Prods Federal Government For Commuter Train Action mm teem Job tiedcoil brtvbeentes rmhvstudlu sad letters or rumor surveys um to prod the tedrrel pov mment isle Idlw III bk pro Md eernnrrter into Iervire up hsryio no Union Station In letter direct to Prime slinuter Pierre tmtus Itr tirdceli rhsryrIto In there mam sction In the Metropolrtln Tor min Ind hesion thenrportrtiott Study the Whores study the 005mm Ehprnrion stody red My one undemy oI the rpe riIl chsrter Uri herpensorod In in itsan Tilt BANE EXAMINEI MONDAY JANUARY 17 ms 0n Retirement From Forces HellVBecome Legion Manager Optsin All My co pus Institutes Oillcer Casrdirn lorees tires Borden retires this leek utter 19 you pt rootlets our mttiury 0n rrllremeotbe still new lisepoeitlen et Grocrrl btvnrscr ol Itoyel Cenrdisn tuim brunch lt1 Blrrlr Born In Terrie In ms be re relied his educetloo rt lilo Ettwrrd Public School too tier rie CelleslIIe lle intend the Itoyel CIhhdlAn Air Force In ml end served to the Air Treltic Conret trrde us it ns Ippontmrut rr Due in vlltetrr tilttccr It heroes to toss lie received his commission mm the vents In September 1956 CoptIln lirily served rl srrl oils bares In Crnrdr includins tlbilchocse Vrnconvrr Edmoo Ion Reels ltivers birnllobr Goose tiny 6t tiuberl end Ibr hry New otmdlrnd plus three ycrr tour in Dimes Ito raider et lit Anne KELLY with his wile Evelyn end their Ion Lloyd Irderel ulhoeities should be rainy urine llr ltrdeotrs Ides requlru Irom II to II brine per leech Action Ill deroonstrste the led eIIl governments mm nod dates to steel with one oi the most errant tubes problems to ticdeoil reminds the Prime tltnlsley thrt retort crn bests Iny time Ins rod IrIclI ere rvellrbl It said the protect Iotttd contribute to eommtty betterment by reliev III the thrill problem Ind ls besierlly nonprolit Itbee no previous pro icrt the profit ol out us do cried to the provinclet yovern meat II this project msker prvtit it will be denoted in the Irderel Authorities Innislil Mishap Damage is S550 Demure but been estimated rt that In tee ctr rccidcst Sriuniry nlpbl on eiderord 2t Con ot lnnisiti Township Drltrrs oI the urn involved were Prul lleeslcy III tetttts or red Boonie Atkins till Stroud The Beuley crr hrd $50 dsvnr rye while the Allies crr ru drmryed lo the extend oi AW At HIE OPTICIAI opeuIny blur mryor olthoneck ol the Smoldste Perk rtl tntv Peter Deon itotIry Cbsh pres 5mllh Prrts rnd Horrcrtion Commission chrlrmen lEv $5400 Damage Densen us estimated el prcstnuldy two to rim to win is the city over Ihl ureterd the lee Ite touted everythins wrs sotisiIcIory littering tltoll tlt hob IIcOouoey identzV biryorlres Cooke kred 10th Ilr hlrtonnsy tests Pbotm Hens Club pmldcnl Dru Opens The So Perk III tow tees rnlnrlly opened Saturday It the top oi the ski hill in ublsllins north wind Itepresentrtivee oi the lions and Rotary clubs were present stony with tlryor Les Coete end Fred Smith chslrmen ol the Firm Ind Recrcrlton Commit tee Ilryer mks thouked the pres idents ot the two srrviro clubs Ier their members inlttrllvc end rsevcrcnre In resin the pro through In mile at severe lClIlilCh lie slid it Is lilting thrt rlly lilo Bertie which Lt In the rntddis oi recrertion me should here Its own It Irritltles In the city Presidents tetcr Dean ol the Rotary Club end Ilob lictonrey oi the Lions thrntcd the mayor iy November wilh vovk ennrmomdot mitoside end the undersround wirtnr end reld thrt their members co operled tuity centrlhutlnp much time snd equipment to see the pmch throuch Work heron ontlttvtewnlneen Intlrol leech device The Irom both clubs yetnlnp lercos rndinr corrected and the tow Ilcteccn them they ended the wee epprorcd hill dun trenches nrsd Installed On Saturday everythios wort cd rlretly Skiiol rllcr the there were several dclIyI due epcnno wrs tree to rulssiny tow equipment Ap Tito lovr will operate 1trcsdry rovri Item the Depsrtmenl oi and on the weekend her wet withheld two uncle Tow Ives tor children err 50 rpo bccruse oi the lrrk at In cents for Idults Ilbil do Huronia Symphonys Conductor Commuter From Mansion NB Ilerry Ilevcrcur new conduc tor ol the lluronls Symphony commutes weekly trons ilenclon New Brunswick where he is completing work no his Eochcler ot Music degree Trolls stlsntic commuting is wk rsrrmxn WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BROOMBAL ACTION IT WAS GOAL HardToBeat Entries Expected At Tourney The third rntturt Broombrli World Championships will be held on the hey II the tool at lleylleld St during Winter Cro nivrt end orssnlrer Weller Crra rulhert rryr the response so in be xrellcnt three entries rlreed only rent out the rpp crtlens Irst Thursday Despite the irtlcrest the tour nrmcntwllt be limited to to terms on Ilcsl come Ilrrt served bests Al Item iorctpn tcnnu ltrve been Invtlrd Ihrouyh rppttcrilons sent to the verioils embassies In Ottnwr Terms thrt misht prove upset contenderr this yrrr ere entrth lrom the ery ttu Sheer wrter N5 end to mode up entirely at In or Irom the llrmltlon rres ONE L05 The Indlen teem ltrs only lost one come in two ycsrv end so lIl this yes they brve use only one port retired on them The llurttnyton term hopes they rummmwwww the turtles wrs too coed lt soth down to body contest Ind doIndt come tlr Corrutherr rr Tho Burlinrlon entry less In Ipplicrllon in end hopes to re crpturo the chsmplenshtp It test to IJorrIeI Consdlrn General Electric trsm test your Terms trorvv Waterloo end Burris North rlso hrvr their entries to so lrr Each team will be mtrrtsntcrd Ii lelsi two tomluuto yrmcs on the Feb ldll stocked with use prtrc trophies rod cccrtr coins to the overall winner There will she he consolrilon contest Mr Crrcutberr said hes top In or rerin slippery Ire Last yenr there wrs snow end with stern Ice theres rerl trick to controlling the hell end its too rll ry tor body cone Irct ltr errulhere sold All brooms end belts will be provided to ensure urttinrrrtlty Ind iudxcs will Inspect Iii Ioot were to keep lhints tenet You must weer rtrndsrd rubber loolr weer with no solution or splkcs added theres no rherlepe ol willie plryerr but llr Crrrrtlterv reld the committee Is Ioottns letI est perlencrd broomboil reicrrrs who will be pIid Anyone lilting this dctlntlion end wrnttnp to help out rhoutd contort tilts otteiity st meter Tltoytl Ilse nerd timekccrcrs scorckce rs end other buyers during two drys oi Icllen The Itrrt poms will he rt rm Seturdry end the tools should be piryed between rod pm Sunday gift 33 High Rise Study Conclusions Not Eitpected To liiiect Barrie rludy which prompted the hind housing density wrs bssed boroush oi York to cut trek to the economics at develop to rpertmcnl silo dosimetlons mcnt by or per cent probably most You have to loot rt uhetlt have much cllcct er Burrie cr or not the developer chn The report citrltcnrcs the con uulto prolit Few people will cept thrt Ipertmcnt bulldlnrr develop vltebecsvseelpubllc produce bl revenue that help to spirit end you sometimes have relieve the ten burdrn on rlnste to set Into hither densities to st Ismily home owners tow them to make eproltl or Price tvotcrlteuse rnd AssoclI brerk even elrs end the planniny cortsultlnt He raid that the city iooits It Iirm ol llershrtil lllrctiin tlonr the need tor redevelopment ol short Ltd rttsdlcd seven rede en ma end coneldcrinl the do veto ment tiles and competed vciepcrs economics useless the nelils ol vrrteus lotms oI drmily to It lie rsid meny redevelopment tn the boroueh ltuildinu hrve already been ol York the ditlerenco to the built In emu deslpnrtcd tor eterrce trxpsycr brtwcen the minlrnum densil hiph rise best and worst development plrn Wohevrlot nktnlrrrtuol wns only about it on the eonuel building community not in In bill the sense that bich riser In other Berrte tily plrnncr Georce rrershovohern constdercdcom Grey sold It is dilllcull to com muottles in let oI uses these ment on the report without hsv were experimental rod were in seen it but said ht does not irrrncd lot lrom them think the conclusions would hrro Aid AI llrcmltten chairman too much client here oi the city develo rnrni rommll The time Ior people to some Ice sold Barrio not in the plain nbeut hlsh rise Ind den same position It York in lhnl sity nl iteusiny is It the time ptnnners Itcre try to rnIintrln when the elitcirl plrn end ron ressenshle mix oI housing typcs lnx bylrws rm brlny drrwn up and so on the Issumplion thst not when the builder rterie most people went to own rcrelchlny out the loundrtion home he sold but there sro some who lr irry srid tbrt hewrs not went eprrtmcntl end to some with the city uhen the elliclri extent vs kept them in the pirrt wrs prepsrcd but resumed downtown Irsr ro they help thrt much oi the philosophy he vith redevelopment nothinp new In tho sllltrries uertd vl show business bill it is not every dry you llnd um plten orrhcslrr most ol whose ntcrn rs commute to Sunday rltcrnoon rcberrssis end whose ying tonductor some travel by plhuo becense be con think with out interruption llr Devrreus his already be come Invorite with the orches trr members who truce all the tiny lrervt serious entrlcur mu iclrns red low prelessienslr to drdicricd tcchnlcrllycnpeble etudcnu The Ilurenlo Symphony prcs cuts the Iirst concert at the ser ren on ten es el Centrvl Col lrgists Auditorium Ii not Barrie residents will here the opportunity at watchtey yeunr hrttiisot conductor dirth their ntnnlr DEIEIIIIUX community orchestra through concert oi musical toveritu Guest artist let this concert is Resolute Roster sIsr ol the Canadian Opera Company LOClil llllD GENERAL DECK TAPES STOLEN lope deck Ind riv tapes were stolen Suttlrdsy nlphl trons the cur ol Psul itsncoitk 37 Donsid St The csr but been psrked st Grendview Ford The tape deck is valued rt no end the tapes ere worth tolel ol Ila PROBE MEETING tetiutlon trebo ol Burris will sponsor tr public rtvcclinc tiri rlry at It pm at the ttrrrle Public Library The ltlms will Will Senior Citizens Get Their Social Centre Senior citizens in lirrrlrrnd the ItlrrpundinK district into good crust to expect me to be SW Sovcrrl community Iyenctcs Ire Icltvcly clipped in pennies will centre the citys two clubs lor senior citizens Ire pirn ntny tell your oi rclivittes rnrl sit there Is rise the possihllity thrt the renter clubs its the county my loin the United Senior Cite ttcus el Outsrlo nrsocletlen nopy Shnttgltlirsly chrirmsn oi the Committee lot IV hen lee tllirrns Socirl Centre reld Ills roup Is working with the yoirtop department at Geor clrn Colisyo to devise survey which will be distributed to son ter citizens In the Ernie srcr It is hoped thrt the survey will determine the site at the ihrlr wishes repertiey to pro posed centre Itnowins these things the com mittee will be In position to ltihhlith the sire ol the buildlnn nnd determine the best possible locrtlon Ior those seniors who wish to use The survey will rise drlcrmlrte tho rpprosirnrto cost ol the butt nu Knowing thrss ihlnpsrrrld hlr Shrusltncsry we will then be rbttv to rprruorh council ssin Ind est er tinonclrl help cenlidcnt that we have delinv Ile blun The committee prcscnletl coun ctl with brlei In September ttr Shruphnessy seld tltnt council en lo lull rsrrentcnl with the proposrl but wrs un able to set until some csscnttel groundwork bud been done The rurvey will comprise senior clitrrn popultllon end evbslrntlni plrt el that prounii work Alony with triple in ens Perspective 72 the sir ry Gcoryisn Ceiiere has also screed to old In disllihttr ti it end eveturtinx the re II END 0t FEllitllAtth It Is hoped thrt It crn be com pletrd by the end pl Iebruery Comm tlto members have brcn rncetlntt In locel service clubs shoot the proposed centre Denrtloos to the committee by sevrrrl service clubs and cm pioyrcs In locIl industries cu rbtd the committee to begin lnll work Mr Shsuphnesav to the quds helped cops been Isiurrd that their clubs will not be merged when the centre is completed Errh will rcrurln rcpsrrto entity Another lorre lor tocrt senior citizens Is the Slmcoo County llccrerllon Srnlccs The orssnlrrltion ts evaluating the Senior Citirrrs Conirrcnco held st Gcerplnrv Colleen in Nov vrmher Course Coutron ot the county srrvicev reld rcvrrel resolutions mode the centeran have been lnrwurdcd lo the proper sevrrnmcnl departments rrrhly to dclrry the cost oI str tloncry end stomps In the meantime Icllvllirs In the two iecsl renter clubs tho Friendship Club led the Get locclltcr Club Iro expected Vmlil ih Wt Ono rrrsiutien trom the con 1mm Icrcnce urged the Irdret end lletlt clubs meet separately provincial yovrmmcnls to mske but are hampered by lrclt oI sirens cllort to reduce the specs end rbloonty tooller one rice ol dross dentures herr or two rclivittes went rlds Ind eycslrsscs tor sen TVttls situation would he rrne tor cttircns edtcd it the rroporrd centre be Another tried the lcdrrnl pur romrs rest ty erruncnt to turn our Ill Ibrnl wry Stations to senior citizens ctu or their srltriltrs The county rccrrstlon centre is tin with planning three main events tor 1m bowling toumnmrnt In early ey or June summer picnic nntl rnother cenlrrrnco to be held in November in the very near tutors sold llr Shnughncssy there will be burst ul things hrp peninp concerned with senior cilirrns The centre which will be rcolity will Ire rst end love most Ittn piers lor our seen lots There ll sire be Iorllltlrs tor loyal and serial counselling to melts things little curler tor them he said Mrs Alvvtn tree trst prrtl dent oi the trier hip Club shared the some opinion When we pot the cintrr there will he City As Ilsnr Home and Illru entitled Garbage H000 DAMAGE Damage but been cstimstcd nt dim in two crr lmldvlti Sundry evrntrsy st ttiehwry tot nnd St Vincent St Drivers Involved were Charles Wilson ol lslinplun end Wel tree tleynon Toronto lr Itll sun received cut chin In the mlshsp rnd lr cynen su Icrcvi rut nose Demise In the Wilson cur wrs soeo end to the hoynen car out CHIN CUTS John lIrNtven llorrie receiv ed rvurror chin cuts Sunday It ternoon when he was Involved in miner snowmobile sccldent ricer Iliphway or tour mitts wrst ol the Neltrwrsrps River bridge Ontario Provincloi Police rt Dorrie sold by Irw rnyono eul lcrinx injuries In snowmobile orrtdcnt must report the Ills hop to the neuter munirlpnl or Ontario Provincial Police uliioe lreciures Back In Hwy 27 Crash Themes mnntnpltrrn Thorpe ton ts lrt srtlsioctery condition in Itoyel lcterle Ilospitrl this morning with Iroclurcd burl Cunningham was involved In rtvvplocer Accident about to pm Saturday on itiphwey Tl south oi liotty Demon to tho thuminrhrm Members oi the two clubs luvs doped Cenrdltn Nrtlossl llrllr prest chance tor the better vchlce wrs stop tutu Purcell Bell sun Ind Jlrm Boyd ithmtol were the drivers at veurien In rntrtd In In rccidenl ansdsy rich or Bsyluld rt the lily uy epo oterpsu Groves htrnell red Grlrc For net pasturers the lurceii vehicle lettered mtcor calories in the mishap Drrruu to each err us use Earlier Sundry evenlns htcles driven by bury Fruits 36 Codnnzton St Ind John ltrlrhicson 91 Strrhnen Ate eere involved In In rceldrut tn the pertihl lot at Piuetlev trr Ier Nspler St lettuce to the Psutrn rhtrte All been tstlmsied rt 50 The tdllchinsed cor bsd IIVW dsmsye Errly Sundry neuroses per ed as erred by Silo Bobbette Prrhlde Dr received IM time us when It we hit by one driven by John lttzscil till Barrie times to the tlttssell rrr us two The rccidrot omrrred rt the corner oi Grutc rnd Ctsppertoh streets 0N MILTIDAI Snlurdsy etenin rrrr driv rri by IlenIld nest 170 Feet St rnd James II lloere Tor onto were littnlttd In entity loo et the corner ot Esther end Ctrppertoe streets pesecoccr In the liners III llzry liore et Kitchener rut lrred cut lower up the mis hep Drmsse hes been estimIted It 3500 to each cu vehicle owned by Dick Vern neerlyyt ate this ltd reeetv ed tree demue Saturday when it wrs hit by vehicle which kit the scene The mtshrp econ red on Bryllcld St lust north ot the lilchny too overpass An accident in root ol Queen St Srturdsy errniny crtrs ed on cstimnted ems dsrnspe to the vehicles Involved Drivers were an it lluldr ens ill Penrlrny St Ind tton rld ti Devis Kt Sanford St ilr llridons sullcrcd minor in juries In the collision Drrnspo to the itsldcns crr was sooo end to tho Devin crrrI WI Glenn ttstl lllt Dorrie end June hlcCenn till tier rte were the driven ol vehicles Involved In In accident It the cutrrnce Ie the Brewers ltetri eullct Anne SL The Srlurdry Ilternoon coir listen cstrscd stoo drrnrzo to the llcCrnn vehicle end live to the Brit Hume hrs been rstimried It him In twocrr collision rt comer el Grove Ind Bsytield streets Srlurdey morntny crr driven by Duncsn Mb Corwiek Lay St received 000 drmsye The second vehicle driven by llonnld Noble es 5hr toy St lied $100 demure Funding Decisions For High Schools May Be Made The Itlndinx oi the two Remus Crlhollc high schook in the coun ty red the Import oI support that will be iron to them nrrt yerr mry be decided at the rrpulrr mortise oi the Sheree County Roman Catholic Scpcr rte School Bourd ltrdncsdsy eveninl The title schools In hlidlsnd Ind Ilsrrie have been csprricno In tlorncist diltlculty in the pest end with tho rciiinl ptrced on yrlnts by the provinctnt govern ment the outlook tor the schools Is not brlpht The botrd will also hour to ports shoot the agreement utlh the town ol ltlidlnnd concerninp slteslor schools Frrnlt tlsrdensltt heard rup rrlnlendcnl will re rt about meeting with the runlster ol ed be screened at the mocliny Tito uestton and till llelpur nssls lent superintendent will line the outcome at curri tum conicrence In Toronto this week AWAIID OF ttlt The board witlbe elder ruy resolutions it mt went tomskc to the Ontario Stpalliu School Trustees Associ Illon snnusl motion The bosrd will else be ultrd to penetrate person tor the associations rwrrd oi merit The trend is siren nnnuelly In person the Issocirlien sets her contributed sreotly to education In lite provV Inert Ii Covhlcrr business ndmim istrslor will report on tttchuitd tny proyrrss oi schools In the county The meeting will Into piece tn the Education Centre Ferris Lune it begins at pm The public Is lusltrd Sign Slashes llooi Sites Hospitalized Elizabth Tester tlonlreti is In hospital in Toronto with bond Injuries suslslnrd Saturday in single car accident vehicle driven by Mrs Try ler struck Department ol Thrnspert Ind Communlcstlnns len It Itiphwsy Add and the tiny tIcItt St rrmp Ontario irovlnclrl Police rt Itsrrle told the tint went through the convertible top at the ear strilirll lrs Tsytor Dsmru to the cer wrs minor