Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 11 Mar 1969, p. 5

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entine party instead of Parish Stroud Community ball has been the meeting plane for to nislil council while members consider whether to proceed Sirmoe County levy for 1956 totalled $819739 in comparison to nests tor the current year ltwasshownbyareviewoithe flames The mill rate years ago was toss mills in comparison to the current 13 which now raises nearly three times the amount at taxes than required 13 years ago Only three mentors ol the Lur rent oolmcil Reeve Ralph Dal ton oi Thy Reeve Montcalm hlauriee of flny and Reeve Al fred Cage oi Penmng were then mentors ol the year John Small who was then reevv oi Adiala was county warden REBATE CHANGE Thaycarrmrkedtheiirnlorl change in road rebates to towns with 50 percent of the road levy being returned instead ol the pre vious 25 per cent This came about iollowing prolonged pro tests lmm larger centres they were paying taxes out at propor lion when provincial grants were considered Barrie was in the county ad ministration then with Willard Kinzie and Murray Mills the irrepresentativespEldon Greer was serving his second year as Barrie mayor and llalph Soelgrove war ahairman ol the Barrie public pchooi board iloy Bidding and Carman Dow ncy were Vespra representa tives on the county council which then had seven towns nine Vil lages and is townships in nonr parison to todafs six towns nine villages and re townships Barrie and Ormia now me 945 MEETING pricrron mnrsm wlth proposal to construct new ciric building or renovate abandoned Stroud school for the purpose Community hall cities were both towns then in the intervening years Bradlord has moved up to town status while Cookstown took Bradfords place village Townships remain unchanged so lar H10 SUNNIDALE Abner Rawn and Wesley Bates were Sunnidale representatives Then deputy rceve ilr Bates is now councillor while lr lavvn now arresident of Stay ner it county weed inspector New Lowell Park Work Is Planned new nowm Slam Re sidents here were pleased with the announcement ol plans for timber improvements at the Ho acre Nottawasaga Valley conservation park near the cen tral part oi this Sunnidale UM ship community during 1969 The program includes regular tad tree planting construction sandy beach along the pond and development of recreation park area provincial grant oi $1782 has been approved to ward the financing Sunnidale twill contribute half of the re mainder and the other 27 mun icipalities within the authority will share the balance water control project the Now lowell park and dam was officially opened last summer The new darn was constructed the year before New streets have been con hmu nailed the countys twin minted beside the park Silicon comm naws cnuncnlll By MES AAUNTZB Ml£ Clifford Webb Stroud son the blanket rattled by the Jeanie Gordon LOBA at their card party ltlareh lnnisfil Chief of Police William Brown will be the speaker at the Womens institute meeting Thursday evening March 13 safety will he the theme of the program convened by Mrs William Johnson MISS maroon Sympathy is extended to the sturgeon families in the death of Miss Elizabeth Sturgeon one ni the older residents of our com munity iifiss Sturgeon had been in failing health since all in her home year ago and had been patient at inniswond Pri vale Hospital and Rest iiaven Nursing Home She passed away loliowlng surgery at the York CountyHospitalNewmarltet 5T PETEES NOTES The Sunday Scth of St Pet er Anglican Chmch held Val Tea at Christmas asin lormer years On Thursday night Captain Daniels from the Church Army in charge at the inner City boys Tomato came to St Peters with five of the boys David Brought who plays the music in Uncle BobbieHon TV entertained on the banjo piano and guitar The Churdl Army provides home away lrorn home for the under privileged youth oi the city As many as 300 have attended con certs dances and crait instruc tion periods Fiims were shown oi the work at camp and sta tion wagon tour to the east FIRE ViiTHIS The oldfashioned community spirit prevailed al social eve vning at Churchll Community Hall when large number at tended to shower Mr and Mrs Justin Cibirka and sons with household necessities utensils bedding linens and purse containing suhstantial sum of money The Cibirkas lost their home and possessions in fire month ago kitchen The lamily hava secured trailer and will be living on their property while building new house The shower was sponsor ed by Gnrrchill Womens stitute and the moneywas col lected by their neighbors Mr and Mrs Cibirka are yateful to all who contributed WIlVEliLEY By MES REG DRINKILL Recent visitors have been lira Albert Smith Toronto with her mother Mrs George Booth and htith her sister Mrs Clarke French and other relatives Mr and Mrs Morley French Brantv lord with Mr and Mrs Reg Drinkiil Mr and Mrs Joe Mel nylr Gravenhurst with friends here Air11s Darby attended the Good Roads convention in Tor onto Mrs Mossie Snider visited relatives in Toronto Mrs Robert Sbeardown Mrs Ellis Booth and Mrs Reg Drink ill attended Simcoe Presbyter UC in Barrie MAJOR EMPLOYEE About 700000 persons are it really employedin the Canadian construction industry COUNCIL is located lust south ol the school not lar lrom municipal oifico building Examiner Pho to j3 0111956 Council Still Serve County Ross Williams was Alliston Reeve in 1966 and TAldcrson deputy reeve Hugh Johnston now welfare inspector and Ken Citrtil were Orillia representa tives while Arthur Evans now liPP was Bradford Reeve William Gihbins war reeve oi lnnlslil with lbarles Sproule dep lrty reeve George LI and En nest Ellison were leournseth rep resentativer while Beeton reeve was thomas Little and Joseph Beliord headed the llottenham munch lillislolr Makes Seed Display Plans AllJSIDN Salliweed mu trol will be Reviving emphasis in discussions at the South Sim eoe seed and feed lair sessions here on Thursday March ll indications point to numerous entries in the lair 1115c are ex peeled to he set up on Wednes day There were some hour the Alliston area who attended the sueclol seed showat Elm vale community hall last week Daily Service Except LEAVE FIVE Pornrs 750 sis I50 115 1145 1215 1245 115 145 2J5 145 815 145 its 45 515 545 610 ADULTSNe llonsm sorts SChool Administration 31361 Recently we save an outline ol the part ol the may school administmlilne which gall with building mm repre sents less than ball the mat ten handled by the stall bends ed by directn oi llamny Under him is his secretary and lnlormatlon oilL cer Hartman Other oi ficlals include the superintendent ol academic attain Anson Ho area vwmwm at special services Rutomofl assistant lrperlntendcnl oi plan nlng Leon and assistant mrlntendmt 0t operations Hands Area Starerltendonts are Areal Barrie District Hill School Gsrdhouse Area 0r lia Dlstrict it it linkka Area hLIdIanvMenetang dis trict and Elmvalo district Ellis Area Colllngwoodand Shyner districts Owens Area Alliston and Bradford district Ferguson FINANCIAL MATTERS Superintendent of business at lalrs and treasurer is Slultr Under the superintendent cornea comptroller oi finance Tour with three officials answering to him Accounts and budget oliicer George long rtalre payroll and personnel oi ficcr Burton purchas ing officer Milne EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP Officials the county board of education under Mr Ramsay have the responsibility ol direct ing the educational changes nec essary to give pupils the best possible macs at study 0t ootnse the board will have dir ectivu lrotn the Ontario depart ment ol education At present the board is endeavorlng to get desk room lor administrative duties and meanwhile is in temporary offices occupied by the former Barrie public school administration where in the words of one ollicial they are packed in hire sardines It In likely that the olfidala will take the first opportunity to have larger quarters The offl cial takeover by the new board is July 8051s FACILITIES No doubt the average rate payer leels that too much is being upended on laeilities and officials it is well known that some of the oliicialr salaries are being minist mums and one townshp council has gone on record as objecting Oldsterl are pointingth that many great persons were edu cated in the little red school Five Points Collier St Blake St Downsview Dr Adam st Johnson st Steel St Nelson st lure Eastview Secondary on somé trips Strabane Ave Cook St Collingwood St Rodney St Blake St Dunlap St Five Points STEEL AND NELSON BA 830 on to Eastview 900 930 12 123 LU L30 Stindays and Holidays 620 CHILDREN05s Iunder Sill1 STUDENTSch School Days only between 0am and 430 pm programwlthallltschangeswlll bebesthandled hythenlhcials whoareequaltothebeatintho country mos comm innlsfll council has decided to request tbs county weed control olfloee to add turnblewced and mustard weed to the list at not iour weeds ANIMAL comnor Council has passed resth tioa that Roy Bridge become per manertunirmloootrvl otficnr al ter his six months probation tr oonwleted Salary was not men tioned in the resolution FLORIDA STORY 11th we accompanied friends to look ova new mail near Clearwater Florida which while not so large as Yortdaie is very attractive with unique decorative scheme We tired ol store inspecting and sat in the layer near one ol the lountahrs n1 Inter NEWS THE EXAMINER WAY MARCH ll 1989 Horseshoe Valley Is Busy 03qu Sum While relatively quiet through the week this border community where four townships meet has been thronged with visitors mostly ski and snowmobile enthusiasts during weekends lion ol the visitors come to Craighurst by way at highway 90 from highway ll at Crown Hill turn but others coma lrnm county road 21 and by other routes The skiing and snowmo bile sports are enloyed at near by Horseshoe Valley Resort HundredSLM sxii enthusiaer were seen on the sloping hills at the Horseshoe Valley ski runs lop St Five Points Dail Service Exes So its and Halide no auspan West End Five that ran Bayficld P520 Points Grove and Conflict mo 938 15 noo MO 355 gt 925 930 933 sis as 9l0 mo ms 53 no one on 1210 ms 1223 lilac 1140 use 1m 12 110 115 re L40 L45 153 am us 223 14 15 40 53 200 am 225 315 it aso 240 155 40 345 gt 353 am 510 325 no 15 no 340 sss 440 330 no 425 515 too so 455 545 550 555 sns 515 530 610 64 535 545 500 gt ans 515 FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY ran 140 756 no 145 753 no 310 Bio 815 no sea no nos no us as rm 920 us no no on Five Points Collier St Owen St Wellington St Peel St Gunn St Wellington Si Steel St Cook St Grove St Davidson st Rose St Hayfield st Ferris Lane Harding Ave Cundles no nayneld St Rose St Peel St Codrington St Owen St Dun E3 mutual munintancu While rrare talking soother eoup ladies came along and In at 32 it it at innislil To Get New Traffic Signs MUD sum New tni llc signs are to be placed on in nistil township roads belare the heavy summer tralllc season if present plans are carried out innisrll council has authorized the erecting at new speed signs stop signs and parking signs in compliance with its bylaws and retulations Place during the part weekhnd Cars and buses filled two spacious parking loLs The newly constnrdnd part of county road 22 rum trom Cratg burst to Horseshoe Valley and then on to Coulsonlhn roadie to be reconstructed to the south in link up with highway 26 with in the next couple oi years Pav ing at the road between high way as and 27 is planned lor this year Another busy weekend of ski ing and snowmobile riding is in prospectprnviding the weather is laverable it was ideal last weekend swimsuit NORTHROUTE REMAIN THE County Terr Levy locrehse Stirs West Gwillimbury ammtmrnmm over its shoot on the ultimate InWast Gwllltmbtuywoelta noticethlatltamntytulevy artilluk $95113an Ill It The second largest Increase lee mfldmes the figure In res mm to ward roads and some for county general purposes lien year the amounts were 311911 Al and NM Dnly lunlttrl township which had its levy boosted by 715331 to was asked the an much more no mm omens EADY Stall Annual clots lion ol olilccrr will be held byEady Womena institute at drooling on Thursday March is at which Mrs Bell will be hostess Motto or themeetlng will be it is not what we like todobratodntewhatwahavs to do TWITENHAM INT meow sum hot beef dinner has been arranged at Totlenham nits Church on Wednaday evening itarch 19 by the board oi stewards HILLSDALI MEETING HILLSDALE Staltl Pro yarn lor the next term will be dismasod by members at Hills dais Womens institute at meeting arranged for hlesday March it Mrs FGant0n will be hostess and reports will be prcskented reviewing the years wor TO ATTEND CONVENTION SlltOUD Stafft Fire Chic 7qu Burns hushecn authorized by Innisiil council to attend the 1565 fire chiels convention in Peterborough Coliingwood Band Funds Are Sought COLLINGWOOD Stall All objective at 0000 is sought in linanclal drive here to send Collingwood Collegiate institute concert and marching band to Osaka Japan next year his band was invited to take part in the Japanese exposition alter it appeared at Expo in Montreal two years ago Last year the band visited San An tonio Texas William Massey ls chairman oi the support committee or the band which is in charged Arnason or the icoilegiates music department One oi many moneyraising events tea and tuition show will be held on Wednesday eve ning hlurclr 26 at HunterrHall under the sponsorship of the band auxiliary wrsrkOurr Five Points Clapperton St Grpve st and To ronto St Ross St Sunnidale Rdliielilia St Wesley St Shirley Ave AnneSt Donald St West End Plaza Wellington St Eccles St Dunlop St Five Points Dally Except Sundays and Holidays ALLANbALs AND rasr nour ssavlés WILL SAME its serous udmtynm otth lordeounVchatrmaolmdt delved last lrll steps wen tak enrrhlch culnunaled tn notices served nntbe county of intention to anneal the Issesslnent The were laterwilhrhawn Slx ol the at municipalities had their 969 levies reduced over lastyerribe otheraswvroadr od tor more money Couleon Crows Herald Spring COUISON Stall While the calendardlsl the first day at spring as tinch at llocks oi crows have convinced residents here that it is silently hera Wanner weather which nduc ed the snow and started creeks and rivers flowing In the area also brought crows winging here and to point iarther north We have been awakened several mornings by the caw caw and caw noise oi the crows said alarmnr stating neighbors also had been awakened crows BLIGHTY BINGO EMBASSY HALL BLAKE ST IllllllSlth fiii Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc

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