treats Mental er John tlrtiltlon lIII kooela the pork part Woodwork rott lender Art hater retoore hte leorth roll oi the some In order ntdit It the tiarrir are ere The Iiyerl won the OIIA Senior contort in end moved Into undirpvued Mm Ilott oi Iirrt one the ne rue Examiner other Barrie Flyers Atop Sr League Alter Downing Weedsiocllt12a5 relented Ilnt ol Jotn lit The limit Ttyert moved into lint plate In the Ontario Ilorkry Almillidll Senior mite lent weekend lhlnkl to Olkvtlie OI While the Firm were llama la the Woodltock III III datnrdly II the III me the Millie Oak held the Getl Itorneil to re til In Elli put ttor the Hyert one point tag to the Iilodinu drnrdry the the donned the Ilornetr In OIII viiie keeping tire Firm In that tree pSaturday ntrhl the Ityrrt ted Illllo Don Aromh Ind Cor by Adam nploded lor right min the tremd period to Lira Woodlloek IIOYIII LIcIIiIIIn looted tour llrnu Aromh then end Adernl one to groytdI molt oI the Flyerl root ptnrdt Bob llIitd lino tired Ir oi marten tor the time It Ron Rohlnron end delean one line Thomoron title the other lotto Jim Item with two IIIrty Zirchotlkl Don Kudnirl Ind Gena MrLIren llIllcd Ior Woodtloek Oakville Downs fGali Hornets Iy OANAOIAN Ill tell Itornete received Mr weekend welcome It the tenor at OlkaIiI Olke Iwhile pllyiat Iirrt Iirrt Ontlrto tlockey Alto tilt Stator roulette lince telurnlnr tram Europeln tour The IIorneII who lIrrd poorly In the Aterel hip competition in Stockholm yet only tie in two ootln eyelet the OIItI Ind lotto themeim knocked all the we run in terror tired II The Itorncta moneyed to tell tor lie Iinrt the 0th Saturday In tIi but were title It SurrdIy In oattllte The thraeoelnt weekend movcd the OIII Into Ililh loot three polnil IIIIIIIOI Illhelton Arrt who lullered thirdperiod noel ln drowlne doctrine Ontario Roller IT LT Il limit lit Ittltrttl Oell It lit llll Olliill ldll IIIIIMJJ Weodrtock tilt TIZIIIW OILVIIII lIld IIIOIIIII Rtnuioe iItl Tlttm Itelicvhie iItI otoiirtro Owen Sound mid Itrtettr Irndly Weodntoek Klnuton Ottvitie Ottt Ilelhltl Elllrdly Grit OlkvllloI Owen hound hetlottlle limit it Woodiiockt Olrart Tneeiey Bertie II Owen Sound Relieviila It Klnultm Karen Magnetron Wine Third Title LIONIIIIN Ont iCII Karen llnrnurrcn tell the Canadian hurt either TIIIIITIKinItlhiIIl the weekend with hrrl Ird tut ITAIIYd renter womene tilit hul lIIlI time the rrown wet Iiirhiiy lament Thr itirrarniti North Vernon war no tiller named Sun day ConndII mrlrtnndlnr to Rule athlete ol llIlI tourhevl oil ronlrovrrty Saturday night when the let two at three linIrv durtnr dtiiloult Irrertnllnr YIOTIMII Arrild the hinting at Ipctln lorry ineludlnc many teeronrd RIIIEIYIII til Ilannuveen Canndne hone tar told mrdai at the Winter Olympian in here poro Japan next month ro relvrd hlth Ieorrt tor lcrhnlroi merit and nrlhtic lmarrttlon ITOIII the panel ol live ludret yum MUFFLER to tha lioth in Woodtinek In Eorrdnye mher turner 0n Illturday iaetpllre Owen louan Gatorade ernhhad overtime decition item the Quint at In Iielieviile In Otkvillo Ill liuleelit three Iieak blontelth Iirrt Ttiokrr and Tram Rice added the other merkert Ietrr Brennan Itriiee Reler Ind John Itcrchy replied lor the llornclln TALIJIW TWICE It III Relert mond IIiiy It Irit oi the third period lhIi rent the Saturday nitiIt rotiltri Into the Ieotclerr idrnlnute over time period Rurrell Skeeter OBrien Iitd Ken Knlplon were the Olkvlllo nIIrkonIerI hrlare loaiI noted the Oth win The win III the Ilyerl ldth In their lnrl it Itartt IYItrr herk on the trtrk trIln Ityer elnrrreoaeh Denyi Sty tIld tint thrtte eoupla oi little hilehel yet We played better then tell nlIhi it It tear to the Belle title Quintet but dont IikI to era the route trainer or SOORLIO PROBLEM The rrIIIn erohtem llrin Sly It to art the cluhr lhlr Ilne terrier Etturday nirhl he put Bob Cunnlnfhem Into the reaira riot with like Duheeu Pele Ianntthkrr and YrInk IIInrlu IL irrnnttnr on the winra WlrI experimean to St thIt tine aoln It wet tr other tun 5y IIid Weve not the vertonan III tut mailer oi reitlnr the lipid romhinttiorr It wet telttlylne nlthi tor IteIIiliIn Thrall trorer tart yeIr he had tern hlt tell rrr election dwlndto to tell it II teetttn baton lnll hltht ley Lurk had been lteinti hire oil Itdldtt at he had hit mtny root potte lnotudtnt three in one tree Itt about time the benrded rlrhi winerrreld tome nlehlr Willie lurly tome nithlt roure he IIII line learned to Icorl It Inert It will In the mend per Iod 0n tun luctertivo Ihlitt the lien ICOIEO two mtil Acrmb tire had lino reor Inl night plrktne up title one with Itill rcl their to Brittle Into the league teorlne III Ito now hat to paintt on the tour In Idol Iiornri IlRl Yll Belillert SIDE SLIPPING SIMIIIIppIhlVIIIIIIIIIIIOIII it pruhlhly the Inuit utelui tntrrueuvre betterrr cert Ititll Steed at Rent enyler In the Irii line one medium rleen lioee Rite lap Iltrhtiy path the Item 1wa Item the tiepe end the alert will rrlrIrc rerun the tilt trr hryin Iiidrny tldeueyt dawn the hilt In atop the IIItlitll merely earn your there blot Into the lit Itrcltte itiliinc thietlipniiw unlllyou have control ovrryrnr line end letter You Ihould lhrII Erorrrrt on to award Int Irtwordrtdetiippiny To yo lorerdr or btetwttdt II you rtierlip teirlve the time time wide the direction ol the tilt withywrttet ltnrr you here Inerlrtrd the tide IIlp you ran ure It to err pert Iny eerie oi the liti riupn which are too Ilcrpluryou Irulon Inriudint Id Keitil tine SKIING wm AL RAINE chewtunimrntnren The Intwetd tide Iiip It the Intel er meant oi rlrwrny AIIWL tdyrtiniherrmeweybuilttho For All Your little Equipment Coma TI The Iieperlt elal more then tetrnmlie Ran oblnloa the lorrner leader The Firm here citth lo Itreith lhrtr lead over the tier net to three polntt Turrdty nithl when they vtttt Ore Owen Sound Cretrenit The Time the heel the Media Orkl Itldey nlthl It the Itnrrte Irene GenIn lime II edit pm ILYEII wearer Deleaeemen chL Smith ntlrrM Saturdair ether II II not known whether Smith will gily Tucrdey nlrht In Owen doun Thomptonr rotl hit filth ol the Iron clme an Ionr ioh Ihol Iirrt lowered by Woodllork roetteeoer Ron Roe mer Ilhomtr retrielhlo the elme II the alert ol the third tied repteetne Ituier Art tlrer IUMAIARYI Ilrlt Period Weodttork Zorholekt the turret Iiorrle IlrItliInn IAromlt Ademtl MI Barrie Acomh tIIctIoo tell it iiIr atirtliilan IAdIraIl hlcCiock II this Pennitlerr ttoodrioek Zueirot ILI lCroll cheek Dill raeitrt Trrlod limit Acornh IIlnndelt Arientel III Wnedvtoe Iiarlt tDnicy tInrritnnt IIt Iierrte Italrd itiobinron litotnpront 317 Ilnrrle Adnmr Itirllil Ian Aeomht 655 limit Arornh iAdIIan 113 to limit IIcIlilIIn tAcnmh itrtioetitnr that It IIIrrie Ilrtttlltn titer Clockiin Anomhl ttztt II Rerrln Rnlrlnron title then Tnomoront iIII II IIoodilork IleLnrrn lWetltelr DeGurtei tdIiiI it Iinrvie Itnirvt tSiyi IIII ttnotticr tioodrlerk WeII rate trip IIII Thlid Period it Woodlleck Kudobe iRu lhlrl ltli in Barrie Thomnlon ittn Inhkh Cunninuhumt title IT Weodrloeiv hlnvlt tDeI er Tuehoutll IMO Prnettlrt iIIrrlo Cunnlarhem isltlhl ML AIIOTB ON IiOAL Ry Rnrrie Ry Woodritwk it It II II it ii 41 Bards luvenilet WinOMHItPIeyoli Overtime reIIr Iri Dave the ehlnton and tired tlubheri MIA tied the Barrie Contt Cenltree lion duvenilel lo win over OrIIiII In the that name at key Atroelnlinn pleyoll errlea Other lierrie trnrrrl wrro Iioh tanner IeIl stawert and Trunk Onto Ilnvr Clark netted two and IIurrry Whllno and Peter Rally one each tar rlilla The team were knatlrd oi the end at rcrulallon liter The Cook Conttrurilan Orll lln rcrleI enntlnurt Titerdey mum at the Route arrnl Oeme time ie III pm me due to the Illnrrl oI hlt brunetthree Ontario Itinar lluc berth in Informant tort delrlmmen Bole Miter Ind tomedt lthud Ito Koopmau um heat at pain tron broken hand lettered earlier and Scott beeanleolabtdlr nation Ill tnrteldad when he III In Keoemenl roared roll tor the delta In or Iirrt on but little direitmd it In dlteoretodhehed lbwrent terrier on III II lilo heelill ed Iron the rare Toptu motthalrynpelha collar ed II three flayere treat the It Iltnot turkey Alloclatioe minor mtdret term IiinnII United ltubhor Jim IIInIittnn ttnodr amour teammate titer rrcetvint the championship trophy tor the AUllOtiA tS rriell Rattle linllcd Ruhhor orkcrl Iinnlnme oriented Iiremnlon KlwnnII It Suede to win the Aurore Ren iom vllailonIl rhernnlonrhin Devo Itohrrte trained by Steve OReiity and John Iieerhern earned the north Ior iiIrrlo midwey three the Iirrt period Iirempion ted In the record period one cool by team clnlnln Oery Lawrence Scooter tater Barrio went at head with roll CIotItr Jim Iiarnttlon nttirte by little Otiiandere Ind Icoit Rnitertron tirumplon and lInrrie played three unmet on the weekend at tho Aurore eommunity centre In an elimination tertet heiore the iinel In lan IlImpt to lie the teare hrnrnaion pulled the gall in Claude Kirk with more then minqu to play but lnllcd to hit the mark Sixteen lrnmr lrom Onllrlr Quebec and New York Elele took part in the event Two URW pteyerr received or warrit In the tournament GoII tender Iitt IIIII received the MINOR HOCKEY INNIEFIL Lllllrll NIIL NIIL Ilenlrrnl Ilerlon Toronto Chtelre Alllr tirrritey Snrinrlieid Ilollimoro Providence Will Phoenix hortllen Portland Denver Junior Ilnmiiton Kitchener OIIIIWI Irtrrhera ii tendon Mature Illlt WHY BUY WHENYOU CAN LEASE dd monlhr nation the Walton bonnet IN ILLII rtodroeilterlhIOotiI POther rln you do when you dmthara ckthl Irk ed OoitI roach tire titer tharxlmo till the club II at Lorne that other hail bullied ill hooet to It miter Item Theldlr who the con ILIII III III BILLIE and Thunder when or tinder will It the Betrte rreneiwen at pm tee RI meal will be and Mllrt hopelul that neuron StallTee cone arguably Welten will he It tie In tho unarmed with the eilortt oi the midget pIAy err eIpeoIItiy ItIttII who III both It delrneetnan and Werkere Iitntenr teem untatnm orwlrd durinethe ItIy linen Indirhn ully lhllv Aurore tteatern tournInent Stendln to ITII rlrht Ir Aurore Itaynr Ilehard lit hrworth who prrrcntcdlhtttorhy1hnUIlW tinnlemr won tour turner in URW Team Wins AurOra Tourney molt Ynittttiril and Hamilton player thrd in the opening round the tier rto IIIIltlInLI owned teem Item limertl NY 12 IIImIilon Icored two aorta with rinaiet rein to Gllinndcrr Iiitho tiri nIt Imhiynltnhertlnrri nyne Pcnthnd In the record round In over time pool by Hamilton rave thl URW rem 11 win over Rich mond IIltt Roboriton had Itor ed In the third period to tire the herrte ciult lie In regula tion pleyr Afotnlt Whitby in the amt IItrI the Rarrle teem rot pair at roIIt Irene deienremea Rtil stowlrl Ind erhop at well at Ilnrle Item Itemllien to win TheiiitW Iitnlomt Ire the tire tcrrorrnltiiro in the North York Iilnor Itocko Ianruet meter Danton divit on oullonder Iwntd the moat vetetbia rerryin plant 0K couture 1f Colts5 eatenvaNewmorketSunds ertaer raced IkNrnkt fire techno Bennernalntetboal TIrd rune rent rem Merton Kelly Ittnkt vIIrLltoy tttrititf It ntnte 40min tseva Ilitlert nu Iutilrrte emu turret II Irene wuter lunar ed roltteadlre duller tor the Coin Ittttttlhtr Iirrt Period Nle Golie thtllerlenel Nmkl Zweop tIlrEkoy new not are ttrtri aer ttrlpl ll EIIOTI ON IIOAL York state participelad in ih event IEptclIl El Iner Phye tov the weekend IoItraIment to lake the title Sixteen teame Irem Ontario Quebec Ind New CANADIAN RADIOTELEVISION CORIIIIEEION Tire tnnedlnn RedioTrlovlalon Committlon Innounotl the latitwlne dceitlont elleotire on the lotiowine dIia Dee cmberil tI11 tireltlre CIIIC lldti Iilrrlr OaL Ttitlld Application by Iturle IIhtr TV United Retreat of eeble television hrondcartlnu turtlerttkiae tervlnl EIrrle Ont to transfer tharet In the comet Irom IWO Eleo lrenlrtand Telecommunication United ttm eommett thnreet It Zimmerman it rommon there Tor rem ll common Ithml tiuteh it common than Ibeinr Will to IWC tnduttrter Limited lioettlrnr Approved Derielon CRTC Tltdt IIIITIhoII TiIItli Application by DITIII Cable TV United tor Maowri oi Ilr cehio irlcvlrlon breedotritnr undertaking liecnre Ior tierrie Ont eveirlet Drrrmher II itii Dorirlent Approved The Committton rcnewr the Iirenee lrem January tilt to September it told tublrci to condition to be emitted therein hlonloue Oouoei Arllar drereiery MOMMA MANAGEMENT DIVIIOPMINI GEORGIAN OOLLEOE OF APPLIED ARTS TECHNOLOGY oliere the centre WORK SIMPLIFICATION Inrreetlnp predurtlvlt through moihedt improvementl ithm lyIYIO 430pm Strait Ianuery It IlnCImput Elli $4500 Iylirlo to Ooorplen College Thin centre her been dctlnMdlo tho porilrlnnnt the errwrdiirrr Ind icohniqurr lor oui method imprnvctnrnta Ry werklny employment they Ire Ihlo to rein rcniirlic and trust Iimnlrlirallon and Implementation at new mothndt en tettl pro ert irien ironr their one all undrrtlertdtne oi worit thattonthip ol Work Iirnpttllreiien in irrduriivlly IITIITEIDIII and Terhaleuee ol Itlrlhod Anelytia The Fire Elrpe et Irnhlem Irlvlny Ttte tironemlret Teehnieet Ind IIIIltllll Conttderttlent Rereldlel Techniqurl Iieoulrenrrnle tar Crtitoel Elemleltlon tctIrellleItton ot Oprrttient iedivlduet IlnIreII lrrm terltclpeittt Own IIInI Develop New Itlrlltedl IIelittlrr layout TII tlemen tilde oi Work simultlteeilon IIARIIII sronrs ND COLLIER ST MNIIK IlAICllIdI lNTKllilIOllIv TYllOlr AOLORION NEVADA MARKER IIINAr RIIC DYNAETAII IIIIAII ROESIIINOIT YAIIAIIA It NANCY OIIILIINII IIOGNKII COIITINA COLIN ANII MANY OTIIEII lIIIKAI IIIII ANII dIOIITd IROI DULIB DIE YOUII IIIAIIONX $II000 Per Month New large motor per helier redlei ply ttret All Service Ior HOOD Milne BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN Etta Rd at Gowon St 7266488 Factory Authorized Dealer Work Slmeililcellon NAIIR AltIIRKAd rrmr TKIIEOIIONEI RUdtNEdd Irttruavu IIIIIPIOYRR Te reriIirr melt title cuttpott with your lee tot Ilr tr tIu UPOIIIII telleyr Idt Iterkwotlh litrrrl nude otter iterrtII Owe Inlitrr dooeIlItIII Ito tNNtErtiL IIIONII more IIATI OIY TOt herrte United Rubber Worr tern teem who ltItI Aurv are AnnuII ItIetem IIoe Irry Toareemeai IIOIIE mt