Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Apr 1969, p. 15

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mummmuo mhlfl Auuiormm numb or some on nurde at us interment Barris val Cenmery mm wtli Is one in the rhurds rum un anon time of unite Mrlaortal muon nalv b1 and fa lhl on ins lulls sunmad Anni ton on Ir Glrtruda unu Perry wth George Idsrun Knuth um desr mum oLlalrllnc gin Him colon mutton tl male or of Toronto Perry Bouillon Allen cl lama Albert decal1rd her nth yr mqu at too moanl Chspel Aillrtou and nay Aorll to non to too real mm um Allkton fur um1 unleo an interment mus Imil umanlflmn no renal runs In mu more one rm TRY EXASEINER WANT ADS PHONE midi DIILSION sroyaou community mu colored In evening of bowling at Kemp View March 29 returning to the United Church for fellowship hour Mr and Mrs Mark mm and Mara vkiled In Erodvllle during the weekend gm of their son and daughter In lalw Myron and Joan SponaUe Ihey were delighted of course to see the wee daughter Aura Joan ProEaster services were held In the churches on the Dalston Eillodale charge and the And can chorth In the area under the direction of Rev allllon Haynes and Ardldeacon Light bourn ruoectileiy Miss Saran Handy was home for the Easter weekelal from York University Mr ani Mrs Wilson willful the farmers parents near In Thornhury on Eater Sunday Sunday guests at Mr and Mrs Bah Handy wars Greg Ferguson of Barrinzton Passage N5 and friend They are at pram nudying In Toronto nmaama Goats from Crown lfill Edgar arid Hillsdale met with Dalston United Glurch Women for file April evening meeting in the church The worship service was directed by Mrs Allan Brown who chase the tools Our Chris tian Task The speaker Mrs Pratt at Strand was Introduced by Mrs Gough who brought greetings from Presby terY Mrs Pratt led an alloy able singeong dunlog which she taught new tunes to favorite old hymns also several Chime songs Mrs Pratt Is convener of flirtation citizenship and Sub lal Action and this was her She intraduoed wuhh of nub axial on many dig the dialleog nmaut problems sa drugs laws relating to widows housing etc Eyeryorle present was keenly interested av we ur pea many prom on these tonic will result The May Meeting will he held st the home at Mrs Dicker with Mrs Dicker leading the worship Mr and Mrs Duncan lintth son Elliot Lake visited the lattera parents Mr and Mrs Mark Snonagle for the Easter weekend CRAIGHUBST By M35 HANDY The Easter plants In Knox Presbyterian Church Sun day were he memory of Mrs Dunn and Mr aridMrl Km Cam Easter visitors here were Miss Shelia crslg mam uh it In Brown my and Mrs Reid Alarm with Dunn Ron Graves Ottawa at his home Mr and Mrs Alan Eaton Tomlin with Mrs Sine COMING EVENTS KUWAGE SALE TEAANDBAKESALE Wednesday April 16 What or Actuators 5T VINCENT DB PAUL 51053 nouns Wounds so on Friday 16 and pm Saturday In our piss ll COIN Street Basement of Jurya TV DANCING EVERY FRIDAYNIGEI to 12 Rear Association It Him and LIVE ohm Mniosan 50 na person RUMMAGE SALE mummy mu The enmv Galg Purim and Mrs Ial hot Bante Mr and Mrs Harm sod Sash of York Un iversity and DavId and Lynn at Craigs Kn Daley of Vittoria Harbour l1 Mrs ll Burrs arr Daley Is patient It the Mowforth home Mines Nancy and Sandra Elton Mich land at their home Mr and Mrs George Klrtun apeot the weekend st Ottawa Mrs Snider of Grove Park Home Barrie laveme Wehher and Miss Chute at Boston were at Sniders Sunday Miss Judy Lynn and Fern Elltrnere Barrie with their parents Mr and Mrs Eliothere Sunday Dermu Ellsmero of Kirkland Lake Colv the long Wdtnd with his parents Mr and Mrs Ellamore The flowers In St Johns Aug Iican Gourd Slnlday were in Memory oi William Coward Sr and Mr and Mrs Brock Miss Kay Sunahan has re brand from os extended holiday Eowail and with her par ents Mr and hits Shanahan Miss Saarros Ilatton llas ac oentpd position in Barrie GUTHBIE Hy M38 mums may MEETING About 75 members and lnvlta ed friends Guthrie and Orr United cam Women met for the annual Easter thankotferln rapper in the Sunday Schoo xiii Toe taqu weraattragge centre bouquets mt era and of African violets loaned or the anion by Ewen Caldwell Mrs Herold Bertram led In an Easter worship on Holy Week Mrs Ivan Clark pmida odatduylsnoAqmtionarsd amer period prepared by Mrs topic Mel Jamison and curried though by herself and Mrs George Caldwell on why Univ ed Gsureh Women are Mills nihih will stop colutry no moar concern poop Well ordered room undo Marys direction on throughout China where Maos teachings are studied and followed with all sold obedilna Care for the aged and children of working manners is provided and the suggedlon tomes that student exchange between Canada llld allna mold benefit our under flooding of each other Mrs Thomas mired We wife now living In Barrie spoke In pleasing and invigorating manner on life In the Manse allowing some of the rewarding and happy experlelu oesthateaoeometoorolnlsa terl Emily and on the other hand some very entertaining and mowing WW Bile canaab ulalod Guthrie on building new muse Mrs Pearsall thank ed Mrs lllornas Ind nrmnted hr with Mrs Besae had prepared display articles made In mammalian Honors am Mainsme where the prellndoary contacts were nude is considered the likely gland the BIND illutopia who reported to under marldersliaa The luforrnaats said the his could go on for month pmba bly with long pam for peri odlc instillation from the capl tala of the two when The previous contact between the two governments was on Feb In Wm when offi LIlls of the Chinese Embany aitar being phoned by Canadian officialssaid theywould sock Instructions from Peking re garding time and site for the malls talks The Chinese are be llovod to have replied that they are willlng to begin talking wlthout delay There was no Indication of who would he the chic Coon dian negotiator at the talk comma evsurs clam and Worstey as to slnsport Crunch meosion owner MUEZUM Ihe amt museum In the world Is the Ashnlolaao Museum In Oxford England bullt in 1679 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS ANGUS By MB DUCNWOBIK Sympathy Is mended to Ed ward Myers famlly and rela tives in the death of Mrs Myers last week also sympathy to Mrs Kay ONeil family and rela lives In the death of Kayles ter Mrs Margaret Laurence of Marmara Mr and Mrs InuLa Trnax left by plane April for holl day with relatives In England Mr and Mrs Donald Chapv man and family Damion and Mr and Mrs Alfred Willis Palrlswick spent few days with their pareanllev and Mrs Willis Mr and Mrs Jack hullsrd and IomIIy Toronto and Mr and Mrs Robert MoCuIlIgll and family landon visited their mother IIrIrryReta mouth who returned to Iondon for weeks visit Mr and Mrs Clifford Duck worth Misses Barbara and Erma rs geville vlsltad Thomas Duckth on the week end Rosa Bruwnley and Mrs Dale Johnson have returned to their nannies after being in Barrie hos pita Mr and Mrs Norman Cooltoo Toronto and Mrs Orma Walkiru shaw Collingwood visited their sister Mrs Ruby Mcltae on the Easter weekend Mr and Mrs George Falconer and fame fly St Thomas were with Mr and Mrs Ora Linton Mrs Eunice Ellis and dough ter Darlene spent the weekend with relatives at Petawawa Mr and Mrs William Cole and family Caoiaville vislted the formerl sister and brother In law Mr and Mrs George Penney last week Mrs Penney rpmth few days with her lather Nick Kolyhaba Sudhury Johnny Duchworth and Miss Roberta MacDonald Montreal spent the seekerld with Ills nor erlls Mr and Mrs Duck worth By MR8 BOWEN Visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Roy Smith were Mr and Mrs Patric Rezdale and Mr and Mrs Lahore Weston on Saturday with Mrs Ida Cook were Mr and Mn Emir Cook Rudale and Mr and Mrs Donald Cook and baby from Eramalea at Mr and MI Archie Bathgales were Mr and Mrs Bowl Bathgate no lalrr ily Kmltit Mr and Mrs Jack Pollry aar nia spent the Easter weekend at their home here Mrs Charles Howie End ford open the weekend at the home of her son and daughter Mr Ind Mrs Milton Howl with Mr and Mrs James Smltls were Mrs McLamey and Mr and Mrs byte Toronto Mr and Mrs James Miner Weston Mr and Mrs Graham Bond lied noble Material wishful no lotlwrwly today with or sotuslly saying so was seen to mean that It is nation ol Inspection that la Russia but the anathema value of cutnu the first Woe Ruhchln also asked whether mlqu France and Consda arestlll interested In proposals nude it years ago to assume an obligation not to use nuclear weapons except In self defence Mgestlog this could be step award total ban on the use nuclear Mons he laid 10 our mind the task Is to now stop by step the sphere of possible use of nu clear weapons and the greater the where of restrictions of banning the use or nuclear weapons the better DAYS OF SAVINGS Sale Ends pm Wedv AprilMilli 13500 PANELS voodmvo low Pslul First om Fir Send Stock Slusl Saul POSTFORMED EDUNIERIUPS $299 Milliilii nunls Ma Mr 67 $516 $607 $629 52 5816 soviet rein BidTb Limit mural on forgery Charge mum on at Ild Ivan lentamd The mm told wedneaday Maodonsld was of Im pgsorsnslnuaah Port Arthm in or acting as minor ofpsychologi at Laketh Uni vorslty for three years At that little he was to day In Jill and fined year later In hC he wus convicted of using forged docummb to got my cholaglsta Job with so MUM tional body there Bernard Pivnlck London Mollistrlst told the court lilac donald had also haid den teaching poolllons at Montreals licGlll University and SL Fron eh Xnvlae Univllrsity In Antl banish No prior to Port Ar Dr Plvnlok said no out to People who knew Macdooalde bout to altbfltherIn lilac Io stiiutlous to tryaod wt 15 flullf an infective plotun of lb loan GREAT SALES IN ONE DONT MISS TiIE SAVINGS FREE PLANS numeral uousesl slalom Ilow for ma SHER ZIIDIOOM WAS Pike Ma LIIDIOOM uousr Mandela To Close In to CM $1628 soulfullest OI Illa Apron Humor rim Mac Mall Missile system Isl incredible Mistake Time lg Dr lolntlflo if Known an the Nisan ammwi olden Lo build the antibalm tlc missile systun Is anlnoredl blo mlstake laeurlty just not till guard ABM sys uhunleAiislimumummlpli est What were dolng Ia butmu no form that will provoke the Russian Into building up ot tho dermalth and the Atomic Energy Camisolon who had way of turning voutt borlght 1111 AT REASONING ills latest effort strikes at IM root of the administrations tuning for denloylug the con troyaralal Safeguardthst AmtHun nuclear missiles rmut ho plotected from Russian no clear first strike The posIUon was fold out by Defence Secretary Melvin lL bird who told cannon the So viet Union ls building toward flmmrlko capability its hand tho predlttlorl on reporta tho TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 1mm SELFSTORING ominous Smut All Coihwny Cantml Cascade 40 bark WATER HEATERS $3950 ANY QUANTITY vu llntad Ammonia with Ground In 250s 500 142 ELEGTIIIU WIIIE or If ilk ciimi nttta sullch lllcllllllllllllls Rlnslans Ire plsimlng to deploy new Irtlssllo blown Ia capable of carrying one massive warheat or later thus unllier ones laud said mu might pm the Sonets the cansbllllv of de llroyi the United States be fore ashlngton could order ro u1ulcn is reportpreparod voluntar Ily lor senatoss owoslng tho Safeguard Lapp sold the SS9 is not Intended to give limo strike capability because even largucale attack would not School Chief Says Will Retire UIIAWA CPI Dr Mosulliming 61 chief inspec tor and superintendent of 0t tm public schools since 1952 announced Wednesday he will retlro at the end of June lie nurtured fatigua In um Ind hia doctor advised fist Dr MamHnmlng said he would have liked to huvo been candidate or dlrcotur under the new mater Ottawa area board of education Willa takes effect to January But Im Dlrcc the amalgamated schools slx bonds will be tremendous lab It should go to man who or to years to It guaranlco tho Soviets am retaliation litmhh itll mafi ate us or 1000 livemonton warheadb bllt 4000 would ho needed neutralize the Amertun missile forces compound Ills mathsmall cal mileage ha asyi the do fcueo department Ia guilty of ln audible crror tn Furnish lllot tho Russians would that no United Stqu mimic would be fired namedtug altar It was lumcd nuclei attack was under my Ihla nhrlUcngn to tho mlll Is tho latest In series began rodents Iflflvll hi waslcac gnu ear os George Washington Universitzi Ho was thrillat sclenllst tr warn publicly In 1954 of the Mr tenqu radioactlvo fallout tug ms of the hydrogen holn if long before the Atomic Error Oommlsslou admitted the den Although Lapp worked on IML original atomic bombIa physicist In the historic Manhat tan protectIlls forecasts wen mode long after hu Iclt govern mont service Hus ono of the flrstId to gmwstumlhoéymmni wou pl ect god b01711 rulnunly short time as in new mom nu uvlns mlll log bonka magaloe artlcles and giving lectures pneuum IN owrl FRAME um auu Nov Thou emu rim alum Covablnstlan 5mm and School sl All Been aaa atlaan In satondsl vanillalight tl No nlm Buyyou wl Ilflllfll Draining in ovadrilled for my ALUMINUM DOORS 77 2qu or an or zoo ow autism each $2259 ellni from mm to from far comet lallool ndthiln door slam rtel 71Powlsll SAWS lllifl H50 52960 Cost wm PillIll lllllll sm Doors SINK BASE lllllls willl svlastlts top Cloak Rugged as lmrtulll 71 EACN $3933 59333 would ohms LAUAII fllAIIUOAlIY lots 77 IA IN cirrus 141x91 03A It In Crates Smaller Add 201 Far Fault ollsl 4343 Elmo Shopping Mauro Frldays until pm Mr Gib Autcllffo Yolu CaahwoyMonngor Serving Barrie Orllllo From Our Location Old No It ngth and your area auction Hwy y93

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