Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Mar 1969, p. 11

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REAL ESTATE TRAVEL TRAILERS TAGALONG TINT TRAILER in It UNmOYAL CENTRE ZRENTALS APARTMENTS T0 RENT TWO BEDROOM AUTOMOTIVE ARTS FOR SALE ARTS FOR SALE CARSFOR SALE uni7 glam sum BEDROOM MABONEIIE no Bradford St misses IllThuth Ilnflu Wlvvnfln luau asde MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT MobiliiHomes General Glendale Northlander Parts and Service SALE RENT CashnrlemunploloYearx 11 Hwy Horton Ave 15060 MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE lst and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere 0N Au Rains muss Itn coiiilmclyu PflomTllS 90 0F VALUATIONS YouNeed Money To consolidate deb Py on existirr moiturn 0r amuse eonilnr doe ao=e In mensean Any wbtlr rouse Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding SImpsonsSears I29 DUNIOP Ember malaria iiariar nrolrrrr Auociaiinn DD You an laminar Ready ma lullaNe to oursbue name We pill even lead up nose on your nianruri Dinnln Harlem Mom nus OPPORTUNITT FRANCHISE AVAlLABLE Part time summer business for ambitious person with teenage son or retired man Very small invest ment Apply to Dickie Dee Ice Cream C0 5013 Gold finch Court Willowdale Ontario PARTmm BUSINESS Canadian company has open ing in Barrie area for poisons Rbowouldliketomm andopv crate Whose ram their borne manufacturing under Ii asinoe counter product sold throng retaiI Note No Iran ehise lees but responsible for initial inventory under 91 We arTange or find Distri billion tiara18h retail stores in Stom area Reply stating name phone lumber and full pariiolh lars to Box G3 Barrie Dram iIIer KOA FRANCHISE monemakrrl Nallonx iarrost Ohaln ol hampaoundn 230 in Operation 12 more planned Prosen men to times In the pheno menal unwtb or outdoor recrea tion Exerllent return or absen tee investors Hammond at Anieriea liar ilia Mom lane um SEAMLESS FLOORING PARTmm VACANCY 2am emotionally bun Inmedlale mm WHICH mm nns ID my newest denim In plastic flbdrlnx mt never needs mlnx We supply Knliy and 13le all tln mmnopoolrm ere ra re quired or stock inventory Reply today starban Surplus Flooring oi mystooe hm Dimmer 9M RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT GARDEN TERRACE Comer Queen and Dudeworflil Modern bedroom town house large living room and tilien with dining area full ly oil heat and air conditioning Adlits PHONE 7284752 THE IEMPENmT Luxury now boildinn beside the bay only Iew lelL inside Tint sauna bails an electric nu Inn in lake street Telephone 11345 THE BAYHELI APARTMENTS Corner of Hayfield and Grove The ultimate in living moms modation For more information Call W6 BLJRDOM apartment rent owniown district Available now per mImIh Telephone niomv one bedroom apmmen newly decorated reirirerarnr an more waasrlfir and dry9 su lied Di 1le 71197251 Nzwvr decorated one bedroom apsrunent Relrizemtor and store eat and hydro mile north or ante on Hirhway Tel e7 on NEW FURNISIED APIS Overloopiop isle damIbiza aren Modsn Littler uvior row and bedmvni tiled bath cable TV Whom any NEWSPAPER PAGE MATS eh 2e to men or him dilrktn Mops rat was no Md WM 11 lot He PIE ledlnl ma mvllithd ux Aw sonnet out To Barri no hirer iFg 33512 moonlit or burly dreamed relrizrnior um supplies Teklzhone yum uter 30 Apply Ill hm Isle prise Aot zoi on bedroom upstairs apartment or rent reirlrerripr do mu in Twin Telephone HOUSES FOR RENT Two bedroom winterlrrd rottasr on use lumps vi as healrfi stow rsirlrrmor Easy can is liznlealid iuaiand Alarms Irptn Telephone ml nziliinml iiouse luu bsseipeor no main patio rzr lrnftd hseh yard Available slay Telephone cum lizoloosi boui lor rent Ismla srrrri sble April Write or trltph Gearre mop Ttiixznburd 9mm menus live home new bed rooa tneluninr rnrlrallhn rooos summons dun ml were ullllble lmrdixlely Tor lurlhrr Inlorrnsuorr Jdtvbone mm below and bni weekdays pal HOUSES WANTED MARRIED couple Kqu Snare lrqulre imafl homo io min In or near name Reasonably prlrrd Telephone 72a n11 atirr pro nnlnen eduplr require btdmom hunzalmv in rural area lor Izy lsL Telephone fill95m mcnlve Imilv wsoled or rent will DIV up to Rio monthly Fleur lziIl iosrpb Dtrrarulo 726 am alter uni nr TiaHal nur in 41 Re menu to cholun and nuvsi parted to rent by luno so slusl rennin trim four bedrooms ramiiy or reeroaiibn room dtnlnz room kitchen with raUnr ssu Ear end preterm meellrnt rel erspcen can our borne wlu be well and tar Coot secondary to suthblllly Telephone mom ROOMS TO LET LARGE bright umbhrd bedroom IIlfi private bath An exceptional room at reasonable rain steanlly ensploed person Tree parking Telephone mum NICE large bedsittiuz room with humor Lenin locakdraraIlA able now Telephone assist noon with housekeeping iasiiitlu liner enar ed and room cleaned wrerly oar nr lanlllllu Telephone Home alter 510 Pm yimxlsnnu hedsltllnx room tor two male students or btulmsl gals none and timber prlvulzu crumb Street near bus line Telephone 725 preterably noon hour or alter 110 Pm FURNISHED bediiriinn room ror Tan weapon ram ROOM AND BOARD noon with liner in lied brear last lunchts paelr ti desired Central loeauon Gentleman only Parhlnr tom available Telephone In iiRlGnr minim mom with board Home cooking lunches pack ed ll needed Free parking Tele phone moans STORES FOR RENT snormm MALL so stores full 215le County hir and Dominion super alarm in iiidiand Ontario Now Itulnt terrific location Capo 11M exclusive azents rnr owner Ross Anderson Real Estate lirolrer zsa Kins street itldianii Wu 7751 OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT SMALL sure or nine or renL my punioo East also monthly net Angelo mmt OFFICE space to rent awrnflmts Iy 250 square reel Heated and with washroom Lacillllz in Siam municipal building Telrphope no mo durina orllee hours nommwx oiiice Io renL br gallant commercial location Avail able slay Telephone 72m gushing hours or muse alter nun hizw omens lor rent losalnd ilaplo Asenpo Will be ready July lceal or profnslonal 0mm etc Telephone llobert Furno 7164501 or 772mm AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE Rays SIMCOE MOTORS LTD JAVELIN oi Tiflin St 722st mom AND sou I73 ESSA RD cannula issi door automatic power steeran and brakes radio new whitesail tires lam ehecked 89W Telephont W06 ms rmilourn Belvederd II door Lamlov oyumer automatic radla under willrarity 310110 miles beat tiller Excctlent oondiuon Telrphone issc remainii some rury ion bucket seats epnrole noor sinI vs automatic power sieerlnr ans brlku rsqu roar window ne mnar reverberation vinyl top and interior 000 nilk Wananly my mom aster MU pm 55 onngylomuz Delta in door Iilldlap Vil automatic ppwrr akerlne power brakes ndlu whitewall rim wheel dlses lull lna SIM Flnalltlnl heater Private nie Call it main or 7280811 avzllatzle Duluth Ironto ion Doaz rumors Man 33 ir me no Is in udwlrwvai Apply can Tamale me new Shun Flinn Inna HUI midi unlit will sandman um work Tele when loss mun Mum mined earn es in hilt Ire ensli eon oryrnenl and take om paymean Pore peer radio studded now um mane vAuANrlsu door linder aumsuc undo miles rendi Hon Ttlrphona manna Iss5 ilflml door sedan Inder aulomlflc Time on tnsi mile Lui new rendition ii pt seen up be awmlaled NO in soneble alter rem mm CARS WANTED WANTEDVolun ep motor nit Ibh or 3960 made or would buy an that has been mud Ielr pbone M17 TRUCKS FOR SALE ans rnnoo Jim piano in eondliion low mile mi WIII rerun or nu as or boot otter moses lass runn picli truer Good gym wwlokvhopo ISLE ruitbn on Telephone 11th arms was Ni Wm will 61m III III hoielfigb mom lam ham obone magi mm bicycle or sale Illa Sun brmueiefiuic lawn inoper and prize Telepuoe 7132965 armas band radio set complete with rs Dc sunr nirper 45k BZa°mlrr Ammanre on Teleobou mm mason Clolliu ror nil Itohi routers rommrrrlsl Wat MIND lhll bmlflll containlion IlOeI star who no and onlkl pipe desh moral used metric lIrbr lieum no other 1d silk InfidIHN 00ft Iltl Building Superintendent go Buudlur name Trltnhflhe iPrm muternehi table rein orator lliule continental bed Al 01 rood condition Telephone 715 am It home moire MB In bolstrrnr draperies Inert ranrics Barrie Tent and Annamz most BOATS MOTORS mi mulls mp wllh hrdnulie snow piuorb wheel drive up All 1951 Ford ball ion cylinder fleet side box £200 mum alter 10 us Clifl ion lour box Elem poser steering pour ran iurhsnidraniaue ioo bo ensine posirractlon wood floor mlrmn bran duly suspension eta prison 5i cities rim Televhom MOTORCYCLES 1966 YAMAHA annaple Telephone 7W ma lohmi so to low mllrln like new wlndihleld nltaebed ror runner iplonnauon Cali mm ms nospn on 160 amp mllu newly ovuhauied smurbt candl ilor viii helmet sioo or best alter Telephone mm SNOWMOBILES THE ALL NEW SNOW CAMPER HERE IS THE ANSWER to the hunter fisherman sports man snowmobiler the racing buit It sits on skis You can sleep in it eat in it stay out the roll winds and best or all use it all year round See It This Weekend KNOITY PINE SPORTSARAMA Highway 71 llidburst 7284111 ALI ALUlllINUM SNOWSPORT with the GERMAN AIR COOLEDENGINE Kerv Johnston Motors Ltd YOUR Barrie Volkswagen DEALER Goran St at Essa Rd Barrie msIaa BOMBARDIER SKDOO The first the foremost the only one that went to the Amid on display RIDGE ROAD MARINE Ridge Road and Con Ore Telephone 4872211 swumionlm storale sne dun reasonable 1129M mm SNOWMOBILE storage in mw building slittioneuni rm Phone 7251563 ARTS FOR SAL NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD Tho house of line broadloom Remnants all sizes and prices DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED BROADLOOM 67 Collier Si Phone mull DRYER or sale Vikirs electric in pod dl mo Lion 30 telephone rmurx Air PM nde stereo striping vgnigdei Islso Am ipa true Telepopoo mm srove Tor sale as inch homer if 323 ry na one am alter pm GAS STOVE or sale in road condition mam Telephone commun been iur sale is Inch box spring and mattress also lull size bed with bookeaie hud bosrdn And recondltioncd plvyer piano Telephone 7160560 anS bicycle inchis we run lporlkcd Remington Inch maz nuro pump can mm cleaning kit liay be at in Queen at rim sihleumv wrinrer washer under warranty slot used boat and wood ooolmov oil used Quebec See ese and other used appliance Ailapilale Hardware gaan Store ioan st 713 llALDWlNelecIrIc orxan built in Leslee ideal or small church All attachments except chlmu Owner movlnz not still under war ranty moms Private human Twila In the home Erwinflak tom All sizes Mnllhvlulld by chopnun Blluard HM Queen sL West To Both as LI we 12ufiqzzzoyfi minutes MK Pharmacyer Innocent with rumor and near mulls old color bead is HDTIIM HEI VIIII lei is chalnlicllhhu en chrome in Tia nor natalInge men mulesnu sapII rriesntnr Tellnhnnii cum DOGS PETS mourn Poodle bar sun Fungi 1me phone moons POKERED MickLINER Mr murmur up end up Tskvhnu NIT OMAN Shrpbe no mu 7m NOBLE mat WenInfill halal hr mrn 1157 FRUITS VEGETABLES Arruzn lor It Xbolv Con cm Med Tensile ya Please brlnr own containers Sunder aura TO SELL 0N CONSIGNIIIENT Clothing accessories household items small appliances spars equipment toys baby furniture Must be Ireilly and In good repair THE WISE OWL WEB48 Lle MINT Spay equipment unird to buy nluruimun ladder Moon saw irntuaiion in lawn chills benches marerib blah chair btfii tor ynupzikn it mm bound pmlreior Itiehon mu write Kent Box 13 wmu beach or phone units cAsvi or old Illver ebloe him lrs auiorues mu sealers Jewellery pnlnunxl maul mi and min led hnby bed wanted about soil lbs Berti Meat No PERSONALS SAWAYMARGIH insii ANNOUNCEMENT CHARM SELF IMPROVEMENT AMI MODELLING COURSES Commencing radiandlltiihfliimworltLuwefluh APRIL l2th I969 at THE BAR ROC CONT ENTAL INN BARRIE ONT Walter Thornton We bu went the past thirteen yearn as Model In television an international Jewellery mantdnwuer The chines ouered lzy His William are exciting and Imive indudlng PERSONAL GROOMING HAND CARE WARDROBE HAIRSTYLING halter you are in your teens or your iixiies miller or career woman student or MAKEUP burr SKIN CARE EXERCISE nuimnuooiirsehillbe iimzt Coohstoorn Wm WM pas eesb or used is oat zood rooAi ole canoe in pbnno 726ml lion CHECK THESE FISHIN VALUES NEW 14 DEEP PEPERBOROUGH ALUMINUM BOAT MERCURY 110 98 HF NEW 12 ALUMINUM TOTAL $795 FISHING BOAT MERCURY 75 75 HP COMPLETE $570 NEW 12 PETERBOROUGH ALUMINUM BOAT MERCURY 40 up NEW $475 15 FIESTA FIBREGLASS BOAT DEEP HULL wrap around windshield running lights complete deck hardware sleeper seals mrpet and side compartments COIL PARK OUR PRICE GULL $895 ROCK MAHNA COIIIPIEIE MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE on the water 5th CONC 0R0 OPEN DAYS WEEK All to PM Telephone 14872122 YACHTAIRE SALES CHRIS CRAFT TROJAN SHEPERD NEW AND USED CRUISEHS 31 1968 New Giris Cralt Sea Stroke 30 1069INOW Cnris Craft Futura 200 HP 21 1962 Revel Cralt Hardtop 154 Chris Oral sedan ail Sounder swim platform mlrhi DI lfi Grew 150 HP inboard outboard CLUB YACHTAIRE CHAle RD PENETANG 5492952 AFTER Phi EIMVALE 335w FARMERS MRKT FARM MACHINERY uneasy llARRis Tractor or sale 1005an nwnt cplndllijnln rllh mow one WU mm Blue seed Drill l5 run on low rubber lertulzrr mi pres mu neulv powering oglifigher no or by or Slave IanIsis FEED SEED GRAIN DIED min or sale mixture In Rodney oats ma llertp bariq also sumnnni can Kelliv nan Lanie iielrriast lilncslng Ontario Tele phone 7MJ1 mo HALZS or straw and mo bans ul hay Tellpnone limo IAIN TIIY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE TillYA designed to ill your beech Presented by FASHION AID olding the position ol Fashion Consultant for 29 Bayview Avenue Suite 106A Willowdale Ontario Call Barrie 72356611 new to make an appointment or your free personal analysis whidi will be uninitiated by His WIIlInrm prlor to commencement courses PERSONALS ixcosm tax returns pupmd Ior lam slslligeanl orIdeoiauaL as yflnr rung rbr lywrnlmenl phone in club trio Must be Ii you of Io Telephone moo you Fun YOU have mu and help ohonr In line iiiTm Box 51 Harrie FARMERS MRKT FARM MACHINERY WANTED DRESSMAKING THREE ADVANTAGES ot having your garments innde lly couturiore Perlecl lit First 15355 finish Style selected by you from worldknown designers N0 PATTERN NEEDED For an appointment call mm NURSING HOMES cwNeooaoeient run or the elderly at reasonable monthly me now Ivallahle at inninwod Nilnlnl Home Iiis limo RN in womens coLUMiI Perms SPECIAL $600 lIoN TUES wen ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON L5 Dunlop St West 7282980 Wa nl Ads DOnl CostThey Pay WANTED llydrauUe rroni rod load or lor Iniernnllcnal Farina In tar Telephone maxi LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REGIATDKED HamelII cows and boilers Fresh and due Telephone stroud norm rural or sale one year old Telea phone Mains ma Hamel cows iuer rrerh bred lrarr urllt sires producinl well Reasonable corn Ml Broth erg int Barrle Teepbop 9407 mum row eaminn second call due soon ror pair Iekplaom meats REGISTERED Routeln en Ind Iiclrrrs sprtnrlns lroni nlrb pro ducts dams Used lrrternadonai llsmnzer mil in ueeueni condi uon Apply Al than Damn HORSE boarded box lulu excel lent me Reasonable Urban usim stroud io surrom rwes or Air due to lamb lot at Apr willism Lend man mam Binnie MELVIN SllIlIdlncsiluftllfl Igain Mei oos on or Thu Appa to flu Tamil ruooed mane pun Ile WANTED week Ind ovenNot 5va xiii mm TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7237414 IO HELP WANTED PAPER AVAILABLE SHANTY BAY ROAD BARRIE TERRACE BAYCREST DRIVE COLBORNE STREET MIDHURST MALE FEMALE ROUTES IMMEDIATELY Banie and surrounding area you live inOr around the aloremcntlmied area please fill out the application below and return It to THE BARBIE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPL 16 7256539 Address Telephone Name Age CALL US FIRST We are skiIIed in our Service and will give you Prompt Attention CLASSIFIED SERVICE nupnm oumr RENOVATIONS nulllimo masonry interior on nnLlIIK Temodrlllnl flowIni YA ward romth SHEET METAL an heathgi Eflaiiuflfl III in in mm willgllinz me align mine RUG CLEANING SIMCOE CARPET CLINIC Professional carpet and uphil stery cleaning IN YOUR HOME or in our MODERN PLANT 252 IIURONIA RD PHONE 7234781 SIGNS commune Truck uttering Prompt MM mutt cfllflmm ID rem experience Teaam EAVESTROUGHING NORTHERN EAVESTROUGHIN 487212 00 Continmus One or Envestrotmi N0 JOINTS N0 limits ROOFING STAR ROOFING CO LTD Roofing all types tor and gravel nhlnglu etc EAVIISIROUGHING SIDING WATIBIIRDOIING Free estllnates All work guar anteed PAINTING PAINTING DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR Also sign painting European experts VAN NOORI WYK 114 Rose Street W6 noun Paintipr lntrrlor and eaten lor valv renonshie ire estimates Call me mom WOOD REFINISHINGV MODERNAntique relinlrinne in dlvidual pieces bedroom suites Du Illay moon or mfilfl ALUMINIUM It ALUMINUM Aluminum fibrin windows and doors patio doors siding shutter store lronla maxi mum secInlty doors Storm windows rccaulkcd Old type window replaced by Ino dcm sliders Complete Installations free cs IImntcs HIGHEST QUALITY LOWEST PRICES 4362079 INSULATION fifoll Sunlme Winnuwlantglul on on ma ar noorlur mum Ilme iiinmih insuleupn Irra utlrnareti aumniud work TIlOphorlo 5cm Muir 113421 PLASTERING Mlhlnd Ind iuterinp min and luv walk WITIll price 7264041 IRONING ms Anne st sf lzwoa IONINO per bulls I2 II run an deliver BAYFIELD Sit BARRIE or PHONE DRESSMAKING nmrvmnmo and nliorstions petI tressonsbio ram Tel pirons izlnlio anytime CARPETING HEUGAIILE CARPET Iar commercial and residential Best carpeting in the world Free lniomIntion and demorstration BWMS CLEANING SERVICE 206 Napier St 7287133 HANDYMAN SHOP roll the Job rou been welt inn In new done proprietor Frenah in Henry st mom PAVING Manieri Paving Italian Export Ca Barrio Free Estimate Walk guaranloed 72610031 134 ESSA RD ASPHALT BOOK NOW for early spring pnving Driveways parking lots brim yards FREE ESTIMATES Also on conlent work anrago floors patios TSUBONE PAVING CO Telephone collect 7286605 Pnlnswlck FURNACES You ll IIIHIICEI dlJIIIIQC Ind Illllllkfl 0f cconorn Ind INK ency Alia remoneIIIne or am In VIIIITI PHI IAIIDIILCS can WWII Wmn

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