Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jan 1972, p. 3

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urnyrnnorrs Illnoloilin Ibo III You II lbo Willa Club lm IN my II II Llrli lIoIIovInon ou Iubm lor liour YoIrI Ind Irrymnonrnlnrnnihofu nllnroirl in ion iiolrn Iod ilIrold on or bill Wolirndu Ilulb IIII OI our to on rnrlnrlnro loo mu or Ibo elm year In Wolirndro IIoblI billion Goorso hIrdell Coul IIIn Ibo Mellon word Ibo InnI ImeIbord rior prlrno rIbo Al boo Ir mmrl New Years Day Quiet Sevral Mishaps Sunday cin polloo rbIrxrd onl onI oorion wlib llnpolrd rluln ovrr Ibo worlrnd Ind no oqu um lIld II mull oi New YIIII Eur Ipolrhoch IilIrninu um qurd lo Iomo oI lho ll drIurrI Iioopod thIrrod wlih im Ilrrd drivlnr wu David Nohon ilriu ol llln oiinx who on Ilooood SIlurdIy Ills IrrII OPP hId III drllurl loll Ibo brrolbolrror oul Now Youo nlrbi bul olhorwlu ro porled Ihlngr woro oulri Accident In Ibo IrII look bolldIy Silurdoy Ind who but our rnlunoo sundry llIr llI OPP bId ro minor inrldoriir Sundry none Involving Inlurlrr Ind only low rouulllnl In Mr Iour dImIIo Funk mu ol Roxdolo or ood injury when hi on VIII hungrd by Ill min on Colin Iy ill noor Snow IIIlloy IIlI mull rooolurd Ilia dnmolr ilillInI CImpbrIlol OrllllIorwI 1on Illon oi Codrlnllon 5L lilonlr woro Idenliilrd II Irlv rrI oI rIrI ihbl oollldol on high hay II Ioulh ol lllrhwoy no boui ofm SuodIl lbIrI wII limo Imrro Cm drlvrn by 13va lion by 5inan Ind Joe Grimm Toronio tollldrd Iboui run on IIIwa Ioruul clSDllanIn lIr PII mulling In Iboul dunno II Ilnrioonr rrurh on lllothy undoy uurod no mall on driron by Duien IchIlI oI ldronlo IbI rIr Ilro knocked oul III illld pom Gilly loo Ilrn polled no It on lrldIy Mom or Silur dIy bul wrronl Io lucky Sun dI AIIIIII om Solurdoy In um rolled Io inlulloolo hr IndIUn Icoldopr involvinx go derlrIIn Robin Grip lilo barrio lir Crlypr ho WI million on lloy lold when Mr knocked blrn down Tho drlrrr ool oul or Iho our wrnr book Ind loolrd or him Ind loll Illboul llvin blI norm or drru hir rim won her In rriumi Irorn hnrpIIIl llrrnld IInornolor llurbonk llIoo Ind llrnry Dumoni IIIII norrir worn drlurrl oi Ill ibll oollldrd on lIIIlnIlon SI Iboul izoo om SundIy Toll dom Ill wu rIilmIIod II Iloil Four which were Involved In Ion Venn WIIdoll Ind Roy Ind JIII PIlirnnn Imnunuhloiri rr null 553 $333 Mono hoof rum Ind bolb billion Illd olvilIIn In orcldrnl on Shorty llIy lid Iboui llo om Sundry Pri or Ilunler ol Totonio wu llilol II Ibo driver oI cor oullln IrIIlrr Ind Inowmobilr our driven by who llllwn Ibo Toronio roporlodly Iworvrd lo min parked rIr wood by wh ihim Smllb oI thnl lily lid Ind hli Ibo IrIllco oclin ll Inlo Ibo dlitblll lho nmo mo lho IIIIIIon cor Ilro rIn lnIo Iho Smilb our 11 Inounuobllo Wu thrown nll lbo lrulirr Ind bod llw domino Dunno lo Ibo om Ind honor our oIlimIIId It Iooo il too on Sunday polirI were rollod Io lniullrulo on Io oldonl on lIrIdlord SI llIobIrd Scholl Coldwoler wor rrpomd drlvlnr noth on lirodlord whon LI his rIr collided wlih one driven led by Jnmr Eym lli llrld Iord Sh nblrh wII oulllnr oul oi yrlvrio drive DImIoo won rilimolrd Ii 00 IBarries New Years Baby Hdur Behind Countys Isl ulm inolr Ibo lllldlIIS Ior Iirol boblrr oI lm hoih In Simooo ly Irul Ibo Clly oi llIrrlo Tho IlrIl ho In IIIrIIo wII 1o bouri oul iho running llrrrlo boon to lo lIIrIcII po hiorilnr Swoonor lho rluhl pound lilounco noushirr oi lIr NIII lIrI Joith Swrrnoy oi An II no our orn Ii MI pun bIIurdIy IlrII hnby In iho rounly woo dolllorrd II Slevroion blznwrlrl llospllII IIllhIon lrnnllor Ellrohoih lbo dnulh lor III III Ind hlrl lrrd hlooro ol ollIlon orlobol in or men Sbo nu born II II om Soiurdo llIrrIoI runn up won llllrh Iol ilodnoy co and bin odnoy CowIni uI Illul land Il rrilId II 1030 um SrlurdIy undo liounrrn Iohnlllclllllsterls Inslalled Wor Master CorinihianLodge John IIIIIIIIIN Inllullcd II Ianhlolul lIIIIor ol Inibon inlno No Id II III IlIronlc lornolo on El Jo NIIbi Doc 21 Arnold Clrmrnll VI lor loco uII lnslrllln oi ilror anIIlod Im llnllorI merll CIIIIPIIIRLIOYI Cbur hill lrouuror Arnulli Cinn lVllllnnrI nIlrlrI buiIlInl brcroinry lIrvoy llnldurln Mor Coand IIllllImI rlrol rennin moollnr oi Cor oICorlnlbIInI olhoriolsuinlrlhlon In tho nrw Iour will ho lorrrlon DIII Alro Irrrinllrd woro now ol on lrlurrdoy II 10 om lor lnlllullon oi now mrmbm III iltem Senior WIrdou llIy lur Ibo tmorronl mocllnx Jro is Ilowr Junior IIInlrn IilliIIn draw will bl conltrrod Norm II IioyIi IIciorll llor pllol bud no molhrrIlnwolllnr III midnmbl llrlIin Ind Im worrltd oro rnlIb ool bo Now YonrI lloby II III II Swoonoy Irrluod oi Iho piIl II 11 rm and lIirlrlI woo doilurrol rnlnuiro Iolrr LlllLIC IIUSIIIJb Ihnlo not unusual rom mrnlrd ono oi ibo nuorr lilil uo do lilo lo hnro Ii run In hour in Idmlivlhorn All Ibo bIbIor Ind molhm nro dolni well Ind or II bwronoy no baby Ilrl war no much lurorlro Shell hauo iour olsim Inrd ironr Iour lo III yooro III Swornoy wII horn in lot buy Ior Iomo morII Iuppoli Inll when Ioih II In nnolhor olrl ho didnl ray Iro lblng iho moiho aid The olbrr moiborI In hlrI Sworneyn room Inkrd Ibolli rnlulnf Ibo bl dny llul wo undo In llrno Ior th inconro llli qulppod one Ilrhy Sweeney wor dollvrlrd by Dr II Vonlollslnburrh GORDON NNDEE Barrio Lawyer Queens Counsel Gordon IVllllIm Edwrrd Con drr Build no or has boon named Qurcnr oullSLI In rho Now llurr boooru IIII Inoqu osl by Ibo LlrulrnInlilorornnr ohOnlIrio lion hos ilncdon lir Condor ll poriner In lhI llrm ol Condor Sun lllrrlow Ind lllllor III Wu born in lrr ion bul open on only lilo in Grnurnhuul III Iroduoird lrorn uoonI IlnlrorIlly Ind lbrn our IIu dorm II 0on in In liii llr Condor Ind IIoI burr onmo Io llIrrIo Io rm nerI Ind nod now lrrn Condor Ind llr Ind Mll Condor Ion rind dlInghlor mldI on lomponloli libero Ippololod lnoludtd IIuIiIIlllo Pnlrr Ilourdon lobios SlnrlIlr hIoIInIrbi New YIIrIIi ibo union Ibo moi during our Hammond Ilylo Ind II Ibo Iiroll oi midnlrbi ImyonI rlor lldonl ol lbo rrInu oommiioo Ool iSees PrOblems Arising With Provincial Takeover Iiobcrl Doobl Ill lnIooolor Illh lho Simooo Coon Ileallb Unil Iild IodIy lbIl loci Ibo Drpulmrni oi Ibo Environ men ho blllrii oli Inoro ihon II no rbow III III radon drelilon In IIlo olIIr lomo orrio oI ibo boulib unlII work lbo um lnrolurd will mool lllrly bo IIIlrr Iomo Ind Ion rue loufrolor Doubl Irlb blnlr lhlI rMood Idcn lo bIrII onlrol lion undrr ono rool bul cool roprrsoniI rI oi ibo rn rlnrrrlnr drouimrnl houo born Irnund lo ilnd our will Ibo lob Iniolh lbo iIlrIoror Ir Iupportd Io nyoon April bul lbrro an born llillo elIo durum Io lbo Iloollb Unli WI hm bIIId lbIl lhey bovo no III II yoi lld very lIlIio MONK Insyrrlor Doubi raid bul ry on lbry will ro Edwnrd Charla Illll London llIron brown III John Irnl John who llrnrlrl Iloriln Ilorrny bimblor IlImbIln Donald cloronro lllndoon lioIlord Inn Ilclloy blldlIan Gordon lrrboy billion lrodcrirk Dovld Thompson NIIrIrI iIIlII Green Donnhl lrmu Ivlll OroIo llllluni KIy Lyceii Dubm llusroll Jorrph Ilurfhy oim John Carroll Io rough Wnblo JrInlIuI Guorlln cooliroy hIIclnrrn Iloolfl John lolrr hlnrrlron John Poirkk erlioon lllzliord llrn Sorrruon Doro bound Roholi Philip Iloriorn 50 lho mombrrr ol Ibo Irlnlly An Ilrun Young lroolol III Iouilon Sundry Iohool Ind rholr IrImrd up in prerroi ponlomlml vorrion ol ibo claim In min or rt IIIIllII old Ind In Rllllm Ibior Rollo mo mlo mob Id inr Ibo bIlIoouI nond llbirLoloo uolcomo no III in loan Sirlorbm Aid Id oulro IiIiI oi lo prooio in ouoruo Ibo Irou Ilrroliy mon lipnol lilo IIIIo born looking Illor lhoro om II well Ibo lrupoollorir wllh IIIII ol dont Ihlnl from no II boy don do boiler lob lbon wo hm lln golnled oul lhIl ibo lIoIllh Unli Ir born Involved In Ibo work Ior 2o your on uld Ioro bulll good relo llonrhlp wlib public ourr Ibol Ilrno There III boon Iolll lbol my lm lo iIlo Ii om ploromnl roll but ldonl think lbrrI mold or loo Ilrnolu In Ibo rounly dolnr Ibo Iomo Iblnr Irn lemrlrd lo IIIII lbcrn IbII il Iboy nun Io lIlo II ovrr obey ooo loin II III Ii onto he told lnrproior Doull IIId lbnl iho Unll hondlod IAIN oIlLI lui nor oboul mm rim and Iin ood Tho loi iruorcllono int Pollro IIId Ibo cor coda II II ho rooi In Ibooi lino loco oi um mm ID llo om Wlt lbo tidal untold wood no In Simon Ind Ibo oar vunl Ipoiidd unIll Iboui by min molka or Ium In Ibo from Mom I1 oi RR Dram rilio III mod by moium IlirndIni Ind no reported IDI iorlnl only horn win Ind minor Inhaled Nico lull Ibo rim In only 11 Irol undo Ibo lbI Irddrnl Ironwood Dr Ilodlry Snllb ol on hair hIm lwllld rom IP ID in mm IImHIIL wrmh mu worm dbl routed Ior viII lluolro Iod m1 dam on welcomed Ibo now ill In II Sbelbum In lnmununr IndlliooIl moor DIME TOLL 1be no countil roponrd t1 Inov InobriI dulbr in ibo Ilnlrr oi mi III In morn Ibo OnlIrlo dud 1ka III CbIrlu Hobbs II no nu when limo by IblII ulbln on roll our blI homo LAWN Dobollo Gum 19 Mb brnlbur in tho no in oblob oru rlillbl rrubol into dikb our Windsor DIIIII GIuLblor SJ Im bro in ruer Ieollroi Iboul Ill Inllu ml ol Perm brolo DIII Bond burnout nook Woo IbIn Ibo womoblll bo on driving Ilrurb mnnun Ipmdor on iIrrrL ii WEAR llld um In II Ibundcr BI In Irloumobllo Iocldcnl our Thunder III board OI Educolion Moves Principals No rlnrloIlI Ind vies prinrla ol Ibo Simooo Iwa ohool oyrlom hm born mound Imole idly IdmInIIirIlIro council ol ibI bond noilllod uulltu lbII moniln lb WIW would bl moved temporally lo llnrrio Ind become In Idlnlnlxllllllo oulo Mi lilfmrlol Mon robool IIlIr lblr llobori lllicbo who but been orloolool deslrno oi Mn IAIN School In On will Io IIlnihaIpoIIlIonInd moo Ilnl prlnol II II oliinmod un lIi lbo oi the your willllrn Glllrr IIIiI lire principal no III to Io Ibo dooIIirnrnl dld noon onlbo Comm mm 92 rpm lob WWW yur rndr he will broom rln WI hm IuILv irIlnrd rl Il oi Elmroio DIIIIIII Irish rompeioul crow boro IIId Ir looul Soolombor morn comnrzbonslun Ind limo roruumlnr ohm lny wrrI rIv rrIl no bu lbry bIrI bel lo who Iol prob Innisiil Twp Im WWW lnnIIIll llro Inuooliooird In II III II AW 01 Icoldenu 33 lho wrolrnd lmovrriblr upocioiwrworh no 5mm MI ow driurn by lomo rI loiinn no NWWIIAAWIEIIWI Iluourr ronlnlo npurborloor NH IRWIN ownod by llobcri Swillrr oi lor onln on no Ilduood roulh oI Cob IoI by fl llolirmyl Two Accidonls blink ENTER lIImIro IIu orilmdiol II I050 Ono broil Ind onlrr Ill ro Al inooro drll oorlrd ovrr tho wulood ixn on by tumor Dollory llinrlo on IJnInoou oi ll lligh sr roll Point In llobrrl lilrwlol liuri od polio Io oomphin lb onII lid rollhlrd budon IIII oIlo bod brolrn Inio brr Ipnri ol lbn Irch on Con ll mcnIInd Ilolou ibm lo Iirnrr DIrnIro woo orllrnolzd Ii ll ioon bllLI no In IIIIG PEOPLEIIIVOIVID III PRGIIIIIII Cbrlrlmu Epiphany Ilory lho Innunl onxonol lnuolvol Ihoul Ibl younl pooyio Irul lor lhlo IonrI mourn bin rand Iolrd Ibo IIan Ind Momboro oi Ibo cost um Irellol lo rrlroibmrnio In Ibo church hIIl lolIowIII Ibo bl Exomloer rboiol hrudrd roup oi rollinlooro who modo now corlumor III IIIle moleno Io Ibo ohor Ir on moon II II NIIbbY IlIo Irrlpod Ibo producllon

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