scams THREE warm Examiner IosthanNo72 WEATHER Goody windy and cool Light snow today Variale clondinm and not quite so cool lhnrsday law tonight 13 high Thursday 37 axmmsn Lennons GasslfledAdvertlslag 3mm on other Deportation noun Barrie Ontario Canada Wednesday March 26 1969 new first In mil 103PINT nonnnonno LIFE Five foot three lnch Arthur arsesmeasured his height Monday in Toronto gainst loo pints of blood in cases ten in the stack and three on the floor And all he could do aftoncardsnas stare in amazemenL For thats the ANGUILLA THE VLAHAEY Anguilla British troops have begun pulling out of Anguilla amid signs oi crumbling civilian op position to the military occupa tion of this lonely Caribbean iSr land Twenty Red Devil paratrwplt ers left Monday night and larger group it was learned will leave today British oili cials have said the troops will be replaced by engineers who will establish public works pm iects on the island The first on gjneer unit about 70 men is ex peeled Thursday Troops moved intorthe island last Wednesday to impose new civilian administration Demonstrators who have been prutestingthe British occrma tion daily since last Friday showed up without political pla cards Monday night and sew naded the London policemen mtioned here with steel drum concert Secessionist laders say the absence of RonaldWebster the proclaimed president of An guilla has caused decline in the number of demonstrators Webster is in New York seeking support of the United Nations Webster apparently has aban doned plans to appear betore the UN special committee on colonialism which decided last 08 PRESS WASHINGTON GP After particularly glowing introduc tion as that dashing young prime minister Pierre Elliott Hr de smilineg conceded that in getting more and marl difficult to live up to his swing ing reputation In the opinion of many of Washingtons hardAhilten society reporters he certainly failed to do just that on his twoday state visit that ended Readily night But to those who have ob served him at close range for some time he wasnt half trying For one thing the schedule of meetings and the hehlndthe scenes homework required for them was staggering Also there was speculation Trudeau may have wanted to provide shmconuast with the glare of nmewan Links Arthurs body content British Troops Start Withdrawal Pierre amount of blood llzwund Arthur has donatedo the Red Cross over the past 20 years Hemived cer tiflcste to chromemoratetho achievemenL Ahundred and three pints is more than eight GP Wirqiholn Friday to send factï¬nding comnussion to Anguilla The Examiner TODAY Ann hindersO City News2 Classiï¬ed2i zr ComicsI6 Deaths21 District5 EditoniIlv SW 15 Theatres TV listingId Weathera Womenss Before Making Decision WASHINGIDN Prime In an earlier luncheon appear lt was apparent the modlficd Minister Trudeau returned to Ottawa early today with ours tlons about the moral and po litical rightncss of the pro posed US antivhsllistic missile system still unresolved in two days of talks with President Nixon lhe general question of the ABM system has not been answered in my mind Tru deau said at Canadian Emhae sy news contcrence after he met Nixon for formal lcawtnklng in the White House rose garden nresday time he said All can do now is go back to the cabinet and report the new technologicrd information that has been imparted to us and assess theimpacl on our foreign policy and nnnounceour decision The prime minislcr was to re port to the Commons on his state visit later today and has scheduled weekend cabinet meeting which is expected to focus mainly on the controver sial Amerlcan counteramissile system called Safeguard Pledges Order For Pakisltan mourn AP Pakistans new military dictator Gen Agha MohammedYahya Khan told his turbulent country today set the stage for free elections wish to make it absolutely clear to you that have no am bition other than the creation of conditions conduuve to the establishment of constitutional governments he said in his first broadcast alter taking over from President lilo hammed AyubKhan Sixteen hours before Ayul Iman resigned alter appointing Yahva supreme commander of Pakistans armed forces and chief martial law administrator Yahyas promise to bring back sanity was the same made by Ayub when be seized power in 1960 and ruled by martial law for three years Ayuh who announced earlier he would not seek reeleclion next year admitted hiesday night this did not satisfy his po ljlitaal opponents and he could not cope with mob vviolcnce wratking Pakistans eastern half on the other side of India My ï¬rst task is to put the administration back on the rails Yahya saidStrikes and Industrial unrest have brought the nation to the edge of an Expect Watkins Testimony Today WM Calif IANA defence lawyer raised the possi bility that Clifton Watkins 24 would testify today or Thurs day in his superior Court trial on charge of attempted rob bery last June at linuorand albyss PROMISES SWIFT ACTION The nation has to he pulled back to safety and normal con ditions have to be restored with out delay and the armed tomes could not remain idle spectators of this state of near anarchy He assured the people the armed forces have no political anlhitions and will not prop up any individual or party and he indicated he would go through sporting goods store publicity given his activities in London during the recent Com monwealth prime ministers con erence Whatever the reason he was in the assessment of one writer the very model of protocol bound prime minister Outslde ohWashlngton tile Trudeau visit created little in terest in the United States Some major newspapers carried Page pictures and stories There was little editorial com ment FOUND DINNER BULL By all Washington accounts the main social functionthe formslWhiterIlouse dinner in tatsfl honorwas starchy and Wrote Isabelle Shelton of tho weshlngton Star ones 1D with constitutional mine Is Disarpomrsn own JCsnadian Prime Minister Trudeau came to Washington with reputation as dynamic swinging bachelor but he didnt prove it at the White House din ner in his honor As matter of fact it might have helped the proceedings imlt menselyjf he had What that party needed was some of the zip and ring that Trudeau is reputed to have infused into sagging solreeswith such hi iinlrs as standing on his head sliding down bannister or doing somersault ln mldair Richard 11 Boyce oi the Washington Daily News calling him this manynsplendored swinger says that however much he may turn on at other times Mr Trudeau is all busi ness here And Margaret Crimmlns al WWWitmï¬ï¬‚flï¬nme he would bring bacWityito saunan vamm sum lakes power promised by Ayub before his resignation Yahya 5a is considered to have proWestern views despite visits to Moscow and Peking earlier this year He fought with British forces in Italy and the Middle East during lire Second World War and was appointed Ayubs military commander in East Pakistan in 1962 In the I965 Indiaanakistani war he commanded an infantry division and was decorated for bravery He became commanderlnchlei of the army in 196d wmm can the Washington Post says The Trudeaumania particu larly among women about which weve heard so much didnt come off in celebrity hardened Washington Almost all the secrets ics nurses and other women iss Crimmins interviewed were less than overwhelmed Ive read that hes supposed to be so dashing he didnt look that way to me she quoted nurse from Arlington Va as saying If ynu saw him an the street you wouldnt notice him But in the opinion of Miss Crimmins their reaction was due to the fact Trudeau doesnt really come off until he opens his mouth projects those clear blue eyes raises anenig matic eyebrow switches from French to English ABM system the Nixon adrninls tration has proposedwhich touched off an emergency Com mnns Monte last wcdr and has been viciously attacked here as an increase in the arms race was the mosbdiscusscd time be tween the two leaders and their teams of advisers BOTH SIDES PLEASED In general it secmcd both sides were plcascd with the nononsense pace of the talks that ranged over such world matters as Canadian recogni tion of Communlst China Viet nam the Middle East East West relations and NATO 0n the trade front oil and whcat took priority Canada has expressed con cenrthat largc discoveries crude oil in Alaska may jeop ardize her traditional exports from Western Canada Howeverg Tnldeau indicated he was optimistic the two coun tries could work out satlstm tory continental oil policy Sen ments will meet April to study ergy matters indicated Australia is the lead ing culprit in the situation that led Canada last weck to lower its prices below those of them ternational Grain Agreement on the grounds that other major exporting countries had under cut the wheat pact Israeli Planes lijt iordan Base TEL AVIV AP Israeli warplanes attacked an Arab Ellenan base near the Jordan ian town of Salt today the army announced spokesman said all planes returnEd Safely Salt is to miles east of the Jordan River ceasefire line and about 15 miles west of Amman the Jordanian capital By THE CANADIAN PRESS Three Canadians wonprizes 01 $130000 each with iliSil Sweepstake tickets on Foggy Bell winner of todays Lincol nshire Handicap at Dancaster England Six Canadians won about $52000 each with tickets on secondplace Soratoga Skiddy and four Canadians won $6000 each with tickets on Ka mundu who ï¬nished third Canadian tickets on thawin ning horse as listed by swecpé stake officials in Dublin alter the draw last Thursday with horses name ticket number name or nomdeplume and hometown were TORONTO OP woman told public inquiry into the be havior of provincial Judge llu cien Kurata Tuesday that tile magistrate once promised her favor il done him favor Catherine Lonsberry told commission under Mr Justice Donald Keith of the Ontario Su preme Court that she talked with Judge Kurala in his office Nov after he passed her in corridor in Torontos old city hall courthouse Mrs Lonsbenyy who said she has been convicted ol theit pos sesslnn of narcotics and vagran cyin court appearances since 1961 said the judge smiled at her then bekoncd her to his of fice ior ofï¬cials or the two govem areas of common interest in en llrivatcly both governments lcr PierrevElliolt Trudeau an Presidentvllmnwouhd npow daysot tallrs Tuesdaywliha Not More Than IALKsoouT rsorvr ABM DEFEN PM Will Consult Cabinet two driysnl conferences was rcvlcwof the Safeguard anti lo For Copy 12 Page hallistlc missile system and how may affect Canada arowwirepnntnr Attacks Damna Womcrn Pay Medical Bill TORONTO Treasurer rle MacNaughton said Tuesday he will not counte nance any further demands from Morton shulman NDP High Park or Toronto collec tion agency to get his help in collecting dehtfrom wid owed teacher of the deal In in lengthy statement to the Three Canadians Win $130000 With Irish Sweepstake Tickets Foggy BellDIET 90516 Lets GoElora 0n DER N214 Sylvie Montre MD 51610 Meme Toronto Canadian tickets onlthc sec ond and third horses were listed as SaratogasklddyOJE 63818 Sleepy Hamilton ODQ 86379 Mudo Montreal DPT ova25 Vt Dillon St Johns Niid OCS 95105 Jennie Mae Ottawa OLE 577172 Go Jimmy Go Windsor Ont MAW Caribbec Vic toria KamunduDXHl 45870 Cluhbs Winnipeg CHIl 56199 Top Elrose Sask CEJ 9cm Edith Clayton Toronto will 65W Vera North Vancouve qusiJudge Asked VExchange Favors Hc asked her someéquestions then sat down beside her He said You have nice long vlegs and put his hand on my knee and asked me to raise my skirt Mrs Ionsberry testiï¬ed slapped his hand away Then he got up andwallred around again and said he couldnt do anything for Klein 33 court where she was subse quently sentenced to 30 days im prisonment for them but that if ever appeared before him he could do me favor it done him favor Last week policewoman Mar lenc Watson lestlfiedthat Judge Kurata lndocently assaulted her in his oftice last fall The incl dent initiated the investigation leading to the commissions in mm Dntarlo legislature Mr Mao Naughton berated Dr Shulman for asking why the treasurer did not intervene to have amounts owing deducted from the pay of Mrs Pearl Campbell staff member of lhe provinces school for the deal at Milton0nt lie was also critical of the tenacious pursuit of Mrs Campbell undertaken by Phil Glanzer Assoc of lbronto in an attempt to collect $121 on medical bill which the treas urer noted may have heen sent out by mistake in the first place He produccd letter from Mrs Campbells physician stat ing the hill must have been CAPSULEHTNEWS Italian GovlWins Confidence Vote sccretarialermr since the woman had Physicians Serv ices Insurance coverage DrsSirulman told the house that any allusions made by tho ministér hbulitjis motives in raising the oucstion were flnl liei unmvann or arms The NDF member said later in an interview he had not knoivn the facts of the caso when he asked the questlon aftervrcccivlng letter from Mr Glanzer Mr Maclflaughton described Mrs Campbell as hardwork ing mother of four who lolnnd the lllllton school as teacher in training last September c321 ROME MP Italys centreleft government easily won vote of confidence todayits third in three months of office Premier Mariano mors threeparty coalition milled through an to 210 in the Chamber of Deputies He needed Ill votes to win Delta none Flies To cnha MEAMI art Latin Amenéanniio soidhe was trying to get to his home in Venezucla ljacked Delta Air lines jetliner carrying lM persons to nrha todayl Zambia Guards Key Installations LUSAKA are President pennant Kauuda said today Zambian troops have been deployed to guard key installations in the country rather than the Illrodcsianborder He told press conference that information he lrndrecelved about allegod Rhodesian plans to bomb Zambia from the air is vcry auth entlc indeed despite dental from the Salisbury government Pope Announces Development Fund VATICAN CITY AP Pope Paul announced today the establlshment of snocoolo Vallcundevelopment fund for Latin America The fund will he set up wllh the InterAmerican Dcvcl oprnent Bank The money will comefrom the sale property owned by the Vatican in Bards Eleven liirican Terrorists Sentenced Wm Welders Eleven black Africans llormd guilty lastweok of charges underSoulh Africas Terrorism A11 were jailed today for erlods ranging from five to to years CEISSUE