Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1972, p. 4

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is lRerDonaldliend Elliott nelds ilrantfordtlmlourriellelderln Pres lIiarryArrnslrongrllar TlyirdlfdlivlrTwriterlecrwnsyvnun dowa Patterson Sully loredlt eemldlnal Thauburn Trophy at Toronto Mikhail Cenadian Newspapers Company United 15 km 5M Hum Ontario Kerry terrible MuellerCasters Alsneger It McPherson In It won Editor We WAT JAIN Managing Emtnr Now Thats More Like It VA Real Barrie Winner Now then thato more like Barrie winter Snow biordng and swoopln parking lots drillln and driveways In it may not be your idea climate unless youre anonmnhller buttIaaliweregotioreprtod oi the neat low monlhs Perhaps areas are hlrnseil overthe head with because It felt so cod when We suitest thrnu these is out to veldoe at the crisp gonting bright days that it also solver one problem for office with the wlnler snows the RIM ones on at whether or not to Anyone dartn to wear hot pants in this wenhcr world very quick hot but lust about everything else is iroren About the only female fashion that Ilse that the pants may he does make sense In these shitty meets the high boot And the ghee the better Its odd too but we career that those lights at on Five Points long train corner must slow down with of wilder Surel we didnt have to stand at long when there waiting mes sun was staining Evidence of the full impact of blust ery winter day Is all around who love to Jul suddenl January Evenln because is denideal go out for nine coiiee lind tttotssand assorted tea to keep them st their desks in too much trouble to clear out the driveway twice In the some day to go somewhere One might say that residents ed the snowbelt little like the man who bit later storm the family that hibernates together stays together And then theres the fellow at the nest desk who lives Inlthe country end has been gloating all urinates about the toys of pastoral country living At this time of the year he seems to spend lot at time at the window checking snow corn dltfonsto seeif hell be able to gel homo tonight aIIer work And theres the other fellow who sweari up and down that good garage hammer he stopped deer and follow allow hol ants in the oliice is no longer live Iy roa people who snowake Is Lt at least as important to house as having aroot on It But we also have that not necessarily new but ncrtaring in numbers every year These are the crate breed ski or snowmobile Every cause of rejoicing Every cold front is warmly welcomed the arrival things and the euro stem siulf us People in the manner tended lying down Whole lsmIIIca of these skisnowlno bIle bulls bundle up in their thermal ce forward Into the teeth of any gale Ski resort owners love them But not all of us are made of such We Kirofor to take winter Mother Nature in DOWNMEMORY LANE esters still located on coastal gnard at NI YEAR ADO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Jen Earl Rowe ltPP but Community Nell declared win title war and write the be emphasized tree at Plre deals eenhouso owned orid Bradford 5t John Gladstone Currie Rarrler newest Norvel lock lawyer aoliva in Standard ohm he has been in charge oi work for Canada Permanent lrust byterisn at secretary llbcralOIu birvCurrla St Andrews Church called Ferguson oi Bonneville Kiwanis Club Donalditerm till lion fartsSimeon ad dressed lnnIslII Cornersetlves at Stroud lavr society member hi Irsohoolboard vicepresident informer Ruth Gibson They have three child Debert Nova teas Park Food will peace as agriculture cold enough community calato Mrs Currie cnce Coehet Commtndor Canodlan ren Rev James grading at former lor 52000 gilt oi ilu kill if oyw the aperture oarancaa Camp Bordon Weaihelyilnali got lie Clilf DrownVIu Recrylack Boas Navy son llerry ll Lay Barrie Cross oi Valor lor escortin Biotin anxious to get over aboard thanked Lions Club playground equipment Ilrlant liopkins from to put too in barrio rent and also curling club Clap orton Si Al Barrio Bowling Aracmys mens league top trundlcrr In average ltliltnille problem were Are In Hudson Strat Drko eorge warn at its Citr Dials strip reached liIgh Paris early curling honsplel lioratio Neson Lay Royal oi Mr and hrs awnrdcd Polish dill idiotic Examiner tns srmrruo an entry WITH rut cuttlsnrt 53 MW rumor the dtsra after IM war can barciindon tiers In the MRMWL to keep the altar breakaway aisle earners wrrrronnrrtr hut Prime Minister Indira nmnu osnnm twillm kehyc Khan cotald not at the Barrett loader and lull All Bhutto leader oi the tents Pso pIeePssty which had won the meterin at seals In the West In Gemini of India has pledged that her troops will slay In the Wm WM region no loom than stucco eary Stan ehdcrtm believe this could while the vlalnoa govmr meat is es ing its by throttgbout Bangladrsbwim rmmnsnzrmsnurw unusualrmqu QUEENS PARK Staggering Concerns siren ll be ucrr saw to hm hm an PM As ltilrned on President Eynlinontbetml im gorhlilhlhe tset hat lbIIIIIRJ swan real test pie have also obtained mm downironr elites9 and roping as president by the threesold Apart from the relatively Bellini lnlt to their own devicesibny could wreak terrible Vengeance on slnpoctcd coIlIherstote Face The Province DON OTIEARN Queens Park Darren Of The Examiner TORONTO It would seem ally to wish anyone In govern men happy am bani one yrsl Rulhnot happyozrtdeb IMO who reveiylo anxiety or relish ahead they will present are staggering To not on but turn consents meet situation where more production is supplying rele tItely leaer br and more pro pin are enter the work lorcel Labor The standard wcsk arts that our labor relations structure Is so imperfect Then aim we will have the new WILLIAM DAVIS bird The roost exposed out In the region are Illbart Not an Numbering about one million iny motin cents to East Pekl also shortly tilts the British partition ol the Indian subconti nent In tori leaving the Itlrtdu state or taller ior what edmlrtbireiv centre In rear was to be the haven of kios Imtlly at about two million ihorlgh lots of which It eup largely Icon Pakistan H0 Mom The maturity of the TI nllIllou people of Rest Pakistanups rated from the western wing by Ie iy wing has felt neglected doom RORERT NIXON New Yeast root mllse oi largely Iiindts Ia diancre Itoelsni shut were the Bengali with their mt language andranclsnt cul Slnca Nerds many Dihsrid have arena in see their nature with the st Pakistanis Prone the lcsily and politically by whet Ii crnsderrd the Wests ruling eltztlennd blg butlnete Inien er When the countrys first circv liens on its basis oi universal rulings were held In Dream her rose the Seugells roads on the form at new rnnstliu tloa tor Pakistsn with unscat developing in the Elsi President Yehya feeling for It lull I1x title Inlegrliy oi Illa country was at rtasr ordered mishaptern ea binned Lbs Aw ll whirled seen event some thew Yahyeiwu sine eeeiin his own Bhutto Ihaiilzl square relies tieaglsdcsb an wrong the worlds most crowded poverty rlrleseu tracts ei land Population density Ia more Elwmlthllgm rails in ct esp tlet Dace grown llont printer pllce at per cent of the worlds demand way mayor foreign etnrsnby career for Pallallb there Is virtually no Industry the Earl iIAY SAVE Dnllto credit side Bangla dtsb mould be able in Inter many raw materials and inan reclined goods from India more cheaply than the canto ht beginning the itin we egrlcullural Easiem There Ire already some who predlc huesynrcan Aim pbrre ten the Indian army was received by the Ilrngtlls will noi last long The IIarper rulddlnclsss Awsntt tongue ruvhlonsl ernmsnl set up It calls In India last April now trees demands tetra In other groups sstd inlrn Polish iroogs span endcsiroyerReslIgoudlool which rrrhltmoitbedrmrndhyltbor clcer utelrsrnbltlonior greater esis British consul In Potmossi said prepsrcd for long war In waging it Is more to be German Harmony smarts testament Slanw ck Instelledlsl lean arheeue lpenon rtbsetcist nGreytr K9 was commander during evacuation of capable of Dunkirk test car Colonel Patrick reared titan Grill Ernies erntcd by Ifor Jack nulne Amer chicken Slmcoe For there Iionncssy D5 Camp burden as Japanese troops took over ilong Kong lie was C0 of Canadian troops formerly commandant at reported killed In action attoncd WWWWsmmmmnmmm cannons ssottv Duel FOllovved Snubbing Dy ROI ROWIIAN Cowboys artd Indians werent the only Canadians who were quick on the draw in the Itth century borne hothoadsd men In spelled clrIIlred Eastern Canada were apt to settle iher toxemia with guns There was such duel In Toronto Jan not between tsremrroenmi John White and John Smell ritrk oi the council ll item that list Smell snubbed IIrs White In most pointed manner at reception In the legislative assembly the Mills complained to her husband and he rrsounltd to the acting rurvrporgcneset some circumstances to the preludlee nI iIIrr Smalls reputation Tire acting rurvcyongcnerel asIrd there titties alon is live Elmeley who to the ehlri turtles Ilsa Small then urged her husband to do her turtles and be challenged White to duel It was bet in Government Park Row Front Street at the tent or Rerkelcyl and White was hit by ll HAPPENED iii CANADA so moose Measurements artcwroywuos iiiioliidiiiibflllki GREWIOAONNW estimates cntnstacwrr ttotllitidiiiliditih monomer wnouudssneo maneuvers nanosecondwry and Audit llurrsu ot Nauthorisations oerwe WNW construction sbuilel In hip lir died from thr wound law days later Email was tried tor murder yen to but was acquitted The drill Justice said later Iurors hats mi been known to convict when all was fair number at lemons Canadi ans Including Joscpb Ilews took part in duels DTIiRIi JAN EVENTII lmnlors than ltd litm lsnderr settled at Sydney Nd Ill 11 mmxmzzn Illrr Norris ixulnlttrr lo heyflcld Street than Ontario Telephone 7166537 Second Class Mail Registration Number om Return postage gtlorsnlecd Dally Sundays and Statutory IIoIldeyr curried Subscription rates daily by carrier to weekly that year ly Single copies Ito Ily mail Rsrrle tsrno yeeryt himcos County For yearly lislsnce oI Cans that yearlyr All other oounlncs tilde ycsrlyr Iiioior throw oil the yearly National Advertising ofllcear ts Queen St West Toronto Mi 1110 did Clliltlrt Sin Ilontresl Iiembcr ol the Canadian Prrel Circula tone The Cnnsdlen Prrar Is oerun Iver entitled to the use for re pub Icallrn oi all news dlepeiehv ea In title paper credited to it or The Arms tied Press or Reuirr and also the local news publish rd therein the ilarrlo llxsmlrtcr rlnlnrs Copyright in all nrlgtrrel adverv Its no and sdlioriei materiel cre sird by its employees and it produced in this newspaper cRisllltl Registration Numr her turtle register ti that it be given notice of Icclls nologleel changes and be grounds for reopening tort tracts This will engender plenty otheai Education to belt on feeding will continue to he ghtencd As this affects our teecberr they will become more and more rrrllve and pressing for change The environment Progress Is sIewiy being made liill se eompanylng each step forward are new problems that are un local covered binary Now do we it slit Ibis eerihrre while recordchch of more then not million Thats lot of debL Next year psobebi wont be any better And ontlrda Ior new public spending always are mounting Transportation is full of problem with resin clogged lIlTERPliETIIIG THE nsws Bombing Could CoSl Nixon The WASIIINGTDN CPI The rcoewod Inlrnslvs bombing oi North Vietnam despite the vloue political risks to President Nixon underlines the suggestion that the was In Indochina is not color well for the United Stairs The New York Times reflect Ing the view at many critics on the war Issue says the bomb Inga have dramatically shab la all the edminlelrsilonfas iered myth that Presidrnl Nixon Ie silectlvety winding down the war Niann must have expected such erltlelrrn He could not have been surprised also lhll Ilenot cancelled the scheduled weekly meetingoi tho aunties Ina trams In arts in protest Anotitcr calculated ria was that the bombings over iivn days ending Thursday would make the atmosphere for his scheduled visits to Peking and Moscow more tears The ednilnletrsllnns public Iysleled rsanns for the new bombings and the crItire reply is really replay of old argu ments going on or years per licllllriy under the Johnson ad ministration when Inlcnrlva bombings and bombing hIIIe were principal Italilro ol the wee Thus many ebsenerr are in BIBLE THOUGHT Rut be said Yes relhrr blessrd are they that the ward at tied and linen It take this Dont treat the stunt all tired so lightly someday be tIiI puss brim lilo Judgment Irnr oi iioi yoti will be iutlgcet by it lies tdll and earth eittli pntr sway but my word rhtII not pass rm to speculate that Nixon and his advisers were so distressed over the way the land war was olnv theylfrli the bombing untitled despite the orbital risks for Nixon in view ol the am pretldrnlIeI election POLICY ENDANGERED The deterioration In the mill tery situation In Laos in panic ulsr Is believed to he srrioui concern to seniorrytailcyrmkcrs who fear that Irons whole Vietnsrrtirstlon policy Is an dangered The US obtectlve it in pro vista climate In which II rbn cdge out oi the war and leave the South Vietnam government ruiikiently strong to carry on oidrd by on torts oI maybe some to torts men It Nixon Iell It was neccuery to leach llenol lessonlo any plastic that the US was not ring In cut and runhe may ave calculated that It was he ler to do It now than later when the presidential election ram pnign wot rolng lull illt On lbs starters the adminis Irnllon arguments as outlined by Dricnco Secretary Ilcliin third are nnrntse bad eitrllcd Sal on wills lwn rockets Dec 19 at they Ilod been building an iiniillrtt tiun road litreu the dcmlils turlerd cone end at ihrrn have been no substantive negotiations In Paris as promised Its also notes the North rtt isrktvl more American plants In Iitcrmbcr then In any month In three ours The Wltvblnrion Perl trolled This Is Iikrrny big the dirty Reds theyre rheolltty hari Amour pecaldcntls tor ldnmnd ltItnltln oI Ilsluo raid the bombing egpoiei the bankruptcy oi President Nikons rhsllrngerl Stills potential Democratic le autonomy by giving an oven services bresklng down uhelmlng endorsement to Siltik eontrol is Ilyrsrold The one into who could asrrri Sheik and pcoplo spending more and Ilullbur Rnhmert and his My uthghgtlllwnn ling Agriculture lhals strain to about Trade Willi the Common hisrket entering the picture and other old customers sullerlng nonporrtlcaily how will we make on question even think Dunview 7t that the Rth Vista go more at their day lust trsvd Awernl league party It won so many scale In the East the Awnml League would have dominated the proposed trite en Sheik Rhullo national Inconny iiuiib as be known would have minister univmally been prime ed West eirIslsn though reported to hard been moved from prison to house arrest and to be bevln with Pakistan President ibere Is as at no sign Sheik hiullb Vlll be allowed leave or Sandsdreh where but the national assembly did until probably become head not meet President liobnmntrd the govsrnmenl ti Plesldencg Pro and antiwar groups at Valley Forge Virtrtnmfrstlon policy itcnslor ilrorge llcilovcrn Roth tie kuia termed It littprrtle ll tempt to salvage wrecked rob lbs two have callrd for mean Irtgittl Ribiiliilnl svniplcto list with rswnl and return of American prlrnltrrootwsr Ilctplla and abroad Nixon says In all ten issue In the campaign published this trek the tail in Interview that Vietnam will he the licpub situation Ilrnns strongest campaign the slate lite outcry at itonte bornilng could be neartortoi the present the sdnttnteirel at the land was Ellnk because we have tied it Irevet many observe roll it the Amrtlcsn involve with dcprtetlnl view mtn to an end ilnrrinlttropcliilonllll year shine on iii are of the isa

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