BARBIE TERM IN GYMNASTICS MEET Aluntrv the Emie mumammzraol Gmmmm anedthrboyxietchrl feme1 0229 hmid nonee Area Fm OMB Reserves Judgment Barrie Man hIL Don Atkinson Sam Hakka Dean Stard IEL Pew Jim Andnn In Vespra Zoning Dispute Jtdzmznt we reserved II the mm 5211 Inflowaz the hezring of an ap pnl M11121 Fatah awning the Kb thee pulls the on 916 M13 sea Iesza 1m Among by the eqm rate at adjmum am In heady by lime hen the pirating 11 irresdm Iuiia 7mm rm rialma and We The cation tobederldod zhmmnaera florid be rammed Io gMniéwhnghmes uracilmmdmrbon andrlmmmeo the dis Wham He ex plained Yam email be mammwitnï¬zeedi lmï¬mhzmmubc mmmmoieudxnn ghn Con 41 porting r2 Whamflmï¬ï¬enï¬m mooningL moan grandma mm Mann Inart mumdmmï¬m daï¬mngthesidng ov on or WWW during which will mark cant mmhdnringthmrmim not include Wallace 691$ 54 lbza Fem Ontario dc Lm ii trnuzprl £214 Whit main the load ml Tbe properties corned luminescencearea RD KerreaJdmb as ibru the same me no 15 leer mm Lrnnt Cancer Campaign Well Underway TheBuï¬eandï¬iï¬ï¬‚ctojce aimeCanndinnWScoicdy has received £3500 Inward its Apr campaign goal at sumo datum Roland 13122 said wing The money has been collect ed since the start of be unS Sundzyix Daiinfl Sunday minism mm Dflkrlil Tel In raise Iunds vill be held Wednesday altar noon the home 01 Jim GianniInn conï¬rmis Dram IN TOWN TONIGHT mirrors whimTic Edna Quail3mm Won BumJr Bollingswceth Minna InnMarie Fem Enlirlzy InnThe JET Mam DAG Emmas 9a IraThe Paul Tanner Snow mm Wanna 5m M11 Gumball of Germany Emmi DnreLuD 1m Dingo Orillia Dropped From Govt dustrial Opportunity Plan pmspe in OrZILa held that Emma end Derel opium Mini cr Smiley Randall had Mom at he plan will he trier scrapped or ed on June 30 The mayor cum ed that 1h plan Mr hinder venues industrial expansion Or was origlnnly put on the plan urth the pmrrmn ï¬rst thm would my with the pm plus 1m 3mm Youre Got gunmen that linen Iaken oil 141le led by their in Joel Beale Eenlce land 5ch Son The applicants argue Menus AWAH DUTISON We wiltale te ui be re oiling derision laid lily Eidirflson hub in Venn In been afraid by Wm Wk zhae mm has been made in term weeks Iomd of bslxl inn with Home Weilinzv Io Wise and crew dc czeinx various um pith cradling be 123 with reprmnin Praise PM at its monthly meet lnz Planning at is awed to commend one or the mndxp mm at min 113251 10 my Ami at the new mind names at Edaf Collingwood Plans Pottery festival 11ml pottery 111mm have been invited to maid the ï¬rst p17tu an fair In be held in Cullingnwd June and letter turn the general man zrger at Blue Mmtzrn Palmy in ALLed Mn ray that are now in proclaimed pottery rzpiul ol Canada and Ihc annual lex liral will cinnamon this elem lvlr Bribe said he would lie Io receive names from mm mum in the Barrie area uh would like to pinion pate Fire Salety Poster Contest Winners Namad F218 grad gigging gilt Batman here been named crin nert in the Simon County ï¬re 218121 porter contort They mu receive their awards Wednï¬dzy night at pin in ceremonies ad line Bradford Lire IlaIL Dindy ii student at Ilarnica public rifan in lmisljl mnï¬hip Ennnmnp boys in Ilia contest um Ted Bitherds at BB 21w Calrin Gray oi llineis Point Ted Maddillan of Brad Iord and Patrick MarMullen ol 3mm Runner up girls one Bev erly lougheed oi Barium Yelr antla Mamet oI RE KeLIleby Simone Mamba 01 BB Slei Lh her and Gay Faulis oi Barrie IIDMIBE momma EXHIBITION 4A mntonapby display by mm The eidiibition yrvridi Prank Evynl iscivmmlyphuwt And by the Art cutlery of On In at the We Public LIE aria began llcdncsday and Mill continue uni the and next meek Then young helm era we mm the Lost In runes nI baring Calling able and held coach Dave Boyd Iinminer phenol Earns Degree Rodney Bulletv Oak 191 Part in Barrie will receive his bachelor of religion edict in degree Iron the Onurio link College In Toronto April He II me at gaming or IBM alluding Ilie union thil rut The adml we Iormed to DB an unnlgannticn oi the Toma Bible College and the 192140 01159 DI Bible and Min rim be mice begun 745 pm and roll be held ll the Varsity Area in Toronto The public iI welcome to attend roe charge Says Theologians Should Dissent On It Bmzn Camu Iheologians had an obligation to proneIi dissent Irom Pope Paulr emcllwl banning artificial Imh control iI Lb seed oil the ban Iran United 52215 dime In raid Thursday arles Dunn of Walla inglno card it field have been inesyn chip or diesentinz theologians to remain silent speeka out war in no score molt or nonunion on that ex dim Claims He Can Beat Estate Tax OTTAWA CP Fluent do mum urinals are unruIIIeAl about Toronto toms claim to here and way In beat Ihe Inderal es tar diner own I119 ycm PM by limiter roam name planner deparo mam offleial said lnyrpdey were is myth in it which was not 19mm when estate Ian leaslaï¬on was drafled The ofï¬cial also said there It real doubt Ihe neeIly mime ending not out in the Archer ample win he owned in ant aclucl extrusion Mr Archer in speed Wannerlay to Ihe Toronto the tor of the Tax Executives Icon Into used the example at $5me estate by man In his wile and drop Cumm eaten tax resulzuune any property lelt in wile is In tuned But properly Ielt to chil dren or paosed to than he sun ling spouse die is tax Izrm lm nonsm mm no Years Probation Tor Break Into School At Borden Aliryurcoidhum Mmuiedlobrukinmhis MlenIIimeenyotherpm Bose Borden Begian Initi Inaburlapsackthetwnbndl manner that saw driv To Train French Serviceman In Own Language Prat language technical training under on program called hamrain will be con dmzd Ior Canadian unicorn It Ease Borden comma BC Shilo Man Valcanitr and St John Que and at Halifax NS The new provn1 Ior Fromb speaking unturned Is being Irwinrented by Iorccc training command Winnipeg Menu damnuni rum re lease quoted ofï¬cials ax saying that nlibonxh abon one quar Ier oI recruiLs are French waxing nonIbemlrelod In me training process because ol language diIIicnliiu The program to under way midi will the opening at LDoole Technique Del Font Canadienncr at SI Johns Youngsters Flock To Iain Nancy Greene VANCOUVER 1C Nancy Greenes phenomenal performance at European meets during the uinler of 195768 8M all Ilia Winter 0lym7ic1 and won her the World Cup Im dme man than just give boost to can on prestige in international skiing circles Insrired by the Rosalind DOLII SIMUGIINIZHSY Barrie Legion President Retires From Forces Master II 2m Officer Doug momma president of Barrie brsnth Royal Canada legion and soldier at Easy Borden Mill be mired rim 1mm alter 26 year In uni MVIO Shoughnesay SI Barrie era horn and raised ml in the work III Iflltl From IcII Ann Marie Inward ill and Mute Whitney it at Idich lie optimal In 1912 with the Ito liï¬milwn £6501 Inlantry in Toronto and served In England Normandy and northwest Europe lie returned to urban lie in me but enlisted Canadian Arroyo boron and pent to Borden es en lo strum in 1961 In iVt be we chow duty with transport company in the Gaza Strip He returned to Borden cite year keen bunting Fish 2M Game Anew lion 244 at that base supervised the loot ior rifle tint lie mpg 7min raicty Inwucw qrrshlirxlfm or Ml obs and Octavio Teacher At Eastview Double Joan Norris head the mild once departch It Earnin secondary has an inter enin and medial amiable sideline Ste tribes Joni Morris has iust complet ed on educational book called farcerc My Its one sciin of book donned lobe the student in school and his Imam She marked the In gui working mostly In Ihc emurec rrionilu because there die you The book required much he search bascd on new trend In urge Ibo student to do hi on Noted Minister To Visit City Rev Rex Emmi well Irnown radio and Irlennoo minister at Akron Ohio will mnkc pennant appearnncc in Barrie on April 1551 the Barrie Arena Mr Hnrrrbnnl Is the Icunder and pastor at the Cathedral Tomorrow in Akron Ohio one or the largest InIerdcnomlnnUnn at drumres in Ibo world group ol musicians and clog on Imrrr the television show will also parlidpalt in the program research Every time run mcnI made relerenoc ii there to back it up Mrs Morris bu been rrIlIng Ior long lime Her Inner rm newspapermln end no rlyr Vrilim IS in sometth en joy doing She did heehnne wort and bad crude appear in Gurclaine and Inn not delund Stu Weekly Ind In Ml rho won Conldlan Women Press Club Award In story on school dropouu Airs Morris like working IIh young people You cant do sIIy youth InIo diIIerenI area been its in not that easy3 she laid Ill harder Inc QIIA rim to nvw In Ioday became there I540 mud presume on them In grow up Inner and they arent may Inc all the ï¬lings that are lhrustnn than JUSTIFY STATUS She Ioelr Ihxt women In Can ada justIIy their own mun Women are not really belnl held down by men rbl um and explained Ilut the oppor tunities Iar pnslrions In who were once manurllne drowns exist today but many women rlmply dont Iake Ihese Iypa of jobs Instead they go into In established rouIina protcsilon like leaching or Ironing She has Inorhcr book In the As Text Author JEAN MORRIS work and currently working on the ï¬rst chapter Thin time Its textbook Ind the link chapter represents look and sec altitude by Ibo puhllrhlng company on whether or not they went Io go ahcad and publish the complete book matter of Ian Cor eer Today was lost also In DISTRICT WEATHER on 921117 became Ilia Iew events were held and partly worker he organilxd the Sbllfl Mound Predict Sunny rSkies Saturday mom and sunny in morning and according Io the weather man 11 going In get Ski League BC ck queen hundreds of Canadian younutm aged LI nnd under Irom NaIwndltnd to the Yukon have been nook Inx to loin Ihe Nancy Greene Ski Ingue IIK Inn IniroducIIonIo riding and nu meant In be mining ground Ior Iqure competitive ikicu Min ane said In recent toler rm The league was sci up by Al Raine coach of Canadas na iIionnI skirlum Inth all III 1971 when he was wadng mm in Ihe Sthcrn Ontario Ski Tone It cl with great success and was 3mm ly the Croa dian Amateur Ski AuociBIiIm last spline raid bliu Greene League drairman Kcll Arr IMI Cookovllle Ont Laid something like Ihe league was needed Traditional compul Iion among yaunziters had grown too large and thus too too long Tarents were mowing In maelnz lack oI enlhuoizsm 10 the daylong emu new my Ia anon all the aspiring mnpeutvrs chance In par Iiclï¬ate Arum say the younzolers Ihemselves were onlng Inter momcm shod at 46 damn better The Iorcoast or Satur day is sunny and lime warm er Wind will be light The low breast or tonight is 23 degrees Ihc high predict ed Ior Iamorrow 53 dancer At noon today the Examiner ther Synapslr Mostly sunny skies are crowed over mincm On torIo Ioday and Bannday with IcmperaIures beginning In up wnrdrlrend SaLurday NurIbern Ontario will ro have more cloud than machine both day but temperature will elm edge upwird Windsor London Hamilton Toronto North Bay Sudhury lake St CHILL Eric Lake Huron NIagan Lake 0mm Holinumn Georglan Ill Sunny with cw cloudy pcrIodi nod cool today Saturday manly sunny and lime warmer Winds lino SaulI Ste IIIrte Icmauml Algnma White River Cochran Weilorn Jam Boy rnrlnble cloudinch and mnIInuIng cool and little warmer Winds light PomuI Iemperntnm rec what the chances were at the chlbook being sold She ex plained Ibat publishlng compan Ies take IerrIIic gamble on publialllng these type of books because most schools dont have prescribed llit oI books requir ed Iar use and buy at rhclr own discretion 5don does not My your book you lose The title the new textbook la Glrk At School Women at Work and in nImcd at the ad olcsocnt Mn Morris bar been in guid ance ï¬eld in Barrie schools Icr seven yearn She would like In erre Iinion but Iecln It just Isnt In her People have Io be born with he gill lhe added What would really kae I0 do Is wire novel and then call It In movie company Inr SI 000000 Iantncllc Recreation Workshop Set For MidApril recreation workshop will be hold at the Georgian College ADDlied Arts and Technology April II It It cxpchod Ith marry rc premntntlvcc municipal gov rernment and recreation cummch lea wIII bo unending Ihc work shop which iInru ll Mn and winds up at pm The program Ir bcln rmnt ed by Ihe Ontario Mun pal Ile crenllnn Aisnclnilnn with tho ilm In mlnd oIIIIIcntIIying rc Low Ionlnrt high Bllurday Windsor Hamilton Deanne all the gloom was noon Ior lhe Winner at In ï¬rst two or three port lions The Nancy Greene league rmganiwi midget skiing Into toxins oI approxmalely It In It younzcua Three oI them have In be under 10 Lam are organized on an area basis with about Iour teams comm Bring Indian Church Schools Under Government OTTAWA ICI Fillyfive church residences tar Indian children have been many under the operation the to also 311311 department Robert Iloyey education tumour for the department re ported Ihe hence In on when ew Thursday hut said Ihe Lhwches will wnttoue marI operate to adminittering the Widenoes Itie trance was made In ex tent collective bumping prth loge elm um witgloym who have gt214 Hurdles man In new Itorotor My Ia pm It mm Sr Catharine Toronlo SESSSSESN2 Ups Sentence TORONTO ICI The DALI Io Court of Ame Thuruiny In crcuwi In our em prison mm of 12 moot deï¬nite and three month Indeterminate against William Glam McFalIx st tampon Ont who plea1w ed guilty the of 10009 mm hit crnployer Molallr war canoeIced Nov by Judge Cotter In Motion out The adorneypenv eraIs deparImcnt nppclled tho sentew as being too lenient pom MISS Get Up sources ovnllahlo to private pub lic volunIccr recreation nuIIrnn IlIcc and Interest groupi 0x plore meibodr nI cammunlcaIImr and In examlna Ibo Impllcntlnnr oI regional government and tho Intercsll at line caunIy boardl of education John McCullough chairman III the Simon County Board EducnIlnn wIlI dellvor Ihe keynoIe addrcrs Worhhnp MASIHM tonal dlc rumour are some other auto the Ionian to he undertnkcu at the workahop Alex says JOIN BARRIE COMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION Go MUSICAL EASTVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL Grey it