11 BAN EXAMINER THURSDAY APRIL no set GILES ltcw Curator Speaks To Anglican amen VANCOUVER ON THEIR MIND Maple Grove School parents at eighth tiraders are still at it The youngsters are going to Vancouver on May It and last nights Dessert Euchre and Bridge party at the school was just one in series of activities SHOPPERS GUIDE to raise the necessary funds The evening was under the dir cation of hits Lorne Power assisted by Mrs Bert Man Mrs John Clifton and Mrs Jim Walton Shown above fusyln the kitchen are left to right Mrs Lorne Power Bonnie Robertson grade eight student and Mrs Peter Viz lnowtch Local merchaan donated generously to privids the many door prizes tEx nmincr Photo Fresh Asparagus Will Add Taste Of Spring By AUDREY COULSON If you still bare the tag ends of Easter Sunday nners turkey or hunt in the re igcratnr gm ccry shopping this weekend may leave you disinterested But its amazing what you condo with those snippets of poultry or ham With canned crcnm soup as base lmushroomtelcry or chicken cannedor frozen vege tables perhaps few sliced mushroom bit of onion com bined with diced turkey or burn cut in thin strips you have tasty dish Placed in yonr handsomcst se ole ovon baked until heated through with topping oihuttered bread crumbs crushed potato chips or cheese youcao serve it with flourish For taste of Spring you can ï¬nd fresh asparagusthia weck nt 39 cents lb and broccoli is 29 cents Caniiflotier is 39 cents and cabbage iticents Salad no WV fittings are offered at attractive prices Radishcs bunches ill cents cucumbers for 39 cents Oranges are dozen for its cents and grapefruit 10 for 59 cents Pineapplcjs again feature at for dollar book for one markets free offers in deep browncdvbenns peanut butter soltinc crackers and cheese sli Mcnt the mainstay of the meal is featured at special buys Pork bulls are 49 cents 1b chops centsand pure pork sausage lbs for dollar Bent buys include short rib roasts 55 Cents 1b and cross cut or bone 155 shoulder 69 cents Chuck steaks are 65 Louis Lamb leg is 69 cents and chops ccntre rt 79 cents or 59 cents for Specials in canned goods and staples are featured especially canned peas and spaghetti One chain is offering mix or match special of cans of vegetables for 99 cents How about afresh banana cake for Sunday dessert The follow ing recipe produces light moist cake which keeps well if yourhidetit BANANA CAKE ii shortening vegetable type or butter brown sugar eggs tvtli beaten llx sifted cake flour 1t baking powder it snit third milk bananas mashed 1t soda Cream shortening and gradu ally add the sugar Add beaten eggs sift flour baking powder and shit together add to cream ed mixture alternately with milk Fold in banana onto to which soda has been added and thoroughly dissolved Grease bottom onlyt it or ii inch square KNITTEDDENIM FASHIONS Soft andpilant knitted denim designed by Port Knitting of Montrml are for juniors in sum mer and fall The us pender pants left the pantsuit with long vest centre andthe ab breviated engineera overalls all have the traditional white stitch ing and rivet touches Each has its own red turtle neck of stretch nylon GP Wirephoto BUSINESS IS GOOD TOKYO lAi signal the times Tiohyo cabtiréi fea tures pert bustcflcsa adorned withlteimetn and media slaves like those used by Japans mili tant chgakurcn students in their frequent bloody encounters with police So for our busi ness has been good reports the management llttronitt Cleaners Low Low REGULAR oar CLEANING PRICES PlainDresses Skirts Plain Pants Cr Ladies Slacks Meni Suits Fart an rm Pickup Delivery HtiRONfA CLEANERS at tttArtr DRIVE1N LOCATION tics Chrnuen ORIth ol the Simon County Museum od dresced meeting ot St Giles Anglican Church Woman on Tuesday evening His talk entitl ed Our History dealt with many facets of the museum his toriclal discoveries and the ex tensive research now being cor ried on its stated the first study of cancer originated at Fort Sainte Marie and that some medical scientists are at prueni considering theories recorded at that time Mr Chonnen said this county is the richest orcheole glcal area in North America Thirty members joined presi dent Mrs Itca in opening the meeting with the ACW prayer Scripture was read by Mrs Fisher and then Mrs Hutch lngs gave an Easter thcme read ing on the cntciï¬xion and resur rectioo The new parish rector The Rev hull and Mrs Bull SPEAKING RETURNS Mrs Dick Steele hos return ed to her Coliingtvood St home after spending six weeks in St Fetersburg Florida Mrs Steele returned to Barrie by way of Air Canada 4ftlll ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs George Ayres of Stroud celebrated their lath wed ding onnivcrsaty at party in Stroud Community lfall Friday evening Amnngtho more than 70 members of the family nine pan Bake at 350 degrees 35 to 45 min Can be served uniced or with lemon or orange flavored butter icing if layer cake pans are used baking time must be decreased Spring ThaW 69 Arrives were in attendance and were wel comed to the meeting letter from an adopted child thanking the group for the Christmas parcel and acknow ledging sponsorship renewal was read by Mn Burditt The Rummage Sale will be held this Friday April it at Trinity parish hall Memberswerethnnkadfor their participation in the recent Nearly New Sale lilrs Ieolalr and Mrs Case will convene the dinner on April 15 when St Giles will host membera of Lba Great Chapter Dismissions included the up coming coffee party workshop on Family Life and shut in Sunday Rev Mr hull closed the busi ness meeting with prayer The speaker was introduced The evening was con in with luncheon served by Mrs Nichols And Mn Fenlak Social notes are intended to cover the general social life the city Diltrlct weddingl parties travellers and visitor nre all Itcml of interest to readers of this page Your help in supplying this our viiiba greatly Ipprecillel Plano phone The Barrio Ex aminer 7254531 and all for Andrey Coalon or Slbyl Arr belts at the Womens Ich ntcut of the couples ten children were present Mr and Mrs Gerry Krul were hosts of the occasion and chon Ayreo acted as may ter of ceremonies Mcrvyn Ayras war games convener An anniversary cake flanked with candles and basket of With Wink At Progress The auditorium of Barrie Gen tral Collegiate was almost full for tho Tuesday night perfor mance of Spring Tbnw In pre vious years the show which has been brought to Barrie each year by the Federation of University Women was sold out This year the performance was given in Alliston and Orillia also which could account for the slight drop in attendance There was little political satire The accent was off the Canadian scena and what political refer ence there was had an interna tional outlook STARTED WITH ADAM The cast of eight sang and danced their way from Adam and Eve up to the Itocket Age cur 2pr ingredients are used Fresh Strawberry covering the questionable pro gress of mankind through the centuries The dancing as thoroughly modern every step of the way from go go to ballet Stars of tbs presentation were Tom Kneebone and Miss Pat Galloway Others included sing er Miss Jndy Lander whose Now That the Buffalos Gone pointed up the current hassle ba tween the goventmettt and the Indian Renee Cherrtar Doug Crosley Sam Moses iomie Ray and Robin Word made up the youthful and talented cast LIFE WITH BUBBLES English music hall comedy catunrtg Kneehona and Gallo way was well received by the monitors daupttcr Anita Elizabeth to Spring Thaw 69 and Paxton Peek arm and AflflIVERSERY WEEKEND srtctttts BAKEDGOODS All our bakery products are prepared fresh daily in our modernyhake shops according to our laboratory tested recipes Only the finest quality cttttorsrturrrsllr PRESSNTATION Cam and pins were present ed to tha Candystripars of Itoyal Victoria Hospital Bar rie lustrevenlng bythc RVH Auxiliary sponsors of the Condystripers itlrx Ernie Rol man chairman of the Candy rtripers assisted by Mrs Pugh auxiliary president pro red roses gift from the cele brants family decorated the head table Scaled with the han orcd guests were Mr and Mrs Eph McFadden and Mr and MrsxGib Wiley Relatives at tended from St Catharina Tor onto Thornton on Station Bar rie and Stroud JUNE WEDDING Mr and Mrs Arthur Smith of Dtutdonaid St have annotate ed threngagemmt of their Lawrence Keith SmiUt The bridegroomlobe is the son of Mr and Mrs Ben Smith of St Petersburg Florida Trinity Anglican church Barrie will befits setting for the morning wedding ceremony on June at oclodt audience The skit ti rl Rules of the Road tatter on familiar highwaysigns mov ed along at fast pace Under water Ballet featurtng Miss Cherrier Crcsley and Moses tltllltcd trick lighting and hub hla making machine to depict life under water Although the and rt ee was cold in its response at the be ginning of the show the youth tut verve of the cast soon drew enthusiasm Applause was loud and long follntvlng the lust nurnv bcr hbbert Joh produced Whitehehd directed Choreog raphy was by Norbert Vesalt and musical director was Ben Mc seated up and pins to the girls including the two shown nboveTheresa Van Derkntyr left grade to student at East viotv Collegiate joined the Condostripe in No amber and has completed As hours of wlunteer services Gwen Bell by right also an Eutviow hour which followed included gradaloatudeatiolucdln Nov mothers of the Candystrlpers FROMME lIfl you by Jarret Brontfcy ember Ind has completed the same number of hours Candy striper assist in making heels arranging flowers and feeding patterns and all 62 girls say they enjoy their work in every part of the hospital GuesLs at the precaution and social COCONUT bread Dip milk about 10 rem SQUARES crusts of slices of insweotennd GOND SED milk not etaporatcd Spuringlenrith risked eocoanut in 50 even for cookie tin MAPLE Nut SQUARE Prepare the slices of bread tho sarne meaningleut the artists off then spread the slices with btater then With maple syrup Art into squaresr Placeun cookie sheet and Sprinkle with mu mm gt dtopped pecan nuts Put under When the sun shines youll reign ALL WEATHER Hills SHOP Elmira thati mum matching or may ays re extan cred AQUASWHAI has also do agatn new again ALL WEATHER CONT Its dotdrle breast ed wttit buttoned down epauicts and patio hell ya arrived along with JANTZEN SWEATERS for ladies can aL=o find the parfait coloured LONDON FOG ALL WHAle COATS that look elicious along with LADY GOLFER JAOKHIS at none noncus MENS snor motorist West Barrie mm rm neajor SPECIALISTS is here Wltcther its doctors or so if youre in the marioet for STEREO TVRADIO or TAPE WEEK go to specialist like SCOTS OF who araenperts in this field liantly solid or willow pastel or of course clear black and white making the viewmg very relaxing and pleasant SCOTS OF BARRIB also give you 100 days lree service on their TVs The look and sound oi their SiEREOS are terrific They also have full line of COMPONENTS for hidi bug who wants to build his own they custom build them too Tinir shop by the way wnl soon have stereo room Heres suggestion look around and mopsre then visit worst or sham 309 Blah Street Simeoe Plan tent end This rgyrtbm ganson does rln ttg more size because they antrte moon to take fashion liflttly and WOOUVDRTE spirited freshness to theirtcollection for women of altages and sizes mention are specializing ltt oversize now In their department saw black and white aylex COAT at $693 as well as CAPE white trinrned in black that shoud make any gal long for downpour tVOOLWOflTlIS BIDUSE section is sspiaah of ï¬xing colours and thesclection is trclt mentions lf you havent browsed through their LWGERLE DE PAWlltiENT do as they have Parmom AND GOWN SETS for $33 that are lust breath taking Ibcralare others for far teas and uita lovely too lifomstobe will love the PANT SUITS in lr seeii Im sure everyone will enjoy the Spring show of fashions it WOOLWOBTH $6 Hayfield Street the urge to do the Who may ask is better qualified to help tn Spring utoan than CUITYS ith ERS Youerrapes will look ilet and almost new again when professionally cleaned and ADJUSTaDRAPE processed by them This means even hemlinea and folth placed correctly sotita hanglrltg will be perfect BLANKEIS SLIP COVERS VANlTY arm and SPREAstareail expertly of 00TH While you are busy doing yotir Spring cleaning take advantage of their SHIRT SERVICE which will relieve you 01 your laundry problem during the busy time If Hubbys Top Ooat or All Weather Goat isnt decried as yet youd better get with it and call OUTIYB CLEANERS lll Dtmlw St East Barrie Eu Road BtJtIm argues brings you outstanding savings and satisfaction along with new low lnprescription prices and tree dcllvery Golly What more can you ask ofra Pharmacy unless its plans log personalities They have this also Toiletries for both men and tvomen are in good supply lfclt that JADE EAST and YARDLEIY had upturcd fragrances for men check Yardleys JAGUAR that would never make them loner DEW GOOD BATH OIL and CALIFORNIA GIRL by CLAIROL are worthy lnvestmants for women as are any of HELENA RUBENSTEIN Fragrances or Connettco Ive mentioned BIliliES iNtANT SECTION which is quite complete along with their DISCOUNT RECORD BAR butmost important is their FRIEDRIch department with free dcllvery lm titre youll like dealing with BIRlIE DRUGS Ml Malta Street Sboeoa Ilm East end Barrie After washing dishes and pans place shtet of newspaper in the water before draining the sink The paper will aluarb the now yeast igtd help to prevent the pipe from clogging Bya or