Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Mar 1969, p. 25

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IL =ntralization Idea Caused al lander of to the mm munal administration of Wm ntermrer proposed oconrnmuttaka the hill cost of education ra of removing the Allis Seed Fair inners ALLISION IStatil Doug Jdob among major winners at the recent South Simcoe iced and Iced lair at Alliston who has been receiving the congratu lations of friends Doug made an exhibit oi corn which was lodged the host in keen competition other major winners included Bill Watt tor coarse grain Clitiord Weston for small seeds and II WIlt car and Sons for hay and hay lage Dwo lilms one on pesticide 53er and another about cereal grains also were the subject of much comment KW omwn mount mo tom pot nu mm snowm FROZEN leCAiNFAiNCNCUTtIOOLPKm ttlytsno tanninan APPLE PIE runners1 PEAS drCARROTS maroon rrrrtcunrus world be met welcome but than wll Won we the poonhiilty this might mean the province over ML con fioi Removal local admin tstratlon entirely lrtun attention was viewed with alarm The March 11 1959 report cmuneated The trend toward With mud to power adntinlstration in the pair couple of decades has been do plored hy many These people have contended that the gov ernment closest to the people and roost receptive to the peoples wishes is that prwid ed by local councils and boards Doing away with admin Plan 4H Meeting IItIIdenvaie Hall MTNESING Stall meet ing to organize htlnesirur Hi clubs or 1969 will he held at Edenvale hall on Thursday March or at 130 pm Plans Will be discusscd for the 1969 program of activities and or the achievement day to he held in thlI all Membership is open to arm young people or others interested from 12 to Clubs are supervised by qualified Hi club loaders sprehension 10 Years qu istntloo at the grass roots level would be serious blow to den nasty in the subsequent eiectlon held June II 1959 the Winter meyec led berth went down to defeat as the Oznacrvativea lad by lcslie ht Frost swept 71 seats of the so seat house Downs MPP ot Dra tmon carried miterin Simeon riding he still represents on the government aide oi tha House Mr Downer has been continuous member since rm hugby WI Chooses March Motto RUGBY Stall It is not what you start but what you finish is the motto damn for discussion by members of hog by Women Institute for to days meeting at the home at hfrs Wilfred Johnston Mrs Tyson Langmau conven er oi agriculture and Canadian industries is in charge of the promm Members of the lunch committee are lirs Johnston Mrs Ed Johnson Mrs Jack dialicy Mrs yrEdv Langman hirs Art Langman Mrs John Langman and Mrs Albert Home watch tor this money savmg bookletcoming to you this wee from ICA This week over halt million oi then ronpon bookish are tribnred throth tha trodmg arm ol aw iCA Stores Watch you copy or It presents excellent savings with IGAx lay nay Divinean Ibo FOODS Mo o39 rattl mam mwarnmro vrorarons CAM Itle 25 LB BAG all MEXICAN ONANCES munmrraraaerrnrnenrn 9¢ r59 WEDI IAN 26th tor Otto Carrie Examiner WWII MARCH ll II 15 Sunday Train Runs Annoyed Pioneers Simcoa County councillls yearn ago shortly alter Bar rlos mcorporana in its prohlems concerning trains and horse drawn vehicles desecrat ing the Sabbath according to old county records County people to the south of Barrio had becomo used to trains rinco the Ontario Sim eoa and Huron Railway had startHi its runs to Allandala in October raw but were aroused by them operating on Sunday to the extent they protested to county council which then had to members Subsequently motion was passed which was sent to the railway board UNSEEMLY PRACTICE The county council resolution said Ordemd that whereas tha Ontario Simcoe and Huron Railway Company are in the habit of running Lhciracnommw dation and ireight trains on the Sabbath Day to the great the Coloth nqtlopeditl otter and the exciting ltA etcr television onlertl lite your and rural AVoupon hoolr OFFER STARTS NEXT WEEK IGA CHOICE LIPTONS SOUP MIX tilltl NOOOIE annoyance of the inhabitaan on the aaid line be it thereioro re solved that the warden at this council as the representative at the county stock be requested to bring the subloct hefora the board and use his intlunce with that body to discontinue the unseemly practice such not being in accordance with tha feelings and practice of the in habitants oi the county Jams Sansou was warden oi the county in that pioneer era when the Barrie reeva was Conlrey Edmund Laliey was county treasurer at an annual salary of to pounds Anolher resolution rcilccting the concern ior tho proper oblt servance of the Sabbath asked that county council meetings ho opened on ltresdny instead or Monday because members tram municipalititcs away from the central amt were compelled to start driving their horses on Sunday in order to reach the county town in time tor sessions the following dny the count dealt with hardt ers and dicrs licence as protection to taxpaying store keepers The cost included five shillings to the treasurer and in addition two pounds for pod dlcleraveillog on foot and five pounds tor tradesmen carrying goods on horse drawn vehicles For each additinnai horse an additional threo pounda was charged tor the licence The ortginalpartof thoproscot courthouse and also the tall were erected in ion and lots The lass levy was made to rake tun pounds at which 5491 was made tor railway subsidy The county committed itself in 1850 to raise 50000 pounds on to year debentures to althahILla railway extension in the county which later was to cause so much Sunday annoyance County assessment for ms was listed at 1053825 pounds Pitts Bodhs Offerg ONE VOLUME COLUMBIA rworkunurs ENCYCLOPEDIA COLOURTV AYLMER With Pectin RASPBKRHV IA Cl JAR JAMS KELLOOGS 16 oz Pkg CORN FLAKES STRAWBENNT or 31 FRESH DELICIOUS APPLES f3 MUMLII lllPOltTED carrier 59f 2r39f AH 60 SAVING colrrrsrlirxrr Writs BAKERY TREATS IGA DONUTS PICS W2 0F 12 49 IoAcurrrrsrrsussrLrIEMEO nrursrrns onion nous t36 mansions BEANS PORK Iatlonttlalr FRUIT COCKTAIL Eriiiroronmrs 595an ZirtiO as 39 wagc N39 iiiionrrrnurut 2C3 motion was received in nrmuurn tatrm INSTANT COFFEE trunni CNRISTIES CNACKERS it 95° THE HEBMIT DIES Peterlloward known as Peter the Hermit is pic tured in Hollywood during Fourth of July parade in the 40 For almost 50 years he could be iound plodding up and down Hollywood boulevard He died last week at the age oi 90 AP wirophotol Cookstown To Decide 0n ortheStra Contest OOOKSIOWN Stall All early meeting to make delta ite decision on whether to con tinue sponsorship of oldtime or chestra and western music con tsts will be made shortly by the kohstown agricultural so duty Tentative date has been set for Friday Sept which is week before the regular fair opening on Friday Swt l2 JOWo are awaitingintormationabout as sistaoce said Wilfred AdEYV president stating the cornmlttee hadbeen in communication with the CBC We have held seven mect ings discussing various possibii itles he said explaining dot inite decision on whether to pro ceed was delayed until lnior answer to inquiries WELL Pamomznp The ordrestra contest has been well patronized in recent years but expanding program and larger awards have increased operationaleosts The 19th com tastnad Gordie Tapp at Burling ton as master of ceremonies At tendance was up aver 1967 but net revenue after expenses was down JERSEY SHOW Good early progress has been made in arrangements for the regular fair which is to be held on Friday and Saturday Sept 12 and Mr Fildey reported The Simcoo County Jersey Club parish show will be held in con junction with the fair suka rac ing again will be closingday ieature and Broadway shows will be back with their fine midway We are not certain of the YorkSimcoe Gurnsey club show but the Jorseychtb has notified usit will be back said Mr Fildey stating he had hoard the Guernsey club may exhibit at the Brampton iair this year boot and dairy classes bolts taun ill dairy and beef cattle clubs corn club swine club and tractor club areal mooted to hold achievement days in con juntion with tho lair Exhibits also are anticipated trom thet Ti Homemairlng club COOPERATION GOOD General cooperation has been the key tactorjo makingauc ccssiul taira for thoj Coolratown society in the past and this has amin been stressed The 1966 lair will be thntuth annual ex hibition of the fail lair society Competition Was keen in the Jersey cattle parish show in la classos last year and indications are it will be even more so far the 1969 showing John Mason of Benton has succeeded Charles Simpson as president of the Jar sey club with Maurice Schoer oi Minesing as secretaryutroasurer other main Jcrsey club oiiicara include Edward Hutchinsonvlce president and Russell Hand John Lucas and George Andrews directors Glen Andrews dir ectors Glcn Sheardown and Georg Lucas are junior direc tors Iiiiiston Rotary To Sponsor Show ALLISTON Stall Sponsor ed by Alliston Rotary Club Spring Thaw 1969 will be pre sented at Banting Memorial High School auditorium on Mon day April with two evening performances Robert Johnston will present the show which is directed by Paxton Whitehead Ben McPeck is in charge at the music Players include Pat Galloway Tom Knnohono Renee Cherrier Doug Crosley Judy Lander Know 39 29 in WurdJamie Ray and Sam Moses The University Womens Ciuh of Barrie will sponsor the same prosentdtion at Central Colicg late in Barrie on the following evening Tuesday April mo motor In CABBAGE BAC ms IN ma DAIRYCASE crrscnn or ltIITEmAltE trollhtiis 3t98 KRAFI MARGARINE it99 FltlFFOSItORTEltIlttt lt33 n68¢ in turn ruin ounrr Plans are going ahead here to stimulate interest of cattlemen to make good showing in both the REPAIR now PAY LATER on our convenient auocrzr PLAN EXPERT Mechanical Body and PATNT WonK on 7251311 DANGERFIELDIS 213 Bradford St Barrio PORKSAIli SNOIABERROAST BOIT ROAST 45c 55c oumorrrtcuorsw 65 sucrnsroraacorturnfi 19 ncouunrsrrrxrrrsrn snap rnimt m33 urimmmrmn ggge iibiir or assume HEALTH BEAU AIDS HIPPIES HIT MELBOURNE Australia theaters American cvange list hillyGrnham Monday said hippieswcro turning to drugs because they realized them was no future in loveins thinkina and sitins He was addressing h16000 people in campaign ETC arouosnrznr Airgun provoking slot89 crtuornrs ASPIRIN 265 mmnmam IGA roraro crurs 279 BOLOGNA CORNEll BEEF m79 moo mourn noun acorns runner tincnvr rural r9 It 22 mmIla in name on non to ruin ovaunnu INCREASE PEEDICTED By tom the population at Iala mahnd Pakistan is expected to grow to l50000 mntrrnmmr IV0MP ROFFI€£ISIIOPORSCII00£ arormkon cuocourr oars mamlmrs Ill aorsoou CNEEA moomm IIIIETTfllOTlPE mun PAST FLOOR HUM RitilVl EXUIA MPH Willi IMF PURINAUI of IMF iPltIAt HIM Rtllltlvi YOUA IGA lAPiS FOR IOOD RTIFITAIIS GIIIS OR tAIOIiigiiRIilKAIIS WITNETTlAITAPE Mull PARSILIPS motqu warms2m IANWm COLD CUTS nuva mmuzmr uuvrnmuar ONIONS moors We can give quick service in supplying Luslom mndc mblzcrstnrnps1nt budget prices Drop In and chI no what you want well hnue It ready in you with in couple pl days Commercial PrlnthK Division The on iPHD MARKET square IGA ACCURACY CHRISTIES IGA FOODLINER wonsnev AND masses ESSAILD JCT 0F ESSA RD YOUNGS IGA FOODLINER srnoon

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