THOSE UFOS lliil BACK The two Barrie boya gre responsible or lhmflylhl Hum reports in tee witty Gary diarrhea LE pnd Delbert Steingard pose oismicr warmth Cloudy Skies Cooler Forecast Wednesday The Brrriaarca will see lit tieiess sun Wednesday skies will be mainly cloudy Temper CPL THOMAS MaKENNA Provincial Police Announce Promotions ilnd Transiers superintendentA Collins oi gliie Ontario Provincial Feline IND Dimlot Headmrartfls oday annuunch the minions and transfers of three Barrie oi ï¬cers today Cpl Caney lormerly oi the Barrie District Headquar tiers will be transferred to the iDotario Provincial Police Col logo in Tomato April lwo oilicers mi McKenna land Cpl Nichols were promoted from the rank oi pro viucial constable March Both sincere work in the identiï¬ca tlon brandr at district head quarters in Barrie Cpl Mo Kenna will be transferred to iBarrie detachment effective April and Cpl Nichols will re main in identiï¬cation Assuming the position of in service training instructor at Number dioxin headmnrrtars land ay wasrau rarer Examine Stall Reporter laniMacPherson began to re lax last nights Alter more than two years at working with city ofï¬cials zoning bylaw andan official plan were fad dnt think we would ever get Harm haremaiked to Mayor Robert Bentley aim fivehour council meeting last him MI Maclhermn in rumba or the urban and regional con sulting firm of Murray Jones and Associates ive been in and out oi Barrie tor the past two years collecting data and infor mation for the oflicial plan and the Inning bylaw he said Ive come to like Barrie On many oi the projects consultants work on they have sense oi detadoment that separates them from the city they are working ior Barrie has begun to grow on me like the place lot Mr MacPherson said he was struck by the bay and the way the city had turned its back on it the moment saw the city knew that much more positive use of the bay area was must Many of tha cities ol cone parable sine in hrtario have had suds haphazard develop ment that it will take several generations to bring about or Cl with their cream plastic bag inflated by undies which they not aiait over the city The inn boys both am is aunt two ol the devices up alum will hevcoolor and winda will he westerly is Alowtoninhtoln da high CPL ll NICHOIS Barrie is unparal Jr Dona tis formerly of the stayoer de tachment His transier will he ei ieptive April Moving to the Stsyner detach ment is Oplr Allan train the Port Credit Detachment Corv petal Allan was also promoted from the rank of provincial con stable March Also promoted from the rank of provincial constable March la Cpl Cottingharn He will be transferring to the Grillia detadlment trorn Woodstock April Promoted from the rank of ser geant stall sergeant Mur phy will be transferred from the Midland Detachment to Port Credit Stall Sgt Murphy serv ed at Orangevilie Bradford arri Barrieprior to his duty at Mid derly development said Mr ManPhersoo Barrie is fortu nate inthla regard in that its development has to some do yee been retarded Asn result there hasnt been any sor iois daringe done lhe oilicial plan that exists along with the bylaw is design ed to mean that development can take place in an orderly tashion with projects following one another consistently instead of hedge podge oi projects that go nowhere think the failure to rise the bay as local point is good example of the mistakes that are made when development isnt co ordinated said Mr MacPher son No one person can decide that he is going to take advant age at the tray however city can devise an overall plan that vdilresultinbuildersrmking use of the natural beauty water undies The large rambling homes that site on the ridge land which was once Crown property are prob ably the only places that take advantage of the bay said Mr MadPheraon Leading iamllies have traditionally built homes high on hill Mr MacPherson said he has worked as town planner ior to years We dont have all the Barrie Examiner was 53 50s in southem Ontario Across Bay Haliburtun Algoma Vari atrlacloudincss today Cloudy m= was WT Moaar mu Developer Irate Over Rezoning Mutew Dentist ycouncilln tonne Metallic 3343 to take his campï¬ or lo itll2M0 llch Bond day night and launched third this roaming Technical dim cuities caused another planned mission last night to be aerob bed Examiner Photo Wednesday of is predicted by the Toronto weather oiiice Ndon temperature outside the Synopsis Aitemoun tempcra hires today will again reach the the rest at Ontario afternoon temperature will range from tiraloslnlheNerthtotheSOain the central sections Windsor lopdou Hamilton Tomato Lake St Clair lake Erie lake Huron Niagara lake Ontario SoulheruGcor gianBay Sunny witirga low cloudy periods and continuing warm today Mainly cloudy and turning little cooler Wad day Winds westerly l6 Sault Ste Marie North Bay Sudhury Northenr Georgian with snowflurries and cooler Wednesday Windseasterly 15 ema ami White River Codrrane Wisterir James Bay Variable cloudiness today Cloudy with occasional snow to night and Wednesday Colder Wednesday Winds easterly 15 Ottawa Mainly cloudy with some iiurries today and Wednesday Temperatures near nonrrai Light winds Montreai Cloudy with some light suovrand chance of lrew in drizzle Mainly cloudy with some iiunies this afternoon and Wednesday Tbmperatirm near normal Light winds Low overnight high Wednesday Windsor London Kitchener Mount Forest ngham Hamilton Toronto Peterborough Kingston Owen Sound Trenton Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Sault Ste Marie Kapuskasing White River liirlrnins 8i onseanaaï¬aesac wensnsesaagsaese 55 answers at best we have an edu cated opinion as to the direction development in particular city should take Thats all we are hired to provide the city with he said As professionals we develop reputation tint people accept Our purpose is to pro vide plan that will result in an environment which will enhance the quality ofiiie for those who live in the city we are wanking Mr MacPherson will attend the two hearings that are sched uled for pubhc mnunent on the bylaw He will explain in much the same way he explained to council members last night why particular Toning has been rec ommended or particular area Lange maps with all the nec essary detail will be setup tor the pirniic in look at betore they ask any questions Few will be ahie to find iauit with Mr Mao Plrersons almost total knowledge oi every block within thecity boundaries At last nights meet ing he made Just one mistake but there wasnt an alderman quidr enough to catch it The church on the comer of Essa Road and Burton Ave metiow Silt leit nut All it took to cor rent the mistake was the in oertingclaXonaidrartthat accompanied the zoning man unmitimulargam of or property on Dayï¬cld Street that is presently zoned tor com mcrcial use However city carn cil clans to rescue the property or residential use and race Ii dinosaur Mfldflmwwmf tut cnnm bout 93in open area We dont Obi tutlals at all laid ln Int we think li the heater wewaut Eggs PWMHWWW commercial use According to Mr Bernick till Wedmhahzl will mun sriostuntial ï¬nancial loss own arent asklnx lot anythioa special mid Mr hernia altar appear as deputation to city council All we want in the right to keep uhat we already have uir chiok maintains that when plans for urban develop ment are being put together it is the custom or the planner to diaicuss iliehchanges with this re open own properl region At no time did Ida Mae Phcrson the consultant doing the work talk to us said Mr Ben nick Mr McPherson raid at an earlier council meeting that he had attempted to explain the plan to Mr Bernick on thetrle phone but tha developer be came vituperativa and eventual ly hung up We are one at the city1 largest developers and we have always been lair to Barrie he contiucd We dont feel the city is being air with us when lheyrake property or which we liad orderly plans lor develop ment and moonlit on us The property in question ii on tho wastsido hayrield north at Highway 400 adjacent to the Engine Failure Cause Qi Crash lit Base Borden Partial loss of no point has been cited bï¬fllcllll at Ease Borden as the muse of an air crash March which kill ed twoaervicemen spokesman for the bdard ct inquiry conducted at the crth scene said today that engine parts have been sent to Ottawa ior study by the directorate of light solely accident lnvcstlgm tion hoard todelarmirie the ex act cause of engine iailure Killed when their lilpmaik trainer nosed into the ground at the end of runway more ll Hepburn 20 and train ee pilot cflicer cadet Gr lnD it Ste Auhin lhoispokesman said thatsince the primary flying school had moved to Base Borden in lï¬d there had been 21000 hours fly ing time put in and 200000 take giais and landing without mia irreDestroys Summer Home An inioccupied summer cot tage oorEwart Street in Bell Ewartburned to tire ground ear ly Monday morning The tworstorey cottage owned by Theodore lutiraiuk or Toron to was declared total loss with damage estimated at Sis 000 Cause of the lire is still un determined rune thrwn bark of the lot marine unable lu lme Mr Bernick will be akin complaint to the pinning meeting tonight and hopes it recommend change if dont be uoiorto the with my tomM sour moronn Mr hernia said his co Bardsvco Devdouvnub been new in native arty avnllable to the school boardWe sold thorn property at pad which was almost halt the market value it the map erty at thatlma ha raid hardcrco Developments ltd sold the school board the land on which Eastvlnw Secondary achool war built Mayor Bentley maintains that the geltun was not really that mamairmua in selling that piece of on erty to the school board the company kucwhthrth caviar would ova to ill Grove Street East said the mayor And ha condoned Ban devco owns all theoropcrty on the south side of Grove Street East an tar as the school rinr4ectotulllnxthaorur erty Iorthe achool boardwu an immediate increase iniha value of the aunoundlnfhiaod Mayor Bentley added timer some people take loan ciai loss when plan is chang ed We must concernourulver with what in but inr everyone in the city and not lust onedo yeioper The mayor contlnucdtllhc property in by no man useless when mired reddcntllL ln ave short period ct time it not nearly thrt property will command very steep price F3 is Govt Assessment W7 Maioro 5111131 Ccime Provincial government au nouncemrut of plans to take over municipal and county as ressment next year came major surprise to members oi SimcoeCountycouncll it was made clear today tlroudht it might happen eventually but certainly didnt anticipate it so aocri said Reeve Louis Monkinan oi Cooke town chairman oi the county assessment com in to The county had lust assumed assen rnent from mimlclpaiititer on Jan 1966 and hadnt been able to complete its reassessing program Goal tor the latter was 1972 MAJOR STEP Asked what he thought the al ect at this move might be on the future at oounty govern ment Reeve lionkman sighed momentarily We were told there would be changes but we didnt exped them to come so last he answered SIaYsiTanning Industry Could Barrie retailer Brown as written to the chairman of theshoe and Leather Council Canada asking why tanneriea could not he set up in Canadas north so that the making of Eskimo clothing would not beT come lostart MrErown wrote theletter al ter discovering that it was very difï¬cult to obtain seaiskln cioth ing in the north Reasons given were that Eskimos preterred white mans dothing to making theirnun and Eskimo clothing was not ruitahle or salalrn cause poor tanning caused strong odor When inquired why tanner ies werent set up said Mr Brown was told that the NOilCE T0 EXAMINER suascniiiriis VCARRIER Miss ri your amie Examiner carrier in not arrived by pan pleas phone 7282433 and copy oihha Examiner will deliyerodlo your hours by pan VALLEY TAXI DRIYEgYQLiRSELF CARS TRUCKS rm elm this uivlca Be Promoted In Northland Barrie Gmws On You Toronto Planner Says hard water oouldntha reed in tanning My emanation that my home Barrie was leather in dustry stronghold and had hard water didnt convince anyone Mr Brown said that Eskimo leather clothing would be prod not sought after not only by the Canadian but by the lnternatlon market copy of the letter was also sent to members of Parliament several ministers and other per sons concerned with develop ment otthenorth Mason cams Seoul the capital oi South Korea has population of near gt ly 4000 000 ion at at area est Tinsi igiuii riiiovs Honour nam with Randy farm hd rington StreetSchooi students can iiatrmid mouldsl their Manhattani of muddy mind betweenDuo hireet and Ktmmteit Driva Examiner Bhotol city Gianna vote On Archives Policies Simona County council today voted to Elva the city or Barno representation on minimum museum and archives board Tor voting on ardrive matters fol lowing notification that the city oiiered to contribute $2000 per ylar toward maintanancaolltie project An amendment Barrie representative mactun huslnas mov chairman Fred Cook oi Brad ford war relccicd when tho war den Arnold Vanclsa ol Noltaw usage called vote The reason given was that or Ireparoled at since the original Misern thing was eonstmded in 1962 Barrio had not contributed on the same basis another ASK ON Mr Cook said the TO CONTACT THE EXAMINEle CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly 72665391 830 am to 530 Men on to 200 pm BAltlllE or Orililu would he invited Following up the government takeover of administration oi justice whinh included courts jail and registry oiiice tha new assessment action wiu make an other malor change in county administration Chairman the countyfsxrc gional government study comlt rnlttee Reeve James Waiea said his committee intended to in vite the0utnrio minis to municipal aiiairs lion Darcy McKeough to Barrie to outline government policy on assess ment and other aspects of re gional government it is hoped Mr McKeoush will Address countycduncll at meeting on Tuesday May it BARRIE iNCLllDED With six of its til member municipalities reasses it last year county assessors have started program to complete seven more beiore the and of 1969 The other to would be done under provincial operation it new plans announced are lot iowed The countys twin cities of Dorrie and Drillia also would have their casement depart ments aliedEd lay the those For assewnent reeonk Sure coo County and some munici palitiea were rising commie laclilties at Queenlr Park and this was said tube major an tor in influencing the new change lurther nounca ment that the government would heteking responsibility for pro perty tax administrati on by 1915 also stirred various com ments We are very much concern outrun uuuarns City Poilca Its5m Wm main more ccli other places which had been tax Icil but eel werhouid reserVe tiriua nipportiuu prolett in which event erenlailon would be granted As amunlct paiity which had been Pill close to one Will of county levy Orillia had airnhio equity in the museum and archival For the current year Orlan whoprying hall its usual county lavy iorinuat services but this did not include assessment or roads Drilla la dnlngiis own messing is your andmlm toward roads on the suburban roads commission ayatom liradiord Dcava Bruce Slaw art chairman oi ï¬nancaaald he was glad to sea the city oi Dar ria participate in the Irchivrs andhe tell it should have voice our archive airaira We were not so certain about the member having vote on mus eurn matters he said stating our comments until alter we hear Mr Mo ou gh7 said Reeve Wales COLUNGWOOD OPPOSED Deputy Reeve Donald Spoon ei oi Collingwood reierred to ac tion of the collinswaud council in passing resolution opposing the proposed transition to re glonai government We are gainit it as we dont think our peopla want itbutit seems it is or woy he commented it doesnt seem to do much good to oppose it lamented Reeve Bruce Dockray oi Port Mchcoil whoalso expressed concern about action to safe guard individuai rights in any changes Mednnta Reeve ingram Amos said he didnt anticipate the assessment change so soon The change to county administration had raised the cost considerably and it was predicted the naw change would add more still it is the tanuyar who pays reardlas iiiiiiiio our iiioiiis ed for the capital coil with not consider this lair TOURIST ATTRACTIth Tay Reeve lph Dalton lug geated lull might encour age greater barrio participation Barrie had drown much interest in the museum in the port and it war tourist attraction tor the area Barrie sdrool children were among those taken on tours to the museum People who put up the money should call the tune into ect ed Essa iieevo George Dav view which was aupporled by Flos Reeve Frank Coughlin llotll were glad to seaharria decide to participate to some extent The county itself had over $150 000 capital investment in the museum and there also was much valuable material One Darrin resident who is Member oi the board is ii Coleman county trousererr Mr Cook is chairman and other members indude Reeve Ralph Dalton oi Toy Reeve Fred niac rLean oiTotteuhamngs Donald Harvie oi liarvie Settlement Mrs Douglas Day oi Newlio well lire Howard Campbell of shanty Bay and the Barrie member yet to be appointed ricuicr POLICIES The complete eiiicient method oi insurance eovv eraga and control Ctall the trained people AT lakéyiery RESTAURANT ras Dunlap 1285151 ARE MONDAY 10 THURSDAY ROAST TOM TURKEY with drasilnp or GRILLED with mu ING STEAK rhrocma