KNITTING DEMONSTRATION factory representative will bedoing an instore demonstration Friday night and all day Saturday Comein and ask the expert Check Your Supply 0f Sew Save Accessories ColoniaICane Thread 3000 yards on each cone AVailaMe in sizes as 40 and so Colors White and black Compare at 149 sfluul Maid Iilrrcerlmtl Crochet Cotton Ideal for crocheted or knitted fashion ac cessorlesuir household accessory trimming 550 yards Special Each Borgain Pack Thread Economically priced bargain pack of thread with blackand uhite and Psorth colors of thread 50 yards per spool Compare at iec Special Each IronOn Patches its as easy and quick as ironing it on it stays on Whats moreritsrsantori brown grey and black Special Each liable in red green 99c STITCH WITCHERY The greatest idea since the sewing machine new product which eliminates the need tor the needle and thread for horns facing ziflpérl applique and trimmings Celine and see how litsyusedrY wont Spring fabrics the doing the other half in the savings when our Sale Priced fabrics The Sale starts mm light and airy as all the charming spring days ahead Hall the fun lies In ou stitch up wardrobe oi fashions yourself with hursday and continues tlll Saturday Tomorrows Yarn Today See Our Baal lead Display For The Beginner You can learn to knit in dayi Its so easy land listwith marvellous new Phentex Yarn and youre sure of success every time Phentex fashion patterns give you full instructions all necessary knitting tips With every bought 76 EACH Pius itREE 0r Expert Knitter Phenlex Yarn lets you knit the most beau titulthlngs In far less tune Exciting Pheniex Patterns with easytofollow instruc ions meke krutting run as never bciorc inspire you to new ideas 30 soild and twoth colors available Compare at 89c skein Remnants Odds and Ends Evitiilcteiidilés°iistcï¬ti HAlF PRICE remnant counter vtherc ends of bolts and rats are packv aged at below 45 Santorized Printed Papiins Get an early start on your Spring wardrobe with these cotorfast poplins great tor dresses and sportswear Needs little iron ing moderate range of patterns and colors Some stripes in this collection Sew Save Special Yard 56 Plain Wool suiting Fine quality wool suiting for your new wardrobe collection Check these exciting shades tor the season Emerald Lilac Canary Tangerine and lkirquoise Fantare Printed Cotton Linen With just few hours of your more time you can sew your way to savings and smart fashions Theseiï¬ linens in Hue Pink Green Beige Goid Yellowand Brown are suitable ior dresseahdusters and spars wear Compare at 110 Sen NSnve Special Yard 45Dorchester Printed Cotton Add to your carefree wardrobeWilli this washable colorlast iabricAvailabie in patterns of Blue Pink and Yellow Compare at 149 Sew Save Special Yard 45 Printed GayKmts Hit the highmois on the fashion scene with this easy care knit and never look back looks great in sportswear dresses jump ers and duldrens wear Colors of Blue Pinkhhime including stripes Sew Save special Yard 36 Percale Prints For EveryNaed Tremendous value uihile quantities last on wide range of percaleprlnls and solid culors Washable and coloriast Use for LIYESF5 blouses austere ï¬prflw melts and childrens Wear SEW save SpockhYard 99° 456 IScw Save Special Yard 45 AmericanSpectator Checks Plaids In Orlon and rayon The ported fabric or exciting Spring nuts jumpers skirtsand sportswear Sew Save Special Yard 45 Printed Morning Glory Crepe An elegant fabric witha touch of lumry ideal for those finer dressesrln soit colors of Yellow Beige Turquoise Green Grey and Brown Sew Save Special Yard 54IVIIolianViscose Wool Crepe For dressesand suits Sew NSave Special Yard Santorized Bonavista Cotton Prints 45 cotton in exciting colors or Dime Yel iow Beige and some stripes Compare at tan Sew Save Special Yard Washable Sierra Printed Cotton Sateen 45 saniorized sateen in smart prints or blomes dusters and dresses Colors Pinks Blues including stripes Coran at 149 815W Save Special Yard Dress Lengths Iz Yards 45 Wide moose trom plain linens spun rayon prints and printed sportswear inbrim Sew Save Special Yard Hopsack Acrylic and Screen Print SkiflLengths Fine qualityskirt lengths in screen printed aateens hopsack prints and amylicprlntsr 45 widehy lifz yard Sew Save Special Yard 36 and 45rvPreCut Skirt Lengths yard lengths oi embossed cotton twills fancy cottons including Bobby and arenas Induded youll find ayard lengths or Leno weave cotton SIch Sew Special 1597 2488 See The BOATLOAD 0F PHENTEVX YARN In the all new 14 Chrysler Cathedral hulled Valiant from Bayview Marine on display in the centre aisie oi Downtown Woolworth Store Novelty Cottonlii in beautiful pastel shades Ideal for your light summer blouses and dresses new on Save Sundial 199 Whipcordï¬ï¬ 199 333 mauve and blue Perfect Somme dresses Swirling multicolor patterns in yellow Cotton Crepe 45 Crease resistant washable in colors blue 44 yeltow green or orange 499 Polished Gotten 36 In coloulsin tar and small dot patterns niilte ongcolors and coil yds1 00 ors on white BondedrAcryIicPiaid 58 check liesigns biigni spring colors Ideal for suits slaclrsor sportswearr Brother Portable Model Sewing Machine Opus 1351 Year ï¬uarunia Join thehappy owners at Brolher sewing machines This model is designedlor simple straight stitching and every part has been scientifically inspected for quality and precision Ea cornes with carrying case and Instruction booidetr For your addedconfidence in this ï¬ne maohlne it has been en dorsed and guaranteed try valued Good Housekeeping Seal ents Conumndation See on Complete Assartment 0f Sewing Goods Be It Mater ial or Buttons Sewing Moch ines or Thread We Iloveit