Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Mar 1969, p. 3

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Hunare mm MRS GEORGE SHAW ORGANIST AT ST GEORGES FOR 40 YEARS Georges Church Marks TwoMilestones ittwo milLstones have been ob served at St Georges Anglican arch in Allandale Rev James Harrison was lppolntcd rector oi St Georges and hastaken up rendence in the rectory at it Granville St Hesucceeds ltev Donald lrench Mr Harrison served in the reg ular army from 1927 to 1918 Fol lowing his discharge be was em ployed for five years as pur chasing agent with bntsh man ufacturing company in Toronto and later as business adminis trator for large private hos pltal immediately prior to Sir liar risona ordination in im he was employed by St John Ambulance Metro Toronto Branch as spe cial representative Graduating from the Diocesan Training School Mr Harrison was appointed Priesbincharge oi the Fenelon Falmboeonk arish which he left to come to arric REV JAMES HARRISON Dining his ministry there he was elected member of the village councfl of Fenelon Falls and served as more for the past three years Mr Harrison was also chairman of the Victoria county department at social wel fare and member of the Vic toria Haliburton Health Unit Committee since its inception in 157 hlr Harrison is married and has one daughter and two grand children Meanwhile at the annual ves try meeting of St Georges Mrs George Shaw was present ed gilt from the parish in ap preciationof completing to years ofLservlce as the church organ is The presentation was made by Victor Knight who was one of the church wardens in ma who asked airs Shaw to be organist Mrs Shaw has served with eight rectors during her 40 years including Mr Harrison Set Open Door Policy F0 501190 facilities Schools throudrout Simcoe County will be opened alter school hours and made avaib able to the public for mini mal cost as of July The Simcoe County Board of Education last night announced policy designed to bring about full use of its Iacillties by the community as well as the edu cation system Sohool buildings and adjac ent areas read policy paper will be made available to out side groups for educational or cultural activities or for com munity sentice at times which do not conflict with school programs The cost of using the facilities will be worked out by the ad ministrative couneiL The ren Ial isenpected to cover the add edj maintenance costs and aliyit change to cover deprecia tion board members statedyery clearly that the purpose was not to raise money but to make facil ities available as cheaplyas pos note to the public The policy paper agreed upon Estonia History is Popular Essay Topic lirnong Students Eatons centennial celebra tion has proved to be popu lar subject for essays among Barrie high school students Alex WalkerV manager of Ea Iona star in Barrie said lire kids wan reformation and cop ies olabything and everything aqutEatons centennial wish wehad more prinfld infoma tion to givethem but we did ntcxpect this large group or students to be interested The first Eatons store was opened on December loan on thesouthwest corner of Yonge and Queen streets in Tor onto it was small place 24 feet by 60 feet stalled by two men woman and boy Competitorswere amused by Timothy Eatons business prin ciples fCash only One price plainly marked goods saris factory or money rounded only one these prineipler has been modified Eatons no longer sellsfor cash only De posit accounts mine in root credit buying througn plan SHAkrrN urz we have acomplete sharpening service for hotnele to industrial bARRIEfi SHARPENING 71M csNTns 53 selling last my stated Board prop erty will not be rented for purc ly commercial purposes The interpretation or commer cial bothered many ol the board members One tnrstee asked if the Community Concerts were not commercial We would do fine those as cultural replied Jack Ramsay director of edu cation What Hi Spring lha asked another trustee that is put on by the Univer sity Womens Association said Mr Ramsay and dont think we can properly describe their activities as commercia TIGETER DEFINITION Members of the board said they would like to see tighter definition for commercial ac tivity Wehave purposely left it vague said Mr Ramsay We dont want to find ourselves in the position of taking business away from people who make living out of renting halls Raymond Gariepy suggested the board make as much money as they could from the space called deferred payment was introduced rm several years ahead of charge accounts and budget plans Forerunner of Eatons mail or der catalogue was the distribu tion in mi of 40000 handbilk in Tomato The first actual cat alogue azpage booklet six inches by nine inches was cir culated to visitors at the Toron to lndunrial Exhibition in 1384 Today Eaton cataloguesoften 600 pages circulate to millions of Canadians Eatona first telephone was installed in 1834 The company now has the most extensive ant ornatic telephone order service in the world devoted to retail Incorporation as the Bab on Company ud came in 1391 Mr Eaton served as first presi dent from that date until his death in 1907 Eatons now has more than 50 heavy goods stores and over one catalogue sales offices and ag encies coast to coast across Canada every need from Dial they have Why dont we just set rate that leaves us with profit and let thepublic de cide if they want to use our facilities be said Thelma Cockhum asked if this was the boards policy thought we were trying to make the facilities available at little or no cost to the public site said Dr George Church Orillia cleared the air by saying un derstand We are not renting space as such but merely making it available to the Public and recovering our The problem of interpreting lite word commercial will be worked out at future meeting when the administrative council works out the fee schedule Dr John Anders asked that the board be given the opportunity to discuss what is and what is not commercial As sure as God made svur apples he said there will be rub over the interpretation of commercial thats always been tlte prob lem in the past and unless we state clearlijhat we will and will not permit the problem will plague us again and again be sar AREA OFFICES Mr Ramsay said he tirnuwt the booking of space in school would probably be done through the area offices that are now be ing organized throughout the county Mrs Cockburn asked how much noticeyvould be given to group if the school found they had to cancel reservation fills is problem we are concerned about said Mr llam say We dont want to say no to any group but if we find that basketball team suddenly finds itself in playoff series we cer tainly arent going to allow the public to use the gymnasium and have the students go elsewhere Board chalnnan John lfeCul laugh said he was pleased to see the board accept the policy of opening schools to the public and hoped that the buildings would be used 12 months year and as late as possible in the evening THURSDAY m1 Issue Permin For Stores 0n Maple live Buildingpermttsweretnued foaeonstnretioaeotnoanytbia week for building on Maple Amnetocootainthreartoru mm ground level and officer malecoodatogu Several months no Wool somesandmansacks Office Bld For worthnnoonnoedltatntentlonto expand their store by not again feet along Ross Street enddosnparteftbaeastnda ofMapleJnxnothuupamioo prolecttathenmams At last nights council meeting lsok Garner declared conlt moi of inth when matrix of Maple Avenue was being discus sed This morning Mr Gamer raid that be we associated with group of people who were buying considerable amount of property lost few feet away from the building going up on mph The three stores on Maple Avenue are being constructed by the leapi Construction com pany They will be situated in an area between Brennans Meat Market and Faveros Photons phy Studio on the out side of the street Equal Education ls Board Policy The Simcoe County board of education last night officially ad opted an equal eduentlon for all policy At Ihe same limo the board said It would have to go slow until all the intonation required for sound planning was collected and analysed The policy statement said the board would institute changes or expansions of exisiting program only or imtified by available so commodstion and proven finan cial resources in clfect the board was say ing that seniors such as kind ergartens and gymnatorlums would not be built turtil the board was in position to know who would be using the facili ties and where the money to pay or them was going to come ram Parents throughout the county have been nskingfor the estab lishment of kindergarten Board officialsbave declined to corn mit themselves to anything on til they have the necessary in moatan tnvnake sound sen rible decisions will initiate grant promnr for rent for board officer At pre sent there are no web grants available to separate schools 13y mo board members feel such grant program might be reality In addition to stvinr the nod to the joint building the board approved preparation of plans for new sdvoolto be construc ted southeast of lollinxvvood The school plans are in the talking and thinking stage Building would not get under any for at least year Tentatlvsiy the school would consist of six classrooms one kindergarten room and onegerF The board also decided to fix retirement age of separate school employees at age 65 afterJuneso Howeicr if physicallexam inatioa proves that so employee MRS MARGARET KELLY denpcbairman look over oounly eduatlon centre tEx member of the Roman Cathol ie School Board and Ross Saun lr physically and mentally fit at 65 he or sha would be asked to remain with the separate schools if they so desired plans for the proposed Simone The board has also reviewed Illa snlnricsot custodians Some custodian salaries were found to be under healthy living antiner Photo wage The low salaries were raised histodian wager will be ro vamped in two watered 13000 squareroot Building For School Boards single storey 11000 suture tloor building wfll be erected to bouseboth the Simon county board of education of the Sim coe county Roman Catholic sep arate school board The decision was announced last night after trustees on both boards decided to approve the prolectPlam call for oomph tion of the building by July The decision to share tlto build ing was motivated by financial considerations ll oth school boards felt they could make common use of board and committee rooms along with re ceptlon areas The building is to be erected by the Kemp Bay Development Corporation and leased to the Simeon county board of ednca tion The board will in turn stbleasa inst under one filth ofntha rpaceto the separate school board Costof the lease at $335 per square footamonur carrier to atoms per year The rent will be wiiton ratio of $066 for the county board and 1514 for the separate school board There is aprovidon for the board of education to purchase the build login to years The price at that time sbouldthe board de iEstabtish At Barrie AridfQrillia Summer classes for high school students throughout Sims coe county will be set up in Barrie and Orlilla thlsxyear The Simone county board of education decided on the two centres at regular meeting last night Students who do not live in either city will be based from their school area to the closest centre at which courses are beinggiven Innislil AntiSeverance Ilee At previous meeting Angus McKay superintendentof aca demic affairs told the board more courses could be offered if there were fewer centres there are only so many teach ers willing to work during the summer and we want to be able to use those who are wellvqoal med Students interested in attend ing summer school willbate to Group Schedules New Meeting public greeting under the direction of the anti severance lee committee of Innislil Town ship will take place at Lake lands Hall Stroudhfareh 75 at Bpm Nearly 2m ratepayers are demanding reversal of regula tlomaettiogassooper lot administration fee for divi sions of land in Innisfil Town ship plans of subdivision The township council voted last July to apply the lee on any new plan of subdivision where severance had the ef fect of creating vacant lot At the same time it was greed by council to wash out plans of subdivisions over eight years old The older plans would be considered one lot requiring that they be subdivided again with the $500 lot fee to apply does seem unhir said William Bud Martin chair man of the anti severance committeewhen person has owned two adioinlng lots on registered plan for number or years that he now has one lot and in order to sell or give onelotbc moatpayssotltothe WWW Mr Martin outstioned the validity of the councils stipu lation of using the fee tobet ter services Nowthat eduoa tion is under the countyays tem and anew subdivider li coinpelled toninstalla central water supply sustain good roads and fivepercent park dediea tion plus the possrbllityroffa central sewage system what are theextra services asked Mr Martin ls the aim of the council to stop the growth of the towirship and in so doing retardthebus inessu anddevelopment of our propertieeif it appears accord ing to Mr Martinhthlsila exactly whats happening The mncil maintains thatlf additional sources of revenue arent found there willbe an inordinate increase in the gen eral tax rate EEPMIA 0N BELWEAU MOW CPl Sam Pollock Montreal Canndlena general manager says he likely will know today how longcentre star Jean Reilvoau will be mise ing from the National Hockey league clubs lineup Beliveau was scheduled to arrive here Wednesday afteran fromNew York He had been retained ih hospital there followings rib ln iury picked up in Canadlcns 22 tile with therltapgerr last Sui contact their principals and make the necessary arrange mitts Fees for nrmmer school are yes per student Jack Ramsaypdlrcctor of ed ucation said opening summer schools was good economics We estimate that it costs 3900 year tokcop student in high school The sttmrner school classes often mean the differ enoe between student gaining or losinga year The board decided to continue the programs that have taken place underthe old Barrie and Driltla school boards With the rapid changes that are ta king place in our educational system summerachpol may not he of much use too in the future saidlfr Ramsay Some high schoolsln the countyhave switched to non graded system which means students do not lose their year if they fall some coursesshould thenon graded system be ad opted throughout the county summer schools would provide rpedal coursesfor the keen stu dents and enrichment courses for those who wanted to try and tackle subject they couldnt handle during the regular aca demic year it seems fairly certain that at some point in the future most schools will be non graded lrving Hanfa assistant superin tendent of academic affairs said the general direction our thinking is taking is in the dir ection of non graded schools We want to dcernphaslre the gradaiidea and concentrate on helping student learn the sub iectu quickly and as well as he can Summer schools will starit lulyd and run for six weeks cide to buy will be negotiated however it will not be more than 50000 Some members of tha board of trustees were critical ot the ceiling on the purchase price Robert hchciveygt of Allister pointed out the board will have paid for the building in to years He thought the board would be better advised to find the money to put up their own building Ray Spring of Elmvale said he had spoken to food store operator and learned that per son renting space usuallypays for tho braiding in 10 years through not but has nothing to show for the money Mr Spflngiddcd that in mm cases the value blithe building increases as much as 50 per cent lt inst costs that much more to buy the butldingnfter paying all the rent he said anoisrou MADE However the board decided to goahead with the lease and passed motion to that effect Jack Ramsay director of ed ucation said Capital is very hard to comeby andwe didnt feel we could eomrrrit funds to administrative areas when there is such pressing demand for schools in the county The committee that handled the negotiations wittttba Kemp Bay Development Corporation said they couldnt tell the board who the principals of the com pany were We dont know who owns the company said Dr John Anders chairman of the building committee know Hie name of one man but dont think should be saying who he Ls unless lm prepared to say who they all are Jack1 Wallwin was described as pre sidcnt at the company Joseph Whelan one of the members of the committee said the maintenance costs for tho Automaflc fine 51 Dunlop nsonis building would be very low bn cause of the vinyl walls and tho carpeting Designed by architects Sal tor and Allison the brickvfaced building will be situated on Fer ris Lane adiacent to Highway 400 and opposite the Chrysler Plant Mr Ramsay said there would be approximately 52 people working in the building Theis will be 70 parking spaces in an asphalt parking lot WANTED STOHK SPDITEHS Sevnonolateiyi Astorkthat is gt when the stark departs its flmofortheWelcomoWagnn Hostess to arrive with gifts for baby and helpful Infor mation for the new mother But since fha stark out number the Hostasses Wel come Wagon needs spotters to help out he stork spotter In your neighborhood our Hort essoa will appreciate your help and so will the new mothers To room stark sightings call including May service title DOMiNlON HARDWARE Telephone 12le from To EXAMINER rsuiscittants CARRIER MISS YOU nonhuman ill your Barrio VALLEY out DRIVEYOURSELF CARS It TRUCKS er carrter has not arrived by 71pm please phone 7282433 and copy of The Examiner willbs delivered to your hon by directly CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT jcatt 27266539 830 rim to 530 Mon to Frland up to 200 pm Sat BARBIE iXAMiNER There Is no elmgo for this no JhM mummy circulate Mnnogar tired fr 5an

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