vraniru Vo 05 14 it sTnthnaster 10 noon drum Ankle Support May Aid Sprain stretchinx or tearing ï¬lament loose mm In bnny attachment Inn igbroua lupporta ling menia and Saint upeulei mu not alterwardbe Ia iirm as they ahould be and It In thus easier to repeat the Injury Spraiux at enurae are of var yin degree minor to uvere Severe epralna may nquin treatmzat and aupportl nona panbie to that needed or irectured bone As you mention the pain mt be very It By GEORGE 1308125051 MD Dear Dr Thoreau am nursing sprained ankle an in hava untamed aeveral time over the Int 20 years it lury am set What cause on to twist an ankle while walking on perfectly level wound and going at nor Inal gait Can you explain Iii Mn Sr Sometime it take very mu to sprain an ankle rprain is TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO HARRIS BUFFAW TORONTO BUIFAW TORONTO ll EAMENN ll PETERBOKOUGK miner emu Illerv trimI eGonrmai Iunaletler shoe na hm Lure 113 uruey oGiiunn iiiad 1nintatouu eMovie mt uttia laIand lIHurl You am eGomer Pyle bPerry Mucn eArchia 71 have Luet Docnoon no zwhata Mv Um lAndy Erutith ewnm In In lDamtv Thnzaau iIEIrulh or amenum azruntatonu Loo 1pm Weather soar BDIck VIII Dvll 1NIIIlht Zone oaeumnro liPllm Barton IJI FNIWI SATURDAY APRIL 12 MURNING AND AFTERNOON one tliarlga Boy IlDd Allen Time ma zaeany and Cecil 4Wacav Becca 73 Bunny oCaalain scarlet iimc imoo Ichtntrtunll eArcnt VSnlder lean aUneie Bonny iouo zBanIua Split JPooeye AEaimanSuumu eon sum ex an iIHohby rlnia 4142mm 5Squ Heron Gllaach rm no Ton ammnn mizavmnvo 4Gou Home Hot am one awia World at rta po 114m er WI oner re more 5011 ldmxmeut Lone warm at Sport tiAney erlta 350 lIGIan mo 2wtn With The Sta aNeu srne Lend ot our aDamv unam iiUitlert Hobo izConveraatioa ado lCollrll ieienta IMovie Red Side of Montana DFMntstonn SUNDAY APRIL It MORNINGAND AMENOON eOur Great outdoera earm llYuxllzfl Euldx 12 Di aou 11min mu aw ani lIIvro one hemtn or Egan Sooueti nuaenuenell ouav it In anoflmcath TV TNlrva Wuhan 1Julfll 113414 um um IJa 4iilth Chaparral Iwua wuo went 6th and In Iluir 1rom Joan lHlina tam nRoaana mm 32 331 Mal11 Immoï¬ SW one 44m Jerry srteoio 1PoaeyeGunaby oommea itCathedrei Obiaael we Honlremoull known Ilamau en Feu 5MP 7Rocltetahin Italian Mutual amen invitation It LMomwn Indium oaartea comm eMoi mum oamemim izoni nomi rose zThte nu ma eItymn nook ouok Up and Lin eunm Vivnu Daieta iZCIrtoona um zéliile til the 12me You ï¬euege race 1anu Winkle Iino 174293 din GollJWrnunent 10hallrnll iiutnut not no zWuou Iraln Puia iiinu Talent rim new llMan Alive IJeandieuda Ktlly 1Nzwlywlid Game 9Untlmed world iIGentla Ban 5110 sGenlle Ben 1111an ainr 4minute Hour TMovle The menu aelow eaiovie AKInst an Fllaa llLehdfvi the Giauta mo 2Coileu aowl izwan mam azirt Cnnturv IlaAndy Gfllltn mo ecnam Iona Lancetberry lIhn Lieutng Hm WW ilhm 7m bk an itN PM We Weather bloom izivma 1130 hmqu WW Hahn Gary DNatlanal 34W Ismaqu 135 mm Haifa ml Oiorv an am CImull 1Ildeta ink 1g nTaur in nn im Lflnhgplnqd xzuaau muck ar bromuean no ZDinah 5mm mi iLBonanu 1205 atmmv emu than iiItoviï¬l orn couture 11 Irm arem or £33 g2 13819 on Break Hum 1241m aLuovIa when Giant an ml nPenr Probe It hm aw here 25 an BUY ï¬lm at on 9°qu IIBowllng Hum Review 1117mm om iumnear Hm rwmw insurgnnom 5Dath 4W KIWI an boredom um 335m 14 VIII arcane Ken liwrutuna uzoo Hum Nun IStlnluv isn sport 1Gemll of ItoABM Vinita Julllk no Wu amenad Hm uuo 10mm IUntanaed world Id 1th lGadIbout GI Ie amiwree HourDGJMVï¬ VHMML 77 ticuriina eCou rain we 1nowl1nx Madam mean ncamua an 1hour Canada itColien Tonal ms eNeu 127mm liiudd II 1m znutn Valle my nneve munuiiu 14m Im Madame mm mm Hukil Glemn IiCulien Tannin lmï¬ï¬nwwl aiflo Elwin am em xzdioe Guya may Heeue Gleam uoamnu no moo ZGet Smart eNm Izami Hut iiMuVII 1m lscott AMGV Antartic Clptatn china iJOral ISten anon Soqu It minke airmant nm em 13 we zgggf lilrgaflgnlol mo tan ï¬gflgde innam new mom notion Minna the $3333 3qu Giant ioontinentai Minia use WHICH term umiur Jinn 1M nlif nonmots llrlmt XIII IH mind um we Period oxidetloawrtvw amtr szd Heart Hundnv um Ltali on nIaonniirowiu bMletllae pm we own flunk 1210 lbrnorrw tcnuntry Saint Tgfmflomblefl Tiull wath iIeeemnr Liraaid or Truth eauuuo mummi ar 741le lMhm umty we mu Efï¬e Line mum iIltlaWrItteu WOEKIIIWH msul Hanm CunPhyotfln uCnneu ot tmnnott name azro tniid Ktuadona am Weathn on row worn Hmouiea Fromm oaeeta 11 Lhmlhfl Ne 100 IPbrtx Wanner izItaieido tam the mama Vhearta by 1an mm 15 flidallota and arm machfMn MK lrtganother name for hiatal Dear llr flattena About aix yean ago had surgery on my heart and plastic valve in sorted Now am starting to here trouble with thin valve After thorouah examination the doctor add this type valve has dim male duevto wear read leakage What II your opinion oi the aaiety going through another operation an 64 and In rea aouabLy good health otherwise NJL Second and In aome oaaea even third operation have been done ailmenttu to re place artiï¬cial heart valves And oi mane there in contin uing eliort to develop improved valvu Since you are to pretty good health otherwise would leave It to the physician to de tide on the wisdom another operation and it he recom mends It woidd go ahead with oonï¬deoee Dear Dr ihnateaoa have read that it teenager has acne be athd avoid milk and III milk products But everyone in cluding doctora urges teenu zera and most adults to drink IV pinta to quertnt milk CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You are deelarer with the and lead the tea at apIdee din Waet hand at Six Clitae and North Jude the queen of die made How would you play the hand on ion oax our Marque on You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrumn and North lead the flve ol loadee South were the eight with the ten and you take It with the quuu How would you play the hand not It would be wrong to try to avoid the Ioaa at two heart trick by banking everything on two ï¬nesse In that ault Ihe VddsJINIigyl Ivor losiuz two methodolplayo There is tar better chance of making the contract by try InK to establish an extra trick In spades Win the diamond audience spadaa and cross to dummy with Play the jack olapudea and die lcard heart it South tollowe 0W Win the heart or diamond re turn play trump to dummy OFFICE HURS elehrlly amend flint mm eMiutun lmoouibia 29 Thorough 38 Fiahhtwk 10MB Contrue Rima Ibbr to clay 10 Yaan of aillt or cotton hole 18 Selim ll Putin eervioI 15 Scenarioa 10 London kyaer lnterjaotion of butto don Lflrt legendary chalice Ivioiant Yarna of poliom knitted Behold labrtu 19Headeu 11 Prlntofa 20 To turn the Ittnti tied to To loin 25 The arch lend Compute Point 28 Word with pole or Iiueen are lhbl no procla mation 14 Aaaume In true Egypt aun god 37 Hevokee 39llandofl Auetralla 40 Common 4peak5 42 inactiver DOWN Seaman wind at the Indian Ocean How about chili It abould ve rue uet lndigutlon to leave the enough DilILY cnosswono 41 Burl ï¬‚ï¬ JULIET JONES patienta it you mm therniilt tekimmedii that you drink on vanilla rather thanchooolate gt Indian Knox landles AM met It the home of him Alex Finley with emit memben tour vIaItora alraEdwaida presided lira Wendel alcEiwaio gave the topic Mr and him Elwyn Coe Wil lowdaie IEIB Saturday nest of Anderson hiiea lelu Barnes and Victor blunt Tarot to were weekend ï¬nest of the tormera parents Misses Janet Wanienand Anna Mn New Fina alien Sinclair Collirmood Were gucata ol Lira Seen Allen is voice choir Ian at litnon Prmbyteriau Church Sun HY HIGHEST PRICE The hiliiest price paid or modarn patutlux was $1400000 by the National Gallery bon don tor painting by Paul Ce zanne ot France SECRET AGENT carding another heart It South iollowa low This method at play ruoeeede it South war dealt one or both or the mining naado boom or 11le South covara either anode lead lrom dumrru you ruit hixh The probability at making the Item with thin line at play Ia about to In your luvor Here you atart with eizht tricka and the problem la to Ind ninth Oddly enoudi you an Iaaure the contract 100 per cent by moot unusual play Suppose you tried to establiah the ninth trick by low heart lead to the ten You would lo down it South won the heart returned apade andvit turned out that North had etarted with Kxxxx ni apadon and the other missing heart honor Thla rink can be avoided It youcaabtheaceotehlaeat tridrtwo takaibreedlamoud in tricks ending In dummy play the queen ot club and discard the ace oi evades Once you do thin the contract Ia late The defense must allow you to either enter dummy and caah nine tridta or enter your own hand to produce the aame etiect You deliberame lose trick by discarding the ace ot spades but It cornea hadt with interest early today BLONDIE min aura at Tech ya it unim uuuu Nu mtg loterdarl Ina partner automauve UnloY vote mlolita title arm ll Auetton word MUGGS SKEETER DONALD pch GRANDMA BUZZ svaen the anhnlanee been down Phil em or not yoiï¬gNYoumT BASEBA OVERTHEFENCUE KINDA MUI eRANDMA BUT HE WILL SEND OUT THE WM WELL NEVH REACH we 10 us was AND mow me PERFECI IDIN me 1mm HE ooesl HELLHAVETD ETTA ISNT THIS AN OLDLDVE Lenin ï¬l AND USElT 514 DANNVS CANTWAIILNUL IEETDOWNTHERE HEAD HIM £3le 60 THAT WAV ILL GO GMNBA ACPEDII CLEO random FISH MARKET WW CAMPING GENTS IFWE DONT COME BACK WKWIIIYOIILL KNOW BECAUSE YOUR FOLKS MUNT COME across wrnmx POIIéilORTRIID museum all Now FAIR WEIR LOOK Oil ynatm Will5 FAIR man LOOKS LIKE WINAT air an mam AWNINNARA mm wnuue nure oiwrpzuri WEN Dli HELIEOVGR TAKES OFF THE MSTAWAY ARE SNNNEDW SILENCE BY MI MAKDFTHEWATERFALL Nous muaaaunrual ALL LOOKS soon ENOUGH TO EAT LKE CUTTDN