu says agreement Because oI these Iaelors there Is ililllp pressure Ior Cun ada to do more In the trad rrrerr vource explalncd rs crntly And the area where Canada can more Is becoming pretty obvlnuaIn apparent retevcnce to the auto agree ment The debate that opens ln Oun grrss next month could go on or some time Ccrlalnly Prca dent Nixon would want coruld erabla progress on wide range oi USCanada negotiations be torn hb scheduled vlilt to Oh laws In the spring The congressional debate will tats late strut the bitch ot lighly protectionist Ill Introduced by Senator Vance llarllra tnem had and Representative lamea limit tilcm Ilnaal which would put mtanlltsllrv quota restraints on all Imports Despite ths scope at its var Ious proposals the bill has aomll strong union barking Evan It It dorsal get Iar it ll provide torum tor protectionist demands tor lirrnrr ltgnd In dtllinl with US trading partners Somewhere out there IItetesa virus with my name on it QUEENS PARK Government Lives High On The Hog ll DON ODLARN Cams Past lama Oi The Examiner TORONTO point came In the diacttsalonl ot the rt tall session which was not reported bat which it extremely tnterutinl The dcpsrtmrnt ol rarenua Is This to building on Yongv as Somebody asked bow much the more was going to cost the answer More DAD IIAIIT This passing moment oi the session reected what really should be matter at pressing public concern The nutter bring that the overnrnenl here In Ila style It vlngvrryhl on lhellot Essentially Its bad habit habit at luxury And lux which it can ailnrd but it at trip It with our money DILIATORS SUITES the transit tor revenue It you assess It It probably not all that preat CANADAS soon Antoine Cadil This would cover Ibsiurniture costs tor mater btuldlng in Million to the expense ol mov IRI Tha EOIDI Is however that when lat building Lt IIrtisheti anti peasplrd II will probably cutshow or outglamorlae the headquarters ot any prlratc compan lt wt be Ererypleceol furniture be new and the minister and senior olllctalx will be In suites straight out at lllt lot or Iiuasolinl LETS savtz Vihuil wrong with this One can argue that mtahouidblltl well at its private counterparts built really Isnt agood assu TIIOII The basic blg lab at most prI vale Industry is to tell The essential lrcy iunclion oi government should be to rare as much at our money as it can And Ior our conlldence II noiblng else It mlsht will use slums old desks tram time to me sem lac Kicked Upstairs Dy ROI BOWMAN Theatrical performers some times dream at bapp day when they ml be Idle to critics Count Frontenac and his lieutenant Antoine Cadillac Iourld way to do thlaihltpi Frontenac asked Cadillac to produce two plays to entertain the garrison during the loot wlnler Bishop St Valllrr was very critical and Jill ll tilt trounced the plays ll immoral ard kept up morning lIrI Icora over the against such Irlvoloua entertain mat Hontmeand the bishop were constantly ouarroling and lilo Titrrtr Erratum II Ra ilrld Street II Ontario Telephone new Second Class liall Registration Number DIM lleurn portage Married Daily moan and Statutory Ilolidaya exrrplod Subrcriplhrn rates dilly by carrier ode weekly dildo year Iy Single copicsrlOc Ry mall llarrle Otto yearly Slmcos County ditto yearly Balance oi Canada tidbit yearly All other countrrcs elm ycarl Motor throw oil that mrIy Natlonnl Advertising Ottlrrt ti Queen St West Toronto MI lTIO OIO Cadrcart Sh lionlreai Member oi the Canadian Prcrr alntl Audliliurctu o1 Olrcula OIII The Canadian Preta Ia arrive Ivclyl entitled to its use tor ro pub cotton pl all ath dispatch ea In this paper credited to it or The Astor atrd Prras or heater and also iIlv local news pubilalllt ed therein Tbs llarria Examiner elatml yrlgbt In all original advcrv its and editorial material an ated by Ira employees and produced In this newspaper Copyrixhi Registration Nam her will rtrlstcr II Cadillac did his best to keep the pet boiling Evidently be earned mentor to circulate that be was going to produce another pla Iartulle by liollere as re on eth ssistln hcblnd the mask ol religion it bop SI Vailier was almost wild with enter odlilac wrote Inlerr Alon sleur de St Vallltr sweatcd blood and water to stop too real that existed only In the me aginatlo Unlortunately tor Cadillac the church avenluall held the upper hand Cadi lac who laurded Detroit resembled DArtagnon at The three liur teleers lie was dashing brave our excellent swordsman and bed hot temper lie was at vra in conictin the cleriy once aid openly that Jesuits ameied ut sedition too yards oll On another occasion announced that he would not pause In his way tor the noise at pu plea trapping and barking at sheets Eventually he lost his New live post at Detroit tPort Pontchartrain and was madb governor ol lsuIsIalla This was being kicked upstairs and hit conduct led to hs lacing sent to the Bastille Alter his ttlcasn he was made governor ol town In isscony OTllElI JAN 11 BVENTOI HitDe Vcrrarnno began to explore court ol North America tor France tillJean do Lattton became lolemul at Canada llpdlbervllla began building iorI below New Orleans lstanwer Canada Canadi ans protested thrrt they were not consulted about union with Upper Canada ltil interprovtnclal bridge opened at Ottawa ms Newlnuruiiurtd itritaln to lnteallgats Ilnanrial troubled ItalCanada returned was irtlauscv to Poland TRY EXAMINER NAhI ADI PHONE TMIII rateda scam rt ES saga it STE EB r5 lava realth University Pleasant Reading At The THE BURNT ORANGE TIER ESY Dy Gracie Willetortl Now the art world It bound by critic and lraudulent greatest modern painter altars Durham Illa erraaterplecer an em canvas tba NIbIIIab Surreal lilrwprtnnnwork FOLK TALES FRONT PERSIA By Alan Felruteln Charming variations on the perennial and eternal Iairy tall themes which are much the tame the world over TIT ZOO TANG By Paul Galileo aunty novel concerning at mittal capers on the Riviera Theerlrnea lewellleial kid napping art than are solved by lineman band oi exrRo stance igblsrg rnrtcv ANDIIEPRURN iii Carson ltarrirr All admirlng ith porIrIIl oi Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn by the well innwn dIr rctor playwright HOOPPRINT ON IIIT HEART Ily Jim Coleman One ol Canadas bestknnwn sportswrlltra rcmlnlscrr about horse racing and is both amurv ing and iniormatlve FILLED OF PLAICE By Ircd Bruenamer The disappearing world at the Library Salim trend through the tour aaasoru oi iba Arctic year For all us who are Interested in the iuiun ol the Oaudlarl Are tIc Superbiy illustrated In not or All CAT By Nattutrre SooekI This wallwrlllen novel gives an unusual rats eye view ot mcdrm Japanese Iamlty tits and anions FACES OF OUR TIMI By Yetuut limb Forlydlti memorable rails oi important new at have shaped our in timing Irorn Oregall in Trudeau van bsl sketch by Rush accompan lea each photographic study NOT AFTER MIDNIGHT Dy Daphne Du llaurler rlva compelling exciting Itas Ira tn the best in liaurlar trad ltIon BIBLE THOUGHT Then PrItr opened bIa mouiband laid til truth protein that ind la in rerpco trr at near Acts 1er God Is or reputation oi tin ms supernatural things thrau Missy people with aIrnp lore moor iammtlxn University Illv committed themselves to work lng with the bureau tor years lollowiag graduatiop raoonrtar naotta There are to sitadmtahn am as lieanot Usvctorntythebmau it used in betbat webbed all our translatorsand we do to some thmHIUl training in newspapers or Ircm among those who taught French to vmlllu But there Is arrperlai techniqueln tnnalaiin and apectat courses prov iraInIni Thirtvtwo graduates island the bureau alter the 1th vanity year and lit itayrr who they are working out we good translator can handle some hm words day alter three years be can about tutor rear tithing the massive buildup oi translation demands list the btueau bu Irtouaatly been swamped in work sons reports were held up weeks awaitin translation being used In it CLOSINO OAI there still is nearly It billion north at translating contracted out to private Ilrlns etch but the barren is last closloi the gap on these delays in cases delays amounttoonly day or two The exceptionshara iiaycr Intolirslpeclll shirts and iorrnslurh as the census wlich take tar more than straight to its But gelayl us not they used Apart trorn the lobol lating written reports and pers ilr Ilayrr also is respotw athle tor the governments mulianecur translation stletn vbirhtccpsaornatl eot mainly on Par It Free Flow OI News Faced By Numerous Baadblooks Following la the itlh yemnd survey by The hr aociated Press pl umonbip and other conditions tending to prevent the has ilow el news mu inirrnallonal burden DI TIIF ASSOCIATED PRESS No one double that people everywhere have to know how other nations lite and act be tors titers II any mutual un dtrttandin In the worti Yet the tree ow at news across international borders It by no mcarrs certain EIlorLa to al IaIn an urthatvtpcred excbsn at Inlorrnatloo gnlutd bit Itll but many roadblocks to malhcd The anoint survey oi ceruorrhlp and other sta elcs Io intemattonel news cov erage notes that the Bamboo Orr nln was pierced thou It rate remain Iar Itom wdeiy rd The chants seemed to dIcIIIod by Chinese Coma munisi yollc needs In the llght at all world power balances Advocates ol wider dissemi nation al news it anther shoved the Bamboo Orrlalrr arids lora trial period in Itll John Roderick ol The Associated Press and lateral other American reporlm en tercti Gilda in April with US table tennis team Other llrstcm Journalists iollowed shot the learn Icll PRESS STATE CLASIIED The United states and Bril aln both with traditional Ems Ircedorns had rm do atcs over publication at corn IItIrniIltI government door month When US newspapers used withheld Inlormaton on the United Slates itttolvrmcnt In Vietnam the government went to court lryirr Ioaln publica tion it argue that dlaclo rurcs endangered national se curlly and undermined cenliw denim diplomatic relationw itut the supreme Court alter ordering publication aus prndcd during Its review de cIdrd that constitutional guarantlca o5 Irecdom at this OTIS OWC IICVIAOO TO publish the matertaL pt British case arms when plus In US Supreme Court London Sunday Telegraph decision upholding the rlsbl ol published government re hewagupclv to ubllth Pents it on the lilalranmr Fdl ecumeniv abetted secret urawerachnrgctl with violate the government log the OIlchsI Secrets Act The toll minutes were which Inrhlds publication oI much the lame as they have documents stamped secret In been or many years Inherent clearln the editors thg court In rrrlous Iorms nlcsnaorahlp order ran Inquiry late that Palm inthrIera with the lion ot mgarold low norms on rrcs ndents covrrln th Sotrto examples American Instillan start war trorviI lb correspondents arr barred Irtdlan side were abIa to send Irom tuba Soma coturtrlea their dtsvairhes without rlor Such as tho Sovch Union internment elementaNcw admit lortltrr correspondents ever lhri received act at Oll reclrrocal basis but luItIciInet barring nswr ol use rirrply liml attest to llewl It the trims On our ocu sourcca Verlous countries lion lntllan authorities reltucd particularly In warttmt sub cl all dispatches to scrutiny andl mayhclrictl or gayble urso tern any patent Nglttly control their domestic Mlmm Julu IAN Ob press ttrlrlt oi till winter Olympic Some countries admit rrsl Ohm UTIIRIIIHI committee dun poncyppudgntg in said Friday they are worried OFFICIALS IVORIIILO in cm with weather In this northern laps Chtna on American writers nets city The said howavgg have in able to report tltv thry are optimIIllc that westbri nevairom Ilrersorraregular rorviltlorn will be laIIslaripry basis since tilt But Peking durInltha Otrnealeb ill lrlendl ltaIIonr butmrottt over the unllpettvd warm in to transmit pictures show executions oi airspected slant collaborators In Dacca Reporters on both were troubled poor mtrrdcations arr prohibitions on visiting the iron Vii2T RULES OFFICIAL Correspondents in Salim though tree oi lorroal reason ablp operated under governing reporting pl SoulII lelnarnete military opera tions The rules had existed all along laetll but were rnuigalrd ollI ally in Decem er They eloasl paralleled Ion alluding ellnes oi hillltary lstunce mand prohibiting tor exam ple disclosure illiiuptrl Ions until they were under way Violation tell nellpi nun liable to diseccredlla or cancellation oi his vii Don Luce positive writer and rectal worker was polled by Vietnam In 1711 Is par In exposing tiger cages on the Con prison Island Such crpulslortt are ordered rarely But In both the cal and military Acids Soth Vietnamese government but exercised censorship the source by wlibbodlni news or distorting what It closed Dalila casually 1301 example are regs ed lktgitlaln Reporters tln dllcrepahcles between llclai counts In Saigon those observed at the hunt to tome illddlr Eastern sensitive to New patches were at test to censors blu pencII Even olhrr countries without clal censorship the now lormatlnn abroad was tlrncs impeded throuth threat oI iliiCCIItdgVIlni rcIusal to divulge any but clally leOIIshttI lnIormatIon Crrtsorshlp cl military ItrI has become test oi Israel riiu in technical state at war with its oellilbtra tlut the restraints rated ailghiiy In ltll because el tolstlro quicl along the ders

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