Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jan 1972, p. 2

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one new murmursn Mariner neuter ten Sirldersf May Ioin 0i Central Ontario Track Clubs Imtrchrdueeutivereo ed the must monster IadFIeidAuodIIItnnIi nutriththsesrretniventthe nmmmmtmmte Chitmrede iorzstltneiheld Iuntnxtsot rillhieintrutbe tienireiomriocrotmI The Strides Ire ccresidrrlns Ibepmtbllilyolyointnxthercr trelrseodsiioebccneseitnuid mean membashiplntheCan alumsme ttrPIcrrd will meivr IP pileslienr Irom club members vhoittheltherioreorvtheit auteur statue cards or who Iisbtdoilaou Attenulosesthiclrsmtutbe In parasites sI nuhI card mmemmm outnumberede Ilbereylsterteylerlheiim ttmabecsmetheyhsreeomped Brereton Field Ahsllthnrrrieend rm reddeotsumembosot the Brendon eld Netmltst Cub not recently conducted the trrditlon It the census el Sim County The observers cruised In nine ee rooted 57 species red of 17 Miriam bird ell within the bomvdsrtes ot the TD thrill Bird Ccnrur is the Neitmul snow but Society end In outstrip Ilene over 50 Mental club oi the Fodentlm oi Ontrrto Nlitll lets tale psrt In thLv entrust yurty event The times Is reconlrcd re the Iortdr yrerteu survey with compo Irom Alerts to lds born the Hortirvert Terri levies to IheJlrriIirnee This troperIInI event brd Ile bechmins In the year loco red the ider Irr conceived by the trio Dr Irrnk Chlprun Ibo rt thIt Iimn wrs curntcr oI ctr uttbote American Museum oi thm History The center en Ihiu nrlorellete to pinpoint end rhsrt the increase or duties oI soy meta red to lets the net eeury steps tor the presemtlon at new endearered species Aysrt bus the edentttie heredge seqstreet trons bird Lopnlstien Iindier it It with to oburrmlus mankind II bocomlnl tncresstn ever or strands tint hold scther III ilvtny creatures end it vvr ere to survive we must become lolly revere oi the Importance oi our Y0llii INCOME TilX Naturalists Sight 59 Species InCenstu eduuylnnrrvlullny rum in the balrhmardren siyulertrllblllm lolplhvkisthemmis otupenmloyethtetic events Tbeiietllenrbiethew ttvvtededdnbetosembeeeot lhecbsbvlllpsrtidpetelsm Islnemil lhe rst titlelrl mmpetlilml mtmdhychrb memberl In rsryeucmufut Iutwmhemdimlteb ie While oi Oetllis vvooe tint on Speaal foritomeowners aiAssoctates tutu you murmursmurmur 11 summer manometern AnorSehiettsltIHlm drurirtmhorv qumnIW shnet1min riIIlttDrrettirinxunbeIlll vmulutwwehl WM Goldnch Succeed under one eriyhltolovlth uhl creatome cbudy paiodand mortal llypnrehuyingyourhoeseyoureelipthlelorr rpedetllomrowuerlnrnrlrtssodrtesertytimcyou rodents 1hethteuutsomryberbieto giveyouehetlerderi werreteeorlonaerte orryenbodt nerounthyiduzrVtbpnpwIsllnttledonlybytite equ you ve youshomeJW WWI rneyboWMormo hot you ItrtiehlgltInleresl debts outslrndlng or Vt slyouneedmhtoruecondctrborborenyolher good reuon tell to Associates rbout stowInterest Homeowner torn see how much bylter all youll beIcuslenn The weekender mtt to titted Ind milder temperrloree coexistence clip on Isms or willeootlnue In the Bertie Irer Ills upon the eutby the Tort or the remainder el tonight red cs reserves Broken elm the totals oi the lift winds Ind tiiltlny will More rpedee commission lawman will 5W Coeot boondr rrr Vsncve ropes rs lotion eoinmes loon red Mllrrtes The omnlrbt low to 36 er cg sees mild rum both rm ill low one is Sing gig to so little My Ip tenisbt our no title Tucson em Im so in thick liIniiltoh lattice use no return when late Huron rm wilmdu Windy rn erl cup lento iirblrnoiv this morolnu mm mm mm Winds eoutherty Torte 30 with lltth In Hist nuts rs high er Itlo 50 Sunny Today Tentrht Tm wrlh ctoudyperiods Ind modem Windsor so to ===L===88 aslzuguuussasaaaau NMIEII WIND DIE person AP Gedrre ss Gee member oi Detroit lied ll tVlnss strntey lip chempion tt sbtptumolllthceiirpoedrnd it died el been Ittech rtler sl pirylny the Itrrt period tor the TI tied luff oldlllmere In lento sr herr dry night Gee tvbo wrs so plryed nine lessons to lhl tloosliioekerlum Fred Grlnt Sir 716id96 JD 80 III 75 thmrlrdtoontctrgneded orb viihlgegetrem It estrin with llhornedpr rrtanvwnrrr rs block duck to eeortny Toronto Windy rod milder edterl ester ecsup 35 com hug en eye no common merunser pubsk foopersmhrllk Mall lltill redisiied he I00 hrvrk ll mrrrb hrvrk rpm CHEM my heels it rutted grouse remntert snipe llth pull two rIr rrcldent en thds leelsnd pull entry yell try too It the themtoncicverv itll rtnpbttied Ill 5J1 11m crnssVrVdndrn Jaunted Moo trios rock eye iremulniludovr met horntl Driven travelled wero Themes nlnpd iii sudIi net rum out belted klns Imam mm mu 39 lishereplleatedwodpecker1 am mu Wt es rysotost tender hrlry Ioodptrkrr os North on hudbury llrllbur rtltehcncr myde ttr bloorelterd rutIcred hurls tooyeutcrn Leis OntIrIo Geer Nomi Forest threetoedwoodplrcter Will lire lily northern LIIItIuron Iltopttrrn webmasters crow ml to 0cm on see Windy Ind milder with snowIOIen Sorted up meme see red blowing show this moroirl ltuersts hrrrr uulhstcir it redtow ted nuthrtch It brown creeper robin olden crefned tindett eorthern thrtke sterile IIII hem sperm nnty union to crrdtnel main portion odd potpie Itneh izplne cutout re com neon rrdpole tot inc Ilrttn lid Amertelvsypi Kitty Iv red rrosshiil lhliovioxed crosrblil It listscolored ieneo no tree Iplltdl 71 song sper rev sneer blmtlny see sin do report reniri tn employment and does terns pert cons end which trs return at our income end would he should use then Ihertorthe subth to income ten Enter it Startusing Tl Gmerrlr You rheuld ore the TI are ml tax return IIentrt income rheutdbereporteditttberoce provided on Frye All to your rerun eeprrrte lilie msot ol the rents Income end the weasel Atlowrhto expeeo er would iociMe such thing or mortars interest lire us Ines mtmlctpst tests red the eortctrep rmndetemeprop erty rs vcl es cspitel cost si Ioweooo receive re port at my income the United states bocirt Molly Pension Do here to Include thtv rs part at my to more In Cenedrl Yes The United States he ctrt Security Pension terms port oi your income In Censde unit should be reported In Cenodien dolter won costs prize Ior Iuuilonl mods to my employ er test enr ls this money tsr eblet It Is tursbls where do enter it on my Income In re term Yes Thr rwrrd would be conrldrred to be related to your II youireut settle this on your savings do is oudonl Beholdl ccouni EB Dunlo Tel 705i Friday The untclntSnvin kioanorporstien trch Enid Barrie Ontario 7267200 Pierre cell collect Our hours oi business use Monday to Thursday 000 em to 500pm 900ttnn 0900 on your term to the section mut ed Other leoome end rpeeiiy the room at this Income lil emp er pays rpor lien oirlty harp tel emitter Do litres to report th as pert oi my Income on my Les returned It so where does my employer they Ihtr on the TI rtipl fair depends on the terms theGovernmentsOWn mtes to save abundte on tncome tax the plyrrtcnt is test to bone lit to be included to your to come your employer ls reosired te reporttitle on your re ettll es Turbio Allowance end lien elite rod include It In the rneunl stress Totel version belors doductlooe gdtrevv reeeVivlnyltihe oldI no penson ust include this pension money es out at my Income on my Income rrettrnl It Both the old rte recurity perulon end the yurrsoteod in come ruprlemeol must be re ported Is pronto on your income or return The ruusnteed In some lit lenient howsver my be dedu ed in csmputiny your trrshle income In Ml Heros periccttylcgnl way to use the GovemmenteI own rules to dam on income tax The Govcmmcnthns low that says in effectit you save now IorIyour retirement well let you pay as much or $2500 into registered retirement savings plan and well let you knock it oiiyour income So you merely lotvcr iannblo income by putting up to $2500 in our regis tcrcd retirement savings plan and dont ptytltetoronit Say youromnrriod hove two children rtnd earned fteen thousand in I971 Depending on tho province you me in your tax saving could TltebcnulyotitisiYoucnn actually amount to $880 which is it bundlts controltitccomisinutionnsyournccde insnymonsisngusgc changeovcrthoycnis To top ituiloiiihe money you save For instance youcoultl luv in can mnlre more money Essentially stocks for several years for longtome there are four ways you cando Vtitis growth And thcn at you get closcrlo You can have us invest it in stock retirement you might write to switch You csntdcduct any dcpositstrom You can ltuvous invest it ioraguor to uguorontecdintcrcsirpte your 1971 income on Tum nntccd role of interest You can have You conchimps yourlcombittntion Fcbtunry 29th Ry us invest it in income producing bonds ngoinnnd ugninTitismcnnsyourpinn 80 light re with and mortgngcs Or you can divide is ilcxihle at nit tintcs Mnkc the rules workIor you your moncyup using nny contbinntion Anti youcnn got your money out Sure it bundle on income In of those thrcoVulternnilvcs when you Wont it Pitono us nowl When you eventually choose to withdraw it you have to pay tunes on list that timc of course Butthis is tvhstsmOst important You pry tux onyour money when y0u decide to pay it This means Inter when youre iiitcly in lotvcr tux bracket This has led some to call this is tax shelter Ono follow we know plans to pry tnto it for several years watch it grow then tries it out to ropincenormttl in come whilo he loses in Majorca But lets taco it the rent benefit comes from leaving it in til you retire Its cspccintly vniuobtc because we donthovdtlotofsniesmcn outmttiing colts therefore you dont have to pry pinn roles commissions Just coll usto got startcdlBut dont put it oil vo our Bonus Boturdryll the munitions savings 8r lElElit CDIleElilDII Aettbddtlryolllurlclpsl ItrhtrrsCovperrltonllbilillmiicd mount CANADA nsroslr INSUIIANCI CORPORATION

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