01iv Refit Iarrte0rtlario Canada my January rm whine WM distant territory BbmtoM the radio did not lay Ibee Health would have Path rtaaoeiihahhdalreadytelt Sheik hintib na tailed In treason thlmlhy Gee Adi UWhahorhhamhto ME the Alarm eeaetdm on uvtlbs East Pendant with maternal run Muhhia the out outataodln nameramming lemonate and 3mg Wth guwm tut mm lierred tart handy at preli III will illflil ten to neon no axe toe on to trim the whole thine the data tram Itatda More anIUaothealteeecwlbyVah ulna on most atorhrrnarlet tattoo Day In any tray nya mm It gambit the ellictnl mamaat wow the til All The eeemd rahiatieo day lit aunLhemoarrewtmdyhetastd ilninl line on other aeaetx hold etlecia their earItil not heat aeld than me eentereocu would be held nitrogen tha dominant Iadw ot lint mining met at lunch Reheiav there have pro etaloted him at peeridant nl Alanna near the he hung lee hid the that tana aeeea steer it In his Idolatch on entert omy ior Pakistani eastern province which hu million ol Paktatana tit million people that Ieulcd lahyra plant tor courtltuilotlal allemhly last ot wearer become meet on fiearmsth arm Matti th tantaldh carer era leohtultbaelxr Whom laald Bhutto had red the my mum in Am day Dee at damn if auditioned eleau oi the lantern 1mm oI But Patio mmm littlest et course they own no It Ihlt bula sunshine National Antenna in gaunt in honice or home aed cot hareebl It are the he ylmm mm mu tIcnalle near them or hlmllu each WW titer he imith om 3d tor continuum mm elude rahubln art detects and It Aaaml heme near In power In may kw eon tor the year and un MIM 11 mm mm an Independent and Dcth hla Itlth Amityoueetlpecaeeai lty Vethenylerluttletnentlomlotitwvltl Withhdrerualnhomd given India and tall Bhutto utd that world or auteoohyee to laccent um mm emumddtxmm we gain their twoqeek nr tart rowel Iareerd Sheik ht ba melded Yehya 3310 wrutfmfeeu mmmw 111$ hemmed nun illltnei mayanamrncmun Milena anatom llrtlteuteedatherahaealmllmi memo the tem on one or other at in to an acre oi eurrottndiu land two Vdays win an it would not be rubiect to nine excel Itall that mt will he lamest KIgegtuw nymehoartnaneediu WASHINGTON CPI Preal thoueh plane In that Ihe tiara draltl adnoiioeemellt Nixon Gout Nixon urine he or soon reported unettleialty more than raid in Columbia Broadcast order rpeedu Ia nltad tea are In Item Intent Sututreopll aeratbaalnvlhdnruldt idleatedhe Il their to yet blllty ola atepup iner down to reltdoai tone at Itthdrawatratatowbathau alone to meet men In Vtetoem were the very very etleetlv ilellbetna alterernber rl reaultrntluawreaarbom denim dough ol klectd military tend lawn th North WW litreiaa hint oi aad otyhutldup arm to hot lid wrleeataa captive eItttlll atnam Irehuhelnlhpro eel betore the tint otJeh ht tlmavhattrevehtelk trawlae the omtdant raid citation by Jan it whether he Iollotringliattle In Belfast neuter inntut Forty Morita interns have men lumen ovations balm when madman eere been arrested in midi Ire uhd In retitled circle by re re he an lay on Iandelncetkeintroduelten at In dmvrtnt In taull evens tin Ieday tntlowtn trhed lttle ternment without trill last Air llIll 5W0 Aim llcontrover with Brittah treepa at etuh to rust aiei iteoerestdent will be on the declined am at thk North the Republican campaign ticket luL with him arala Nixon the inlde the allotted nentm Itred rubber aunqu abewboutifbmen ouakrrteadsetd Animal POAACO mmlolnthekxtdgarxtnlal no erepu an or liaryaClubatdahaoeredthe HUI Three M9 trolltut army with hilttard brill and beer bottles arm raid alerted tale were Iooklna Iodny tor three tom tlahtedvhomberr to la tuna inlet end It rm not marked and armed men who ml Ahe early heure at today alarmed ellOAC eareotermlnel lle paedlctcd that amnesty that Ill the ruioeete were In at Montreal Interontlenni tir wtllbo anttdeilnlulltylode cueloely the civilian antla port late Sunday and made ell arrlerr and uihs who rlcd the wider received minor lttiurler nlih unbitiitllntti tn rath 05 to erect conscription but olleea oheaman paid lice apokeamaa raid he todayp to menu are 1011 beln todayvinvertlraiera bad no elues the Vietnem war had ended and our toned and Ioterat oi them to on all us prisonerr have been re witt taee charger letar today totieo raid the men armed tensed it Ithl the accent army raid with mactlnnntn hand run his actual to emu Im ionallellaatclubinlthoihmn andarlltehandcullcdiourern only new even ll tiescrtera 6alurday niaht tour member oi ploym alter apparently iorrlne agreed to come term or national the outlawed lrIah Republican one at them to vault aervtce he decler dont iArmy tnetudlntthreaaenler on which contained he money try tIrIr because am hard llrerl were melted at cluh belny hed ever the weekend toe hearted pay It heeauta Ila the lie the Ardoyna ma trrnrtcr to htuetrcat bank only rtrbt thin to do ih lltpy more the warming pltal with It lint baby the year Ital Ieetph llwecn VALLEIIA iRculrrI the talent antral ot mute euro rem llbya tneeihcr itll Ie laid in ultra In MONTREAL tCi Police prinei le to art ly more Phan CASANOVA IOR CANADIANS TORDNN CPI Are Ca nadtan audieneee ready to are eept Catanova the latest IItIG htstortcal television arrIcat than question now hetnt mulled erer by one deetrton rotten Similar hilt aerlea aueh as The st tivea ol ltenry Ill hnve been vreIlrecclted In Ctnada hut Casanova ier tum nudity galore tie Benson am be It eon eereied that rural tlcuerr peetally will pet little bit nervous aector thin activity The routing laeluder many theta ol ed women Iylne on both written tor Ca sanova and nude bathing Mt it new YEARS neutrinos held hlatradttlonalllew Yeara anla military ad Mitt oil A30Eihicrii lies Itite the time mlns Ireratrhopatd01elrreapecttto eiand Athena at tavern ler led tent it little the aetrmorreneral Ct merit Iioura InOIIawe new mail tento while Photo tar tn the anteateracne oi Anl ltarlca end 0th it It 01 Mile It till hoaet Story on Para leantieel Ill betlt tore Ireporte that teehulcilhl trom hlpotl are ready to take over air trailte control In ltaItal be lenedi apeculntlell today Iha Uhyaru will quirkly re lace the lirttinh three on Illtn At soon as wooden eraten had been unloaded train the Libyan plane rtunora unread thtt er contained arms and ammun tlon Airport worker were re ported to have rcea the ltalten ward Iar eertrtdnee etenelllcd on the cues but police eourecs dented thnt either arms or am munition have been brought tn lrlme llInIster Dom htlnleti ia expected to be ulted to make artatcmcntInParIIameot today on hla reeenl tth with Uh en lender Col htuainmnr Ita doll and on Itiert develop ment in the Itnetohteltesa deadlock over the price oi mitt Iary haste Iictere the Llhlit plane an rlvedrarrylna least in hvlna rumored to he teehnl elant tetlnr over air tralitct control Item the RAFa Billkla torcet rpotesmen announced the closure at urlitsh sehootr In pre ration tor the withdrawal exodus at the moo serv AlteQO Imp Withdrawal gt ltw to Idetut that moat Canadian andth Italalienated Irtay aalely dlareurd that part Iatloor tie hire had Atlltten arrived at It to lake the county Itemea and their teen depend ent in expected to hula reen unlran aolutlon can he reached Iiiti iltnteita deetlilne at Jan ll It considered unreal Ittie by Britiah military ettt elatt They talk In term at three mantle to complete the exercise The results at hltntotta trike with Kaddatl tart weett hath been kept aeml but tiery oil Here Illan Nhlieuhibt pert bllkeytanreee hard or III elar cation at the position Danish Monarch In Hospitalized EOIENIIAORN tAPi Itllil Phederth Ill oi Denmark rul terrd at heart attack today and war token to hospital but oboe plial rpolreernan aald there we no special remit tor worry yearold monarch was admitted it hoafltai no that he could he elven he beat poselhir care An earlier announcement tram the palace had dererlbed the heart attack as aerate Mciurice Chevalier Was Entertainer For 50 Years were his last wishes and no to Phltlll it tiaurtea titertier who wanted to no out discreetly and with dignity will he bured alter rlrnyle rrlvate ceremony itednoseia to will tie trt vault alonest his mother the voyeurold entertainer who tor hall century apelted Parts to audientee on both 1ch ed the Allende died at heart leiiure Saturday alter three week in Manila with kidney ailment Illa nephew Rene Chevalier raid tuneral aerwiner will he held In the little church at ltarnte La Co unlit there thatatler Itvrel nst west at larlr nlth burial In the Village metery Iltr mother died in lull All hit Itle he eontldrrcd hlnuell at an outlet aald the Will Ito titanic to llntah like title to have no vtellora not have hit body on view at the time at hie linel downturn and to loin with atropiietty hta dear item the enter at Chevalierr mother lteuraere were turned away httllitictt eilnvntrnn luxurious homa Shanta Rn one tr permltl to these petition will he made they were told PAY TRIBUTE President Geornes Pangldou In tribute told remb eoyla rceey lvcs tn lm and lorelpnera toured In his person an littnee oi France partial Imago no douht but any and harm That It wit the popular tenderness illch utII accompany him to the tomb All he even more tourhine than hlt triumph In the theatre tier tor more than halt century Chetallrrr enrcer rorv rted or to suenera In the music hall at Peels ln reiure In Loir don end Perle in Hollywood In the their atnla In North Am iea alter the Second World War and tineliy on television Illa ntruw hat ready rmlle pouttnp lower lip launty wall and throety mice were hit with touriuencrntlona lllt teeth In Iadica ranted rem lttsiiu reel to Audrey llephurn any alIek rant et handlta ed that black limousine to entl nu the uork ot the aerate tun recurtty guard and rate and that looted atlodepoalt otcl boxes at the exclusive Drete Illl ltotel oi limo huh and an un Iitlen In cash determined amount at lewetry entrance to the elegant ll more than it rn Hospital Fir aennnaonne one lei new leer ot the love allure were to tide in vhl toehei tlittaandd atroyed been let continue tllitrhe tau encoreum to the canoe el tin 10130 on nldsy 1ha hunt ol the victim have not been reirurd not aald early 01$ meshed tee ensure one arm the tire Med one room in the noted st ion rectal strain mlakler to H1 to Quebec Ctly Saturday tlhiauhtgdnmeromah$l 91 the indication ecre the tire Montreal was accidental the body at the el hth victim Iha rlrate bemttaL can In reverend horn arutne ot vented wee met all 1qu or the hotnltal Simday morning niety standards except the eight elderly women who tee minor recommendation died in the tire were ardent durle an impceitnntul lttarch some ehronieallrltt pattenta haearl Slick Thieves Make on wnn $1000000 In Iewelry And Cash NEW YORK It Polka turn out to be the hiueet hotel Pierre they have made all or helat ever pulled here Seedman laid the Job eppuk and Inwalry lrom tI aatedeportt early Chrlelmu Day betel Deteetliea raid ahe man luxurious hotels in the United them they did not Identity aat States located on Filth Are tailed threat that he had lost yew elry and money worth WM Central Park About hell oi Ita el oi Detectives Albert unit are cooperative apart the The Pierre one at the inert nue at elst Strect crerlcetlnn Srcdmhn indicated that the meals that ecll hormone to early Sunday rollber might when The Ipokeaman laid the It Eire Troops Recalled from Cyprus hICOSIA ReuteriIhe lint hatch ot Irish troops being with drawn tront aerttee with the United Nations peteciteeptnn tereo will lento Nicosia or home by twin plane Tuesdty in Ci olehtxrituwet teamed today Rhodesian Settlement Is Rejected SALlSllUlth Amthe African Notional Council tileeted to day the termrtor hrlliahllhodcrlan retllemrnt cellinnthem leyalltntton ot the whitemtnority noternmentr unIIeilroI declara tion at irateperwlenee Irom tlrltaln In not ILAAdvance Party Arrives In Peking PERINII Renter The Us oreetdeuttat entrance party headed by the deputy national Iccurtty advtecrpcen Atcxundrr llatr derived by plane today durtnn Ieittnaa ilrit anmrtttrm ot the winter tint and Iihtto louse Tm eeeretnry ltonatil Zierler will he orrnnflny the ttnal tletntle visit by her dent Nixon prrntratteoe tor next month Many Iniured In Ballast Explosion itiildASl tIIeutcelIieenlyqur reroute Mic thinned rume oi thorn acrlously uhena honih planted by re Ilenn yurniltaa eepiwted totloy In bury thopnlny aree ot lhla Northern Ireland raptlel Ioilte raid the bomb was believed to how bcrn ntnnird underneath parked inlet In Calendar lit The vehicle nut blown to idem Liberian Head State Sworn In MONROVIA tlteitleriIwttltem tolhtrt Soyeoriold litttliitite than preacher and tether at eight was room Iatndty at the title president at Liberia The oath was administered by Tolhcrta brother motor Frank Talbert the la action rrcstdrnt ot the Senate at ceremony attertted by world dinntlnr er Includan Pat Nixon wllo ot the United Staten preatdent