Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Jan 1972, p. 4

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Dorrie cram Published by Canadianltawepapars Limited firf lstytlaIdBtrass condemns Kerry Lanabis Milwaku Itme rowan cats Emsvihn on McPherson wmgtngcunr TDHDAT JANUARY it an Halt 97 Good Year Barrie In Field Of Construction Despite economic method rats was very good construction year ior Barrie The value oi permits was 520 434996 ol which more than 86000000 represented commercial and industrial building One at the leatum was the large amount oi commercisl combustion which indicated Darries growing impor tanee as district retail centre New In dushiat building was down in compartr son with 1970 ul additions to existing plants added more than 81500000 to the arsessmenl Portraits ior tilt new hosnes were valued at In excess oi It million From the citys standpoint the new assessment will bring in many thousands oi dollars In tax revenue This will take pressure oil the tax rate and yet permit the cit to spend more ior sas vices id this growing community As to the iuturs an iblereang coin ment came horn Aid At Macnditan chairman ol the city development com mittee He said the trend towsrds large commercial developments like oliice htuidtngs writ continue Furthermore he anticipated that the province would on courage more regional ollices in Barrie as the city has been designated as growth centre It is noteworthy that the Formosa Springiirewe lorwnlcbalarge mil was taken ou In 1970 will be lull operation In 1972 giving employment to slseable staii and business to many Barrie ilrms Case For Foxestry Research Federal and provincial policies haves protound el pulp and paper industry For examplie recently announced ledorsl water po tion regulations imposed on dpulp and paper mills will cost the In usiry an estimated lddb million In the circum otaoces an allocation oi t5 million spread ever live years is modest con lttbulioa by lire new department at the environment towards water abatement research The grant condi tional on the industry correspondineg increasing tts own expenditures on is type oi research over and above the 014 iiton it spent in 1970 There is ccrtainl strong case ior greater lcdcrat an provincial tinanclat assistsnce lor iorest research hiorc than lib per cent at Pulp and Paper Research Institute oi Canadas budget oi $32 million last year came irom its 43 supporting companion Corporan lp and Bauer research in Canada was va ucd at out t2 million in 1970 Research is an investment In the iuiure and rc searchers once have to wait patiently lor the results at their work topay oti institute president DnPlerra Candron is rightly concerned about the luluro et lcels oi any drastic cutback in lands at locatcd ior research The breakup oi re search teams would boa tremendous loss oi skilled crsonncl While his team are undersian able that reduction in lundn ior longterm research projects would be iaise enemy the pro toms oi the pulp government ect on the pollution and Ipaper industry are immediate Na turai there is strong pressure to use company research budgets ior pro rams which seem likely to produces term results Technological developments that would cut costs and increase elltci ency would be shot in the Inn right now tor hard ressedepuip and graphs industry But in use us must also be provided tor despite present dllllculttcs To remain competitive and up to date industry must rely on research ior new techniques Canada tnds unit rapidly ex panding in ustriai national shou on re search It is not realistic to expect pulp and paper companies to be able to in crcaso their research budltoi at time when many oi them are inding it hard to jusitly present expenditures Forestry research is certainly an area where gov eminent must increase its support in view ol the position the pulp and pa er industry Canadas In manulsctu ng industry occupies in nationsl econ omy New technology alone is not the en swer tottte industrys current dlltlcultles sincalhey spring irom number oi cauw not some oi them unrelated to technolr ogy Nevertheless technological develop ment has an important role to play Ind research is an essential part at this do voiopmcnt Now is not the time tocut back on loroslry research but tho pulp and paper industry cannot tie it stone Gal Reporter OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MEASURE OF SEX VALUES Ontario ltydro News its been an uph ll battle and were most appreciative at any scrap oi evid ence toh supports the contention that we mature ypcs are management best but over the long haul Wohavc proictsor ol medicine at the University oi Oregon to thank for the latest assist ance lie reports that man up to the ago oi 35 have sexual though an average at every 10 minutes irom ages 35 to tilt svcny 25 minutes and irom lid on once on how Surely it loilows then that the more senior corporate citizens are the more valuable Vero thinking at kilo wal hours and management by objec tives while the young whlppcrsnapperr are wasting ther time with visionsoi maidens dancing tirrough the meadows Tho prolessor notes that sex thouphis are an automatic unconscious repel Iivo activity which are constantly bringrabort ed by the brain Otherwise one gets the impression that man would make tom cat tools like saint which is really the cations svonv sweuvvrvHu mu Count IVIcrdel Eolnl hes trying to make According to is theory man is the only animal who cant iorgct the whole business at least tor while TEMPORARY PRICE RELIEF Ottawa Clticon Although reduced lood pr cea brought the September price index down slihtty tromt August tlgure tho retiel the tempera liarveet ttma rcncrally brings Iowpr pr ccs ior vogalab os hioro omin out is the tart that the overall increase tor the year is now 35 per cent Rousing costs are malor iactor hav Ing risen 45 per contdurln the year against 28 per cent tor iood truly the attackon inllatton must concentrate on the housing problem There will be more than 220000 house my starts this year lhoughtltais re cord it is not enough Sup yis noi moct Ing demand and rents moro energetic otiort to build more wol lingt especially ior lowincome groupsI must ha made 472 Peace With The Iroquois DY DOD DONIIAN Rhea tunnl Prqnlcnao rc turnod to Canada In rare to ho governor inr the accord lime Iha prestige oi France had lailrn very low In North Amrr ics Canadian colonists were Ierrtiied oi the iroonnla who had lorccd the French to abandon torts ot Niagsra and presents da Kingston They had even radcd the Island or Orleans witltln sight at Quebec and then paddled their way up the river waving tlrrlr paddles In derision as they passed the lorircss Frontenac was instructed by the king oi France to make are with the lroquoia and en to drive the English irom North America lie wont to your qvckly Ind by Jan it told had made his piaru tor eompaigns against New York and New England colonies lie was also Able to achieve some unis lht Clid stability In relations with the Ir lrn campaigns ngirlai lilo English may have been union tunstc Irom the French point at view number ot Imllllur resses may have raised Preach prestige in the eyes at the toil ans but they aroused the Rag ihh sclltcrs loathe pvint where they wanted to drive the French irom North America Thlv hop pvnrd about years later Illsiorian ltullcri printer rm phi lndtan rovrsb his lwwrk Century at onlllal it Is iI you upset wasnn nest onI must crush the wasps or Orgy will sting nu warns egan lo sling later in ith when the colnlits equipped an expedi to attack Quebec ltd William PM it was allure but It marked the beginning oi it is interesting to specvista what and hi have happened it Ihaircnc and Englia colonies had tried to cooperata rather than Illark cach olltrr orttnn JAN ll uvnnrs itithlarqltsl da lieauhsrnols wdru appointed Covsrnor oi Can tillSir John liacdonaidr was born In Olspaaw Scollvtd tmiiechanlcs institqu was opened at Rallies lidiuhcnslon oi Parliament npcnrri in which rnrmlrrts sala ries were increased in Add tinsCanada and DA oatab Ilsbrd international Joint Conn mission tllthielnnssons Iirip ltarlult wsr crushed by Ice tillPrime hilnistcr Winston Orurrbili visited Ottawa rueans Ann Shlplcy was that woman in move schism lh reply to speech item the throne he lion Sir cop risin ur THU1 MILL1 WW CAPITAL COMMENT Farm Products tunneling Act Is Important To Agriculture as plasma arssrnorov Examiner Ottawa Ducal OTTAWA It you were not too involved with holiday prepa vatloasand merrbnent you will have heard lot during the last icw weeks about Bill Gillytlle Psin Products listkelln Act This bill which is tanrllar lo the isrmiag community ptahn hiy is complete ntyllery lo tiltls ut In in breaking new ground in our in porisnt agricultural Industry IlI Im stance can basren par ilall om the tsrt II but been In aparttamentarp millslnec Iivrch two It aeoblou sbout lira longest sitting ot Commons in recent yearstill IstI oclock one morning And It had in unusual eliect cl brtnv ing the Senate track to deal with it at time when both ltouses would normally be enloying the midwinter recess The need lor the bill stoma Irom the molar problem lacing sfrlculiuts Its all countries lira dilicully at trying to keep pro duction and consumption In some sort oi balance In times at overproduction iarmcra act ing as ndivlduaia rushio the market place and are iorccd to lake unreasonably low prices in order to ellch sale This ap plies particularly to pcrishahc products The result is the sell ng price is driven below the anvil at production and the Iarmer loves money In times at underproliucllon reverse vttvIllon occurs the buyers go to the iarmcra laau attempt to obtain the volumes necessary to meet their vom mltmtais The price is driven higher which line at the time but it Innvltnbly triggers another cycle oi ovcnproducilln and low prices man who understands the situation In Senator IIarr llsys III Is not only ruler livestock producer in Athens but he served as minister at agricul ture in the Pearson ndmlntaita lion Senator lIIya points out at many years In It was clearly rcsogrdsed that it agrir 11 mccnzwmsns Che Examiner it Daylicld Street llsrrtv Ontario Telephone limit Second Clnsvtiisil Registration Number villi Reum postage guaranteed Daily Sundaps and Statutory llo days oxcaplcd Subscrlzelon rates daily by earlier weekly Dido year ly Single copies too by matt RIrric ssraa yeariyr Simone County also yearly Dollars at Csnsda tidbit yearly All other countries Aim ycnri iiolor throw all Jim rrari National Advcrlinny Olllrear 63 Queen At West Toronto aet lilh lilo Calhcart Si liiontroal ltember at the Canidian Press and Audit ilurrau oi Circular lions The Canadian Press Ia rarities iver entitled to the tile toe to pub lcailon oi all IIIWI tilxpaicli es In this paper rrnlltcll in It or The Aaron atrd Press or lteuler and plan the local news publish ed therein The Dsrrto Examiner claims Copyright In all original adver tls ng and editorial matsrlaicre sled by Its employees and co produced in thin newspaper Copyrlghl Registration Num ber tidbit register Il Ml JIsCJILIJ BIAS4 someone else out culture was ever to become stable hrdurlry the tanner must do lot more than limp produce iood stuli its must understand Ind have some say in tha market place limit The lanncr can no to er continue to take the post on tirIl he will LKrodiice rtl much at possible wi out regard to do mand and simply assume that sell his prod uel tor him at price to he can make prom Senator ilIya points out YEARS AGO Faced with these lIttl ers started years ago to ior some method to stabilise prices over long term so they could IilHIlzd their Incomes and plan Investments vissi Some ol the earl ellqrts in this regard were to iota together In marketing conpcrailvcs Includ bag irom grain elevav tors to Is mills in rrcamcrics but these cooperatives were Intalraird In their attests to pro mote orderly marketing on an industrywide basis becIuve aoma anners participated and some did not Those who loincd reaped tho bcarlits oi orderly marketing and production but also burn Iha roslsroi establish try and running the coopera tives these who sutured to take part alien reaped the bencliis at boss none at the cost OUEENS Parr When rises tor product earns or pressure the coop eralives were out partially auc cerslul to no lag the lhra against dro in price because they did not are complete con trol over the supply So isrmers realised that their loosecooperativa associations were not powerful enough to do the Job and they be an In turn to stronger encles their do airs to estabi orderly market ing at their produce This bred ht them to govern ments in II the right to than tret the entire production at Indie vlduat commodities Producers oi soma commodities went oven Iurlher Senator Itays notes and asked tnr powers lalImIl production to prevent surpluses rom driving the riser below tho sort oi product on The ilrsl such nilrnrpl goes back to tell when the lcderal government passed legislation slviaa tho tooprrllivrs lhcso powers but the legislation was thrown out when the Euprcml Court ruled that the iedersi gov ernment could not lhltricro with provincial riala to control mar eitag within the provhrccs Since then every province has gassed Its ewrr irastntlon enn llnvrnmnsiosetua nun gall muctlng bpltdg and somo luc Igcnres have been csublisllod under the provincial ac 93er alarm WM ibIJImvownnrroa Into nulls Ictivily the Ibohabod AmerirasbsurhIwr Par Instance newlyas nuanced Rgusea slow that push slim to Drttatn ame In late rnr cemparrd wttlr the previous year seentnsiy indicates hilarva steppede Japanese accrue ttoa on exports to Western rope as against trade with untied States shill In literal political rent trends continue lttthess ImsureMrDanson wouldniclosc upyourloopholes on pupposedeur So tar there is only one nae ilensl mltketlng agency at the iodcval lavetland that is the Ca nadian Dairy Commission which deals with the marketing at in dustrial milk The commission does not have the wertocon trot volume at notion butt can exert cans derable Influence because it alters subsidies to promote production at the nrilk the market requires and reduces these suhldtcs It iarmcra oven produce the other maior msrkelInI agency in tho Canadian Wheat Dearthbut It only exercises rlsdicllon over grain produc on In the prairie provinces in the next column Ill deal with lira more modern slluItlon with respect to iarm marketins Ind say something about the most recent oliem in brln orall1rr to the marker placetill NURSE NEST LIVERPOOL tcPl The nurse stall list in Liverpool hot piiIi maria more like list at IvIavy occupants reports the heart ais annual in gs in There are three birds and other nurses named Ptd son Pea coek Swan liuntny Swill Piper Drake iternn asrd Pan rat on the books their salaries are worked out incidentally by wattvclerk RonnteDove returns TO Davis Is Believer In The Grass Roots ll DON OIIRAIIN Ousenl Park ilurrau Oi Tbs Errandnrr TORONTO the Financial times in recent issue had this clerlhvw Ibnul Premier Davis looking ahead Dill Davis said cant get on Ry aplng Joltn As lullo even lessly but it im Just plain Dill will RI Plnosbd or bi till bcsloipoiilics Actual Iilil Davis has ulte low shhllartlleato both Lqeslta Frost and John Robarts Perhaps hes been carsiut student Perhaps Its natural but pollllcaqy that some at ihn beat qua lies at each lllv campaigning In much In the Frost pattern Particularly tin that he always ls campaign Mr lie is great believer la the grass roots and lhsbaek eon censlonl For years while acablnet mister he trIvcllbd assidus as No hamlet was too unimpor Iant to visit No school too small in ottlclailp npcn lrurt dh the same thing And bollr did It very well liar hath built Krpat grassroots strength AND RORARII The blncst retieciion at Rs basis not catty is Intaltns Id vanlago at modern marketing methods Ind outside protes sionll vopls John obartr was not politi rlanborn Politically be pretty well let the praieraionnls run the show And be was the tint leader in Ontario and perhaps In CanadI lo tsIte lull advan tsso at them Davis has gone utvn lurthcr oi course For the election he had behind him tram oi rolesslenals who cwld have not Salim to re lrigerators illAl CIIARII Nolthat our premier Is cnpyrni its her deilnltv pcllllcsl guall ties that are personal to him the public rharm Is perhaps entirely natural or it It at times perhaps bit put on in any event his personality registers more etiect vely than that at either host or Robsrta Then he hat great knack ior pol talking down either man to man In small groups or to big OTTAWA COLLEGIATE Dear Sit in vIriy lluy itll Olebo Cob is late Instilqu at Ottawa will rccbrato Its Wrb anniversary committee at stIti undistu drnts Is worklngvcry hard to produce variety oi lsativtlles ior this occasion lull stage production poeiaily written ior llro anniversary banquet tor lloblics past and present re unions Ind the like put we need help and hence this letter Oicbo graduates or sluti members and pnyonu olsal who can Ibed some ight on the to mmmmwwm at IT HAPPENED IN uudienresllnlh Frost and Ito barls tended to be heavy There Isnt sny doubt that Davis is his aim man But on his way cl he proba hiy also has watch the swings at instep pros ior painters BIBLE THOUGHT And when the day at Prnie cost was tally come they were sit with one srrard in also place And suddenly tbrra slmv sound lrorss braver as at rushing Intrny rslstri and It titted all the house where the fibre they were sitting Acts when Gods people imty pet together in prayer and urrty they will have untold power and the world will know lit at Jesus said The works that do shall ya do also vssi Asian cornstry there is bound tube redirsl Is trail In commerce West Euro alas resin Ipmcwbat ak teal about Eoralbtlliy ot sudden lsttrtasa lgoodwiil between the 3rd said China IIIcr to but lily Sinulha iblh century ArnericIna have maintained ubaeaslralalerstl in Orion only in the manner at selltlyl id chandag Asian di lama sttlbctloaa missionaries anxious to char shotguns to Western rellpaqs WatbtnnTons long years champto III Cltlang Kalahck gaunt the Communist etuag wasrons inection thal mttraiI aids at Americas continuing issclnsiion with Now comes more American Ipproarh whighwori rice the Japanese as well nther traditional posttill oi the us in Asia llany Japanese may coniearpial an alliance ChInI or Russia as an Illsma live in the loyearvold relationI ship with America which lately been under even Ina than usual But dcrplylmberldcd at rivalry between Peking the Japanese industrial giant mains strong and the mull that the top men In lokya might want to retain at least their labltrhed political lies America no matter Mum the might have in srdttirm charlie changs oi direction the realm ul commerce No matter how such develop menu take shape the Russlpns will be watching the Nixon is Peking with Intense intrrrsi The Russian support at the dlsn aide in the diplpmaik wrangler over New Dclhia with Pakistan vividly illustrates the latest phase at ilnsrow yatsry wills both China and list as it to bear out the prodlcllblliiy oi the crucial summit meetings that Its tor Nixon both the Chinese tho Americans have been native between gartures goodwill and boslttty lovle one anotherwith Moscow the world It largo tell to new the unimportant meetian in PelJnl will go years at Clcbe pictures doles history are encouragcdtr write to the undersigned lng their experiences We also like to know where graduates are living In they my be contacted plans are ttnsiiscd tor the nlvorsary celebrations nnd riteslion at those interested taming to bet thaprcsent station at Ole celebrate Sincerely PAllllV Globe Gtcbe Collegiate Institute All Carling Alsnlth Oltsvw 1151me CANADA donut animus raster ll rurwss an wot wsiAmoow ll III Lusbulroevmthlm AlivhbiliDiCANADlDlinlN MRELAOER KEPAIEDRWIIIOIEWINCEI EOUEBEC ATOEII NOtlI scorn 60V uoONrslito or cowsvsnv we store tries new neuron Moos pp WIMWNJI

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