Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1972, p. 9

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Klth 01 11111111 III tatorlylrdrle $110901 Amrrkln pig Plays By Dolphins or To Win Over Colts AIII AF hIiIrnl Dbl are Super Bowl boon the take with them the ol the downtrodden Ind Ioudort wtldort eherrtnl on Io proioulonu IoothIlL Dolphlnr the one time httd ol lite Itreertcen Foot Lorene keep humpinr oil It hoyn And the people int keep on 111111 111111 rchle the III petrn treer green rwelt rtl lltd heinIItt On Sundry It All time 111 ehIrn on Baltimore Grill polre team It Johnny III II and Ilrlauluan Bube Smithto get their eoroeup pron lull II 111qu my Chlela rot thetrl In double over 1111 Dolphin whlptd the pile 1111 the tint rutout tor drlendlor National not nor Chtmploor III 1111 it Itheweelrbetore Young Veteran End Put Dallas In Super Bowl DALLAS IAPI bloodied Borne quarrerhaek on It Illrdvnr am veteran deter Ilvo end ttyntlor tor 1111 oh keyed battle 0an Into he 51 IBM Sundry or the no eonreeutlve yeIr warmth Rorer Steubeeh oeyur man from Navy Itrrrnhlrd San Iranetreo 1Iore try to IN NettonIl Canter em tltla victory in Tom Strd 111 not de loend George ndrIIJnIdr the bi delenilve try lootr out Super Bowl IIId Cowboy teetle nob Illiy Some 1111 Ion o1 rtdteulrd our play ten year and think we have Iomethinytnprove there In ltttte rtlrlppolnt mutt mat the Cowbovrrley ere that they would not yell ehrncr tor revenge aynlnrt hel tlnrore In the Super Bowl and lnrtead would ptIy ItlIrnI WI Ierer reIIty eIrr Ihotrt the opponent told llneheetrr In lloy Jordan IIld tut year we would heha dwa are Iolny todo It thlr it Andriee Intereeptlnn It John llrodle an and hit lb 1111 run in tocr troyerd Inn to the wound qunIIer tune the detonalre rent at bitterly loupht emu Calvin Hill who lIler let the Irene with on In lured knee rrnrhrd arrort Irena nnoylrd out or the tottehdown Dallar to tend held up until Itrurl Gnnretl tricked ttryent ttatd root to make It 14 In tho third period Andrln who 1th IhIrnd dnty thin year with Pet Toomry rIid tlt war Just on lnryntrive the win nullltled the Dolphin to meet Dallas Conboyr In the two huehalt tier term rm enter to halt term lorry Theyre Iood Tll IAIN MONDAY JANUL we Nebraska No In College Ball Iy TUE MATEO Hm Whor No It That the only oorrtioo Tell 11 Dotted Rain milere lootan alter NehrerhII enrohtntm eInLned t1 Mt end mull nItIonIl rhm ulnhlp Semi trim with mklnein rout ol ranted home In the Orion Boil at 11111111 to all pronum the runner release III that poll 111 111 hp 0111am heIIIII Ivy Nebraska In mt lurker Nor do and In only ml per orer Auburn In the Sum howl It New Brianne tar Salim dly The Southern third and Auburn BIth 131 11111 underwame In other 2311 ourkdn the erodeIthI ya ream n11 Stanton upIIl mothranked hitchlnn on In the Role Boil It Perldena C1111 on It Gmlae ttrylld Iteld all with 11 eeeeoda tell to prey and No 10 Penn State Na 11 Tull too In the Cotton Bowl at Will Two other Thp Ten leIntr In aurrd high ranking IIih bowl vktorlel nun terror NI North Walton in the GI Bout It JICUODVIIIA F11 Ind NI Colorado whipped No It ltounoe lo the Artrolthreboooet Berti It llouv tat Football coolerenee eharnplon Rex Nero dreulny hint down Ihlp rune Sinnay with BIIII tAI Photot morer tttli Jerry tom and By BRUCE LIYETT Canadian Irrlr Sphie Editor htontreal CInIdlenr who missed the playoff the plltitrttt neuron hut rnhoundod Io win the molt Stanley Cup Ire Carr IdIr team It the year They won by wide 111111111 owe moodplea CIIIIry Stampede the Grey Cup ehemplenr and the mednwin nlnr Pen American OImeI eertrlan turn up to head coach when Shulr Ielt the 00111 to Me nrtr the Super 13an It New ortelru Dolphlnr mum tortuner Ive Jan to your ego ottered hll own too Gen 11me but the Cow Ildrred rerrlon ol the uplel boyrt dont 141W why not They came up with the hip rItd BeltlnrorII ahyolrold playr he raid and IDTIIOBI UIId moral UnltII Theyre when we needed iteld or ttne team Bob trim to we Inbred When we needed d1 Inod quarterhIrl 1th have part we didnt set It When we nllotlnl 10 11 cm in odd naeh 1th dont make needed 1le am on third Rte do by Ipurtr wrut my mm dm my err and broedcutrrr Sure rive IheDolphInr producedatrxl enmity V3115 Ilt nod ehrnre book rtelory 1th III linIIeI Inward the Moorn Intpound Bubba broetblnr room Ind then 12 3mm SttlIUI bIIek bonded and Itopped hint eotd thI he tlIred hythe lyrlemIUo de Itlrted to threaten Their hloeh Itruetlon ot the Irert Colts in nu doeLrlve their tartrllnr arrre vlelour they atruek lettly You bet laid Smith Out The In war IltttI rmra WILIOIII run the bIlt and they than elyht minutes old when them real Ottawa Youngsters Ready for Return HELSINKI tLFAII 01v lIwI East Yoylreurl mol qullo 111m team It nine and toyearolde reluaed permluloo toplI erhlhltlen eraenlnrt whthe do tIrteII IIdedbaek Ind arehed Inpr III our earn 11 ul pIu into the lrnu 11 wide re Ior dolnl ehpltItller on the MltlrllulWlllleldnttlhollll other teamr ntlttahee arid then ttnrorI tit tVlrlteld In lull IrttttnI when you rot the other rtride 111th thahIIt oter Rlek VIII rheuder Ind then won the Don hleCaIierty who moved me to tho IOII line llnntr opponent will l1nte or home Itreedey rpokrrrnao tor the M1111 orpanlrerr lIId Seturdlyl The oylgeurr arrived here IIIt may alter being lnrllrd to plIy It tenet Tour exhibition Iamer In FlnlInd The 11an um erntetled alter the Inter nationIl Ire lloekey Federation thrertened reprtralt beeIre war arrrnyed without Georrrudtdnllt writ tor my thorlrrtlon the delta th IIIIS train In your Dine and Dance Irom919 mm Enloy Our Lunehlon BUILD YOUR OWN SALAD ITO Vlgalllll HOT BUFFET WITH ROAST BEEF $175 BROOKDALE PARK INN ISO Duniep Barrie 17011 7214311 eltIIted plaIrIIl tlanIItr nu wow DIAMOND plry We hId Itudlrd San ann tlrentr teen pleyr We were hlIIIIIt rd lull row the Ming Rrodlu threw eereen tho btl rlyht to me done think now me 5110 llrrrtrl own dueelIIIIII ISO LNNIIITITI TITONB Hum TIATI 0T7 T01 lloh Chroninrhlm Ithoreor rd eat letelf tor the ton on Sunday olttrr SHOW LIVE EVERY NIOHT GOGO DANCING condhtmltlerthesr up when The Aarodltld Prrrr top vLI maybe Colorrdn No nd with Oklahoma mod and Cole banadiens Voted Team 01 The Year poletr to 101 tor the humor Int HELD OVER BY POPULAR DEMAND rut PlATllltS Snail lath who dont Irrra trth lo the API poll o1 tpoetl IntHI and Him hnd dIIIerent thoultr on In IIIII ter mu Home Were No and raid Gov DIrId tilt II On Boll rout oi Auburn oht tor Nehrutadttahlnu that nine propel the Sooner to the Nahuatl tool we at that Alter noun Nahuatl Na arid coach Bah Denney Mid put Ohhahoma No and run noun In the It not Munro tu weep The 311 51th II tho troph eel mlerm no contest 1111 Rich Glover Neheutlr AIIArnerIeI rotate your and the delenrire ltrr urtnst Mh 0111an Ind Athena Ne hmha tr 01 zoom on late rIdo definitely third 11 there were any doubterr Denney In wtlttnr to take on all eornerr II II hate to Inolh lame to win It rroll II he me with ate thin turn plIyed rent Ioothall all m1 111 rlreo to every carton Ter to one It the ereIleet learnt ever to pity lootbalt Alabamar 1le 111ml Bryant Iarnt Ibout to stI reel re The votrnr nu rompteted more time briore tho renounce meet that the CInnvdIenr had been will or In estimated 115 million to Iroup ol Canadian hurinerrnrrn Th1 Canadirnr pulled In 111 or III tor the equetlrlanl Tho wemlor lenr term whirh triumphed It the Ian Itnrerlrrn Genrer rIroe Iourth with 11 polnlr For the Canndlene It III drrmltle Nmrhnch behind the peerless yoattendlnr ot toIerlnp ounrtten Dryden the proepee TTTC lWNlT Cehill Is Ready To Sign Contract TORONTO ICPI 1N Cah III roach at Toronto Arrnpeuu rnht letday in telephone ntrr rlew hunt tilter beho Win only detolrllte Renter rlund in tho wry ot hit return to the Eartem Football Conlerrneo elub rcnwi rho tool the Argon to their lirIt Grey tarp ap aruoee In to plat to 1m Inrttl 1111 to CItrIry Sttmpetlell raid the eiub her extended hlr present It ronlrhct thlcurh 1111 Ill do heck In Toronto early In the New Year to nettle do tnIlt like Ilrulry hut ItI III 11 to term rnlre In IIII BARRIT AND DISTRICT WM lhrlly licenred tire with It llarrle Ray 11 T1111 Week In our Lounge Inn limit 1111 Inlrht be hare In arin matrh with De 111111 11111191111 Al Smith Bruins Near 151 With Win Over NY New York IlIorerI plIyed Sunday night II It Get Benton rated No priority on thell New York ILrt ol retolutlony And It rhoIIdererynhero lit The Bruin ability In doml train their National Iloetey 119th 111111 continued 11 tool It wasnt throu New York eIIort that held 13w tort lhooterr to Iurt ts IbolI on elite tllllex thltrnuru and do teneennn ttrld IIrhr decision Dlrlrton lead Ithrd point over the IurItnr linan and their homoIII unhenten Ilrinl mapped won that one Del 11 by It INTOWhit the ttnrlnr wllh only one to IIIwkI rented two roll and Is IlIxed on one Sunday to remain tnIixth piece two point Boothe lull tormaltty now Ive arreod mm Stnnileld There on no mention ot hlrhorlich Ii Ullmnn lLAIlIIlIIITEI ROOM Liou the Ill In 111 111m period 111 dIyI name In Detroit 11111me 111mm Place ll hodey were not Iueh tut am one with pork Item the Itirk reIdIeI hta rhnL not Smith III latter and unmet handler III renla hookup Ionltender Phil Style In the third period tor or Minnesota North Starr bipptd Antlea and Phil Idelphil and SL 1er tin Intent to tie Detroit took Iln Trent Calillornleimend B13113 heyed to hits or engtuoe In Trideyr Iunre The knee enro Tuesday highl bu talltnrntI 11 Lot Anrrten Johnny BucyhI tlo looli rolled the rtrtory ler Rotten over New York bulletin Old rounttneoroktuylothrthldl period 1111 Ieeorrd war one oi only two Ihotr the Bruin had It ttlemurr In the Hull 11 mittt U1 The tongue appeared rImped to the llorton end at tho Ire Ior retort ot the 11th pepmI peril oetlo Gerry maven with It IhoteII tn the tent rindbut the Blulnl Mien It held them together Itrrtr row are on ninerarre unhrrtrn Itrerk Sine the Rangere opened there aelronr rtvelry with rrln at Bolton the 1111an have nbotindrd to In their out three meetinxr Inrludlne In It reorl at Boston Dre 11 Elsewhere Sunday Ken Dry denI Iheenrr 1mm the Monte real CInIdienI IDIT wu Itldent onre min In their Ioer to Detroit Red Itlrrr Ind mhle Itlrh hllrtln rlorrd In on reeord ertnhtlrhed by llnemrte tilt terreluh tart rerun Iblle notehlny three min to 1111111 Subrel 111 with Cnltloroll Golden Sonia In other Sundry runp Bobby Itutl rooted twine In Chl rlxn Black llawka 11 rout o1 Phllndel In IIyerr not the Art rler xx dumped Vaoewrrr Cantrell ed to In lbbrevlnted SaturdIy Iehrdule Tbmntu 111 IAIII poured tour he 11 blunt By IAN RIIeLAINE Candid Pull Stall 1111 p1 on the neurebonrd 111 luck hi or Irrappy John hHKenrJr Iho Rangerl In their Elli to one at IItteeton in their last an Ilullllornainslltlh Among Scorers It THE CANADIAN PRESS Bohhy llntl at Cltlearo Elnrlt WHY BUY WHEN YOU CAN LEASE aheId Gilbert Pettelult oI IIuIIlIo Sobrrr In the NIIonIt Hockey Team reortey rare IluIII 11th and 111A 1111 elped the lllIrlr Ilewhs to 1t In over Philadelphia IIyerr The Mall 36 menlhl $11000 Per Month New IIrgI meter on hotter redial ply tlrII Itldlnp aide door BARRIE VOLKSWAGEN Eaen Rd at German St 7266488 Factory Authorized Deeler Tta 1111 AI 21 19 11 ll 11 15 11 51 11 11 SI 11 11 15 1113 17 1111 11 little NY rr It edlleld NY Ilhrlt NY liuII erreauit But VISIT rwe OOETNS HOTEL 1an 111111 IN the TERRACE ROOM THE LENNY LUCAS SHOW All Condlttoerd Nlrhtly SatertIlIrnrot Irit Ourrw rttnr AtlAY 1111111111 11 Duoiep SL 11 1111111 111 IN our LOUNGE THIS weer ONLY ORIENTAL 11111 Lierored Iterlnerrnrelr LnIeII lerred tlrlu trIu PUD I1 ItIannINIIhIIy till 1111 THE CHRIS SCOTT express BAYSTTONE SHOW Mon time Set WINDSOR HOUSE Torturlnn ROSE thhtly for the heat In Folk and Country Mutt WELLINGTON HOTEL Mum nororworer Butte or IT ritrtu ureter DUNLDP ST 1111121 Contereree RoomrIrIlltltII II no ehlr hiredy Fridry tron p11 ttne Mn Sell Ior rerrrratlonrr Trterhnnr Inferno 11 111111111 CeohIteIn Ne 1111111

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