itsnoun GEORGE Dear Dr VMtlllt 0ur buy la ala mentha old Ah thrush ho cant irawl tootneil let he enjoys standing up with ourheln we conl see any hagm in but our parents an Theyaay ho willhg how legged indct when hay holding him and ha attics stand they plop hini Would you mount too am The principal marthow logs are iaulty diet andher¢d its lurketr tirorn insratildadt ty and not aphyl tearMeatcwm tell me who mun rain Ill em back without rlstie wrath and seminar51 ThrrIJust isnt any ll 61 mt plastic surgery Doll Dr flute Three was dgo no at manends aimed drunk Slat2 had hotlh oi othky anda ti aine mewtincture has be ttom very nervous and jungay inch iew days ago Inothor showed Irp aisflslly high ha become very emotional vitamin and aunshineuhd Sl serious lack oi calcium in Ii fig dietl ia the worst niiender 01 Both true uni am chartin Quite ablt My questionls does liquor harean allereltetton personl ll oobowPK harlerm booziog can have alterEetiectsbut ilcluor does not alter drinkers personality lrnt medlalely lt does relax inhibitizns Some le with suppress aggros for become lighting dunks others are crying drunks some are showoils or in other ways do thingsythat thnyare able to suppress while aohor As in the onewho seems to hava become nervous and lumpy my suspicion is that she either did something she gretr while she was smashed or thatshe alreadyhad cause to be nervous and jumpy and her bingo was result of her nerves not the cause or she my besensiiivc over having let you see her so intoxieated Fortunately in this part at the world there is iittlavalld excuse ior riokets and bonod legs and misshapen bones are or less commonthan acouple ol generationsago gt Standing up isnt what gtres babies bow legs suppose its natural or grandparents to be ovariyconccmrd about babies icel the urge myaeii when the babus are visitingui But behiu know instinctively when they want in stand up llit is too early they last wont try it course it is pointless in lakes verytiny intent and hold him uototry to make him walklii snt ready hele jusl refuse to put any weight on his legs The danger in this isnt to his lets but ittthe risk tth ii he is held by his arms iolnt capsule in the shoulder may he dsmtï¬ed hope the grandparents Will aoon ceasetheir worries Any time baby is willing to try atend he can saier do so With out lear oi lags becoming bowed DearDr Thorium What are some causes of recurring thad der tniectlons in women am 23 and have been bothered tor about two yearnMn Mli One prohabilityis that in stead of getting new inieetioos you have not totally subdued an old one it is characteristic ol bladder iandkidnoyt infections to flare up this way nudism rationing warrants short anurrnnos TORONTO ourraw sl rononro 11 HAWLDON PEIZFBORQUGE HEART PATIENT DIES MUNICH iAP West Ger manys second heart transplant patient died Sunday night little more than hours after he re ceived the organ in Munich University Medical School ciinic Dr Fritz Ileuii deputy dreotor oi the clinic refused to givethe name oi the patient but inlormcd sources have con ï¬rmed it was Britearold look mith Willy thua from line ml in Bavaria EWING MONDAY To iFBIDAY MORNING Isa 1Muvie from Show arn cards Iincla Bobby than nrua go striker aim37 2Personalitvrk samurai mu am mflgm Vet nropm nna Mien tam MW iina an zs shaman sit as er Mom cam mm ll=k olvteek oree IC Bil FConlILl iiso zHoiirwooa Same enlrk Van min sauz Sdlnden irErlm Noon 7Dlaling tor than anumaer noon Housemanion Luzprimary an tint 1045 hgayerlyrï¬illbuliel no tzJTVD bMeta Schools EV mason nuncn two mo as iLNeha 2Mwia fLéEuiiiar SRaachhliorz The an ageing the one ttiiiiaiietnusnnw irï¬yttritiheaduhn 13401 matey vie 17 riw nunaerhtnce If lZSninx Around aGtuirns island VFllntstones F60 Minute 9hinvi SMod So snare wuxe perdl grunt 11 llHuuir and out can uuenru ooDuria on YPD snen hihzaz 54 at Emerson Lott 6liochet noaln Hood un 1111le Sons ma hi Lovr Lucy 3rrryLmL 1ucllie35 Jumr uila 701 Souaa new Erlibbott and 7Dznm Thomas Gideons way they run awn meeting in the hall at man pm after which election oi oiiicers will take plae hicrabh in the death oi her brother Lorne Cuiham in Largo liorida hits and Mrs Eric Bail low down to North dealer NurthSoutls winerabie do oqaos OAXIIL gt exam my on use us qma OJIIII 10 AlQII QBGl sousrs rout Walled lead made Assume youlre deniarer at aix spades and West leads trump East winswith the ace and re turns mm West allowing lull lion would you play the hand Thero reemato be nothing much to the play yet tho hand 11 worthy oi serious thought To begin with it you can make the slant but wind up going down one you ï¬nish minus 100 in stead at pit 1630 thats dit terence oi 1730 points and that isnt hay in any language Pa has wonursr ly MRS MONTEITII Vistiora htthe home of Mr and Mrs Black over week end or March 16 were Miss Maude Black Toronto Mr and Mrs Black and daughter at Ancaslcr Friends and relatiors oi Mr and Mrs Pain surprised them hrcsday evening with party on their 23th wedding anniversary The Jolly Rebel club will meet Tuesday in Midhurst Commun ity Hall at pm Hunter Rus sell will show slides ol his trip to Australia Anyom over so years oi ago present or former residents oi Midhurst is wel come EDENVALE By MRS GIFFEN The March 12 meeting of Eden valellnmens institute was held in the Community Hall The pro grs as prepared byihe Cit izen and Education commit tee with Mrs Grhytion Giiien Convener The motto wise mind grows like savings ac count put iiiile inlo it every day was prepared by Mrs Graydon Gi iron loinresting sLdrs oiehistorical scenes irom Shanty Buyrto Penclhng were shown by Scott school in spector of Vespra Shools in Itpril there will he dinner Sympathy is extended to Mrs licNabh orne HOURS sincor County Vnrws be present at the iuneral lo Lar ing with her sister Mrs ironr biey for law days Maurice ltrid is also home iromhospital Mr Hadley is patient in ltoy al Victoria Hospital Catharines spent few days with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Burner actual deal East show out on tho aetorul diamond and you then ï¬nd the slam impossible to make You may have legiti mate complaint that youre an lucky to ï¬nd the diamonds divid ed st but you wont eniiat mud sympathy aorn your opponents But observe that you would hava made the hand had you started lay tarts ushinl the Ah hearts and hitting heart You mold than rull club in dumotv ruit soother heart and now elalm the balance Your KJ at club would goon dummya flithheart and high diamond This in really the rilht way to playtha hand By tackling hearts lint you make the rim tha sutudiwaenunreanw ever the diomodds are divided Iiit urns out that the hearts are unluohilyl divided 51 you still hata time to switch to dia mondaand malte the contract it that and is divided or ea it you start with diamonds um andget breakyou are tunic unless the hurts are divid tall ear irst you lassura the slant if either suit is divided or +2 filial must theroiore be the ght pia to March it Some oi those lrom near home invsimcoe County seen by the re porter in St Pelersborg this month hava been Mr and Mrs Joseph Maw Mr and Mrs Don hid Gliten Mr and Mrs Russell Maw Mr aid Mrs Orville Dob apn Mr and Mrs Gordon Hick hng Mr and Mrs Stanley Hal belt Mr and Mrs Mighton Ad ants Mr and Mrs Earl Parnell Mr and Mrs Bill lockhart hits chc Mrs 11 iloughion Mrs was Stone Mr Striker LEFROY By Mill MAURICE REID Over the weekend oi March to guests at sir and Mrs Wiiircd Stewart were Mr and Mrs Fyihe and baby and Mrs Wagner all or Kitcnencr Mr and Mrs Douglas ï¬eld were with Mr and Verdun Reid at Wood och where Verdun has taken posi tiun Mr and Mrs Norman Gil more hate retored home irom threernonth holiday in Clear waier Florida Mr and Mrs Earl Gilmore and family spent low days in llimvmanvilleduri ng holiday meek Miss Sylvia Barry is now home irom hospital and has been stay Kathy and Rodney McNeil Si rose 11 lymr no no airmanIII gt ffA man in yourposition should be able to fire BLONDIE ii Truth or so12rted shutter 54 someone with little morgdignity Consrqnencer rJo Tm wanderrui gt gt lzFilntstoties zcaun ii 155 winner iï¬gï¬Ã©ulrl Dv SLflliversil sneer1 iiï¬iyri iThG Stroll Hippo names DOWN 17 Dest LEelzea lNiiaita 19Abear weannu wfm secondsinks symbol skimor 131 960th seminal others 955 an who item hum 20mm 510 Munch mum Muiolrl um luau 3ano ma fijgmtl Ha mm sCorona ton st 11 Conth lorono 1LIm 1131 mg glnghmi mootuna may paired AL rm itiigiié hertz rial assist 1°°i in Land 65uhmerged 25Alsam Vntardlyaharrw 43sauan world thelncaa an silkworm mgiflléghl ro Tumv GWlmlé 1LKilldot aubmarinl zanyclear oamhaun marrow HM MXr PM my Goddess rempin Hank 1m 330 7A3 Vim EBay GuriLivel zvnu Vnont Eav nMusicmla 1n ammun 9Filntsloriea aLcy ia Many FAge oINi ht 7dPrt7nDiriudl diacord Alia gamu ilLucilh an is Thinr mummy ammo abor pomia 1MV° Canal vapor 303qu 44 amusing oMeet ranmum Tnawivuea alum 12 mm 32 Ga mka gt WEDNESDA names irutt gangsta 4515 mo antelope isomeror 330verwat Janene ten crmtn $ch Hat 2wordta harvests SLCongw menum uuumet 4iZPublic Eve 4mm lam lb dLlnklcttar Show FEflfliev Rililslliiï¬l bove Lch 7ssavte Antsgypuod utiuci Isuzu Welby an otpieaauro Lietue quasi io Bmumm rnruce or um arm sauna uur Own woneuneneu eaeeen Acres mum lGlllixlna island 67 JawNM rmluutouer mus ram asiovle swude Runneyl 41 LFiveo workint uHucn ano tori llumv Griltiar Jutemd am 75° Opel anu Rlebe rinu iFKeris nautital leflycililzï¬flry flSHPiM my Yi lflï¬lï¬elgï¬l dMvogtu ILWailor Em aa Pug mm Eondor In yyyouunaty also Linen us win 7n an flonml gum Linltuiti it my va in 32s 11$Weatbarr Lam xison weights sMorie 494mm In mu no bin or mm HilLvau rolls FDick Vln 31h whimla Dispatch ramblings my Wm oomncn nwom arcem v37 ï¬glzvï¬ do xithighth WSRYOU MAY W95 FOR VII BLOOMIS zaar vou mt IYJUSY LOGKIHG Al XER mar Mi 411L127 Jons ts As we some Asa5 vw at A4096 OF mun We MY MONEY Bsroata Astra 7n mum JULIET JONES AFTER VISITING MRSMURLEIDUDE ALWAYS SWS HIS NERVES BY ADDING AND IM me on MRSJURKLH axrosrs 10 me tights DGNT ew use AND UKE ouurOR ELSE iF WE GD ALONG Willi HER ILL BE INVOLVED it THE PRMN BREAK SECRET AGENT ButWITH Doc ITS HAVENT SEEN VOU LATELYYA BEEN HAVENT SEEN FOR AWHILE THEV ASK WHATS WRoNGZ YA BEEN 90¢ GRANDMA regress MOM GOING BAKE CASE MOMS NOT HOME DAD DOESNT KNOW Ir Eur HES TAKING ME our in EAT DADS TNONG ME OUI FOR BllE SEE ii ALWAYS WORKS GREAT iLL WARM UP SOMETHINGI MADE IN OUR HOME SHE COOKING wear ovzrero GRANDMOTHEDS CLASS WE GOT EEASON TO BE UR moms 11qu assessor 6009 TIME ASK Poll RAISE iNTHEMlDDiE OFA BUSINESS RECESSION LAST YEAwaave GOT Mona omens THAN we CAN WHAT am Attenuators NKSLODGE ARE Missourianew awn YEGINAL THE OTHER MILLIONAIRES AT RE HAMRD BAIT TWITTY WHELIEOVTERS weusom BMEWWM WW GEMS WAS IM NUT FLVING iiDPiNY WE COMMDDO Honour rsutv NM or most MIlllDNAiREsI our uusr xh sonar you oour LIKE Mvuew REESNICKIE THE ONLV THING HAVE APPROPRIATE fun iEA PARTY SD ILL HAVE To WEAR IT IM sonar TootsAWM Eur JUST Door LiKE mamas ms Firs NIEELV oour