GOLFERS wuo KNOW THE SCORE ARE swmmo TERA AVING With Travel Hoodi Holds Cluin Towers Save You Eyed Molal 700 More on this Great 7Piece Soil 60 5A3 SPALDING lRUFLITE J7 Towers 7pco set was ox nuv avasumu uuufln uu inrrcn Savo lilnre Price Sloped Keystone styling in tough expanded vinyl wilh 3way metal divider for coavea ience Atiaohod hood protms clubs uhiie travelling Features locker pocket top ball Save More Price packet and score card poudi Insix lav orod colors ioCLUBBAGS each Hard to resist at thereguiar low price almost impossible to pass up at this SPECIAL low price Sldliuliy crafted Per simmonite heads provide extra resistance to scratches and dents Sandblasted irons of carbon steel Ieature low centre of grav ity for extra balance and poweri Choose mens right or ieithand ladies right hand each set includes and ii woods irons plus putter Tremendous valu Complcie with travel hood and minishcalli or umbrella in blue black rcdyor beige i4cLuo GOLF BAGS Rectangular styling rv 1497 eaeh with travel hood twin podrcls score card 9CLUB GOLF BAGS os nFLuxr GOLF BAGS capacity with 24 2i difldgd pock PM uuuuidrunai mi ECONOMY Moon Inflow pasty Feat 97 Matt and can bid midi and Terrific Savings on Slurdy Models QEoiding wheels open and Rex 12m close by handle move 97 meat Oumweiait War eon ï¬nloiaou faciory guaran tea each sleeve bearing wheels OW ohromelike ï¬nish OAdjuslahla padded has brackets O$ands and mi when folded 66 Rivetcd coaslruixion MM Quality at Low Pricol World Renowned SPALDING AUTOGRAPH GOLF SETS Amazing woodless woods feature heads made Lightweight Sham pill More For in Club Hoadsi ALUMINUMSHAFT GOLF SETS Strongasseei aluminum shafts allow more fies 89m weight in club heath resulting in more power Towers Suva itinre Price OFaptory guarantee ODeluxo ruhber pad When you swing Less lka and vibration too so you have better control straigziei flight And nowat Towers youpay kss than ever 777 from Persinunoniie or added ruggedness ded ORiveteggeomon or advantages of aluminum araos Try them Gumboplated ï¬nish today 52 includes and woods omuaabie handle each Irons plus out each on the quality and at Towers you know 7939 you can count oaflle JOW Price Chromeplated irons are sandblasted for smoothness Available in mens and womenfs gt sets of and woods ironsplus put1 ier The name Spalding means you can rely 7pce set 03 way adiustabie bag brackets Quake coat finish Adliilstabie handle with new cinved Uncuflolale GOLF BALLS Spaidinizs new Cana da Oup agnï¬ogyfgr for All The Latest UpToDate Designs TowersvSaveiliona Price Solid Centre GOLF tins fj Great ball iofkbeéin rm Made espécauy or Towers PROMATI Quality covered golf srRAroG glelellceéiire goll nil ualit covers bails wiiir liquid owui centers sin L97 3iorio7v crcii Now you CAN make thatgrecn shot with any one of these our excellent pattern from Towers Choose the typevoi head that suits you best GOLFERS BIG SAVINGS on TOWERS ooiF ACCESSORIES arrow rowers completawiih culminat laclied Assorted colors Each can aavsnas imuitlpurpose shoe brush jith scraper 0n elastic each PitacTiCE BALL improve your drivmg skill in yourbackyard Pkg cl PERMA PRESS PANTS lime yellow blue 36 44 Fuiiybartacioed Fék vinyl covers Red White black Each style woven Checks in cottonpolyester 733$ waisls SCan CADDIES two dial windows and trotatinz number disc from to 99 Eachnf PREMIUM HEAD covans vinyl finish and WaterRepellent cm and Nyimr GOLF JACKETS Wiur zipper front and Reg mo elasii ized waist in sets pockets 99 each GOLF TEES regulation Assorted colors Pkg 50 Stay Neal From The lst Hale To ma GOLF GLOVES vinyl andnyl mist closure Loit or right Euchm GDEF SHOE SPIKES 24 Mens and womens chrome piaied spikes plus wrench Pkg SCORE cann noLDEns can hold score card lacs ball and cigareites Each ML GOLF GLOVES stretcliygiovcs olnylun and lealher Fit any hand Each coin viianacuis renaming umbrellas Wooden handles Nice lirlght colors Each GOLF HALL RETRIEVERS three sections Telescopic Each 87c 107 47c Inw Price On Sueded Leather fully lined an and Each MENS GOLF SHOES Split leather uppers bing together in your bag Each link iiii3i HWY spikes twooonc OPEN mouoiifto SATURDAY ioiiiii green Sizes TE nw