deep beneath the pound in frily cpened yesterday Be 0n hand to inspect the facil acrcrding to local FlO word only Angel in my Pocket in mavlansaa Examiner Stall Reporter in the event that war threatened existing govern ment or it any emergency av rose which would require coordinated secure way of governing city town or cause ty Municipal Emergency Gov ernment is here Sale in MEG beadotiariers Barrie the governments of this city Drillia and Simone County would continue to iunc tion linked with the outside by radio The MEG undergron heads quartch in Barrie was ofii sidcs being ready to housr thrce governments in an emer gency the multimm under ground complex will serve as the outces ot the Simcoc0r iiliaBarrie Emergency bica sures Organization ities were the director of Eth far the province oi Ontario Timmcrman Mayor Bentley and County Warden Arnold Vancisc What was once dingy baset ment unlit even for storage inntor Ozzie Shepherd has been convened into welliii carpeted command post with radio mum communications olfice control room and map room WTER SUPPLY There Is also small kitch cn in which refreshments for the ceremonies were prepared and in short time the ilnit will have its awn water supply has always had in Ehlo aid Trmnerman We work oi this kind is accomplished in tin face of the apathy and in difference of the man in the cintly in the field at personnel prior linl lit our national dcfencri Warden Vanciso said he felt Wm New the knowledge that the under said llr limmermau The WERE BARRIE and Sim where this picture shows them in the undergmund com LDUNGES WelttugtonGray Valley Group Queens HotelTroubadours BayshoreThe Young Canadians Bruukdaie Park InnThe Cabarets Continental innKay Cook Morass Imperialï¬le Night They Raided Minskys 25 Roi ill Dunlap Er Automatic line tuning COMMUNICATIONS is tilt making it totally independent My to ciiective Government This centre is indicative oi at any time In an emera it great interest th th Bren cucy the need becomes cru militnry is unablc to protect ground centre exists will give us against themlssilc threat but civil dcienee can do it This apathy is the fault oi slglclllis address Mr Timmcr the canadian pmplc pmhahw to open mrsularly Id man said that gnvemment cut hum Lime has been bucks have mm mm 05mg war in tins country recently During the times of the Few lauded Mayor Bentlev tor in lraldS said tihe tdirectori his contribution in recent Wille W011 an El 095 emergency measures colleen readvlardefenco tn the past 12 mayors and may in Am two world wars he said Can adn sent men oif to Europe MIGHCE is I0 WBHkESt and um Sat back maud post known as MEG Acne County threatend by fall or municipal emergency gov out tomorrow these men ernment They are from would more than likely be lrit county warden Arnold Vancise Barrie maybr Bentley and emergency me renown TONIGHT keg 31 Console Color 83995 si595 including Boday service lDOVMINlON so HARDWARE Telephone peaml cial Herc Ontario director of emergency measures Timmermun rear and Bar rie coordinator Ozzie Shep county residents feeling of security governments must continue ALI QUIET Provincial police in Barrie have had nothing on their bloc spokesman saidthis morning that things were seldom this quiet ior this long huttbat really happens herd tour the radio room in the underground complex Examiner Photo mayor Bentley no matter what the situation We cant expect someone himicr up to always be ready to take us by the hand and show us what to do sign over door in the map room reads Noenemy would dare bomb this place and end the confusion Want County Representative 0n RVH Board The board of trustees of Royal rltictoriahospital anneal Monday to request meeting between the board chairman and repre sentaiives from Simeoe County council to reconsider councils decision not to place repre sentative on the hospital board County council gave up its seat on thehospital board last De cember except in cases where the hospital was undertaking con struction or building programs The board reached the decision to meet with council because oi bylaw requiring representation from thecounty council store Wiley of sures cominitiee representa tive alderman Mac rmllan vacuum GET mow ounces EACH ammo 130 PM oursrANonvG carom Soloist HAND amour DR JACK HVLES Author Preacher at gt worlds 5th largest local HOST EMANUEL BAPTIST yCHURCH in ST VINCENT ST BARRIE can Holltdoy LOClll Galilean TWO CHARGED Charges are being laid gainst two Barrie menaged 20 and 19 for shoplifting from Loblaws Groceteria yesterday Police said this morning they were called to the store on two separate occasions yesterday afternoon to arrest shoplifting suspect Removed tram the store were carton of cigar cttes and package oi meat rouse STOLEN An employee of Cusdens Pharmacy in Barrie called pu liee yesterday to report the theft of her purse from the Sanford Street told police that the purse contained about N52 Protest Woolworihs Garage Plan ï¬fty has service station and car dealerdrip ouners last night WESLan city council with pt on opposing proposed woolwmths service centre at the corner oi Maple Avenue and Ross Street Lawyer Dennis Tucona mokesman for the amp said they were opposed to the com amton of any further gas sta tions in the city He said then are service station operatingin dl art51 956 MPG llfll Molasses to service and six ceased to operate lad year be said gt The proposed autoonblle ccu tro is part oi Woolworths btitd lng expansion plannod for later this year The aiming on the property penmts the womb tion of the station The matter has been referred til the citys plapnlngiinxgddgv pm commit ee Aid Roberts ltisnottoodearnhatthe intent or the objection was Aid Roberts saidthts morning mending permits the gar bar dont know what tbs city could do stand it They Gave Chase When Coatslliiied Two leaders at girls youth group at Central United church gave chase last night when they saw young woman ritl lng coats while her companion conversation They collared the pair and called pollen The leaders Mrs Jean Bur rows and Airs Colleen Cole noticed that some oi the girls were being engaged in convers ation by young woman On looking into the cloakroom they saw another young woman going through the pockets at the girls coats Several dollars in change were recovered Arrested were Lise Gauthier 20 and her sister Madeleine engaged some or the girls in orchestrasin to United smut er 93 cnrs rlonT IUD Aldermen Lu Joililie Dor play theltro hy won by the inn Parker and Del Cole dis city for the st float in the CITY NEWS rue main slimmed TUESDAY moon 5l569 Concert Pianist Here Wednesdav Theodore lgttvin well known estral debut at the age oi 12 cobcert pianist will appear at with the hinge Symphony the Barrie Central collegiate He was born in xiiiago and auditorium Wednesday night began his musical studies at Mr Lettvin is regular per the age of four studying un lormer with several major derhia mother piano teach among them the New Yorlr After the Second World War Philharmonic and the orchcs liir Lettvin embarked on 19 cf Sic Athlphc dlIoward Quebec The Royal Victoria Hospital shaved $1651 irorn its estimat ed expenditures in the first two months of the year it was re vealed by the bowital board or trustm Monday The boards actual spending for the two month period came to wwmrouimnnagedircam expenditures in some areas at operation despite the rising cost of keeping patients in theth pital It cost the hospital 05¢ to keep patient tor the same period one year ago as com pared to 397 this year The hospital cut expenses in every phase at operation with the exception of the plant main tenance xray and laboratory Budget for plant operation was $2M but the actual expendis lure came to $27917 By the same token the budget for ray and laboratory amounted lliitM PRICES TORONTO OP Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of dium 495 Asmall 389 country stations iibre cases quot ed by committee or wholesale ogg dealers extra large 5th 50 largeiSégtfz medium 41 small 32 ma 2cm Dairy Commission tenderdbie carlois buying 39 score 64 buy ing 40 score 65 selling 55 and the usual articles where mouthis1 Anso Dent deep cleans dentures in 20x10 minutes And makes tenth whiter brighter Purchase price will be reloaded it not cntlrely satisï¬ed it dfautlltlld ntvrn package to LII ï¬lm cieqn denture ray EXAMINER warn has PHONE 72852414 Putt your your RVH Spending UnderEsiimaté Despite Increase In Costs hospital was belowvthe mam Royce Duo featuring two clav budgeted for Revenue irom both are at the same Plano Other him to many parts oi the world as well as many appear anceson television During the past lityears Mr Letivin has appeared in more than too concerts The Community Concert As sociation or Barrio which is sponsoring the event will also be accepting renewals for the mm 50 next series which will include $52 ad to Fiesta Mexicanna tile Black Total patient revenue at the 5° Du Menlllll Mr Leitvin made his or can BEST trns of Cleveland alicago and concert career that has taken Durh Boston to 516428 while the actual hos lilonday large 537 the Eggs Wholesale prices to Butter prices Canadian inand outpatients attlic hos pital amounted to Wilson Tbebospitalbadmore patients in themonth at February of this year with an average oi 2509 as compared to 196 in Feb ruary mosWhile all other de partments in the hospital report edlncreases over last year the number oi births in February restrained identical to that of February last year an even 50 Hospital boardseaetary Cameron stated Monday that the main reason for the rise in statistics of thehpspiialwas due concerts are yet to be an nounced Damage $315 In Collision An accident on Collier Street yesterday caused salsdanlaga to two cars Drivers involved were Michael Shepherd iii of Harding Avenue and Edward ifmithson at Rl ttle The mishap occurred about to enlarged facilities Se OWITH 0R WiTHOUTADDAROOM linolly Pine HWY 27 MlDHUltSTAONT louyards east of Clapperton Winter Carnival parade Tho three aldermcn were on the committee that designed and prepared the float The trophy was presented to council last night by the winter carnival committee Industrial Park Designed To Serve Five Counties WHiillY OnL CPI Pur chase of 50 acres ier about slows an acre in Whitby indus trial park for service centre to serve ï¬ve counties was an nouncod Monday night by Dutch Jones president oi the Consumers Gas Co at TorontoIv The company proposes erect building costing $00000 us service centre ior the couna ties of Otitnric Victoria Ectergg borough Northumbcrland und cm The building will have officesrn snail garage and an audito rium to seat 250 which will bisy available for local and district orgnizations for meetings undo banquets Mr Jones said the service centre now in Oshawa will be moved and 50 airpioyces tran ierred to the new location YOUTH KILLED TORONTO OP Richart Marshall 21 at Toronto was killed Monday when the car in which he was riding collided with another car at an interse tion in the east end THOMSON IN EGYPT CAIRO Reuters Lord Thomson of Fleet who arrived in Egypt Sinday for threedayj visit met Monday with Presi dent Nasser at his residence Ear Lord Thomson talked with Mohammed Asssneln Heyiral cditcrinchici of the li fluential daily newspaper Al Abram closefriend oi Street in the eastbound la Discover The Wonderful World hi ouroooa leme 30 Jim éuHooM TRAIL BLAZER CAMPERS 12Modeis Priced From 539900 including mattresses pillows sparsvwlieei cud bearing kit Mth FOR THE WEST DISPLAY 50 OPTIONS AVAILAaLrooirrsnsNr MODELS AND colon COMBINATIONS WITH onwnnour CANOPY them this weekend TRAllElt SAtES AitD RENTALS portsurumn 12341