432 mt Innarz DAMINHI uoyonr mom 1m Hamilton on 11 III Winner 01 Trophy At Ski Race Camp WTLINGWOOD 0111 CF 11etuteeoyearnhd Sonya Giroem nl IIIInItlon III the tint reel ent ol the Alert Barrel model only Star dayatthulndupel eSwth ern Ontario St Zone 11an 11511 Peeweee Reach Finals Tho Barrie United Steelwork ere nrlnor peerm team reIrhed the finale to the Sitrrrrtlcr Slim leatiorr Tournament brid It 1111 and 1111 week The Well peewer term do Irlted Elmvall to melt the umITllllld Randy Itaeirtyre Ind Bird Illrkett renred IInIIo mt tor BuetI while John GIr nee bed III trieL In the lemllllld the Barrie Irrm oriented Shroud to on put by Ittum Ilrn Iltrthur In Bar gent Iqlned lair lourth Ihvtout at the 51m lo the hut the Penetrnr pro heatEItrlt=USWH Rordtn 1m lnernory ol Inother your ltanv Ilton rem who toet Illa till 1111 year while Interior It the rainy III pretreled to the rider who rhorled the pretest Improve ment and ride potenUal Over 711111911 irorn northern Ontario were invited to train under 111 enoehn tor the eight dr urnp Crawiont It It To ronto brother at Jud Cfllt lord tied for tree wth lord Sldrvitte It oi Prierbomurh In time trilll held at the end at the ramp TIRW Bantams Nip Bare Borden 32 The Rude United Rubber Workrre Bantlmr dalerled BIII Borden 11 Sunday In rlh York lllnor Itoekey tent at the IIIrrII Irena Scott Robertlao end roll and Ieked up two ankle to teId Barrio eluh Ilm IIlttlr ttton nod Itlrh Giiltldm roor ed the other Barrio belt 11 Snodrralr tallied lwlee ter den The 01111 Iquld oullhot unruly scorrronnn 111 CANADIAN rum NIIIonII mm EIIt DtrIIteI New York Bolton Ilentrell Tomato limit Britain VIneouver 1111 Dlrlt Otlenrn Illnnerotl Clllornll Phllr Plilrburrh El 1min 1111 7101 118 21 or Annette the It 11111 Iterlltr Iterdny tor Annie rnmurerl Barton New York California tluIIalu Detroit llontreal Grlrngo Philadelphiz IleIattr Saturday Toronto Ilonlrell Philadelphia St pull ltlnnuote Ion AoyeleI Glare literal Calllornl rt 1m Anrtlel AmerirIa lune Elrtern 1111111111 Barton It 1111 ml Notn ScotII IS 11 113010311 Syrtnntleld 1111 1111 1111 Iththutler IT 19 11 111141 Providenze IS 1111 11111 Itetterl Dtvtlloa IS HM 1111 Id 11 WI 111 11 It IS 013711111 11 III 111 11 I7 lot 1M 31 38 133 11 111111111 Sunday thhmond Nova Senila Cinetnnrtl CIerrlurvtI ttonnn Providence Tidewnier Roehetter Relolle dlturdll llovI Seotle Baltimore llevrhey llrltlrnore Cincinnati Cletelnd Illohrnnnd Tidewater Cincinnati Cleveland Ilmhey Tidewltrr Sprint etd Barton IterIlt IeIdIy Bolton clnelnnntl Garner Turrdly Damn It IleltimorI 11111th at Cincinnati Deterle JIIIer LT Pt 11 111711110 1111 111111111 11 115111111 1111 1111111 1111 115110111 1111 111111111 1111 111111111 111 11111511 111 11111017 111 9111111 111111111 hardly Kitchener 11111111 IIIII 011m hlonlrrel Itamllton St Catharina Toronto Pettrborourhl lorrdon Orltawl 110qu Saturday Other Toronto lanteI TIerdly St Cathlrlnea It ttarrtllton Ilium F1111 ll W011 tontrrll at otthI Ontario Center IT LT P1 1O 1111 M11 17 2111 1111 1111 till 1111 1011110111111 1111 11 1111111 III 1111111 Iiollevllll III 1111111 Owen Sound 7111111 ItrrnIII SnadIy nrrrte Iowen Sound htnrrtun Olkville Ilerulta BItrrrdly tlrrrle It Orlllil htnratnn at Believt le ypd Olmel ledny Owen Sound at 0111111 Believillo It nrrrte oakvtlle ll Ktnnatnn Orhm Toronto Kitchener lettrhuro Ottawa IIIII London St Catlt IIurIlreII IIImIItoo Gall Barrie Orlllta Woodrlotk Oalrvilte Klnnrion srorrs news IN 11111 GOIIFIRO 111119 IIORUNIU lCII Srottuhv horn Illli IlIewttitem roll oleerloetel tor 11 year end tie memher at the CInIdIIn IoIrIIlonII Iolierr Armin tlhn died Friday Ite we 11 BREAKS OWN RECORD INZELL ttert Gnrrnon tTittterl Erhrrd Keller It Gerntnny brokn htI own trrnrtrp world Ipeodrkuttnn rr oral Sunday with time at filo reenndr The Ilyenrntd with Iiudent revered tho ttrrt ti metrea In 111 reeondr or he wtnt on In hetter hI previous Word II 1111 rotunda wtrcn wonnonr OSIIIWA ICTI ltoro than 1111 1111 paid 11 Inch Friday in watch Toronto ttrpla 11111 It the NIIIehIl llnrkey League work out at the civic rudtlortum here Tneerroceedr lneludlnl program In er and other In welnt trblthu 1111le Alan Ilon or trntnll Rev terded INKUPIIIANRIIII LONDON ICII Indy rrirk elm at EnIInnd dull to hent ther mole Inunternnrtr at their run tome1y Itartnn world or 11111111 tournament In 1171 ote hed luvnrrlrte rmrtlont tronr Itnrtralian and New Zea tend erIrlreterl rnd enptnln Ilorho Ilrylrno lve etpevl htt nhnut euht cottnlrler will enter II the plan turetetr It will he the turn tnurnrntent 01 III kind ever eIIInlrrd om HUNT Retreat goalkeeper Ron Patience Itopl eleu to drive hKIBarrlo more Ilexer Ill onehln Till Bufie Flym led by Boh Woolen III with lerlttnute hlt trounced the men Crucentr Sunday night not deapltl the more the Firm were tee trout pllrlni their but horkey And We not ercoeth Darryl Sty bit worried 1111 played poorly urept tor tour In nqu In the Ilrrt period and another tour Inluuter at the end It the rarer he laid lets tlea II we havent prletired IloeI our IIIt rImI The 111 err bell the name Owen Sound eluh ltd 1111 Wednerday Figure II but Sly added Wevo bed one lull rletleennd no renter In lye than why were rutty Ooh Brled and Mike Duheru with two run and Rink 1111 clorklln were the other Barrie mammal 1th Galt Iieeortr won their third rm the Ithearne Cup hoe tournI meat Sunday by drieet nr Diur WellEldon 51 betpro 111th crowd at 11151 Ripitt wtnrrr Skeeter Teal reared thrre rail whtle Bill Wayne and Peter ttrennln erored one rneh The Iidrnetl now are Iottlth In the Ahenme Cup Iteodlnrr with two more renter to re Satur dry the Allan Cup wtnnrrr ml 11 to the Swedtah Ftrrl Divlrlon team Lekeand The CanadlInI won their Rret two when Ind Tire other CInIdlIn lenm tourtny Sweden Calgary Stam pede low It to 11th Itrnn nl Creehorlovrkll In the StIr Cup The Crelhl reared tour 40Point IAIII ANOELIIS IA lhl mm to north to potnlrI II Dell Goodtieh II III In the mind worked hrrd It being enen tally prepared Inr tonlrhir Inter Into the TM Anneler kerr ehelnlred guard IIter hII Ioorny rpree hId eluted thl Inkerr plat Berton Celttcr 121111 Sunday night tor lhrlr ItIt llrllrht virtory lurt wuut ready to la 11111 Seattle raid rich HI Izpolnt Iiornranoo to win No Irul urrdIy nIIhI Swords Slash Barons Twice It T1111 CANADIAN PRESS Clnrlnnetl Swordr who here been rhlrpentne their Itrhta re cently In the Amerlcln Hockey LII ue reared backwhee virto or over clevelnnd Bernna on the weekend to move into III with Baltimore Clipperr lot record pIIre In the wettern Div virion The Swordr pained that 111 teen nunrtny with on victory on homo tel atler edrlnr Ute tloronr It In Cleveland Saturv ay Two underan learnt Rich rnond Itohtnr Ind Tidewater Winer ronrevt upeetr Sunday It the llahine trimmed NovI Sco tt VoyIneurI record in the earl 11 and the White nhl IN Ilotherter American It In inurlh name Inrton ItrIvor tied It with Providence Ilrdr 1n Snturdlyr Iettnn Nova Seotle delenied Ilnlttrnore 11 Iterrhey tieorl Itoppod Tidewa ter b1 and Sprlnritetd ltlnxe ehvt out the Brnvel 1hr Stvordr wedyotl live oI their purll into the rerond no rlod lSunrlny Inrlurilnr two each Cunningha til when 11 checked by haterIt iorrrIrd Drew llrl droe durlII the mood period worm nut Abbott Drer 1111 dlne and AI Biltr replied tor the Descent Sly ho to brnlrh the rust thll wee with hardettltln praetiee Wedneadly elyhi In rhape lliokltlny drill on why In pr aratton tor Iemel Friday at against the Bellertile QuIlrr It harri Irene Ind tho tloodrlork Royal In Woodttorlr Sundry Iitemooo Were not to net down to hrIIl tarhl Ind rel Indy lor Irlday oIrht Sly Illdr rhootlnr tor tlrrt flare Every body in arm at Ylh on to be even with Gall when they come beck llnurry It DISAPPOINTED Once we rel beet into the routine well hr 111 right Fly Galt Wins 3rd In Alrearne Cup their 1111 ttrrtperlod eelr In while the Canadian W11 ort hnnded Rot IlIlaI roared the lone 131 1111111 roll in the iinll period hIn the tart period In my put pIyer en the Carte dnn roallle heed Itnritd It brawl Almost every Crnrdlnn lIyer leit the benrh The rtereer however broke up the light lull ten Ieeendr later The IlnrnetI Inml Seturdey war played to IIklInd heiorl 1111 iInI Iioth telmr plryod 1th 11 penaltlel were handed out Iekrlndr rate were Ieorrd by Dan Inhrnaten KIIII Brut on time 111 Title Bennett and Teri reared III the liarnrte Scorer Helps LA Win tell Iethlrrle and rlow in ernt mentIlIy prepared uttont ttleltrootl Ile let met deal better than celtlor elarh Tommy Itetntchn whore team 11er irorn on lot recordhlll dell ell to wt In live but couldnt rulrh up The token woo thin line It the tree throw line he raid lII lull unreal to the met we only ed 1th tree throwr tn the tint hall and they bed 11 SHOOTING POOR nut tort II dIrnIrinI to the Collier who InIt their eerond rtrIIIItI lllll Ilter winning 11 In row war their own Inaccu rley Irom lite IIoor mum It more IhotI than the ten in the tint hell but hit only to per renl to the tnkerr to John llIleeelt and Dave Cowy enr noted 11 Ipleee to lead lloeton while Jerry Wert Ind Itm hlehlttltln had 11 errh tor tor Aneelrr The token who hItent IoII ttnee October now have 311 record tilt 11an hotter thnn Seattle In the Ineilte Divirlan and III ahead at titlwnuker In the teen thIt maya deride the homoenurt Idvrn In in the tint rernIvIIIII playnltr The Collier 1111 lend New York by one name In the AIIIII lie Dlvrlnn Iiilevrhrro in the NIIA Sun dry Itetrnit IIrtnnl Dtlfetl llourlnn Rottttir IVHUT Ihll detphte Idhrr write lteve IurvI Cnvnllrrr lento Attentl llIwkI deientrd Ilhnrnlk SunI ttIItI Ind Portland lrrttbtn Ierr ltntrneed Ilultelo ltrIreI ItethO In the hrnrrienn llnrtrethnll Arroelotion Sunday the llnrldtv enr downed Itiah 111111 New tueky orrrwhetmed New York and Denver took 1111111 In the N111 Sntuntny It wrr Now York 111 Ilnehnntl it hy IIutrh Dlldlhlltlt and tlurh IIIrrIr Phoenix 111 Nation and Serttle lItttielo 11 Ilyerr hyltelll Term erplItn mlnuteI Io herttiakvttte 0111 mgrroe between the in at the Barrie arena SuodlanIItttlnIlutIontha er manure llrn Short cornmb ed tun lttlta dialppotntod about the wry they played to nle But how do you yet D7 The llrt pIIeI duh erpeelllly when you beat them 111 1111 time Sunday nlyhta wlo More ladier Nlpht erorvd of 11111111 the IrlyerI ooI tour when at leaguelel rt Gal Itnrnetr The Hurt IttlI are two Inter to bend The note In lourh on the Corby dllltlltllll her he erueht allele In eye durlnr the rlrrt minute or pllyr tie was taken to hnrpltrt the cheek and report It the end oi the ante tndlrlied hl bed enrol rut on the eyelid and Itnekeye But hell be all rleht tor the llyerr next eontert Me Cloelrlln eut hll elbow Tortour Illteher In III In the Ice dur 13 the lame Rout Arvrnh ued one 1th liter 111111 any check In tha rerond per The Ftyerr IoItr erme In IllII rler They reared tour In ten than three mlnuter In the tut Ieur ntlntllee oi the that period added one In the record Ind leored three men In Ivemin ute rplurgl In the third unniorhnmrtl the tut ml at lilo ItrIt the only BIrrto at oi the decent and the tint er Ioel oi the thud lIe loin Itnentlter Aeomhlnd John Ite lllllen It the only ltyrre to yet three yeah In pants The Crereeota who announced tart ThurIdIy that they Inioodv ed to told liter the Flyer Irene Ira appereotly rein to try to remain rolvrnt III II the eltyI Indurtrlrr end hurtnerver Ir pllnned Inr today In Owen Sound tor 11111 to help keep the club Iotnr FLan NOTES Connie Illn dItI who replaced Adarnr at centre tor melt at the ante Ylektd up three uIlItI ltan oblorontha teImI lerdlnr In Sundayr other ORA Senior eenterl vleltlltl Klnylton heel ptryed molt oi thelr trnrnp errdr In the mend perlod when they reored tour Irate thrive III Itlnrrtnne tourvyoat 111an rpm Ive the deer euth Inn Ind they managed to ho on eyalnrt the 0111 who are ter lntI ahead 01 them In lourt leee tie with Woodltork ItoyItI lithe Flrnnlrln war the ten rnlper III the wtnorre with two nail Al DuIIeIn ltoh Cellini It Drireoll and Charlie Con very added the otherr Ill Adelr Itlok llonlelth Frarer Thunder Bay Ire Boat Wings Twice INUNDER RAY CPI Thunder llry VuIelnr oi the Thunder IIIy Illnnerote Junior iloeltey learnt Iwept two IIvne Ierlee tront Detroit Iunter lled Wlnkt nl thI Southern On tIrIn Iloekey Itrroelrtlon Junior rorleI 11 and et ln weekend exhibition hockey lotion on Saturday Dln Gruen tired two nail and Denntr owrher Ilrn Illtchell Itoth Plern tee Fuyotln Ind llenrre tlworteeky added Ilnrter II the VuteInI look period leldl at and 11 our the SOItIl leIderl 10 III rill rum to immlmlbowi norLI with It ed 1117 Bnerle 1111111111 11211 dIII Sly 101 Owen Sdllll Comb letndt Owen Sou tKeellnr Duhe 111 PenallIrI IIIrvIrt IleCIorklln Ihlrh Itlrkl 1111 Ilnrrle Ile Clorkltn tberrdt 1111 Owen Sound Ind oakvtlie nrlleh with the here It WW Card Get 1th yerr Ion tnI two Ilrrt Period Second Period Third Period rottingmarrlet IThII bullet hold minimum and In Scores HatTriolt In Flyers Win Over Crescents Ieorer III held lo um lo lIIt by the Crueentr now hat to II 11 Inner cttnnlnrhlmrpoatr III 11th I1lh and run It the reason roar ed hint Tole third root In term lull polotl Aoomh who wII held reeretur II to mood with lhe wln III the Flyerr Inh ol the mine on home too Theyve tort only one on Barrie IrenI teo thtl nelson 0n the road the vr won five tout live and ti EUIITIAIIYI thII entree Bertie Baird tunrrrlel Dubelu tlllhehl nIrriI hlelloclrlln titan datlt 1111 limit thtnnlnehnm tun urlatedl 1111 Peneltler Owen Sound Domrn theoltl 011 Owen Sound Domm hook trial ttnrrlo merino ham lhootl 1111 ml mam Im Ill 11 It one point In the third Ahhott Ille nd Outdoor Darren Sound ItlIlr tllIironI 111 ItnrrII CuttninIhIrn Smith hleIIIIlInI 1111 to herein Duheeu tlltnekr Smith 1111 It BIrrII Bllrd tRohloron hlonrhant 1111 Pennttler Darrle Arornh trIIIhl Owen Sound Itnterlereneet 111 Owen Sound OIIIIxher llnterlerencet 1101 Duhe trluht B11 Ile IleCloekltrr thookt 1111 ETTon ON GOAL 11y Illrrle By Owen Sound llIidIne 11 17 51le Resurgingv Kingston lines Deieat Oalrvilio Oaks 84 Rice Ind ttrn OBrien reorod tor the 01kt Sir teenn III inaction Pri nlIht when Owen Sound vlr 0rtllII Bolllvlllo II at Blrrla has return tttorr Tno Ilmer Iehodnled tor to New Vearr Day were port pened te luttlre deter 11min ley It OrtllII Janenbul no rte hIr been rel tor the vortponed Ktrutoo It ttrllerllle E2 23 EliE Elite nIpeetnIly elntul tor you Itoh Dohelt Ind Ron Verdi were the tone lied wtnr mllh TIIIII On Sunday Dohek tired three ball but the Detroit eluh er unable to detelt the Thunder tiny Itlnnerotn lenrue Ieederr RteIt Adduono with two roair led the Vutean ItlIrir Stete Ruhenlrk lttll tioldtlturne Tum IIIIInt Ind Overhar roundtp out the ICOIIIIII Phone Celt your Woleome Wonon heeteer tndIy 1114511 llNllllOllllgih one an giz =1 gigika 312 in go line it Sign it 1111 cadmium d1 remade liar Thz at thI mrltnl type bolerer Thanh Smile roach o1 Throttle 1111 Ioelatlnn lurrlor merely took Harrie 1111 Iron htI hldroeorlnr tea and put him on another the mutt the Itavllel Petede Peter 11 been 1111 tent at Sdaple 1411 Per my Who meet Well ltrrrlI rot two red hie tlmhlTTIV1 GIrdnae Ind Sieve Shult let one The mutt Iett Shirtt with It lull11111111 with It and Gard her whirlsmore then 11 per rent at thltelrnl ltt In other Ilnrel hrn I711 don KnIIlttl uprel lelmlerd Inn OIhIrrI labeth 11 IUtdvv eoee Ranger dumped Nilan tIltr Wm ottewl 111 nipped Itontrell Itmlor Clam dlenl on Into ml by DIve tee and Hamilton Red Winn heat he CIthIrlneI Itlael 1111111 er 31 th had IhIken up hll ItoeI earlier The lllndrpll ldIrIlaI dropped In game to 0111le In the only 111M pllyed Sltur dl The 11 Iroan pllyed the Peterbornuzb trIlIed the tile period not two hack but that war ITS Seorlnr tor Pelerborourn were Bot tIIIeey Ron 11101111 and DrgGloor tnndooa Ito over or Iwa war the GenerIII Ilrrt lost In 111 IIIIIIII tter Thomll war the dtlterrnee Ito pleled up three yolll ler troo Wlth AL more dullermu ride boldln your dtrrlnrlhe thIn otterr 1111 together one ot lt euteuveryelnlo Whirrhnllr ml duh rooreyen laminated Wood Skit Wlte Inum poter but 1111 rtrnpr Irut eutlnm InItaIIation 1111 Value FDRIUST Ahm Pkl WCnble It ElM Ineluder hootr Ittlrl rotor hind Inpr Ind InItIilIIloh tor Iltll Save Money Buy From The People Who Speclalhe BARRIE SPORTS 01111111 ST Shn Ind Iledenle Illtn Sill Sh outpuqu rot awnin boreIoltthotIriolIoeh Aar am SKIING In Inevitable not MINNH alltr Importer toplhe heurelnmbSom 11 repealnewnan Bare luII Illgnkhlnwli 111m Iltrty 2+ EldortiertloIthhnIIo11OpLInel lonner Unomnleslroduceth don Irr Randy11111111 llrm 111 MM Winona WWIIlean Sorrel 01hr outahet tour 91 peril Irorn Deon mmud toeholtt it menuuntermr med three pain In the third on to hell the Firm to herhrdtenroatrlar them here while elector lent to 1111 Kennedy PIUI 111111 111 drone er killed AI Slao thud Ind IIIBurma Brent Nuke Merrie mete Den leverhthotntotallyandNI rode er on RI TRIMEl TN In limited llallhot 11 1111 at the third lodhll htontreIl will the SInIII pad bottmdott hll 1an max trickled Into the net other tlrra More Jim Col with two 111an Ilerrleh Brian 11c5hetrey Borden wyroehl Allan Pita Dm loan and tut ntrnhult not the Montreal roller hetero 1111 tens delta by Ed Gilbert and Ierry Ityln II the one period are Itamllloo IIIIIII over St tharloet It was the eellIr drelltar Red Wtorr 111th win It the Iearon Ryan paced the Red Wine win with two 111111le IIIn 1111 and Ron Sldolheur add the otherr Dan BIIII had two 11111 101 the loam and 111 Jreouel one 1111 nrrrrtnerven Adult tulle turtles are urulILv rrnllter then taller and utter have looIer ratt Ind tamedv tn lower rheIl II poled tn the or Inrnodout wer rhell ot the ternlle nhINI IllBeginners iIIIIIIIEilIIIiS TAILS Ior on 10 1111 You rherld he related betterment toe rel Ups of trend the Idlltlttltmhilhmnd ea leonoeh prerruretotheleyliltetry Inn more poerterrrrrd between id SKI rtcrhors From Barrio SportI Ltd The Spam People $9995 than 111 Wtnteh In Itindleu illll Inrllnyr 11113 LTD Ohrrlldrl o1 Ilerrrrhoo Valley 111 cross couurnr SKI PACKAGE not