zeeeeemtl autumn reenter to ten Ltt ennieeuelnuenn luliieee Inu oeeanr art Traditionally Jonuory le Cleoronee Sole time and title your in no exeeptlnnl We mutt move thoueende ond thoueonde at dolinre worth at lumittm and appliances during the next leer veeelu and YOU can prot by our Intel Were reduced prim drottleally In every deportmentl Even on merehondlee titer was ulnndLenIepticldl Naturally all our known and eeteei brand name are included in thin orewlde Sale More youve come to known on trust our the yeere Remember too we gunron or complete eettetoetien We on lull eor turnth and appliance etore with tree delivery lree lnynwoytree storage until need iteme llrted below represent only ex traction otthoee on role not lor beet Teleetion he on hand eorlyl Mnny oneototind voluee ovoityourenrlyehopping pleoture tDISdlIIVIl It the pcrmile will be towed jnlrlpellty or locel lmprntemen CIAliIClRIlEII tho dcpredetion lree Int oil by etroo wind ereeIood ontnmot to North Veneourer lwnhwea ruen s=eutxspaaunus nanometer lhetlnlm tot Ontario tndlene eccueed the tederet Toveromont Wedneedey poi lordny the pmrlnelel Tenn meet to ebeodon deel site 1e Troop or Northern cunt to to stir tottere ndlee one Union prerident Fred you in In Interan on the on Trout late Bend councilrep enttn od Irony otter in the remote northwestern Teornrrunl Ilia provinceWu 5uoiuetl treated hr the led Ierei in en etletre department Iii connotentelollonod the ycottneile Iltmtllt to erecpt lltitle to tit enuere mile otter ntwo deye ol nepotlettooe emone ulndltn Ilteire olltclnie the Lenten bend councillor end pro hrioelel reesentetltrr III Eie eeld theband had relched teotetlvo erreemcnt withtthe proeince tome time gun to erupt tit eouere trtiiee ytrorn the Outerio memment ebut thet dent weepseotclted by prunure iromoilewa the lndten lender whore or enizetion represent eeiy lodlena in the province eeid tho ledrrel under eppu ntiy were obie to convince the proetnce that it had no power to ieieo tend eyreement ntth the nlnilene under the iederel consti nttttlon The Bit trout Bend mncii ehee Iteepted the trdernl tot ernmente otter but leel it her been tmltcrtly treated Told htr IIieln who Iddod thnt he re ends the BI rlrout retiternent at hittere Importnee in rm or eborltinll none to Cronnlende teTenTEDtNttre The tune later book to I929 lien the Bi Trout hand no elyoed en edite milu In hour hunted wide epreed denture in etern Brltteh Colunthll lCl Photo Iion to ludten Treaty No which cover lodleoe lititll tn the June hey nice The Mom yorerntnenl greed to provide one Innre to not lend to every lndlerr terntty or live ehlrh eorled out to totel oi no mere miles on the wooletlon then kiloraver the exert locItion oi Qemenl iInde II hem Torreyeti end never reeletered trith the prettnce The unloee pmlrlnn is that elnce the lndlenr were never Wt on retltre the uni II ttr th concern lerel nullity it this is the cue the Indian did not lie up their Ibortytnnl hereute they riehte to the to the lederei munment end the province Vt rlthltutly one It This would empueer the tenth en to work out tend drei with the provincial rxorernment lleouthie line ol remniny the union hired two leeryere who took their one to the provtuciei eecretnrye department which operetu the lntited community hrendt htr Plain told the province eeretd eltor prolonged dinette doneto rite the iodine title to to square miles But now the province has batted our end Im extremely lorry eboutit lied the trderel government one elm edit the rovlnclel oeeeton oi tend to the latent lndlensp the union Iqu here viewed it It indent reeoenl tloo ol Ibotlzinel right to Crown lendmmethirix thet le titre oryenintione here been tremendth in recent yeere In outqu the provincee position Peter Steroolreetor at the lndlnn eentutttnlty trench eeld the problem lice in the Ti thIt no one intone ex ertty whet the tent eteiue at bend council LSoskatcitewan To Permit Hunting Where Damage Caused Ineotnt tori llunllnyot nn department will tqu Item end coyoth iront enou roobtteeh to be remitted to Irene where the enlmele ere ruret municlpellty or the lord Punting livestock damese Net permlte only to receipt oi In rovtd re uilon Irene the improvement dalrtct Permit iurel Resource Illnleier Elite will not be tuned tor the pur Slimmer ennounrrd ltcdncrday pot Ellcctire immodetrty tarm ere Ivui renthm mew ohteln it ontrltrto use the machines to out the enlmnh where It tree heen eelehiixhed thouy heto reused llrutort or no try de to miderttl oi rurel mu tvPIODICm he been noted by the rrurnl council There would it 4lo be completnte at on erect relve number ot the enith nceuelne demeye tune DAY eonttce CONTACT LENSES BARRIE OPTICAL DISPENSING OPTICIAN at eport huntin or pelt huntiny end will notbe velld during my open more tor bin eme hlr ttrenver etno renounced the tcderet government he extend to etudy pied to slim niththe provlnre cost ol com pentetlny Iermere who roller lrrop denote by mixrelory birds FRIDAY NIGHT USEYOURCREDIT no Romeoer srottor tlt IIIEDED tiNVtMNEVNMWHRNHIVEVMNIVNR Hero is partial listing of outstanding voluosl stvr sons MODERN WALNUT BEDROOM SET Rel Triple Drcreer Cheer ttotkme Bed ldenl tor bexineerr SPANISH om DININGROOMSET SALE 359900 on root to dimer in unbelitrebla eteyeoce Set coneisu ol eomblee tton bullet end hutch us oval ubleenttotnhirhbeelrc irswtth Iniloue hoedwere SAVE 0000 2PIECE LIVING ROOMSET Title EAL or ore0 By alder In module etyie to denote trorn One in old Iizured damask the other in hceuttlul neon mulled telret snvr tono TEA WAGONS nu em titer $998 erneil quentity oi wooden tee neurone SAVE 5000 Auronnrtcwtsnen extent $24900 By Iernoue menulectorer Four wet er temporeture comhlneitene Ilea duty eintie speed $189 SAVEIIMO CONTEMPORARY BEDROOM SAL 521900 By Vletorlernle Cooetste nl Triple Dresser Door Chret plus st lei heedboerd It eet only iSAVEiitittti CONTEMPORARY STYLE 2PIECE LIVING ROOM SET em one00 etuhiootd metmi with herd weerine nylon lace outrriet It trectiee rotor to eboota trorn SAVE 2098 MATTRESS 0R 00X BASE Rel rune By Beverly lleevy poetrutzed rnet treesee hy erell known Inenulector er ternqu eprlny veil rooelructtoo in Imported damask SAVE 0095 l5 CU FT REFRIGERATOR tilt By well known manuleeturer mi eutornetic electrle butter treper crispere delete model in gold SAVE 3000 l9 PORTABLE TV time By Tlectvvood Plastic eebidet In henest told read werrenly on Ill puLL sovr tonoo 3PC MEDITERRANEAN STYLE BEDROOM MI stutti By thoelerllle Triple Dremr Door mot Penel lleedboud tor render or green tin bed metoh beluty would rue Iny SAVE 11000 CONTEMPORARY STYLE 2PlECE LIVING ROOM SET iii $3363 In norel pettorned domain by Eerie Ashton Ind hock ol deep toene mmtnleiton very rornlort ehle teL ysnve sooo 5PIECE DINETTE tutor 3930 0y Liberty Contemoorery etrl in with twivcl pcdeetet chIirr lpetlerntd in nhiie nrerttie end KIND SAVE4000 AUTOMATIC so RANGE SALE nee9 By ltertihyheutt in white SAVE 7000 WESTINGHOUSE CONSOLE 25 COLOR TV Top ptrlorntnnee in hit eereen eolor TV loetent on end euiooutle tine tuition controh Thin model bu Inluel hue 9IDIIItlopStW Bottle Cor Cleyprrton end Colllrr 7101211 SINcEteeozo svonesro BELIEVE IN