Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jan 1972, p. 14

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acclimation lISSlGIIItIBNTSPOIIT AmateurIStandmg II FmStOngeMade RnImpressiveDebul OIGIQIIIESA Votes JlMttAsxmII 57mm my nml ntueubmlt nomwllh bl mulih In WI t5 ynttbe tentnun owlsky ovum um Innohm AgincitgW mambottnttoun bdmlnxbdmnemlatmtm WI moudlrlcd In the It nlot on Adlu lawmanan dun Illnd at th zwplo oI net Pele Pnnuthhl Ibo ample harm Ibnl tlon until thus not hItbe eluteu my I13 Molt team an Indtmiu do nu ma he Immploltd th loom Iot vloulonld the mlo dun plan to prom IL my notntn bl Into nllon ttnlll Gall HawIla mm VIM MI Dimple cllglhlllty nuln $01 mm nun or yum night bullion In tho that Illb new tItI an no Itblett an be tied luldl loo nIInn hm mm pram will bl on the Ian In the rim UMP MI v9 lth Idvw VIII In tho Enym am Iborule ammonanny Hornets to nton the llym lunch Iomlhn thenmlulubbu Iltmhuobunedlnldul tho 0th clan cottonmtuu ken In or all until IIIb tho oetvlllo 0m to no mo tam club has Ind lo umber mum vllh IhI nmkomblhlndlbltllm HmmLMMIbDllbl lallntltlwm gammy Canadlan Inullance Tttltsts Ibequ tmnmhmpmxhllolm mem mamamom WINNERS Had Routme Choyepgraphed not won two Ill tlm tutoring lulum bu MI no no In Item MIMI all In It elm II mu Au mm her mull nnw Bone so It to ntnhllL Ortnmlllo no toms Out cm no In In no no In Into an on now on Ill We hell unlabellugm to to own om Bull ml mm than thou tnmlen um sonny corner mood Mn om Ind null mm to mm lo mhnlht when rltt be plyed In Toronto or mm mmm Ilnrle Ilmlnnatou unth day httrln Included Huh Iln Belly nutty Cr Mn Sbltley Iluper lettL Ilium um vttnnuouydtmlre tllld lhnl lullIII Ihlny In among mtm um muuumtwmmm memento bumhll WW EMTWW lwmWlllfSWINWI no wllwla who in mol memm unt uwmmmmmwm gtln out run an In ot t5 tto em mainl flgma in gonzo routineem It It In on mmIthi puym mm hm III In In In no ull thIltloohI mom the dun nukzlbnll Amrllllm ILuTaLlffioilmno wblcbendrutlhlllnraldllal hlgv ml My duds IDI In St Ilbomu Ont know will of In HWI ale 1me Ind Fem one mm on Cullon Illple Inl my Mimi ml my mlnmhm Mr Mm mm mm Pm aytuxed the Iunlor com be hll Id 5b mmluhcermuttbatlmbhlstlnIII me Ionian mm III mm 11 em amesI ea en on In Ilygoyg mm lbI II ot Iodnyl com Iwmnnce In It hllln ntmeohnmu Woodslx My Wu CW pe that enon nm III with 19 Ind Cnuyh tut humm ltw only WW II It IIL 11ml Flym moved Into bu got to hm tmlllc ooh TheABhdottbleheldtrlde Ille Int to on gum Ill ll but been ntutn tinhIIIIInhh mw Ind the lltllonal mom iimfgl III lump IInlnu um mt lo Imam am not no IIn been on mum Ihl WW NW the club them Ion um Slywouln IIIlam tlumm LINN the lento Ionml mt llllly lot to yem Intl mm tbm lb ller In the union Pom ploymmb Dtrryl sly tmomtln thembunlnutcw Fm Itll mil III Vm WWW game Icrnmpunded vllhtvo tho Inltml tan exist In Tm mu WI The duh mun olhu bow tent 211 and In nulzt onto pomhla lacollon lot up mu mm Knnn Ilium II North mm mum to ublmmnnl It obukntbtlllrtntblsn Sly out Ihe Onltrlollocltr In um ltll Wu IN mm no monotolll II lIIlIIlttllI hymnlaw ak or pm In mm to blu man mnllzr It do any nun noon1mm more to IIIrrlo onyemten utoI Beat Base Borden not thlnl tlut pman tJme Imd purlluIIednesdtynl tun Mun ol mm Tho Ilym could twat1111 than are mom Itlanlnlxethla II the Ilm prlblrod or mm 14 In 5mm mud holol WIDIIIMIZLIWIIK Jwulzsk WWIIan Kwbl In 0310 flailttnliolxdtndulgnaoh we II IV go But the knmmdm tnlI club Satuldly hlybl II the Btrrll 51W Km My Mum GNt ltorntu who have been In not ol th nynr bode dub huhlbtll duplln tho lteI mu Iplut Wooontod Roy we mm um yet have relegated to It won InVInItd by Ctnollhn III Suttmlny pm mm mm am mm um thou until All llut Itnlor III orthu httnlth lap mutmtltttru tnlWodlntonwhomtnloo mom ohlbg emf use enemaohm Illtl InytoleIItIIbellnInd Ill IommncnSttndaycmp ywltldflrlellydlnC1 MI at my II led It doom Ibotlt Ibzlbtn to noI cauldmd ln Iho nmlmdsfynlymu mm dnulm 1113ch Adamo Ind tlonthln mov umo In IhII toolbtlt Ind at humI on WhrlltrlbtllyuIIlIhtlloh cud lrom Mt Inhqu yet will pecltlv ocIey by Candl aunt cowl mtejuttbnuntbtdenwm Illa Ilym tremendntn ollzn dlsglullllwlth aroma to llrttrntt eomoetI tIupowztnuypllod lhlolhtrls Mbgwbkh Inamm mm hook the Elght Illg Buys Pluto unduly In um II the nn III 099mm noted III ml In 11 mm mmI51ywlyI WWIIIWIJI mom II who Ill con II It rummt mumtutbnt II Wlldltll II lollwlnt two tm tn21 nme Int mt may luv Iron thelt Int tlco lmed by Flyn wbtmtt mIIhquwo II who Illlta one out II emo WWI WI lwo mm are tstlonnbln WW ml Ilulmln them on yams Corby Mum tllll lutt fully lion hoblmnntn Icon Itltb It ed to scuttled In lots Includlnl Imuotno molthrconcahywowuuIo ll mum Imam who Ila noperod It Ibo prncllu lul mood our goal Iklot WM III wllb lhI eyo covmd wlIb In mono out oxnmlnII III tlotI lnxt Sllndly Iotwlthtl Int Includln III belo lllelumem Of ofubludlnl tthoIII unemgtu mu in Bellatyllla and II II II memo nmuAJlbn llc pmmltocbd Malcellyllhhtlll hllllnndlrn ltmdlouxtlcnunlgh mm III III mamMIL cm gem WIf And Inmmil chum hm nc MP 91 PII Menuhin who lllllmd $3 drldnl lmglbelyoltldcmw tmhllorggm$m mhu 3d Will hexvzmynmfdmsllymrh mm In gt to A110 Ill Ill Ill III In Why Ind mm Wndy dlm Ind Boaton IIntlnI to plot to IIII tout tll goalt III mlstt thnthnnn nucleus ol the Eut and polhll collected by the Will Why Adm WM IIMIIIHIHIIWMWWHI Itoolnuonll noel nndmo nenllonlbloltaneer 111 Dlexlon team nbkb wlll oppose II In delrncemln Ind lomrdn at my the WIII DIvIllon Iqutd In III the West Dlvlslon lllIIIIII III WI Work wlll lotto delencemhn mum mm mm mm 0mm mm 5m ml mm nnnul ottolu unoltn 1nt the only player on the nut mommy My hloomlnnon It lqtud wlthott SIMON Illslur ly lttld In CINIIIIII mgle fme mmmmonmm II upomm It rytlrll who ll taneevtuuleyteepmmo anbkownhwm tlththtltmymmttben ltlll whollmd rootlo Ind Mawmum lnyttuotbu dI mm Med nhnwon lhuCannSmytbo tho my It land both wlnilrt lll mnrlIEnloIJllnln membmonthotenmqelectm hyluItvtanulhhollulItld mttwhymbtdnllltlououhle nytwuotnutntwonm In plnyer ol the SlnnlIy Cup wttnllullotlllc lut mound mm bmoltholrolwlonelllockey olayolts TbeFlymn lztllltoQtlInIu mmermrgIIIIl WM Amelttlon holoctdlyllsltlnu than IIIIIEXIEZIIW gwoklmgb to Ill Ill mamtchans Iflllwlllllll Illltlm EIIII lttt thymmh cod Ihttl mm on turn NIP chauenham Volth tllo ollenxlu Ilyle ol boo Bab NM hummer MM gm Wm FMNK HAHOVUC WNW 0M NIIIMIIII lhl only unlnlmctu 1mm mnuum cuyby Mom 201 lnletltll LII Wm DMDMm Mb st ubln ubwtlloonext Thu Elmvnh Muchnnlt Illh Dubettt mgvom door den on V4 nhnlnn enlomnltc IrnnsmltIlon power Iltetmy rodlo IIII tlllo blue wlth nulchlnl IntulonPLllc IIII gt unngtnc== hwhlln Illa Camdltnl ur ltlli New York lotto wt wt ermnch oI Nov sooth Voyn to un uttblu In the Hm IN MI ynmex ot tho uuon tum IPmgbfo ottoott really lhlrd hm lou Inn Vlc lltdlltld NW1 York my tun ol the Anterln Ilncte ude Funk Ilthovlltb IIonIrnI AIM wllltelect mgddlulonzl hlkmm mm mm mg mm on III lllntt Itlnlllod Gllhert teven nlnyen below hlclllclt Wu Immd Dmyis mo numll III VI Howl oor Illll Ndlo III ednt In or New Yolk II YlIn Cout the IZuttquni hlInNoll med 5111 Inlmh nottr llohtrul III Ibo IIIhI to conch Em day IIIIIIII In chdlmbnm Monheal EXP on plumb cmy wlth block Interlot LII III Ill III when ho ded thn our rm Btuhell and the to mom wlthvnte out how EIDZLINEII It In mm Drank Hum IloCIosltey III EORD Hme IDODII =5== 2532353 MFR wtlIheopposedhy lllll Ileoyol that Illllu lhhmlll Igllgnrglntltlngfonolldoth mun oboe tlltr llIwh mlPllllulth mm Nltufcuom Ymkllalmrlnnce Itobe Orr llon butbolhuocxptcled hock mm mm ll EM ppmmly cm culunltnl gt buckled IM mum IothoSlnntIy mplutIIIleI 5mm wt cm Wm my my lonlon Ill nd Intl New by tho nlIttn hmk Dryden It ML WWII Ills Mm Inu Mlbv mm wdm on whtttIIha robbed to LVIuthIn It Icyllndenmtmnutomntletrnhsmlltlon toIlthll IIIIIIII Will ttshhltltl IIIttIItl tron IlnllIlIll IIIIIIIIFII WIMllmmtllWlhl Mon tzttI CumIll En tllnntllo tlunndtomtlltll telecttont ot Idlltlonol mm Km mm inf $31 01 Fun mm It 111 Al IlucNell mam nu zI Ill 1n Ior oath tum II III ml am MI ml PONTIIE IAlllSlIiNNE each 5m mm dun mm mm Mtutlble oyllrder ttttomatlo ttttt cl Ibo tom tom In tho It other ElmVIIe only Iul 10 WI mm mm St Amtnt led un Pennlnlltl from Itle Hm Mum Ilhnlllol mm nt lent onn rnontenttllyn In club wlth two mum bueblll IommIIIlonIr ltowln the Ileneth wlll In Onld Kuhn by mun ol tun llx SHOP luIIoRDIAInLANIIIDIII mom lnwenhdcxoerltnoo nettle wotot ot the Onlltlu hunt WNW WWI IIIIIIII um llndttttrIIIIIIIIomIIchIIMlllIIOII saluglymhlzrgvgnlmme Elltkm Illno Jay 1m underlyan xtrenztlt In tho East Hockey Ituoclntlon Frldly Letty Cblulon dlreclor at loeelnltttn lo mm why MI mm Innn ghott utty Null Iltuy nlsht In Coldwtler arm publlo NIIIIIII lor the NI III INNIIIIL MIL 1ch mum 71 Md llmo II we pm The Goldwntor tlonnl mm club all be PHONE mun VALIANT Doon MW 6an MW Shall club bu agreed to ployetwo Immodlalely Ilnrltd IIIlnl tlm onto ll mumm mm WEVE 1an III Kay Enltll woo urlu with each ol tho telephone cttlll lmm hmbnlt II III mum mu WWII Mod Sud Wm 15 llltnclun ZIP tum In Ilte Inlctmlloln loop mu L1 mud 51 mm may Innemlulon aht bluo who malchlnl onto Fullle hnioy llllnch lotterltvnglouxgalhtnztltl mu VAIEIIEhllgnTLnoterv vtslndtltlmlgltlmlm tum lumu1m 31 MM cm WWW mm 37 lllIh Trloln lelent llrcctor ol rElII an In mm on hm 1m PLYMOUTH Illnhhvmut llnlon Futltr cat Inn tho llrltlllt Colttmhln tgmy WmdnMmnINlmm Hoythlnlklollum Inmate Kny upqu In Club wu tleclod pmltlent at Immmlulon lrtnttnco In etwooduutt lltllIlItthdhhllllm llnctun no Eunlco mm the hntlomt Ilttttcllllon to CI wllhmlchlonlnlerlowc mot le lllyh Ttlntm toll lltne Ctnwtotd Ito nudlnn llncn Truck at the con gt my Mm 1W cllulon at that orghnlzntlon LOVMMT WW TERMS DnvnKosownntlt IIEIIPVIEIV ham mull moullhu Iltculgy Gttll lltmdl hlnttet It tell ID Iolnotl tho IIC Jockey Ml Klm llnbetIIIonIlt TIJAIIOEIANNIINIISIIIM Clllb In IMI on motInto Amnw Th SP ttln Ilnylm slnyhmro Sllmu no Not WI NW WW pm Kmm will tlmrd tlm lolloolhyyenr Iqu mo comet wlth hoot ol hlnrh lollottt hloodytlarytzn dEyuu mm It tlIMoM moment locumtlll llltewhltmllIteafultthtamowhl II Ulrl no Nehuthcme ml lllnl Julept It IInk Ladle tl PIIIITUCKET Ill Ihlt Pnullne DempIter tat qlmtott lo mitt llallt to otnctatsI nt Nmmmtt rm rm tot lm thatth lnlhlanll hcrew Dtlv nnnoltnml Wtdnudny that all Kempylew mm mm 1m II Ithlllnls dltlnnntttmollnewed to II at wt nl hol ro Tkgongolllglh Wmqu Il1llttstnten Sttlln who open untll many The tool tlry thly III tlnclllllltr Ihut down Tuesday become ot anplllhleu ll hull Sltttt ll roll III hl adw dtll ad llal Taddlu 1I llwInIlnI llllh ltlplet loyu LoyI Ill rtllnrlnti cmltatogglbrlmwanh III NIADFOIIII bllntt Bwlnum Audrey Income thron tttrtI wetllltn lI hnhopttl In mom IMIII lloomemnol IllId City loy wl lam Shttett wt nwudty III gtII II

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