STUDENT GAINS EXPERIENCE RandallInd mimosa He Diirin North Comm kshornomsmingmednnr Manna ummadnl Spring Spiel Marked Mmammem rm mummillhasbcf palm zin mun 1512 um my by assis logtherutlollhainmmn drparlmaat and quite mmpe tmlly we nught add Donnnl parents are Mr Ind llrt Din Randall DIsldsm St Examiner Photo BY Barrie Curling Club Ladieé ofthe Bartel it held grind ensmmmwma Fahrimle ottbeno mmhrmsmm arm with fuck Mary Dan is and Elaine Gm Ms run In renamedm wwwmg Merriam IndHnltyH winner 110 Wmï¬odaï¬rmnï¬xk ILtb Dorm Carib thry Smith and Beam mar Waynes rinkflhleg Wowléanneue Latznd Wmnrennegm on themeeonlahlealthisclrtl by T2 worm aner Edeen Eldridge and 3151M Marshall were rsponghle tor the attrao the Easter egg centran ms manner ems Joan Ses lat1 mined by Kay Freud and Cara Boder gm who dawn one at and till 1113 splelottbe mum mmnbmuuw reansynroldauthorof gehfldyathhezddemv pesnterin arm atlas 0111 home 14 mile 92510 North Bay Makert WHAT THE WWW You can make Sahudny ï¬ne dry by phoning martly Han dle roman altars in the am from no there indication at inerertlng awortnnny being Mod after noon Relief from the pressure of details than till ï¬re you better dunno otstudzug the new of toting 103 BIRTHDAY tomorrow is your birthday Mr horaxcope indium pleasant nutlook for most well planned and dererly managed interests especially those in rolling lab and ï¬nancial coo mutllyoumhwrgoalstor round therefore and pursue than consdentiuusjy your all him noun he in shape by this Lune out your Best 99 nods tor incongruous adrence meat April July Werebet November Demmher auuury and February 01 the mummy store you are comerl gain than and make no lurthtr mom toward ï¬scal espunnonl By EmuLITA mo Is to be mental With the John Burrwghs model one of the most distinguished amolades tn the 112191311513 world at memory in New York Monday The Em Can STARS SAY until Sept when you will enter anomr excellem tour month period or increasing as eat Where personal luterests are concerned interesting you flies to travel are Maud rimin Judy and August also in Qdoher and December auspicious for sentimental inter ests and will travel and so rial artil as also October 2nd Dom Do try to mold Irlo lion in dose circles during July 3nd August We 6115 born on this day uill be both intellotiually and cm tbely indlnedrcouldwmd in almost any protrusion he chm on weth my emty at rlesmn Ontario udenls bx banquet limpe age Fortytn £95491 arts stud raid the pub ton $330 in 12 months operation in name mxmn nnmfluux ï¬nd SIMCOE KEMPENFELT DISTRICT BPrWC1ub Hear Research Worker Gnarpenkanfllzï¬unnm Ind Protestant Womml Club at Birth Min Und Boll Rmreh Omar Wml Bun an WWW ar Miss Bell ISSttma il Ity for research Into the sum of women Ind their place In the labor tome Her mnjor Interest work with the blind Ind with longer do attend Sacrificial lunch To Be Held Mondoy mEznerIuocheonlIIIpoey oomionamngedtor Illn rnrn of tho dmmh nimxunqymmne BIrï¬eCIuhndelemtotheAn nun man His Muriel Perryhuulnmn at the Seminar Commlttre notde plan to hold Per ranIl Development Educational Seminar Aunts 20 It Hollday III under the leadership at Dr Dorothy Ford mm Lot Angela Guestsyment Min Andrey llnzwood HImmel Mn Marjorie Mirmyrtln Ind Miss Eleanor Merle BIme The Shamrock Fuhlonï¬aow lhlnh was held Much 19 was mmnod by Mn Beth Rooney Mu Jean ZIrIsh wu In rhlrge of the Bandung Isolated by him Evelyn Elllr Mn Vm Helm llre Norma Colloeg Ind Mrs Dorothy Aydltte inn Ruby McCarthy and Miss New Farm were in charge at ticket the door Asrlsttnx the models were Mm unmet My arkae Jackson Mrtharle myk Mn Ella Gauthier Mn Betty Spure Mn Jean GI end rte re txdur In lhlermlu show we Mlu Munlet Perry Model from the Club were speaker Denr Seam No It that one Ontario Author Winner Ipflllohn Burroughs Medal adiantowintheaward Mrs Laurence lives with her lowland on lo arre plot oI land on the banks of the Mfttaua Rller tCP Wuepho to No BLAME ATTACHED SAWENIO Call No fault for dlioroe would be asagled either man or rile under hill introduced by the the Munstequ committee alter em sive huï¬ngs Judge slmï¬y uvuld be required to find that lefltimzte obtain at matri mony have been destroyed and that there is no reasonable like lllmd the marriage can be saved 91mm amour Only or ddys at the year tall to receive legal recognition as day all muhere in the world men IMPROVEMENT MODELLING DOUBAZS bola held TeBAR ROOM CONTINENTAL INN CALL BARRIE 7235550 NOVA make an appointn meat or free personal annulmemndrmoi to MARION WILLIAMS home on the banks ot the Malawi Rim II going to the biz dty Sunday 7am to hall re out rays Mrs 52mm 75 author at The lately and the WIH and winner at th John Burroughs medal one of the mom distinguished amladu wit the CInIdlII Red speak PM SW is mm mm Ind English Stu writesllniflnxllsh because lo heItti Yorl ll Ibont her tile with nature tram her birth in Sweden throuah you of tragedy Europe and her 42 years Inpanadny are met her out hushad The award also won by the World late Rachel Canon for her book The SuiArmmd Us wlll be pro rented Monday at the Amerloan Mnuum of Natural lllstory In New York lion Lawrence ï¬rst Canoe dial to win the award that raw 41 years ago tires with her husband on there plot 14 miter east 01 North Bay the laurenuanr are out there just am the river she said in an Interview Wednesday her spice dill shovle trace at Swedish accent Everything reminds me much of Sue mu And thats Where It list Iezmd about pantie mostly from her lather tn Syenzkund town In antral Waders She came to Toronto In 1921 Int mu headed for North Bay end Klrkland Lake as 1mm suntan smtomunouuolsrtiqgl Burmvmoer duringthe Pint Ir At the time at tho Ituulon mde In an be laugh with an Whlte Bunion Irom to north en Rustin She one nurse It the trout Illa tier hushand was ï¬lled during the revolutlon Stu lemme the ï¬rst to Indian emu he Iwarded gladly membershlp In the Algerian Ornotholov Unlon Ind irreoognlud leading world authority on wild blrds Ind blrdbrlmlor She now it working on turn na ture booth and it also worï¬lng under contract with the comer yatlou branch at the doorrtment of Indlan allIlrt 7b Burroughs nIrd on tszIrhM In honor ot John Burr ouflr United sum who and Journalist who um born In MlMdlodianKInJI noted outth on nut SPECIAL BEEF PORK WHOLESALE FOR FREEZER DYBKS Fflflll MARKET I50 Collier St VPLAN APRILWEDDING an ma llrn Jack Kernay dimmer rhtmroyutonml ot Barrie have announced the Ild Woods Mr and Mrs Junk engagement at their exam Woods at Parry Sound urethr IINN LANDERS IID Her VOcal tCordsl VISES parents of ms bridegroom cited The weddllu will be held on April 19 ab pm in CollieLSL United Glur Add Punch To Argument Dclr An boy Ive dated lwlce look me to driveIn Fri day nlght Halfway through the picture he put ht hand Where It had no business being slapped hlm right smatzk In the lace Unlortunately bent his glasses He looked very sur prised Thenhe huulcd olf and slapped me back was Itunned we didnt drink we reached my house When got out he laid Nobody slaps me and gets away with IL It never see you Igaln Itll be too soon So now Im the onevwho is wrong How did get into this spot Aml really wrong MISI Hinds Ben Mln He rhould not have put his hands whch they had no bustnms being but you Could have made your point without belting him in the kisser In the future babe use your vocalcords and keep your hands where they belong KDOKY DIETS Dear Ann Lenders Im 20 la male and whlle you wouldnt calla me lot Im not skinny ul ther want to lose ten pounds friend told me of diet that sounds great She said it per son eats just one thing any mountthere II no Ilmltt the weight will melt off According to her the chemical reaction dlltorent loods one against the Phone l28a$339 other is what builds fut Does this make sense to you ï¬m sum II macaroni and you eat dishpan lull at It every day you wont lose any wet Crown H111 WI View Color Film Several members of Mitchell Square branch are gudr at men Hill Women Institute at their March meéling They were taken VII ï¬lm on an adventurei Trentswem vstylz 1115 Is splendid color ï¬lm from Bar rle Public uhrary ï¬lmeemce lhe ladies were also able to vlow several sllder from the loan litmry These Included Quilt Block dulgnr Samplers and Ir real and barks tlIe d1alr backs are Cantennlal gifts tram the Federated Woman In Hunter of Canada to the Con ledzratlon Buildlng Charlotte town Prince Edward Island showing the emblems each Canadian province worked by ï¬nd by lady from each prov lt war announced rluriugtho buslners period that bus trip is bolng plannedto visit It St Lawrence Starch Company It Port Credit InJune game war oonducted by Mrs Cecil Duumore social tlme war enjoyed rlur lug refreshments served by Mrs Gordon Atkinson llrs Harry ermlt and Mn George Alkmv Ion Below You Buy ljun Compare Aslo wnumMNï¬an AN Almvu Am tntcz Lu Ilrrtlnn rn sutt 11 luder luv your lnlpullnu rm untlutton Brutumrt umrvtmn cam IMIIAGI lltlilutlml tinum WllllllllS llllIS Banks Hrrlwlve Punter who tanker and ulln on only rule Toronto Dunlop lit 7W9 lew pounds temporarily but like MacArthur Ihey will re turn menial how people Ire ready to swing Into Icflon IL boy shows the fled But they are blind as ball when it comes to little girh My éotlsln rnother dresses her tn rlacks even walks likeI boy but the parents dont get the idea Does this roundllko tronv Alth Humor Kooky dletsvmlgttt take all Dur Ann LIId Stiange east little tip of hell sloth ï¬ghter wtlle ix next week and amldeeply oncernLd Ihout her Erelyonc thinks Its cute that she loves her daddy In much she lrler to bu lust like him They ray she in real tomboy but she wlllgrow out of this in time ell she II not growing out at bought her doll or her last birthday and watched her play house father She took IhI role at the Her hair is cropped short ller ummer and wtnter and Ill Ive hinted that all Is not well to youl Aunt Dear Au The Iuthorltler with whom checked nay nlx your at Ige ls too young to tell whether chlldr Inclinallon to believe memberlot the op posite sex serious evidence of homosexuullty The parents mlght proï¬t from session or two with child psychiatrist They need torknow what producing these unnatuI rul responses in their littlo chlld Little glrlr usually imllhto thclr molhm Are they compel In for the chlldn altedlon and Is It lather wlnnlngl II the mother hostlle Ind thereby nllenstlng the girl Dld the th tller want bay and dcclde hepï¬ golng to muknone out of the gut When the phrents under stand the answers to these pics tlons they may help the child eel comlortahle in her natural role WHAT YOU NEED lsA lllhl ENOUGH real Just enough curl Just enough body This pr be yours with one of our protesslonal perms BEAUTY aox SALON Cllpperton 5L BIrrlo Phone 7nm5 Your TO THE TREMENDOUS RESPONSE singers NEWlFASHION FABRICS vomuoporrmuo SAlEIV Hal Boon drtended SAVE 20 SINGER 18 DUNLOP POMLIGIIT For Mora Week ON ALL mm AND NOTIONS EWING rum 7181960 all rhvtlmat Hlll Pity emu AT THE COLLEQIATE MARCH 28 19 mnclzs MEIIIEN LEACMK It by II Prlertley play at lllfllt HIIIerIItnmcnt It Caulnl TICKmt 75 Mull 09 student Avullable at lluronl Steak house WWI June Optlclano Conlectlmry Stationery Momeyl Lunar or Heruty Baton Juluotll gt0rIIl Green woods or phone mm