Wuuosabmksm 1211 pugugllsmyp Million WEATHER tirdcrweathcrtorzlsraudth mumlihnriuimmel WM low out lite mourn Drtsikpcs momentum ammo Med scram 2mm in our Irena mil Year It ltration Officer HosifNo Doubt Oi VIrregulontres clJci decibel othccr says be In no spree whatsoever those were romances oi voltl stay In tarr Octobers pee steels electors ihtihhhot Itndy oi Tma St Andrew St Patriot ridin which turned mar to n1 were em rnliiy esrrs limb they were counter Crouman minister at trade IN up denim mm ln one St AndreISL Pata oi tIt1 yolcsaver New Demo this poll the number at bsilota HoIIvaTlasvrIOcFerCopywtihga iicns and new residents oi the province we included an the voters last and number at then voted them the Mn eist Election Art to rcters must to Canadian ei and residuts ol Ontario its at lust unwatbspriortoeiacendeyw MANY OiltED Donna oi notified voters arrows run Air oun mmdcnmon allrihmat 1m nearly all Usher within Canada The walkout not thud as scheduled derpila mm by representatives at the id rrIi treat board and the Ca nadisn Air Ill Control Asa elation Iiopioy to beat the strike deod line the two titles met with mediator almost to tha last min ole but were unable to rurh settlement oi their tbrretrronih contract dilpdih it With Campbell prol dcnt oi the tszrdlsn Air Trestle Controllers Association said at stsam rsr we are roles in suite because we have contract Itrdiator Noel Hall saylno that substantial progress had been nude in three days at tr tcnsiva bargaining said enn trIel talks will resume this IR ernoon llr Campbell expressed con cern that the yorrrnment would east exceeded the number oi eaten en the list impersonators were not the oni tileyal voters in the lay Wri on Nelson ivy bio teacher and American riti sen was showed to vote its went to returnins oiiiccr Harry Sioyrrs oiilre In the rid lot in be enumerated alter ruled lricndlddhim hawrsellpble sr least to mm learned Ii 1aeyeahiAreMIlaodod tbapoiis thatpcrstattlmpcrsoo mm tnll Indlssid st liinl them had slretdy tried and they enumerated me raid his Nelson at erotic Party rival have no doubt whrrmtspevr ynseanrotn in Ontarleend wlniadlm sooaihas kill III an Interview This is done this is nothing new but how do you stop lti The St AodrchL Pllrick study done by The Star re miss their names It CAMPBELL Council To Urge Ii mi OP Ian one no hurled statements by Pric Controls TORONTO tCPl Dcieyatu to the Ontario Poor Peoples Ornlerenee voted brands in em pnwer lv ncwiycreat in cisl rvsnrittn athirr yes In existinfasr poverty episto iioo ineud de tor rentandpsioecoohols and to measure cola es thread ended Standlrpalso empowered the the slntsrobec well to era the 4th is inererae the rineiat minimum weer to about irom thaMernreot gonna InnUAal income and ensure that all resources taken irom On tario Ilsohe processed here ion Ione We spur titan automobile industry trhould be made to produce totallyCrnIdtsa car in Can Ids Iddior that government should investigate the posth OUETIA Pakistan Neuter Prcsidrnt Zniliker Alt Bhutto said today he is repsrcd to handorcrpowtrtn replenish vPrtmo lliolster Sheik Nullbur ltshnusn it this will preserve the It unity oiPrListsn am utility to oiier toil and uncondith cooperation to Shell bluhhur Rahman includ IIR renunciation at my present at co in order to ervo Past stans oneness ulto said in statement in this provincial VI capital lie was commr on re lluiib Ural hhulto rsistcd in spedkinl at East West Pakistan then Nuiih should be considered as Rrimo rrriostcr at Pakistan as we the malorlty party Icadn bhutle said no ascribes was too crest and no cost too hlph to oi Pollster am willing to step Isldo iodly without siege counter condition except oneness oi Pakistan Im pre Irod to do anything and Ivory in it run on can hb real eaeihereid Bhutto use he told lituIIh be tore his release irom nine Idnutbs ot imprisonment earlier iVioors Ready To Tdke LOvri Burgess Decides To Sit Alone lay oi labor It has beenIrma ST JOHNS Nlld CPI Fraak bloom pears headed ior Immth to cover oi Ute Newtouadland remlcrs oiilce Tuesday when oscph it Small woeds liberals Irerchcdultd tn reriya Iitcr almost it years in owcr The last known hitch ioior metlon pt thewpravlncpr its Pro rtsrve serve ve minLlratloa since Cooledcration in 19th was removed Sunday nililtt when Tam utters Now thhrador Part leader tlrrslly medals his tosltaleno llr ilurrers who promised alter the Oct tr provincial clccs tlon to support the ROI to harm In government chanted his in week and he period wnr considergy ls vo legultsture Sum niIbt ry conuence which WW Canadawilhort maintain the tutcsrlty and unity sir their mo in Canadaan iearibte Deiesalrs pate mandate to the couch to are all tam ot letters lsbla such as petitions bios and peseeiul demonstrations to not new lens latlve prams and chances to preach laws so or to alleviate In Ontario Formation oi the comet was nwtoritemonthas eadsot the unieronce itnt cld government tin andst In instead the contended run by the poor themselves on shoestrip bums at short title rs sad so ly item does Dcletolesnsotne irom es iar Irrayas Thunder Roy and Otter waand canlerenco Ihircrs were responsthla ior rah Id dztioanl funds VBltuiio Prepared rioi GiveUp Power this month that he was pre pared to preserve the cotnrtryr mandieuotthalorml dt told bimlsrauld sis aside edit it was consid to be an obstacle Rhutio said motion oi Conservetivo dov rrnmeat and would sit Is New Labrador Party member will vote as csiisclrnee dictates he said aetcrraee to individual places at leptsln lion and issues We HAVE SEATS The election pave the Can rervetlves It seals the Liberals It and the NIP the Lshrador NeIlIeIl Premier Smallwoed delayed his ycvernmerrtr slattand to await the outcome at series oi recounts and tonal moves to tap irom the accidental burnlrrr oi tot ballots irom St liarhe Soth election at ht lie announced ls intention to resign alter ivte anioarldldntl Supreme Court Iudyes ruled Oponrvative wos cladltil in the northqu coast district at other industries produciny GROUP oi travellers Thinnilontrclienstrite nth at Montreal international air canyhtbeiweenplsn tedsyasarssultntthehtr As by THE CANADLIN PRES Tho thousobds oi muons who use Canadas air es deiiy sousht other treaties oi transpon tattoo tutin Is strike by air tratlte controllers virtuelly closed downthe entmirya lili airports For many the sitcrnetlva was insist connection It Unit Stairs point In southern 0n Airports the mmppgsw lario several airlines chortercd buses to tale passenrers lo iiuie into or NlarIrI Falls NY The strike went into elteet It am LIT Tails between the tederai trtrsray bond and the Canadian Air Trsillc Control Association were expected to re sumo It pm kesrnao tor the Caas ed diam hrtlrmnl Railways said no additional trains or cars were Nobsln Rhodesia Set Fires in Black Sections OilCity SALISBURY Rhodisia CPI African mobs set tire to cars and wrecked bcorhalls IrI black sections at the industrial city at Owclo duria the aiIht appar en in an lpatloa ol the Ir riv Ioday oi the illitlsh com mission wcichisc public opinion toward the agreement between the Erltishend Rhodesian you sromcnls The rloliap lasted until Ian Ne deaths were reported but number or Aisicrns were he lieved InJurrd by rarapasrap crowds ltiotinx Airiennshurncd three Europroanwncd cars sloped others and looted bakery pew lice roteccs reported Police on tool and In hclieop icrs patrolled Gwcle 00 miles west at Salisbury to protect ia Umidelion oi blacks on the way to work today llahy rms in the city at H000 reported their Alriesn workers stared home the manner at truchiap llrmblprvrcd the paving the Airitnn Na onrl Council which opposes the rcltlrmcnt reached st November on the Mr blues told news coa lercnce Saturday to would with draw support oi the Conserva tivcs because Air Noorer htd rciusud to live up to promises ylvcn him alter the election The NLP leader said these promier included tthinst st resoltne ias esrrrrptiosts or ihhrndor residents more roads and better mtdlcsl serv ices tor the residents oi the prorincor mainland sector Sunday nlshlhalelcphoautp statement to city newsroom ouliiuirr his decision to all undcr his riyrbnnncr Ind resillrmlny decision to with draw support oi the PCs Ila Idmltlrd in subsequent Interview tint he ltlll held dis cussions last went with some liberals but declined to heme them unlit that it recognised Rho cslII independence withqu paitiny the black majority in centre Israelis Search lor itmlrushers TEL AVIV AP Israeil In curlly men combed re camp in the 0an Strip ay tor this Are zucrrlllns sthn killedIn American purse and wounded In American mission try and his dauphicr in In Int btuh in the camp The dead woman was hile Pale so at Rlomld La Rev Edward Nicholas so at Alist was shot in the thigh an stomach and his threshold dsurhier Carol was cut by iiyia lass Nie was pastor and busi ness moasprr at the tlaptist llospllal in the Gran Strip which lsrnei occupied in the loot war and bliss Psla was muse Iiim do the some es early law minnics sleep on Iqu part The controllers went on needed immediately but that could chants It any lime in some areas small Iircrait were Itiny iiowever It tiewst lope near Hamilton etch they were protruded when winds whippcd up to more than 30 miles In butts HANDLE EMERGENCIES All hut lid oi the Lotto control lers lcit their Jobs The Iii agreement trill stay on the to meet emery situations NorOatIir operates in Northern Ontario yrerrndtd its two twin Otter alrerait today because at bad weather but mansyer bill Deluce said In Sudbury that iiiahls would re lisibt It list Monday 07 Photo Thousands Seek Alternative VilliiYCIOSQd cums under visual flight rules with minimum at limioot ceiliny Ind threemiie visibility in Air Canada in blooper re ported that two planeslnwrvrie cons and mother in lrsnthzt stranded overseas one HEROUTE FLIGHTS At Icrst two European airlines are routing their estrogen to Mnpilicisutl It its Overseas syn and Nut Royei Dutch Airlines arid passenacrs could set irom US poian to Chords by bus or Canada via the traits Puseasers who missed nights in Montreal slept to torture chairs UAW Condemn Waffle Activities TORONTO CR Tho Cann diIn council at the Uniltd Auto Workers Sunday condemned the Wattle wins at the New Demo cratic Party lar intcrierlnp in union alleles The ettack came irom CansV diIn UWA director Dennis lic Dermott alter the council had lamd resolution which had cliech oi ourshiay Wattle auapestron or onedly enrlr Iloppase and demonstration anoint rcmvai orVwehlrtirts at any aslerucrrds lsthe Can IdaUS sutapacl ltir hichrmolI Isidtbe union has diuotilitd lich irom the activities at the Wallis sad in my rlowlitrr Nth will have to My tie said that last September the UAW council had served no lice on the Communist party to Ice is nose out of the unions bur ass It now was serving similar notice on theWstile the Wattlee Ilcst west nest is its lack laorihieaup port irom labon he Iddcd The leaderth the Home are ioottoose academics with or at iioily with and little understand Richie Leaders Plan Protests IDNDONDEILRY Rcuicrl Civil rights leaders In Northern Ireland In plsnnlnp to disrupt emgay lilo to protest the opc oi new internment ramp lrrn Coo member at the Ulster Par smelt Ihld his sap porters planned to block all all reeds Into County londonderry on one day this week Only am hulaaccs and doctors waud be altosrd throulr barriers ni csrstrucls In tractors We have some supporters end we can easily bripp the country to standstill sold Oooper ior some limo in Canadian labor Congress circles that the Nellie is into to penetrate labor lle told it appears the Wattle has picked the UAW as start point inr lnilItralinp tile in in morcnteat DENOUNCES LAXER lie rclcrrtd to Name lender James Later as an irresponsi ble academic accountable to no one besdlrnehuotcr and an erotrippcr par excellence tits solution to every in dusiritd rohlom Is to llrsl echo the plan and then nationalist the industry Canada Can Do Little To Stop Oil Route Shaip VANCOUVER tCPl ii the United States recs threth with its prbposcd oil tanker mutc down the West Coast oi Ilrilisit Columbia there is little Canada can do External Aiieirs hiinis let hilltth Sharp cold Standby hir Sharp asidln nn lrrtcre viewCsnnda is still attrmplinc to pdrstthtlu the U5 is use Eipclinnla ship Alaska orl south It the drrlslou in the that onhiytir will have to be made by the US Our only hope It to convince them that their entironmrrtt would be as cndsnrcrcd as our own Enrlicr in UCSIiunhthtiedne Iwcr session at North Vnneors ver Liberal party luncheon lit Shsrp rsirl it would be Just matter at time hciaro Cnnodr recocnlrcr the new rovcrnmcnl oi llsnyla Drsh lie was interrupted by merry hcrs ol the Greenpeace mission who sailed to Amrhltka Island in the Aleutian inst tail in In unsuccessiut attempt to halt US uudcrrround pudoar tcsl recoil Parliament to pass bach tewark iryislatioan Commercial Iir trsltle is all buiebutottbythastriteArtho result at In easement between the union sni the vemmrnt however ltd coniro tn are to remain on the Job Emrrrcncy and northern sup ply til hts In to continue and then onhsssneedtobandie rloercy ilirhts to remote lace as to rerun the controllers are to be supplied with cerxe mani lests The envisions Ip ly ape cliicslty to airports It too Winnipel and tom Bay Erwin tr niler Iierrrpled any to but the strike by sdrsneiny their rrsersaitmi tram tslerin ewe otthI international Air art was crowded Sundr at by those hooios to nblrn standby sett OTIAWA it Arraore mrnh are expected to be com pleted today tor international air mail irom Csnsds to be lown irom United Stairs Iir ports the post aitico said The Irrenrcmepts are neces sary because the Itrlte or air traillc contron has grounded Iii Canadian commercial little The port oidce said domestic melt will be moved by bus truck or train it said international airmail will be flown from one oi tour US airports Seattle will take malt dom Vancouver The mail from Win nim Edmonton and Calgary up oralracers elections US Longshoremen were not hit ln liarwuusrr Porillc WestV rrn Azrlsnu plied to the US Crtli Acronsa Board tor War mission to land charter Aishla from Europe It Same or issued Frill hiprl The Irilao has about 150 charter passen rrrs in Europe US lALtts Earlier us Iuthtxltics refined Canadian Padilc Air permission to more ltr hare tor ornsrsr operations to Seattle irgrn Ventvtrrea Orrin Ibi Armnl the issuable oi the strtta may he the literal Hoelry Llllian srhedui team realmrs raid bonds that names will be postponed Sand Llano is unableAMIIskI appearedre hordlsn clnhl likely would hero to travel by bus in the aural oscnthebor dn airport in set to their noses in From US will re rtI chic New York rill handle mail rn liootreal and Toronto and Woo mail irom llalllax The mail will he sent to air ports by whatever means the portal authorities in the vrrlous nylons consich best Within radius oi soo Irrich Ilrnm the point at certain are dont antic pate any serious problems the post ottth spokesman said in reisrriny to transport at domestic snail Deilrrry should still be the nestdsy typo oi dciimy weve been having But there should he consider sblfl delays ior lenpdisisnce ma CAPSULENEWS Ship Stands By For Rescue Craii PONTShiOUTlI VI APlnA merchant rtsscl which plucked tour counters from the storm Allsniicis sinorlinp by as toast zuasd rescue creit speed to the aid oi the Ubtrisn tanker Plym some too miles southeast at Cape lookout NC lndians Unsolicited With Inquest WILLIAMS MAE RC CPIindinn Icadcrs said Sunday they see not rstislled with the result at an inquest Into the death at SSycrrold Frederic Quilt who died in hospital Nov so two days alter an incident on rash west oi Williams Lake The Jury In the threeday inquest ruled Saturday not one was to blame ior Election Results In Suitable For Allende SANTIAGO Chile thPlirrsidonISrlsarlor Ailcnde srtilmd stunolnp Irihack in tree special ccncrrrsiorrsi rlcctiorn Sunday but his icltist Popular Unity govrmmnnt rolled the results only transitory dcical The ontitlnrsist opposition and the raw eramerrt parties each united behind sincie candidslo in the To Play In Madison Square Garden NEW YORK iCPlThc llorli ltoclrey MwiaUuoa Ncw York irorrchise will operate its tmlt pinyin its home names It tradi roa usro Garden says Richard Wood new president at the trunchsr the have been altered lull title at pic up dates in Madison Square Garden ior the hernia lesson ssi Wood ResumaStnlrov SAN FRANClSCO tAPlThe Inlarnhilonsllaillprimmtttl ant lysnrornrmcas Union ordered pietote to United states West Coast ports today resumlnp strike by shot union members itir Attack Reported It Laos Border SAIGON iAPlvArncrictuttiphitt plants exchanged missiles with North Vietnamese onlialrcrait dticnccs along the Laotian border Sunday and today and were behaved to have destroyed two at them the US commend announozd it said the American pihura Mother Saves Sim From Fire TORONTO tCPlTiw site at Toronto policeman saved her lTmorribold ton irom the early Stanley by aropphrs trim in pillow and blrnlrtt then tlrowtns him so test irom bedroom window to the snow below Search lulled 2a then Iurtiptd treat the second lioor oi their tosnbona irrle arms at ncirhbcr WMWWTWMMJZTJJEHJLI5