Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1972, p. 5

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to at to bra gor in Inaunseel nation oitba rsra clerk erI shown as be action or warden tint Item eotaaty entacll will be held discussed erseogrtneeta with on the sgendn Examiner Tl was warm HOKDAY MXUAIT loss Alliston Member Books Smaller County Council mtgeambodeycarsidatatbe euthanized promos news Alum tSiefft Re lmnwortatleIAwIIltaetn tillth til aboult wayeireeting whenpr lie E5 Pa orrnortrnon intolrrrwondshtrJndkhs Rsrdryhrmewdkbaiahan rye with bIrIndenIiIIana lvmeiirLPWCm em lbnRIsrtasIStJi AIrsli in was ES close PEE re in go 95 i=5 15 near EEEE EEEE EH staged E2 c5 PE Eigr men repaired at da mail the new mice are ep Ml damn this 31 an Trinity United Burch Womens meeting at the New Year will be en eilrrnooe one at the home ol the president lira Rey NAIL by on late tat pm Rail WWW Mints edneinlatretioo Milan was ram COLNULIDRI Vie noticed on Iowa rose til beat all cotseteliiore to four lobarrta on liondsy alien Isek Coleman lreesucr 51 Photo nd any Cordon Watson Only Three Newcomers On 72 county Council only three new mmbcrs will be Inining the as member come cormsii et Its inaugural roertlng on blunder Ien II as result at recent tntrnicipsl el ections All are village represetr tellvu Wessga beech will have new member In Jack Roller who will be elevated in deputy rears neat moruh Incumbent Deputy Reeve tiara Robertson will move up to reere succeeding Brgcna Inngevtn who retires etioriivaandwballyoareaa head at the council Anulilrr new member will be the new deputy reeva irorn Vin ierlg Harbour Jamel Dnlett Ila Will be the tiralliront this vlll age Reeve Careers Keeler will be back The third new rrcrnbcr will be Reeve Kenneth Iiernliten oi Cnidwaier who replaces veteran member Ernie Stiller renter warden who resigned el the end at Itll Nr Altiler was county warden in testis All other members will be the same Try township bad change tale in the year when Tom Robinson was advanced in rcevo following the death at Ralph Dalton and James Croobe named deputy rceva FIRST 0N AGENDA Pint Item ol business on the 1m agenda will be the election at warden Ie succeed Ilnrea Stewart Ruler provide this Is to be done by council role with the Installation ioIIorIint Selection at rm committees usually the neat order at bus lncts II we explained by iron don Watson clerk elite errangr rotate were Wed with Jerk all mitt oven see are Midland Reeve Nervey Elihu Dcputy Reeve Ilaroid Bord Col lingwood Reeve Doe Spanner Deputy Reeve Sal Green Allis inborn Rsi Ilusicr De pqu been 0a in Grey Penn tsngnlabenc Reeve IloneI Dion Drpnty Rests Gil Roblllsrd Sradlord Reeve Retire Stewart Deputy liters Fred Cook Sterner Reeve Petal Oehrrt Representatives at the nine villages include Waaega Reach Reeve Clara Robertson newly Reeve Jack IIollryr Port Sic IcoIl Reeve Iiruca Dork say Do Reeve learns Price son ilerbor Reeve Carson Nestor Deptdy Reeve Reeve Nation on Rem hicltelvsy Cold water Reese lten Iiernlllort acceptors Reeve Wlilred Vler dcn Elrnvala Reeve Cecil Trench Dookrievrn Reeve Nora nun Cool II TOR TOWNSHIP thempr representatives to elude Irratetil Reeve George Surtoe Deputy Resve Willem CIbens Notlavrsregs Reeve Pains ihrrria Willi Reeve Dick SIcQuccnl Du Rasva George Gucrgls Deputy Reeve MacDonald Vsspre Reeve Carl DurenDr uty Reeve Alan iobnaltnr Ill Reeve Earl Elliott Deputy Rcovs Donald hlIrDonaId Tsy Reeve Thomas Robinson Reeve iernes Crooks Tiny Reeve blorrls Darby Deputy Rcsvr Rust Desrocbear Tcrum nttire the bird VD Jmoeit presented In interesting program for Christ lnas Garnet meiosis and one with many novelty and lucky prim Its presented to the winners him it Schandlcrt will con rent the January meeting when members are requested to bring written suggestions tor the celebrating oi the TM ennlvrr sery of the Thornton Branch at call will be Ichs for new decoders Wt 9terp wet the guest oi Air lad lira Allen Rodgers and son oilori Crde when they dined out at the Nettawasaga Inn at Allitton on Dec er whims guests In the area were Sir and tire Reg John ston Port Credit lira Dry Dskrtllr lira Paul nor Iienrllloo his and hire Plank lessons Cmrdon eaIrlI and It hes locked out lint said Deputy Reese Gray Allis lon corneal has seven naenebtn Inslssd ot the forms alas 1ie In able to ditidt lip the see poulbibties better and it has added In tlficlcncJ restless sash madentthennwlngcdsalyaeo We are aeorgsnising our red national program in Alliston said Deputy Reese Grey who Is chairman oi the Allle can nrltlre Prudent ol the Alllrlnn The Allialnn member was eels lions club be praised the minor WI President lit Cookslovm Decade Illlllilage MUNWN istalfl Coon town will mark its one decade at village status early In Iers uary wrth retercnsee likely to bernadstetbarccurdetllln first ten meeting The med shows Cookstown sath Reeve Jayme Cross be only Item Allan Glanimi AdiaII Reeve Fred Ruler Da puty Reeve Francis Kdly Vtcst Gwilltmbury Reeve Orville nudism Deputy Reeve John Tanned hledonls Reeve log rarn Amos Deputy Reeve Roar are riser on Reavs Allan Release DcpuiyReeve Wallace Key Oriil Reeve Ron Siam ton Dequ Reeve William Gewsnioc Srmnldale Reeve Lloyd Prtdharb Deputy Reeve Eduard Ortharn Ibsoreade Reeve issuer Weiss Deputy Rcevu Calvin Roland blatcbo dub Reeve Arthur Silk and De puiy Reeve Richard Ainsley Sterner Council Begins New Year STAYNEBISIAIII Slayer Eloise DorIIy started Ilia illb year as best at Sterner town council today so the comnlkora began the second part at two lspr Isltn Mayor Durlty was endorsed at the pollsters Dec me for the Intel term Reeve Pair oehmvill begin his touch year Is Stayeers minty mnctl rep sessrttellvs at the earning less asuntsimtiiarrie Councillors include Ives ilerry lith ion James Pen James Wil liamson and Oscar Brittany the latter was eppolnled last year to fill the term at Pearson Spell men who resigned to accept an appointment the VJ in June rm In Black Pm W5 ROBINSON Some local Irlrrdr who call id or attended the tuner at or Wins son epay res lntt ill mm if sway Dulce Dec st were his and hire Angus Cam bell and hire and Airs Dear hit his Rob Insnn was in tird year and had semd the music pallly ol Tecumseth township Inc may earn when he lived to Sectors Irrrnent lay at lrinlly IlnIl cd Cemetery Decide Sym slip is extended to his wile en lmlmllnnndldrhlmarlduld ill and lie Campbell If lit lm ll meetirt are held in em Anglo gut Carleton Syria and lsrstily Rents Cap Iour itntes inchedlng nine years all council mectln and other istcnds isln and hire Manley In all The out election rt oi ythfuiiyrichummglmgg the Insurer board at tnlsleea and tensity Ottawa his and more will he at the annual in lira Incas Carbon and lens tneeting In April Doc 26 rfular mornln sen is Ily belles and tiles Ubby WW ItrIesnCookeiovrn mggiwegwmg Tl Mk Inuit Md elude Iire Sir enson vice rpm Utrlalmu IamlIy get together mm gym am pm Why 555m In Ibornlon Oran Nell Dee in mm mm King by Rsr Paul Persia mm Mim Stuntman out pmldtnie We mm 5mm Pater grncrlllnna were sent Rucloerilolo Paris as Sir end lire Dali Renting uiih his and hire loam and Earl Air and hire Norman Scott Barrie Roy and Vincent IioiL Egbert with III Ild owner rnv us amp no berry Tbyntesnd isntlwli WII eoa lake with llr hire iobn Neilsen Sin no man its and Nil Bob Jer irtan and do less and Gordon Iierria ali Barrie Air and hire itsan Tubman oi Sham on bliss Isobel Carr and kiss Elisa Dslclitls oi Tamale as well as his end hiss Iller and Wallace with Sly and hire Carr with his and hire Angus that and Lloyd were became an Incorporated village on has rate with Ira Titled the first mm The meeting was held in the Cootsiown commute mail and councillors inciuil Reilly Norman Drain John Ednry and India North man Return lbst Conblown was In cried In tour neighboring rosa eloipalltiea and had pollen village status with board at Instead Incumbent rears Nonnan Oath la the third to bond the muesli Ile will rust his third me is more In January sitar succeeding the Isle Innis bimb man native oi Peel aplenty be bu lived in Cochin since list and Isrvsd tour yssrr on Iislss Support In Hell Drive COONSTOWN tSlailt Cooks town Womens losiihits will start collecting in the new drive inc Ins rneeLv the tint binds to renovate the Iovrn bail Thursday each month Pm nice the holiday lemon and bone real numberspr In to toe good support It In are resident oi Doobtown tor normed by Sire Dilbert irot so years Mrs Trotter came to see presidenL tbrs village Irena Cnhttreitr Site The money collected IN be mm addcdlotbailmoahand to is mm Mm sara ego ea memorial to blown war dead In the mm First World WII it has bests erecting pines for varioth eons hes serving her fwartb contin taunt is and let sums notes you an trident hire ill Trotter has hca oi the hobs iiha Micheal nonlinalion town Womens institute at up new district director and hire Stephenson area delegate street where the Illnrytsloeet Councillors returned your ad Reeve Norman Cook beads are by secleneaiian tor tweysar the match which also Incbrdes terms Included whimsing bob Brolry Derek Osborne John Robert Riley Derek Osborne Rosanna and lira Isobel Rowe and John llottdhlots HELD OVER ITS it till elatrre trio It was announced WW ma that the New Year Ilon Corn rnunlon would be obserred Jere at the regular tlmr ldrli UPI Nollie caller subcutle am beds tunsttnttt rtutll Nswmerkot end otherness mm blchieatcr of North ii who Tbs puwrnee lm mm in at ours school mm in away from home resErnest plum and hicsrlcli bictkrlebeon tilh Frank and Edna Perks Ilsrrlsr mnd WW hire Issse lrnnelt IMIII art WWW ltd hir artd hill Iiarold Irn NEW PLOS dereon and family pl heater to by AIRS IVAwa with birthday cake tor Sire Russell uyeoc itirannyl and Art Neywerd bulb or Barrie Santa arrived to the dsllrhi of all following delicious Chrlab snows NIGHTLY AT art nit err ratwn drorln asrtgnsduld NA for either nu clear conventional bomblo role will become conventions groundattack squadrons only tidrd soundron tr bekrg con verted from reronnstsssnca function to conventional attack This decision was announced in the governments delrnce white pa unveiled in Auhusl but wl not Isle stlrct unl Julyt and hire SIR Coaworih and tn Iin to lit of lot titles on sit lusti at indo new family In Rarrle hire Jrnneit and Gloria with in and Port Credit to be with his Ind Airs Rlli Croer sod lentil lIr Ion lira Dilly Piikry and family oi Slayers Air and hire Former MP Is Hopeful Making Comeback ALLISTDN istsfii Cocoon Igcd by htsvisits to various gills oI the riding Elwood lsdlil former Corworvstlve III for DuiirrinSlmcor riding hopes in make comeback by winrt ng Peel DuIIrsIrt Simone roo slltusnry in Ibo next federal election formed Ilona Township serve and council member lor it years Sir hlsdlll was Dull erln Corme warden In MI III was returning olttcer tor Dull SgtSimm rldirtg Irom into to In the tint federal election he was clotted lo the Route dl Commons as Conservative mem brr for DulfcrlnSirnroe Ind tn lids was returned to the enlarge cdPocl Dullerin and Simcoe riding 0N COMMITTEE White In Olinws he tested on the agriculture trade and commerce northern stairs and tolerant ailsira committee Its also was member of the sons cIe iolnl comndltso oi the Sen ate and the tiniest ot Commons on employer employee rela begins Third Year ii lnnisiil Reeve 51 only Isialfl Reeve George DurIon nod members of his nisiiI council have started the rcorttl part of their two year wioz term It Ilrkttl the beginning at Iicel IIurtuns third year as hratlyoiiho council alter euc ccrdISg goo inthrarto who had torrcl continuous years litpitly Ilrrtu Iilliem Ilbitini Is the lownslllyle second county Tiliitatninliic while rountIIIors Include Ilon Koupmnnr Russell Slowest and Risks Corulablc lIiory Iron is township cloth The threomembtr public util Illcr commission which was in ougurutcd yrar are her strut od Its second year ilcnls Shenrd Is the chairman with Ebert Saw Err vicechairmsn and Retro listen the third member mm tlnns in the public service of Canada hornth crew member In the RCAI during the war when he rose to the rent of ying on finer be Is member oI the Col Pttrgcrsld branch oi the Royal Canadian legion at which he wu president In not lie also has been member of On engovilie Lions club tor the past to years member oi ilerris Indra end Ionic chapter or enguvllie also oIIIose Crabs and lodge of Prrfcetlon Guelph and lioore Sovereign Circulatory Hamilton life underwriter since till no is rtllh Mutual Life oI Cen eds Ind works out oI Agency ti lirsmplen In the Orangeviile dle Irici Ila Is member oi the tumors Dollar Round Table Club OPERATED TARIII Iormrr farmer Inr nine years he was active in local arm organisations its was that Yrceidtnl of the Duilrrtn Crop mproverncnl Association and be helped to organize DqucrIrs and Grey courtlch tor Maple Callie lireeders Aseocletlon lie was director tor bulletin Count lot seven years during whlc he Whillll YOU Illil Allblll EIlilItI THIS IIIAIIP was tlnsnre ehslrrnsn and later president In tiltis bir Redrii also served es director of the Ontario board at ertiiiclsl brrcdtrs service and was member of the executive Ile she is past vleoprtsi dent oi the Notlswars Down elinrt authority and served on the executive oi the Geor glint flay Development Associa tort lingus 10L Honors SitYear Member ANGUS SteIIi in recogni tlort at it years ol service as an active Orangcman Prank lilgglruort IP hu been given long service award by the An gus loyal Orange Indgc lho reeentsllon was made by Don lemming at the Grand Iodro ol Ontario West at meet In at the Orange lodge and Indy Oran enevoltrti we Eiallon at yet True Blues Cccll Wcsiorer Ia master of Ibo Art lodge with Maynard West cpuiy master Wailers blcNIece secretary nrtd Gutlrld hlciuiltgn treasurer SlhliE JamesGamer me hnnvwrwbesmrwrlsueiwca Tilt EIIOIIS WEIGHT Nil AND PJII Irina some loullossolt Susan ldOvniepStWnrrla ComaAdd bliss Edith Greene with lira Jim blasts and tenth EVtrcilPilke indium Vtsr Kitchener um Preach wn him In Thrnnln With her cou sin lira Fiorrncc Welkrr Cecil and Erma Rrelhel with Ross and hiargercl Srelhrl and tem by in Scott Sharp and Careers note in Cookstown with tics and Olive IlIndIa Frances and Gunners Relost stile inller couple home from thnilsrltimcst list it Dinningnsm Mr and hire Ier Ornntnrhemand boys villi tie and Airs Vltb Mills And family GLASSES stun osv asrtvrcn CONTACT LENSES BARRIE OPTICAL nnrntrryo OPTICIAN Continuation sad Celtics lilllll ege Beach Air and tire Jlnl Pliksy and Ily cartoons and his and re Slrnn and Reg at Darcie were holiday guests or lire Sarah Pilkry Dorothy and Brian Air and hire Doug Lsmble oi anlrew lir and hire Lloyd Pickering at London and hitti es Annie llay lelen Pick rring oi Tomato units of Sir and hire Alex ay arid Isntlly GtilIFIlOBE mwmdFwmagvw wwmeMRDBROORS stwwcoiuttnln Pinups so litiilllON DOllAR CHOICEEORYOU blew ash Mutt tantrum pplm raven In ulcer us we 2EORi OEEERII lssrdteorwrnresdltlml grater istiteelvelswyhtbreepleenwwlt rvrryss dpurrbstsdu rigs TIorl IIstkwtrese ugsttwe Igvosg yards in yrkr re yd rsstlswstiul Osiallltetii nuittrseblpru MAXiMINl SRAIIGE 54Slb50 YD om bread bl III SACKGUARAIITEE Mn Irsedlrerr poundtreaty evvnw ssrlllyaurasrsvssl the we turn Iar ler tent nsvsllsrloiivr reviewers lawalt rs rtuuvwrtmu as our my New NWLAngMrlI ravern CALL coLLacr 7267471 WITHIN IOO MILES FOR FREE ESTIMATES 220 DAYVIEW DRIVE GI usaruouse rosrtvsvou liiifii ind ti MIIIIW llIIIIMAlISWIDtMCMIOh IN IA W00 Till N0 AIIIINDCMIDIITDIAIUil lb DA i0 10ml CA COIIItI Altwow 12AM Ottl on

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