Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1972, p. 9

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WOWIII colored Wilmer onetime loedh Ironwoo Iteilaelothrwrhihe Wdliomhmite to wiltmwddmu eroownnbiltac troowmohtteoper tapandwindchlilehlrt Mudhlilim I51 tried by Inelmohlle Itrter the public outcry over hi accident Ind death the mowmohttedrtrtrr thrt illl rmlwtnnatriy Ieeornm led the but trioler port Ioewmo ntInnlretur trItI rgthlted their rupee Ly In me They Ire now rrrInuIIelnrtnI new vehicles that Ito Irelcw hIndII better Ind Ive de ntphulud Ipeod irorn their hIIIltoiIvndtId exteotlv Kroner to tercir III WI to III ttitiorn in addition the bottlet eoIanny hII produced Its rrttte color rotted lllm tire wnto cope The illIy Sole hootiitt Ire IIilIhII It so deIlrrI the Cantor tIIcty coondl provlhdli Ieiety councils or on Borrrhtrdtcr Ltd Mlle ltd Tlonlrerl Queheo we recommend thrt my rope biler whether novice or vet Irnkohtrln copy Its well rerotnr red the eve Intro nt motor mITI lite iet rnowmohiter IVE BEEN Irtrd ta pIII euIte Aidtil to the eitltent limit from sun ltohbetle etideni ol the ltIrrlI or lloctr AIIoelIlion hrppy do it ltrrrte Tilnor Iiocie Ind the leap hli try club with to that itrrne ol BIrrie Ior thet 19 tiooortone Eli Retort er Ind perionnenee eyiur warren imtumtootheoceulonel Mmm Drin on JWTIMUVIL wenoetthitinprrt est Ityoureulhnettniestormthat II were needle to cover the that ad the our AttLA Ihiln Iiii have Ire orII oppoelrrnittce In nle them eeitee mind Irene oi CInIdII too titer thI that when the meat hloIIlIr met in Till It IererII IreI resortt For In entry lee oi oer doliIr wouldbe III more ltd hill plain old reereItioealttI on run run Throuph the not come eel up It rewi Theeveatroreopeetotllrdult Ittut lie yrIrI end over Breed on Whipping In tern Ind pulornnnee Item ernwin one at three Ire mil pine uttered in the con rs Thach to relIttrely eIry Illiom run oi abort to electrode The TtolItIr IVuiL II liar mine Innate lpowmi tloiscntI Brewery in eoollmciian with the CInIdiIrI STA Mile lionIndthCInndiInmln Itrurlore AllIIoee The ldotrur events will be run It the lotterth molt Ind dI Geordie Pooh Jrn it Feh T5 hIIIeh It CrIll leilh Ski Club Jan 12 Felt It It Ieh Ir MIrehril in not htiwrys III 11 two it Much tlr TIiimrt Ski Resort lIrttd Feb ilotrethoe VIIIIy tit Rm IIILJI Feb DevttI Olen eoorl ion to Feb II 20 ASPIRINO IiIlerI will llnd II leut eno lco thew willing to let them prove lhroaelvrt Darin the vial ol shlprteedt Ind Iohoron Ice Follies Tor onto TinIr teII Grrdern Ito it their so Inditionr tor vision to he held with show rttr Ind ItIlItInt lies reel deal It pertonoeiltlctrrs irector Sandy Tereetly prertcliny For Iniormollon on ItIdIttono write III Certei tit Oiureh Stir Ito Toronto tot Oni Ire Ntuowmrbeetihented It mated to tho pinIrI tn hIIrnIltur hItIhItl motherhth held inOtM Oblobette Oarrlee Itonlliobbelie her been mind to the Toronto ltrri it here Irom the Otirwr III in drti thrt III completed lutt lire tor the Ontario tier ylte Sorter lioodIy th litdboroe real stir tow en to burn to the dub Dohhetle who ecored 3T IoItI Ind bro iotIl It to potato hours hetero the indie detd Iociatlnne Mayor Junior pit theprvrlnces The porter he is holdtnr wu turd to ldtllll the runes tmminer Photo Till lAthll EXAMINER TUUOAY JANUARY II in Traded rTo Marlbo ii lat wa them him Mi Ind pinyin helm to dim huehlll teem oi width hick member brlore rleii horier tn the iin Oahu ptorincex in which the hemp teeth were held Etch trrni two Ilml in eeea ol the CealdlIa turn lirtithed thh with recordI latitude to three teeter to euro tittries road Ihoelnz ronrlrierisy the problems need by the Camden htil pleytrv Nutrient Till deiryed the mini oi the emeritus in 0th by tit dIyt It Iorrcd no to turn hIrt to hlrrrtro tliy Niel tIldtte midnt work out there were no lIriliiirt All at nt hIdnl rd Iinee the ion weekend September Two the no member CInId IIn round were ntted ineligible hecatne they howl played Intoi rotational learnt thrir reitl Owen Irolteur rundin Niel inlumi his wrist Ilter mentor late will ianure Iuit pt fly ball In the int IIrne oi the thimpionshipl tie Tiered In live more runes he tore It was discovered he htd lreclurcd the wrist Oesolio hie Inlury litrt hot ted r150 erected one homanrn cod lulled to two runs CREAM ON The heat than team won the world Imetrur chrmploorhip with record at too Their baseball team it lite the ltur IIIn hoetey team Nick IIId lixuielmtl at their nitrite lineup there are six who rout play in the Anrrrchn or No iionat Tenure The Canadian team we the album the cloettt turtle hr tho competitor loelne to lorry bedy rite bertrn lIr worn then II Merton1 the donor to there Other tonnth whtrontrred tunes in tha world rhImptoov ship were the DonoinirIn It while ttIIy Aniiitrr litter re Ilrtleo Cderohir Brute to mom Ind ceuurie me to the poiiiirII titnetion that hit the Urnted Enid did not enter two In the world rhrmpinathlpl thh yeIr thrt its term In expected It thI out ehmpieuhipe in him Ion this year The helpitatrly olrihe Othlae heartened hiet Ilihovdt the Mini olthe OIhItn other than huball parts were Iomewhrl dittrrrnl than hI it need to Thry zero or the hcrt they and its lust not tht were used to than Ill he said We had meet only twice durior out my Iithorr we had Tlh ietyoiitrhdu The were re preIl hepeiddrd love the nod torrid watt Intr the crme tottlkiomandtetourIuto wrote The cImdtInt nude theoreti ero popnIIr with the Orhsn torn by beta IMNIII with Chirletr product the thibanr dont hate lneh ptryrr had been lorewrrn ed Incl bruorht eight dolian worth pl the rum with them to distribute To the rrwwds alter the tune The buteheli iIeiIttiet were rxeeanl lntl unrcIl Nick told You wouldnt lied my better In the tuner flhey mt wItte Irry money on hue TIcllillce Included electronic IcoIrhoIrdt Ind electronic tout lines while the Orbtn Terrn wrr dretrrd lrr unliornu lhIt would be the envy at many ro ieomt tn horth Ameriu hlc Ieid BALL iiiItOITN BACK Down there when you hit hit Into the tirade ltI thrown hori Theyre not allowed to keep the balls Nlrh Isld Rut the people here reIILv Ipprre Rateiie Leading Scorer To Play Before604000 Pf tamen irrational leerne it tell hthIlIlIn III thooh but and uttcd to III the plum who were It the ehemoiuthiht lleI bi man Nkl IIld ididntre rerunIon uhe it Ihouttlr loot leer inches no Mm An Irlitle In Orenrm the oltielIi toerrnrornt newtpaper IIIluted picture it Nick Ito we JU or II the hotel ll er no pm N0 limos There were no tretrlcint vendetta around Nick aid hol we rm rcppoeod to have two or guide with no there we no on miorpktoruoeteihintto The ward would unity rte to the beamad then no pIIyen were onderlIl throuththutreetuothepeopta would be uid to hit to them Nkk Hid The bell pisrrrI tore Itro rim mother at rift hetero each unit They Iacltthd WRITE no Inlorr IrIdImchIIImiMihepevv or had ed in the world will rtlrt Ilrn liberIled mole at small ItIp cm were pitted three other Ctardtrn tcun mm my here that were hIhIR hitters Whiil the CInIdlIn teem mem here were client to centre are pretty nrurh II the pine rd Ind were nice on Ochre rnrtr rrIinettrI hoopl tItr Ind unirrrtlties there were tome mlrtetiottt placed the rocrnhen thI would teem odd in CInddn To order to rater the Timon litre which no the hotel tor the Vititipl hIit return the plum but to have pIIteo Lent lorrot NIFIII he mid not err hIct nto the hotel Iveo though he ml ht hnve lelt It to Iemds est er ihnl happened to Rich Ind John Osborneth not other OntIrio mitlcnl on CInId lrrr term We hrd player on the OrhIn teIm who rpeiI iiltII Buttrh in Ind let our rnInIccr lie hroulhi out our puree to no It ha rd to other me too NIe IIId in this are oi and hot pants the Others have curtain rnorItlsttc rlrcsh Ibout them We were not Ilinwrcl to wear shorts on the rtreet itch IIld They wouldnt Iltow us on the team thter in the hotel mu iR ih lIy other in WI Iew thirty lath lrom 0th with them ThereIre wirinrily no Item where trillion can buy Ionttttin in Orbs NIIT Ilid Niel who led the Drill htIlorI oi the Simon Counb BtsrhIll rogue lo the trend In renter IlnIl in im hv been intitrd lo tdrr the trio tiornl leIro lor the dump IbipI Lt NIewrtgnI The Chat ii dttn trInrhII pretty good in iieti lhsl term oilielrtr would like to Ice ttpt torelhrr the use er terutiie piner Nirk plays ee Iirti bur until at my ed the wrist ioiury its He then craved to the outllclrllor the reminder ol the Inter it which hoping1d lte tIn Ilse illitnreeerie Cost or renting the Camden tun were divided between the When otrrnrnent led the Cup IdlIn rderItIoo oi ArnI cur Buebtii with the when env ernrnent peytnr it per cent ol the trelelitoc errore and crd tdinl connotation In Orhh Ind the CFATI mien up the reel oi the dwelling which led pIylnr Ior Immrnodr tlonr outside oi NI tut cotton with the ore bu Wins Way Playoff ANOELES tAPAt Yoti Tommy Arron moved to recladtlteetl theuchtlul my me IlIndinI In the Ioirwey while Atelier war is Iwa in the woods In rehole piIvoil with Once the prototlr loot bemI liter missed it IIrneo this rotten in due to lniury Ind our three he tell the etch recenth and to turned to hit BIrrie onto but come problem he told Monday hetero lrIvlnl ior Ton onto to late the llarlborot lot Iplere tronr thelotIl print at 11 Niluho pinIhoth drlenee liIt tilttoo In the trIditlonnl outn mm Mn mm iny etch on the louvre tour Atrhtr and Tilt lot the title in the Giro phelIlot Anctler open roll torment owIe rlybL her AiXsloOirliX lotmet ch hand tronr tiltroy Crttl do mlrIciepIr on Itllth rltnrhrd It Ill with Irri tie chip that that ered on the lith hole and went on Io wotlroto victory in the Ilcitl the titted iIrIi prize Archer that lvaundepptt in the plIyoiI round while on Ind ltltt etch bid do in mild runny weather that bed the ammo lirrrrho coll courts liliti the extra crowd oi about new who Iron and ltltt each It and doten or more hurt on TONOON Ont iClt With to motor uptotI expected in the IeIdtIn liture Itettny mm or Ilrrtint here todIy trtlclpentr Illti irnr ol the it tend to turn their Itirntlon or trim Olympic and world hrrnploruhip competition when thrt heppent the rst name most oilcn mentioned ll thrt oi ltarcn linmuriro to yernold Canadian womene Iln Ilet rhrrnplon who it here to deiend thrt title lot the third lift CInrdiInI more the country Ind erpceloily In her hometown at Vancouver were toetlnl tor ltltt liontllrtit to Williile ttotid litlo lutl not met my xx exported the would Rut the Wet Coat blonda lin Iehed with bronze medal ho hind chrmplon lterirlt Schuha oi Austria and Julie Lynn llolnrer oi the United Sluice New in lltcnrntcn II out to ticthrone ltltt hrhuho and has told Ihed like to do It thII yerr bolero rule rhonrre Iilerltnr ltlllinK come Into clitct this September men In tznnrt Tito rule change Ipprotrd by the World Tlpure sirtlny Ar Iocltrion lust year would ivo lllrr ittynustcn rupcrh reo Ilyle sister bin adventure over liter Srhube who it In ex utri oi compultory tivnree hnl leer Ipeclncnler in Tree rtellnf ltltt IinnuIeen her out ehad tetherbent lbe Aurtrlrn ever pull Iii tiny who htryed into the round bed tome rhtncer portion lerly on the lTih but get are Ices on tome meet your Ieid Arron who held lhrcottrcta lead goln Into the llnal round Ihoi 61 and dill not tied Iltl kind at he ed that Greece and Otto on men theirhit mover had their hit rounds onSundry AIron Itld lint Gcorte me right both with another to Aaron rultted tour pntlI lronr tour loci or Icrr once Item 11 letter Tomm tutl didnt mate pull all ry laid Arctilr tho pitltti up hie ninth ioul title so Events liAIIEN MAONUMRNI under the amt ruler which own deleei IIIl ovetned he year And it dude celnp to heat Schube wholl title the but oth hit it Ilili on the tint hole Ioti hirdled but OrorIe took the lead when the Iiim lnirrue llttt went over per the record hole Ind Archer led the rut oi the just didnt loci eomiortthle no ltltt yell with rlrtmtlle loloot birdie putt on the 12nd hole In StntdIyI Iinti lorwrrd her IceumutIied pole llo told liondey ho war in py with the tier thIi will hr him closer to heme Ila exports in be In the Mattie lineup in come lllrioy lob hello will he to on Ion ll Towers won out oi heeley lor Ieverrl wrelrr thlI Ielurlny in Claims Iiy TIIIJCANAOIAN lIIESR The llcdrline World llnctry AIiocIIllon eel to route oocrnr lions to Octobertrept Ito record Intact llondcy when reported litkliilibl olthrre Notional Idloclt thtp plIyerI were enc The report by the It Paul Pioneer out not Iitrlhule the Internet to anyone and eIrIy today the iillnnrtotn newtpopcr related to dllelota the eoutco oi llt lnlormItlon The plIyerr Iileccdly Ilcnrd by the thA iiondaytootlo roI lender Kerr linden at Rent rerr Conadlcns ihli Roberto eI St louir itiues Ind Stan III herleon ol Cdiiiiliil Golden Erniedented the merit Dennis Murphy the WllAI executive vice president de clined conirrrenl on the no men while Idltlitiiit the letter had talked to mrrylrtlh plevrrr Al the Ipprrprleio lino wr will note our ennoutteentenie in thenpropcr nttnnrr Iiid illilt Oil Ioe Croziet Named Coach liUllALO Nli tCli ioo Cruiiet ptnrrnl manner In coach at Cincinnati Sword ol the American Iloctcy terror were named llondIy as interim roorh ol ltuilrlo other oi the National Hockey League Crorier will remain here until Enhret panerrt mannerecoerh Punch mum is able to resume his duller with the chm Ino lrrh who rullcred heart It tacit tort IrldIy it in ltultolo hot tint told Smith veteran llulIIIo rlrhtwlnter who handle the rotrhinc lob In Sundoy nithlt rhonea It the Olympice tIyI ltImo uliuirni Thronlo lltpio lion Jnriton lonrrcr CInIdIun Ind world rntnI Ilntice rhtm plon laelaon new tonrlnl pro In Toronto it or In oilrrrter rod or replacement coarh ier Entity Leo Irwin at Toronto lrttiontt titin here thI wee where retuler conch wrt trouble to attend rolr wit rtpldto Lrnricr Ii Cincinnati ltolir Smith out ro tier will return to their normal duller on lmtIchI return lrcct llnnt will when lnrtech II renerol mnnrtrr durtne the Interim period Ilunt normally Ielt at atellttnl pcncrrl mart oycr oi the club Meanwhile Intiache ltiRIliiiOIt our third ttlr prorllre In limited action this Ienaen RON OORIJETTII toy or the lctrrborourh lrles iieiorn trade with Toronto was completed rcrccd is the trade liendny nltht WHA Signs Dryden llnrphrr comments come Item the ca oI public relI tlonI oltire wit ch Monday night toot Ilepr to add more credence to its report by naoilny toe Meade It director oi pubic re lation ltiltl rlaiIItIcIan Tho ttKeotold lotnter IporiI editor more recently hare cited public rclrllonr lot the Itnrrrlcnn ltottelhell Aunelm lien now lives in itinnctontn tutoth oi that lllnrreIpoIIrSt Pout ores lrorn where mort oi the NRA reports have rurlnrcd in recent weett Jenkins To Be Highest Paid Cub Player CHICAGO iAPt lnutl winner lertuson Irniru pitcher to hnll rrnlury will he ttro highest Ialerted Orb player in history al on rtlirnotrcl little or each at the next Two Indium duties the period tite yanr Ilrinz dl to or more vlclo rice with lit record trot ree Ion IItncd llondny iwoyru part announced oillclrlly iii elitest outlooooo let each ear LOW litre Schnllr moms her Ferguson llnilrw Enter rrtree tilt Irld or new con crrnte thIt titlmo tire coed rucrt tor the new Icltry oi the NItInrrol leatuor wlrrv nirrtttt pitcher laIt ertreort Last yrIr outlieldrr ltllly Williemr heerme the itrtt iiudlldti Orb player limini cnoyerr contract It that prce Tno hueiy tloott Jcntlru trorn Chatter Ont dodtot orirrtiurn ol how much over hit new tttitlrliit prov co lel lire tuuundptrerrcrl qriole whnteterthey wont rIIclJonhtnr John Holland Orb ricopreil drni told it it lllliitil club pol icy to ditcloeo Iolrry it or hut poinlrci out that lrn Intt Ininry will be paid to Form rntnnctny Erutip They will handle Ill his mercy told llollrrui crto Cube most proiurllvr MONTREAL tCi Thu hint ih rIihtr Into celrtcry Roielle hertnte only the thI nonmember oi tioeton ltrnlrw to collect uwnrd money Item the Notionrl llcrtey lupue during the lost Tit reason lor perlornr Goyeile Says Hes Retired MONTREAL tClt iitil Oeycile rcrtirrp at Mr home in Iuhurhan hath no writtnn tor Rnltoto Salim in nnnounto that be It rctlrinr Item the Nrilonet itoeiry Leoptc iioyelle it told lunrh lnr leth touch and tentrut more acct ol the Sabres inst hrtore the New Test that he wanted out but not told to rest tor couple ol wrote hilti think it over until Ute thtt oi the Sabres here this pretend Nolhlno hut hoppcncd in the port to cluyr to mate me thinlt dlllcrenily Ooycilc lbyror ltltt trierou told In In inter ttew llontin Ive had It and wont to yet not crurlourlv lloctry has been very trod to me but Itiul runt into it any more it Isnt the idea at letpinl up with the yountrr tel town oven throttth that gets toutth eecry ycor lm not to yrarr old any more tort dont Icel the let up litti toi dont have the enthu Ilrnm lhetII no ure tryint to Torre lhintr Ilter lhtl And Ive been Iwa Imrn my lhtttiir too long For rIx oi the hit one yearr Ive been by rnyrcll Ind their to root llentcnthcr mind to unit not enter was tiillppoiltltti over the loot that alter hItlrrI you with the St Louis cuh ley dlrtnl protect me reported leu monthr into but then wIIlhIppy mrde litnt dIeIrton SIhrrs have treated me excellently rmooih plnymItirrp Ind IrorlnI Ihlli ol ccnirI leoo Rolrlio oI New rtt llrntrre hove pineal At NHL MidWay Point once to the individual Irorlnr Ito 1m llino Yorir rowanlily itll Till are on fricioltirulmi was the ending Imrer It midwry anII at the Toronto rehrdulo with Ti poinlI one more than doirndlny thImpion Tthii lie ilo oi Rotten and II more In teammate tlc lIIdIteld Ind the ltrulnr lioth Orr Thur lor the record line In hlr crrrrr ltelelir toilette tilt Ior lcrdtnt the earring in hlii or reason lie VII reconcith lender in thine litmeitn the her earned 250 in Iwani money in iii reasons not the tilt prize It runoerup to lioltile ltAtIK GOALIHS TOM Orienrlveiy realteedert Gary Smith Anti Tony Espodte oI th rntu Rioch llnwiu Ihtte i150 II lirriholl tendon in the Virtue mrhy recc Smith lends the turtle in Ihuloutt with tour Their combined lEeriecotton average at III II lowest It Tlrote portal til nlnrit in tattle while with lloolreal Com Idleno Since the Oruint particularly IIporilo and Orr becnml Wins Races Doesnt Win Kawartha Cup RETERROROUIIII Clt lint AdomI oi Belmont hitch pen the world tnodilltd rnp Tlomto at my cmclurlon ol the titre Iy Itawnttho up Intrr nIiionol Inowrnohllo competi tlon The victory uiitet some at Adernse disappointment It Iot tn the Iinwrttho Orp which wee awarded Sunday to liven lluhtmrl oi VIltourl Que Adcmn with tour llrrtplrce ltnirher In Krwarlhr up etenit rtiore lhIn any other cempeth lonplIerrt only leurth oveettl hecture oII complicth IyI ietn oi ittilliiill Ilnndlnyr tutliirttui ltliliiinycltii it CHARTER Soto up to half the cast of flight Ritti turrets GHTS trorlocpower lit IIIIonI It Rotten pluere thI eoltrct totem pouthle mitt In to not money admire Mellie too In thII time so new Ind tirht win tr lien ltodxe hilt tr lIyrrI thlriIRItello to hrentr ihe liorion ItrIoIichold lllttl been Robby iinii oi Chis roto with lithe in lt money Ind Phil Emile with use white with at Louie itiucr The ltanter tied at titletle iiIdIlritI Ind llod Otlbert hoe Ii tort hild lid pololi well the ol the record pm Irt by line lorrI EIpoI to edge Ind Vaytte Cnsltmae that reason when the Inuit threesome hId or tools ltltt rte lot It reto Iroson end ltnl rd with too coals Ind its points EEORINO LEADERS Pt Tim Ileteileslit itis 71 FJWIIIII lid at It 70 It Itndttcld NY 23 It to OH No it it it Giibdii NY 11 II Null Chi Th it hi it Ilnrlirt Out 29 2t ill Irrrenuil till it to or ii SlInIIcllI line To to to lilIvllrh II It It It to Martin Chi ll Ullrnan In 27 to link Ni it 19 it It Upper Stl it it til dl lemolrc it it It to it ilodre live It to to ti Redmond ilri II II l9 llliilt till it II it It IluryiRoI II it 31 Rereniort lici it Ti ircrnhlIy It II iltnrlcreon it it it Iinrtcr Cat to it it it lthIrntIa Ito it it it It urn cpl it It It to lllonnrI net to II it MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Irvi erronltatlooel eiiectiveoott ECIIRRUIJII Four Tituntilll nttrrtr Filth rrrruntrr retornr Wit RIIOCIIUTTE CONTAtiI hi Oeddel Oreulrn tellere BerTrounoos Borden lhilifii it Time Mens Ttrlr tut II trounced nIII Borden Outt to retain thrir hold on recondptxeinthedimowrr hlrnI Inlennedteie Balk tlrnrur pf Berry Tnmhull llrefturneti reorinr Iorm III porn to it points tor the Bertie at In his iut cIme IIIiest lint Barrio litutim tour our lilac only Iboirt are hit nitrite TttIyInI coIrh lloh htryprr ed huh Ind lorwtrd Dire III eIch nrtrrd ropotnt unite with eIrh tlith Irorrr Int titre herded who were tlown tilt It the halh wu Tbrrt llrovrn with it pointt ttorden toot In early lot lead briorn litnre cam on Brown was Indeed by Gerry Vewier with it and Mike liq Conlb with other Icorcrt Ior llrrrs went WIyne Clerk with it One lith Ihtw with Ind Beach In hull with linrilerr Ind trot Ion Colleen were to have Plryr IIri nltltlt but their Into woe petitioned lt THE MUFFLER SHOP eriitl Own sercrrurtr ltd NNISIII rrronn reenter IIAtd ore to The Simeon Aron lomrne ulilr Illl Irn to port February to iT nrtd twr LOCATIONt icorclan Coilrse llatrlo tli Duclrworth htrret Irrie Teleehele titII tutli Denote lists Viceelrrslclcnt Thane Crot ctr and Arroclatre lid IaItiiIte the will hrlp rein rbreto the Iiih Annivew JOB ENRICHMENT PRODUCTION lENiOli MANAGEMENT SEMINAR on to to mcnltti euccrrriully by hundreds oi mutatcrr in large end enroll orrreltotlonr In Canada the United llinrdorn encl the Untied hlnlrI to yield intprtuive results in perronal Irowiiit time This tortich rcmiarr materials luncth Ind rreduotlon dinner

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