Achmutorfllfluupro sealed to Dr Tad Benton the BmieSneTbePllh mmitlcelastuightby DONATE FUNDS PROM SWIM MEET meritersntthetalmjuntor leader corps Here mun Aikensandxerln Coiliospre sent Dr Benton with the charmb The money Iru raised swimming mm lhon held Feb 22 illumin er Photo Seek Support In Forming New Home School Groups lhe Simwe Ccth Home and School 01ch last night owed main Liking the board of educaan to urge sbool pancL pals to do eventing possible in helping tom Home and School associations Mrs Pearl Feldrnan asked memer oi the council attend ing meetingat Hurona Centetk nill Sdooul in Elmtale to go at ter school principals and work with them to arm good msociav lions John MdCutlough chairman oi the Sim coumy board oi education said he thought it was vay wortbwhue mun They Dont Want Bus Route In Front Their Homes Residents on Cook greet and Sltabane Avenue dont want the new east end bus route to run in trout at their homes In brief to council last night Nelson Garrett tanner city alduman and Strahane Avenue homeowner wanted petition from citizens there who say they dont mat the bus on their streets although they are not opposed to the additonal ser vice itseli slight improvement in ser me does not com the in route the b5 will loilow Ml Garrett said lie said at 42 people canvassed on Cool Street and Stmlxane Served Ilt Borden US Otticer Killed In llction In Vietnam US oilicer who served on enhance duties at 825 Borden has been killed in actiun in Vietnam flh ulï¬ccr Col PetergL Gor vad died ol wounds received in ï¬ghting March ll It was his sec ond tour oi duty in Vietnam He served as an exchange of ï¬mr rwith the Combat Arms School at Borden trout July 1966 to July3 1953 law Gunad is survived by his wile Betty and three chil dren They are now residing in San Leonardo California Im sure the board will ac irep it with delight he said However members oi the audience user not so sure school principals would ce pt the boards urging with equal delighL At the moment there are only 12 home and 5le associations in Simcoe county Poe DeGroot draughlsma trocn Collingwood asked Mr lic Cdlluua ii the actwpiance oi the motion by the board of educa tion would mean principals did have to permit the estah ug of home and school assumptions in their schools Mr ltlcOulioug replied that Avenue 24 were opposed to the route on their residential streetE and of the remaining la ï¬ve were not concerned either may He said the winding bus router would cause the city problems in snow plowing and suggested more direct mute out Blake Street and return route along xapicr He also negated the city 171 on additional morning service for the east end gt Could has recited six letters from residents in the easliend who areopposed to the new route The letterut and last nights petition will he consider ed by the operations currynib tee at its next meeting At the time of his death he was commanding an inlantry unit Combat Arms School Comman dant Col Holmes and his wile will fly to San leunardolo attend itsCol Goriad unreal During oiï¬cer cadet leadership exercises with CA5 14Cot Gor vad served as king pin organiz ing many at the tougher aspects of the training His specialty was an Exercise named Polished Bayonet held in the wilderness the board states what the policy is to be and leaves the problem at running school up to the principal We do not demand that anybody do anythhg said Mr McCullough Once we do mand we lose their respect Many parents attending the meeting said they found princi pals untooperative when they approached them about arming home and school association thstce Roy Spring warned the parent that they must rev member borne and school assoc iations are cctucationzl groups You will have to conï¬ne your activities in education it you dont the associations will tail he said POLICIES COKTKOL Parents pressed Mr hilari lough or some iorm at commit meut by the board or education in helping to create associa tions The chairman of the board said the administrnllvecouncil feels the principal is in charge at school He is controlled by set of policies Mr Mtflullough said he didnt think the home and school mu cils motion would become pol icy at the board It is up to you people to go out and become missionaries Once the board backs the home and school idea it is up to you to get out and go alterï¬le principals hesaid But Mr DBGW said there was no Home and School in the Col lingwood high school because the principal there didnt want an ar sociation The majority or the teachers were against the idea said Mr DeGroot ll you dad have the cooperation ol the tea cbcrs he continued then there is no point in even attempting to form an association At the moment there are two home and school associations in elemcutary schools in Collinz wood But one of them is gaing downhill rapidly said Mr Grout home and school council decided last night that its annual meeting would he bald May it at the Lakelaadt Community Centre at Alcona Beach Mrs Feldman said there were Lao members in the Simooe county home and schoolassod ations an increase at tbs over last year my woman WANT Apr of northern Ontario WM Jam no and Mrs Gregory Blomtberg till Oru Station and Elizabeth Aikcns 10 ot ROSES THEME 159 Jappcrtonst look at one oi the paintings the Center nial Rose Bthioiiion now on display at the Barrie Library PHONE mull in at the loot of Maple Avon ue on the bay are numbered to lease tor the waterlot on which the docks and buildings at the local business stand but the lease expires on May 1971 ucalion trustees will discuss pub lic use or school buildings at their regular meetins tomorrow evening the board will bring at that was martian trustees when they ran tor office last December board ol edmllon told Home and School association last night that he hoped the board would adopt very liberal approach to public use oi schools in school hours Mass To Commemorate our NW In sum mmwmvkmm in sentteylnobers wm Meet Final Reading Sly council last nlght approv ed the formal bylaw to rezone land on east side at Buyï¬eld Street north at Cundles Road tor the eonstrnctlm 150000 nzumtoot some 121115 by Warren Scott and Associates The Film was opprvvcd in primiflo last year ollolring lengthy debate over the best size and location for plaza in the citys north end but no tonnal bylaw had been brought before council Rival developers Che Belle proposed similar plaza for the west side of Hayï¬eld and Curt dten Ranting or their proper ty was rejected by city council flhuugi they have indicated Ontario Municipal Board 0121 Belle appeared belore the planning and development oommittce with plans tor resi dential dcveiooment on the rear portion of their lands there last week Their midcnual proposal is beitg considered by planning board In another matter dealing with the company the agreed with the company the city agre inst nigh to approach Cm Belle with request that they deed rural corner section at their emu and straiglueniog ol Cun dlu Road nest oi Hayï¬eld COUNCIL BRIEFS The days at the Bayview Mar City council last night agreed To Discuss Public Use Of Schools Sim county board at edv Meeting at Central Wieziate subject by most hay Spring member ot the they will appeal their case to the property or the proposed wid tonal planning including re donut government Aldt Roberts will at lonelbe Rotary Clubs To Hear Expert mtmster lubert Angus mount mcmocr oi the Canadian lasti tute of Public Affairs on nd dressannudience of Rotary Club members trom Barrie lï¬dland and Orillia Thursday evening at oclock The meeting is bung sponsor ed by the Barrie Rotary Club and is being hEld in Orillia It the Legion Hall sin Mowat was member ot the panel at speakers cf the cur rnil attain branch department of national defence member ot the Canadian United Nations Assoaation tutchairman oi the advisory council to the national executive Canadian UN Associ ation natiozal director at the Canada lsrael Association and was an assistant to the chair man oi the world committee tor Palestine in whidt capacity he served two years on liaison work with the United Nations Set Lukeshore Road ExtensiOn For 1971 and will probably be theimar inas lasLï¬i City Administrative Gerry Tambiyn said this morning the lily plans to expropriate the business early in 1m to ac commodate we extension at Iakeshore Road long range plans for the bay side road all tor its eventual extension as tar as Blake Street and will mean the elimination or another vi Carley Boats Construction is expected to begin in 19 JOE EVALUATION Among other matters dealt with by city council last than was the ï¬nal approval at job re evaluation or all city em ployees completed month ago by Management Consultant Dr Donald Brown The re evalua tion sets new pay scales lorsll city employees INSURANCE PREMIUM Council appmved new insur ance premiums covering tire equipment accident liability theft and automobile covetb company themayor to Toronto In Public Iliiairs The BARBIE KIWANIS Club president Ernie Walker lett es from his seat an Inn Answers questions from floor ltr Wallis ls kuputm Criticism From Ald Dorian Parker was sharp ly critical last night ot Lb citys preliminary capital budget pre sented to city council last night by the planning and develop men committee All sorts of things planned to ars budget have been put later date she said have promised Iesdents on Sophia Street new culvert there or three years and each year we have put it oit ior un vvill amount to 325251 bringing the total annual city premium t0 mount PAVE LOT The Market Committee has oi ered to pay 25 per cent at the cost at paving the parklnv lot adtaccul to the market building The pavine will be consdcred in this years budget disuse sions IIOMZMAKERS SERVICE The city has entered into an official agreement with the Red Cross for the provisfon of home maker services No format ï¬reement existed to ecl though the service was avail able PUC HIPIKOVEMENTS The city will apply to the rutariu Municipal Board or the aporoval oi the expenditure of $39390 by the Barrie Publc Utlilies Commission or too provemenls to the electrical distribution system to be ï¬n anoed by the sale at debenture age The increase in premiums An Anglican rural dean will deliver homily at the Roman Catholic mass March 16 at Saint Ignace in Wnubaushene to commemorate the 5201 anni versary oi the martyrdom at two oi North Americas eitat French Jesuit saints to the shadow oi lotoot cross marking the precise locaI tion oi the talai tortures andi beneath modern teepee thel rural dean of Slmcoe East Thomas Martin of Wu will eulogiu the miss who died there tor their laith The service at the hallowed site is scheduled or pm the hour in 1649 when Eli Jean de Brebeul suocumbed to the In Rev Rev Brian Clvuxh and the choir or our msrint will he on display or two The exhibition of 11 varieties of roses by Canadian artists Robinsons meets tExamlncr photo Dunlap Automatic uni tuning Martyrdom Of Saints quois Indians who virtually ab llterated the Huron nation Stt gabriet Lalemant perished the next day Galebranl of the mass ivill Rev iroCatlny director of the lilartys Shrine at Midland Rev St gham minister at St Paul ted Church ltlidv land will convey greetings as president at the Midland and D154 trict Ministerial Association and oi st Anns Memorial Church Penctanguishene lead the worshippers in hymn singing Saint Ignace it is the only conï¬rmed death site of any at the Jesuit Martyr saints the ï¬rst canoan hy the Roman DOMINION HARDWARE Telephone 728 to be paid over period 15 vears Catholic Church or deed in North America Five died in Huronla and three near todays Aurieavilte NY treeshrouded plateau on the Sturgeon itiver bank Salublr nsce It is west oi Waubuusbene and mile south ot Highway 12 WES WITHOUT SLEEP The longest recorded period tor which person has voluntar ily gone Without nice 216 hours by Point Soini til at Harnlna Finland 1Retum Capital Budget Alter vHelp Retarded To Reach Pot gt codcnt ol tbs Adult Occupa tional Centre at Edgar and he spoke to the club last night outlining opera there Examiner Photo llld Parker other We are doing the same thing again this year she said the there have ushered too long mm lash floods Every year we have out bead the new server on Vï¬lilnrn bidet from Omberlaud t3 Bald win lane Now we are delaying it until 1972 she said its decides lite prmriliu she asked M10 decided vve should put all the extension tot Blake Street sewers tor another year Aid Roberts chairman of the planning sud development committee originally sought sp proval oi the preliminary bud get last night but laternsked that it be relerred to the gen erat government committee tol lotving Aid Parkers oblectiotu The committee will study the budget and is expected to bring it adore council in special meeting sometime nulueek Health Unit To GiVe Eye Ear Tests In Schools Rotating ear and eye testing will begin in the Barrie public schools April by ï¬ve register ed nurses The program operated by the Simcoe County Health Unit is free to the public The bearingtests will be giv en to all students LGIIdE plus to any student reicrred to the nurse Eyesight tests will be admin istered to all students in Grades and plus any relcrrals Students in special education courses will be given both the ear and eye test Booster shots or diphtheria tetanus and patio tttlll be admin istered to grades sud in the high school tetanus and polio boosters will also be given to Grade lz students ential heeplnl them shield The superintendent ot the Adult Occupationl ceutm at Edgar told Barrio audience tut olrht lit the challenge at worfln with the menlllly retuded is to help them reach their lull pd tentlnt so tort they the whity world lnn Wallis native Shanghai itiun told the is Club Barrie It dinner meeting last nighttout people do not make distinction between the mentally ill and lberetnrdei Eduction of tho puhllc in much part of our lab he said working with the trainees at the centre minors the centre which three years ago was In RCA mine site range in an rum is your up We are not In the bulb ot looking after these frecpie sud 1mm puts llc view he nkt We are training them to lend lruiltul blppy lives Some at them are so handicapped that they will never leave the centre but we provide them with noncompetitive pork in sheltered environment Ind despite their handicap they are contributing to your world and mine Not all the mentally retarded are in Lrulment and training centre said Mr Wallis at tho litres per cont the population that is born retarded only one in to so handicapped that he needs special training llr Wallis augmented his presentation With slide showing lite and work at the centre The slides showed trainees doing curb tract work or outside firms and living and playing together tinny trainee work in ouulda ttr work Eventually many are returned to societyas contribut lng members We are not trying to leach any speciï¬c skills in the centre said hlr Wallis We In not turning out readymade curpen ten or bricklayers We give them the ability to work an eizhthour day accept supenlslon and get stout with others Underwater lab Ready Por Ilse NEW vomr cm Sublimi nnt sort at poor mans Sell ab which will be used tor under water research in Lake Hurons Georgian Bay was unveiled here Monday The ninetoothlgh yellow endbiueslrtped domewu oom misilouerl by the Ontario dcv pnrtmcnt or land and turuts the Royal Ontario Museum and the University of Toronto Technnutlcs Corp the manu tacturcr sstd sublimlnos is the least expensive otltltcahell underwater dwelllng uttered by any company It cost is less than $15000 Pleads Guilty To Drug Charge Wasags Beach youth pied ed guilty Monday in Edmonton to charge at poisoning LSD The youthpctllld Rene Denis to was remanded tor untrue but until March l2 Denis had been arrested last Thursday by CNR police It railway station will be given to Grades and 12 This lail the ï¬rst dental test ing program will be begun by the Simone County Health Unit Thls service will also be to in addition tuberculosis tests the public CAN IDB SERVE YOU 01 Thursday March 13th 1969 can live ln Jobs and return to the centre It and on the second Thursday oi each succeeding month One of Our Representatives Mr Lionel Hancey willbe at The Continentatlnn Barrio0ntarlo lnthis district and throughout Canada may personsmdï¬rmainpncï¬ullynlliypeeo brainless including Conlhtlction Manulachmlll Protestants serviced Tourist and Recreational BMW and Wholesale and Retail Trades have obtained loans from tho ludlmtztnl Development Bach and machinery immense working mpttol to start new lawns and for other purpose It you consider IDB can be service you are invited to arrange an sppotntmeot with rtntlon to aoquire land buildings the DB teprwnttttve Mr Liane llancey lheBeatles Yellow Submarine Barriet0nt or in advance by writing to ft the MidOntario attire Wlvntismmt 0mm sin by tolephonlng 7251834