Wméï¬izwsmnzms bur Au Laden Recently Item rot out ot thehmpiut alter serious one at pneumn III She Ill hospitalized IIet yar lor heart Ituck lionl II mating her head on this very nunute and she knows darned well why She mvokes like chimneyagainst tloctors or on Im boy t1 and will never smoke II long II he My Ils ter 15 has also mIde the deal Ilnn Seeing Mom coth heran purple to the taco and nearly go Into convulsions tI lesson ml for us But It hInt made her stop The day Mom got out the hospltIl me eaId she would quit smoking it Dad did DId told her No deIl lie enlo making and tr In good health He to live up ll Hont doesnt quit Imoklag pretty soon Ana shes going to Millh boreell Into thI cemetery Should we beg Dad to stoolA Bel lleIr Bout Your mom play Ing some called Its All Your FaultLook What You hlIdo hie Do Yes believe your dad should quit smoking First It would be good or him Ind help him stay GUEST ANNLANAADVISES qu Is Scapegoat For Responsibility Oi Habit ANN LANDEBS In good heIlth Second your mother would then he tamed to accept hill remonslhility or her smoking tno saapegoat to blame It on And third4i your mother does cough hemlt Into her grave your did wont be tortured by rullL PROXY LIVING Dear Ann Lenderst You seem to understand the convolutlonr ol the warped mind Will you please explain why sume folks who no downright rich Inuit on crylng pour mouth Ind telk II it they dont have dime Thls seems uttarly ridiculous upecially when they live In mansion drita two expensive cars keep hired help on the place Ind travel Ill our the world WhI with these hooks ï¬mAB Deer loo Some welllode folks hate the erny notion thlt people ot means are supposed to behIre In spIrIIl my end they dont feel equal to It So they try to Clinton th lIbIl OI muns ltI phony but not he bad In the newly rich tube It tempt to overwhelm Impress Ind knock ernbodys eyes out THE Dear An laden tht do you think about woman Idl vomdl who reads flowers to herself every few weeks and make tender Ind romantic cords wh Ibo displays by the flowers or her fluids to us When Iskad who not the love ly flowers the demuraly says secret admirer The girl who does the hllllug tor the florist told us about this so we arent gueIIlng MIy we have an opiniontTha Bridge Club Beer Club think Ihe woman II pitiIble mo 1hlnk the Amish bookkeeper has vary big mouth Ila at Quebec Citys slnyor Gilles graphed In the old sector at nt Lamontagne Tuesday The the City It itrenhotol iIl lilm currently beinl Photo admit Membership Rainwear For Husbands Club Hell wash the dishes and clean up the ktdrcn whether his wile goes out or not And hell get up ï¬rst in the morning light the ftre and prepare the breaktut Wny not admit it one member said Weve all been doing It lor years Young urmIrried males say things Ire better too Pretty gIrIs from nearby villages have alerted coming to Day nlk to look for husbands will Iug tn Idrrtt that mens place to under the Iemale thurn Grocery Depot PORT CREDIT Ont 1C Fed up with the high cost II greetides FillyOur women in this community tht west at To mm were So they thri tron ttarEIue CM ra tive Suyphes Depot oi Mississau gs hlemhm any they can cut weekly food bills by to to 19 per cent In the store one of me or ented In Ontario by prnvlnoiel charter Members pay no to lainths oernIzation psy 8t75 weekly to cover operating expenses Irv cluding the $180 monthly rent Ind man the store on volun Leer basis Baring on packaged foods rInge lrotn two to live per cent In the big savings are on meat Port chm tall or 72 cents pot much less than in large tupermarkc Other 116 gains Ire rump mastt at or ceou pound and sirloin steaks It Homemakers Open Any Season CAIKJAEY CPI Almost any Iahrfc can he made Into raincoat at long as It an be watcrpmottd ad designer LydII Spcrlich user drapery cotton wool velvet and sheer dress fabric in niuwear designcd to be uom ll any time oI day In rain or shine This season the Iron nar row shiny carts In variety ol stylu tier plastlc malo rtuIs otten look more like stylish dreuer be Is the pipular col nls spring says It can be by its It or combined with black or brmvn In stripes or circus licensed plot and partner In Ilonlrenl rainwear hours Lldis oltzs lllcr to toehlon showings ucrxs North Irmertca She aL=1 Us to Europe for th textile fairs to ï¬nd out the trends We Import sync lrbrlcs but very lcuz We trying to vrIo our Barn when her moth was Ilgner Lydia took masters degree In derlgn and worked In Prague and Cologne bclnre to Canada In rm it led at machint op are In WHAMII factory Withln 10 Years her lab ward selllng the puhllc Cementi Thats right And writes and at Coty Cw 1W and has thrrnn her dc to ttainwear with matching spring nd many at her designs ted are Mt belted they llhe Twiziy hm is out rntan ten the is wearing la IhI cImorI shutter opens Ind closes eyed Ind painfullythin by all but highlushlon strtkca listless posc me You mnvu wonderfully No bodys quite as nccomplishcd at the art as you are gtm to get wlth It to believe In Ing Frederick Smlth one the highest paid commercial photographer In New York has lust taken Innthcr giant cars and plate glass and yeast touch of In In their advertise lrlnentn to attract the American uvcr known that for years exude Cmlflmii Irne or like of Ironic machinery onmcthlng insldo every model thats important Thoren more to models than just rnzrVAIC nadan Esshtnn Cr in Award III value nowTncrcs dc in New York and make it work for yr slacks is predominant thls and only slightly Introxpcctlvc as he talks in hIn panthnusu nu din In mIdtrwn Manhattan deï¬nim shape this younger with nltvcr hair long combed strattltt hack and giant opcn me really act NEW vonx nun ClIcIt The young model chic wide Greatt Keep moving Follow The model brightens she be ertcll and in the osslgnmcnt And the man doing the lollo out nd lot uI other sexless prod cta that rcly on lust tho right Sex rolls Advertisch have llut how does the nhutuuov her get swect young thing to tax ovrr nlcc Smlth begins by relcctlng the ropcr model tor rach Jul Alter tolkingto mtch for so can loll il shes he sold Ylnr have to disc or that Smith In relaxed mated Hes In his true we hut lnnke th lh reaIIve artII YOUR PORTRAIT IN leruu Guhuu GIFT TO YOU FROM cuntsrlss GA PAflifTSmm arranged ntllorulr mount mu Existat mehuat our store on the datum hem Veneenhmmn mllnlmoflhlfwtlly Mom to mom pane and pick one of them to not In unuit We llll ult thll III children Internal by pmot so TlS UFMIITIIIITY MIG yxtolt mull umtrr mm Eelrut me are 14 additional mulls mum for time who with saying thank You to dummy traitor out and be lncidcnlatm we believe time ohmpm 102W There faithfully wed portraits not mart tr lt be in Irving 0017 to dress the Gilli continuum BARRIE ONTARIO Every great modelIn lact ovcry womenloves to per form he says To bring out good perform ance in Imply product with emotion Smlth bullds up the models conï¬dence wIth complt mcnls When the which confident excited about being woman he directs her ruling toward the product Sex In Advertisements Sells Sexless Products lllova the glass at vodka in your cheek CIn you leel It Press Against It Wonderful Hundreds ol plctures lIler the model turns up In In Idver liscmcnt holding pltchlork Im pnllnflke cubes with run suous tmlla on her facI that im pllet aha owes her do lIIhnesI to the Irusty glass at vode In her hand Policewomans Laviyer Claims Chief Commission In Contempt SAULI STE MARIE Ont ICPl lawyer tor police woman Lols Beckett has mored to have the citys police rhlcl and police commltslnn held In cnntcrnpt court Ior Ilnl renéor in her to tho duties at condo ble llcnry IAIIZ said Monday mccttnc ol motion for hearing April It has been served on Chlnl Ivrouorck Clark commit nion rhurmun James llclnlyre and this cnmmiaslunr twn members015mm Judge llln Ihuny annlnlnnd hlnyor John Ithndcs The notice of mullnn aller Ihcy ctu In cantcmpt court for uisohryinr Jurltmcnt DI the Untartn Supreme Court ltr Ianc said he will arcue that the chlrl and commisslon have no rght to remoVI countable from pollce duller wlthout hearing and that the Ontario Svprema Court and On larto Court at Appeal have ruled nllu Beckett Is cnmllble poIIcc omployca since IINB hllss Beckett wni reclaslillod clerklyplst from constable In turn and now nnswm tcle plumes in the cammunicatlnna drnnrtmcnt An arhitrrtlon hunrd lael avert ruled Mu Beckett it enti tled to wear pullce uniform but not In tull memharthlp In tho ellrmnle pollcnassnclaton ll set her pay mldway between that received by much Ind andclass cnnltnblcs Mr LInt has said the rullng will be up pmled lulu lulu ullmllll Thursdoy Friday April 101 ltllrlull not mm HututhrowH941 Or £41 It WlIIuvumumm 103 Bradf BARRIE It WHiITTHE FOE TOMORROW mm continue henolicent You can nuke excellent head wa In both business end pcrson II mums and some unix pected reoozritlun for at el ortn Is dittlnrt possthllty FOR THE BIRTHDAY lf tomorrow Is your blrthday your Ira currently governed by ItellIr Influences generous to both lob Ind financial rnIltera For the Arlen the coming yeIr should truly be period or out etIndlng accomplllhmentIt of mm he makes the best use at his sinus and mom Ind lakes IdVIntIge of III opportun ltIes offered From now until lhe end June you should he the reel plsnt 01 many gIIns Ilong mon etIry three but for the two months lollowlng It would be wlsa to consolidnla assets and prepare Ior Iurther expansion beginning on Sept when you will enter another IplIndId tourmonth cyclI for Iurtlterln mIterIIl goals Next good flW IlllAlSED STEAK The home economists at lilac donald institute University ot Guelph Iuggart brIIIed steak for meet thats lllllng testy easy to prepare and troublefrea to cook thats all Is offers um THE BARR EXAMINER THUhSDAY APRIL II STARS SAY By ESTRELIJTA month on the ftscll score reb ruIry ol next yeIr Most likely periods lnr lob Idvencement Ind recognition The helm of this month July Eelnumb INuvemlnr December Ind Feb truary Emma and creative litters esuwill Ilso he Iuhbleued during the nut 12 months with emphesls on the former bo tween rIrIv lley Ind lIte Sap IN ll October and December no the letter all mlier Novenll er In January lost tlous months lor trIveI Indmeor clal activities July Augult Oc tober Ind December child born on this day wIll ha endowed with high order of Intelligence Ind unuruII vam tIllty In the or leld CONTACT EDITOR REGARDING lllDTO You may wish to Iubrnit picture or publchtIon on the womenI pages You are urged to cnntIcl the womenI editor In Id vencn In order to mild the ppointment picture thIt cannot be It een he livable and lovely It the some tlmI refreshing color scheme new furniture IrrIn ament It may me My Idvt to ou through my consultant aorv co lerrII 72M Alliston 45547067 TAYLOR Interior Decoretor Ind Consultant Hlu ll Will ord St ONT sun llll Illll Eatclrinkand be mortylz