Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1972, p. 6

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ttIrtI ltolla rink deterred It lheharriaOolleg Gab the bore From tell arr Crroi ileed Alarlt hell Ill and ltillle whateae team to award waa preheated by liieea reread Sandra Green to or rare the it thrill Older than rice retrial to Warren lol Holden Gir Ioplty PllACTIGAl arsrcrs Sugar Spice Fashions To Make Little Girls HdppY Iliad oil ith the lodee drcn the lad that the teepa Awerd in thechildreaa ento ln mind hanctlonel need red AHA VASUI little iaararealtyrnoeh lilo lh eomutoriotheeJheyrILgart Iranxiooaodaldehu elr mothurtotryoorornelhlht aewtomr lthIriiaahloahuyatorae tiyelrtlle it are hamperr himpanlu mmplnto Indtopethrtaroalotmore Irtlullhllta ylreu Iiulllltetla motto theeinretoelyoaepodaloou roan Ilara ruhlooeaabriunierllaio lathatitmuatheianetloorl Vorrolerlonnrmuhootkin cdufneonodlay area Mg II datum oIhdowaIrolIamatlIhop relied Free in Toronto Ipcetallz log in childrear dother under thin Cowlile brieht ooiore and Itroae waataahla inbrter Inch are corduroy and heavy cotton In In ariala child The taaltloau Ira not rented down varaiona oi Idnit only shhmltdhhdaitha uhool eiolher Irr prartteai wiLtaout beta plain and even her party ram are pretty Ilthoutbelngovrrltyitly WON AWARD Shareet idea oi party drera it hiuobrulhed ttree dmr rwhleh won her the er ter reliance in deelyrt Award in the corn tltiorr Ipenaored by the On department or trade and development The competition ta held an ritually to ureer Iaeellenee In aterlgpa amour eeitncra and manuterlurerr And eharon ABIGAIL CAME ta Irery hit todayr little we nun who enLoyg warring iratiieal eiot er like her rllhl yreen denim overall mother when operiedherahopluiAplil only two mmihr alter IhI user generoae heme and renal whichuaholrtouLSheIlre it become very bored rrith naee iota oi mire Iloovrs any liir Ind iett there rm which allow tor growth and and tar Iomclhlal lnlerertinl eovniortotthI child lo he done in daildreiie do thine rho II borrowed Arena In tether tamper aha raon trim the mum lltr to deaiga deer in aterdotahlouuto otmdera and opened that eat lltr ootlit more verlrttltty rrtrirt the word boull Ieyrrore it or rweater no be worn larder ital tort itI art art meaning the Jumper and the dam can he heel many bouuoncr here be the murmuth Horn reparater II good out try tomahetha elothra In John Tr ta Itarted revving II they can be worn Ia many waI loot rhe could hold needle er poralhie rIrerrihla cotton at are three At lhI Ito et apron and hat Ind matrhlne men had any lint raring leIIoa took come and here beenuwla Iveralnee Iiaiaen in denitely panties ran or need antler to be worn with dear dual up be worn en in own end the apron hat and Ir ran practical elothot rha em oaiiit dont believe it the hilly Iltlll ita nnreaL like cleaneut do the drum Iron maker llpu Int height colon cup to matrhtheeiolhet Aron lorahriebtraioruoluae WI el reda vibrant blue hrietat em and oranyea like to oornblnailona and II innlrala and to men and plnlr blue purple mineral Ibouteetilng everybody allI thaw all Edgyel urocialiwt mmdmidn ehlldrrna ciothu HEW ltd EilOl Ear mahee haltienrth dreera ior little urn deei ed In the lie they mood will Ilerer ed It the Ihoulderr dont the the ex ier arany drearee hut lm tllltfwhat can be aeen in the aim at the mo ltaeii Eve hot it deal ed built by her brother hire doea her own Iewing in Hill hir and tire Iy bull at it WWW Path who both Irehltoetr buemeul alto She derth Ind Iewr enrh eu tit hrraelt Some th interior tr coioriuly There are no tooledIn lllll couelara timer it take me almert three but earlly acecrrlhte onea tor bean to raw dreaI She decorator her outlitr with mire are low child to err Ind toarh the mating thee tmegtnativo Ill cIa loll rieneaolplellagontthIcio ea lollipop tree lightmliy or flower Iarnething that child can par which children would to to ripen to And then are there homothine important tor molherr will larlverowlag ehilv Ipptiqueri with cotton paint tree and cloud The lrourerr are cut alrnlrht like have pipe tor tomiort rtn led loyI they earl middle Your birthday todayr should find you with too many iron in the re and prepartne to try Iome expanriva optlmlallc Ioiult tiena Title in In execlleht year tor adventure exploration to lurch reIottllng trrnlly ar rah emenir Ind relocation re eo int to the particular cir otmataneer et your tile Alder lltrrth llAyrti illl Begin the yearr worlr in peed aplrlir treat altitude II lit were ainew Fixed relied ulee neednt Idhored to to home Ind tamliy IitairI IIarur April tithin it Go along with the tide ni upward change try romelhind you he vent hetorI tale tni alive in tuitiona lead to launch in prevementa Genital tilin ltJana ttiv Concentrate on bulldiaga aim or public lrnrre Dirtrac lion rrraniloid pieeaant vari ety temple you irom all rider cancer iiane ttiuly nit Eb pertto add Iomclhlrvg to your normal routine reek min or Ihert out Iomewherr the to entire hIiIacr we long till July Mug lltr While Enrolling yrolla and prone ring Ilonr your arm at humor particularly Ihout your roll and your eye Virgo Aug nhept mt Ev erybody her eateriul ring to tell Gather cooperation on et am the hump with Iome me or protect Lllrrl iliopl Ocl lltr Clt eer opportunity came and you brietiy thlr mnmlnt You an more readily moire yourrcli un derrtood tor hetlrr or worao hl speaking In your that lot oi lrtendaa aolrlhborr emote iOrL nNar lltr Vleoroua promotional cllorta wnrir well or those in materi aiirtle venturaa For Iii iheraI ahicert one trcoh choice avtll AIIitlarlur Nov twee tilt ilavlrion oi legal or tormal enn dlllorrr ir layered today Vou can achieve more it indirection than ivy at damn Caprirarn illee itJan tllr Scull hhraleai arprrrrtrm at your necda Arrawrrr may not eomo tnr while but with her aialrnra they will Itutied toyo Inria II rag clown Yvonne Ema icedl to leer Photo Bond 0i friendship Formed AiOuieei WRNWALL PLY tAPl Linda Contra inter her hone em out tor rider Ilrnart every weekend now and virilorI to the hprtngerdaie larmr prehabiy do not reallu how almiiiunt that in lJrldI it waa born with core heal leIy Ind her tneuly leer entire lltr to telehair Sara her bone to rlmrted with an arthritic rendition to hia hind quartm thntpraventr hlrn treat with long or urrying rider with Itrrtln to than their meetiar wet the idea el lire it Palarnlrr breeder It the lane in nearby Newhar rrhehrdrprredtara tor oi eorolortehie but Ilroieoe retirement One da recently tern war letouto lhIhamtonIrclII and walked directly over to Linda who III watching her Iitler ride Linda ornnot tall but the to ltltulod her and reoraed to reapood to her plea tut aouada ilrr tumour and her trainer litany ilowera pit Erna harwr Ind wetrhed II Linda titled aboard two wheel entry Willa II ter Ilonyrlda Unda lull Inlhy ride In complete eon it it Planner llll 5am to hall on omit uu worth at Alcohol intake Takes lie loil lllillS rtlltentelr realm ayrahet or Iathe horidr Aigleat aleahol eon Iurnpiton per ea ta Oilleiaiiy dri title more than 30000 Preachth year but leading eImpalgnrr THE STARS SAY BY DONATELLA Aanriur liar Melt itla Open your campaign he more com ieie ayrtem with ml and the lay ei Irtlvr competition oi which therrr plenty Hater Pill lltidmh Iii tiring our loved ener out tor ood iIelIy at their eahliarrt look the retire and went lor her rig activitiea Keep thing mov int ll AUDREY WULION wiped muale retrial load thttllliiill were the aam total at III New Yeara Eva rhuere dtnee petty ll iirar Doreen llorllen are itmera and their other Calhoun were re rporulhla the tiny the old year roaring acn all Indayreelihy to lrerh New Year The art took place in the tlueil all ing and war attend ed by dancere inert were welcomed It the door by Bauara llrrrera preridenta iloy and litter irl Yorke Dancln apare war It remium in main room early in the oreuiny Io the toy er at the building oolr rare oi the overow Owen Board Coll inewood ltoheyvvood Ailialoa Thornton narria Iild OrllllI eluhr were reproaeuted hir Calhoun prorrrmmed the party to provide tau tor the raw derecra wed as the expertcvvo ed Alter ivrvlevrt tip he called tor renter daheele to temper what la in the luturr tar the new dancer hiae liar reliur tender at helrlnaey group in Thornton Ind Al lttan atairled Ia ceiling tor the dancer At ml night hatr Ind naile mekurr were dlrlributcd to whet In mt Ailtrwrrdr yaertr lllV ed therrueturr at the turtle hula let and dined at tahloa erot Itod with iarllva eenlrrplreet urvi handler Following the dinner enthurl nrtlr dancrrt tethered rm lhr liner and linear Calhoun Ind EEEE 55 BE ANN LANDERS Writes Beer Are Intent Senator Sent Erwin lr oi North Caro llaI hurried title into the 02a uioariit it Ihe thin whit ltlny Heroin la my ahephrrd lIhaglalwuaylrjwantram ll III owe related ow th be towed nhAN erId recently NCiaaeioredrar Iiorleaidea dud heroin addict she wet or were dinoon llaldawiilr eara old cidr boom Ii uhamthod rent ear normal tde tantra from nahrrla motor into the vehicle item earn pleteTrahat King lleroln la my Ihephcrd Ihall alwryr want lie mahellt air to lie down in the rotten ile leadrth mo beaide the troubled when it deairoyolh my real he leadeth ma in the path at wiclednraa Yea rhail waiir three the valley at poverty and wit agalaataleohoilamrayrth lig nra probably it eioaor to pm vieornaa publicity um pllrn by the pavement and private arganlutlona her only managed to contain Ileaholtam whleh alter heart dlrruer rancer iI th blrteri killer in France Ollleitl ilgurea rhaw the aver age eonarrtnption per head oi reputation in France in year about to either oi wine and to galloru oi twer Thll one the arerrge French manI consumption oi para Iiee at It more an raven galleru Iyear Borden Party Ushers New Year itlarceiinr eailed into the wee rma houra oi the monthly The rueceor oi the party wII due to ellorta oi the square The era executive ciuh mambo and the cloth leaderr lit rad Atria rod Calhoun ihll week Iver the reaumlai of weekly dancer nl Ill elttht in the Georgian lily Square Dance Aaroolatian in Barrie the beginner roan heginr naw terrier oi team on Monday lilth at the Hay toil Catchup Iounda roup wit meet Turedty liaylol Slepperr on Wednttday ehd lleaur lieiler on Thurrdry leadorr al the troupa tome and Betty ltty were bury during the holiday well they prerromrncd teen ar dance ter the recent year It aerial thmmunily liail tart Wean ay evening About too youngeiara attended the event whoar erected to promote enmmunlty prnJre intcrneltorlel caller tlavI Tay lor hlr wile Ind tamtly were rucrtr oi the line during cheat rnar week The Taylara who ro Ilde It liroeae iaint lilrhlgan lrIvetlod to the Barrie Inn in ararch oi anow tor Itllng Sov elIl Toronto Iouaro dance iam IlleI ulrileti the ilayr while the Ta iora were in the area Saturday Jen Al Cal hour at tiara liardcn will werir rhoputwo new iigurer during the war hop at Toronto and tilt irict sourrr DIrveI Motivation the worthop it monthly event tor leadert and cation tier death Inland nu thaeIrI or IE 55 33ng Egige Egg treahwiew your and iaahloo genie will mm are little more toierrnl at mile Ind iolhiee theyll more to your own eta or improvement E5 it impingement mm run until manna unholy menu im tear no evil ier yea iierola Ira with me Thy Needle and Ca ale eomtert me than alrip er the table at yraeerlea in prea enea at my lamlly Thou rotr beat my head at reason liy cup at Ierrow nmutth over surely heroin addiction rhail Itle me all the dIyr at my lite Ind will dwell in tha iioure oi the Damned iorovcr Alan learnt in the ear with the deed woman war thtI writtca metre JII didnt care mo Nor did hoapilaliralion help me tor tone the doctor told my iarnlly it would have been better in deod tilAer ii the perren who Trapperlleporle Nature Woman Seen In Bush rrnnl Aurtraiia illeuleri The Nuiierhor nympho mye ieaiouI helinaked ount blondo nut to be roamng the arid plain Itretahlag Irrou aauth weal Anal Iy turn out to the town at Earle eon miter earl oi lerth when one tea or raid ho had area woman and only in mlnieirlrt twice in the tea ilvedm llui rpeeul mounted that war really ha ailer Steve lItu la owner at Eilelo hotel In an Enl llrhmen has been rrtiuInI on the treeleaa plain for about to mohlha alter arriving by baa irom lrrth iound hia traveiilhy bay rontrining paperl Ind elothu tn deroiute raunin about Ievm miieI trorn here he raid llut treppera inilet they have Ieca eir llllitlllil wlhl in the weateirnria Then have been re Karla oi the nature woman who andlerda hanraraea tor manlhr The inter Ilyhllaa waI made hy trapper lion Sella at who elmod he row the Iiri twice to tear than wrolr UNWANTED HAIR Removed by ELECTROLYSIS ti prr halt hour it yearr experiearr Corrine Mulholland HM ragic iWords Before Taking Life BECOME aroma weiroma nclyhbor remained alvlrine the doorbell hetero Al tired it In neeIIIIry tor her to home and trite her ld lira Noodolh wee hark oi tuna tor aupper and war rule rattan output Prinutttnlrter le Forqanhly wear not lift the woman who nnea the with milM dammit no thatehadouootwratanyrpo claitroatmrnttortheialreee Prime IdJolIlI ladlra Gandhi toldarllly idohotllhthla talk at IpreIIl rlehtr or women They mart have eeurl non oi ronne The real head In tar rell between men and women molten Reece lira Gandhi III anno rd llamrat when mem rrai hldidmtwlrhia challenge Iome oi the prime mintrteraatatamenia the la alter all My the dIyI oi irritea and gen lemon are long put in thin modern world retarled hirr Gandhi do not roarider ray Iaii lady and claim no rpoetai toaatderatloa am wnrnaa got me heeled on door had taken gun and blown my brain out And whh to God he had lily God how with it lleadea Dear Readerr lhanlr yeti Dear Ana haderrr eevnehor therein the victim oi the un rtrtirnlredh herterlwo rare lira Neodnlh war at myydoer er out oi bed She invited her ull la hrd toilet and mm tlla In nap Io aha lalL At Shetland led her huebaud it ready to Join at It our dinner thie tor Icup oi rotten Ere time barltd the err outoi enratorhewaartard in in the driveway with re mint Would plerre hrirly her part at cleareltea or loatoi read orIquart oi mill or Iome poatato rtampai hly huabarrd get In led up with her presence ha told me that ii didnt keep that woman out oi our home be war leaving You are ritht Ann lherr ia no polite tray to hurdle elodr They mart be told oil in plain ten age they do not nnderrlrnd act or Weill trace PlIIre keep telling em Attll People need to hear it liltih and again and HelmA eirw turner Dear learner will will will thank tor rrriilltt CROOKED urtae Dear Aha Lander enioyed your atatemeht about iamlli lreer tho ollen they turn out In abundanre oi rap Pierre print title added thought Alto Iome crooked Manchu ii tChirrrel Deer Chic iiight you Ire Ilrvrl ahedy ten ECIlOOl DNUH lJlltilih CPI Senior ma lrleulatlon rladtrilI are elvlnr their aeiert public Iehoolarthe eold rhoulder report by tech nlrri eolltte principlll indi eatcr lltolpeliy realriettohe ot public rrhaol tie Ira driving undrodr oi the aludentr IWIY irnm rehooi and into matrt ulna tiara colleges to rompielo hrtr education older hoya and atria Ire heroeaingiy retain eir treedom aeya the report They tcri the environment It the aileron it more Idalt than at Ichoo tuner ll FOREST Nova Stella her nearly ttii million arrer oi torert Watch iro on rues JAN CAtth SPECIAL GUESTl MR RON MAXWELL DIRECTOR OF CHARISMA airing 53 593 534 to in 253 use gin or Eggs Egg 555 52 lhr martetlhl ottaahaiiee wu utebltrhed II thorn too Wilton in two end made ro Ipanriola tor the rrle oi all this autht romraerclaiiy in the threa Prairie prorineu north wortern Ontario Ind the North At WW at raey II In more will aid llthermeo 15 Manor at nature Ind mourn an Over the neat ttveyearr lIrI Iirntn It produeior to million poultAa oi liah yearl Robs rileaolthlacoutd re Ah come rald iha an it to pin nprrllilaw In nrbhhmprh re go rou IIclI exported to under wa mourn All it no he re huh Ailm rAllele llah to their and reeonallluted ilah predurtr TeenAgar finds leiondllideawoy litiliAlll Tumult tliruler lemallod liJoblnren larvaei vearo aar cor thrith end in good hullh or oil the laIthlan mall Aitlllll lltu cooper who war born in home went to De Witt la leur miter Ioalh oi here get Iwa tram it all and tied myreiil She haa been looming her time writing poo eta compouny manic hereme tho eenire ot run troveray ia thI trrmanlan pan llamcnl at one point when the lrnda mlniIter Wilfred Dealer Iaid rhe war illegally occupying the lillthl that plane to have her re moved wrre dropped tellowine public outcry liirr Cooper now haa neigh horlrnown only II Jimwho building ahaelr on the bland at lilar Coepera invitation lim the tram Melbourne went to the itiarld Nov it and plant to hey there until hit proiert completed hier Cooper la the metal irlevul oi lerai ltahcrmrn who have hrourhl her replica arid kept In eye out ior er Ilnea Ihe heron her iaotrted lltr the teoo aerer oi rock and Im penetrable reruh Apart lrom the tiahermear auppiier Ieaiood tr lltr Coo err mile diet and rho growing cr own vefetahier dev rplte ranatant lrouhI with lltl oper to atay on her ulna Look into the future with good We lnruraaee WWI ltlll lore iii Illlne CROWN LIFE lNllUllANCN COMPANY Call today rzehoel

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